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09-04 投稿


dell 发音

英:[del]  美:[d?l]

英:  美:

dell 中文意思翻译



dell 短语词组

1、the famer in the dell ─── 戴尔的名人

2、bellbird dell ─── 贝尔伯德戴尔

3、factory defaults dell ─── 出厂默认值dell

4、in the dell ─── 在戴尔

5、commedia dell'arte n. ─── 喜剧作品

6、bio setup dell ─── 生物设置dell

7、crim dell pond ─── 池塘犯罪

8、the farmer in the dell ─── 戴尔的农民

9、my dell ─── 我的dell

10、dell supportassist supportassist ─── 的

11、dell xps ─── 戴尔xps

12、dell computer ─── 戴尔计算机

13、dell supportassist remediation supportassist ─── 补救措施

14、farmer in the dell ─── 山谷里的农夫

15、dell supportassist os recovery supportassist ─── 操作系统恢复

16、i giorni dell ─── 年月日

17、dell support center dell ─── 支持中心

18、dell bios ─── 戴尔bios

19、dell computer corporation ─── 戴尔电脑公司

dell 词性/词形变化,dell变形


dell 相似词语短语

1、dells ─── 小谷

2、dell' ─── 戴尔公司

3、della ─── n.(Della)黛拉(人名)

4、Bell ─── n.铃,钟;钟声,铃声;钟状物;vt.装钟于,系铃于;vi.鸣钟;成钟状鼓起

5、Tell ─── vt.告诉,说;辨别;吩咐;断定;vi.讲述;告发,泄密;识别;n.(Tell)人名;(英、德、瑞典)特尔;(罗、意)泰尔;(阿拉伯)塔勒

6、delly ─── n.(Delly)人名;(匈、罗)德伊

7、Dell ─── n.美国戴尔公司

8、cell ─── n.细胞;电池;蜂房的巢室;单人小室;vi.住在牢房或小室中;n.(Cell)人名;(英)塞尔

9、Nell ─── n.内尔(女子名,等于Helen)

dell 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As Mr Dell said, companies that outsource often turn a problem they cannot manage into one they can manage even less. ─── 如戴尔先生所说,外包的企业常把一个不能解决的问题,变成另一个更不能解决的问题。

2、Stonehenge as the most important researchers, Professor Neville Dell has been at the scene to carry out site visits. ─── 作为巨石阵的最重要研究者,戴尔维尔教授多年来一直在现场进行实地考察。

3、Now, it takes 8% of the global PC market, second only to HP and Dell. ─── 如今联想在全球个人电脑市场占有量达8%,仅次于惠普和戴尔。

4、In February 2001, Dell's second asia Pacific Customer Centre (aPCC2) of 370,000-square-feet began operations. ─── 2001年2月,占地37万平方英尺的戴尔“亚太客户中心”二期(aPCC2)落成。

5、"For all the money, Michael really hasn't changed at all," claims a longtime Dell employee. ─── “对于钱,迈克尔从未改变过什么看法,”一个戴尔的长期雇员声称。

6、In Japan, there is a set of comprehensive approach to dell with MSW. ─── 在日本,对于市政固体垃圾有一整套完善的处理方法。

7、Dell has systems and everything that goes with them, from entry - level 286s to mighty network 486 models . ─── 从初级入门的286到强大联线的486机型,dell公司应有尽有

8、Sir, I tell you that I bought a Dell computer yesterday. ─── 先生,我告诉你,我昨天就买了一台戴尔牌电脑。

9、In Ameica Seattle,there is a sainted vicar Dell Thaler in a famous church. ─── 在美国西雅图的一所著名的教堂里有一位德高望重的牧师--戴尔*泰勒。

10、In the 1990s, the bywords for Dell have been "international expansion" and "increased economies of scale. ─── 在20世纪90年代,戴尔的绰号曾经是“互联网膨胀”和“增长的规模经济”。

11、Dell English: How do you keep in shape? ─── 你是怎么保持体型的?

12、Like Bill Gates and unlike almost everyone else in the industry, Dell really likes what he does for a living. ─── 和比尔·盖茨相似,但与这个行业中的其它人不同的是,戴尔真正喜欢他为谋生所做的工作。

13、Computer makers like Dell are re onding to slowing sales by leaping into new arenas. ─── 像戴尔这样的计算机制造商,面临市道不景就去开发新的市场。

14、But Michael Dell grasped the potential of these two trends and invented the basis for the Internet economy. ─── 但迈克尔·戴尔找准了这两者结合的发展趋势,创建了网络经济的基础。

15、Austin is filled with Dellionaires, though the biggest of them all--Dell himself--has no plans to retire. ─── 奥斯汀有很多“Dellionaires”,虽然他们当中的绝大部分-包括戴尔自己-并没有退休的计划。

16、Other supporting vendors include Dell Computer Corp. and Sun Microsystems Inc.. ─── 其他的支持厂家有dell公司和sun公司。

17、Even the mighty Compaq is emulating Dell by building some machines to order. ─── 即使是康柏这样的大公司也在模仿戴尔建立起某种订购机制。

18、What can customers expect to see in the new Dell stores? ─── 在新的戴尔店面中消费者会期望看到什么呢?

19、Dell has systems and everything that goes with them,from entry-level 286s to mighty network 486 models. ─── 从初级入门的286到强大联线的486机型,Dell公司应有尽有。

20、Somewhere along the way,Michael Dell turned big rich--about $13 billion worth of rich. ─── 在他的人生路程中的某处,迈克尔·戴尔变成了富翁-他的财产大概有130亿美元。

21、Allo stanco non davi a bere dell’acqua, all’affamato rifiutavi del pane. ─── 你无缘无故强取兄弟的东西作当头,剥去衣不蔽体的人的衣服。

22、Network marketing business model is one of the Internet sales model, the representative is no doubt that Dell. ─── 网络直销模式是企业网上销售的模式之一,其代表则毋庸置疑是戴尔公司。

23、The bus driver broke the silence, by calling attentionto a waterfall of great beauty, in the rocky dell. ─── 大客车驾驶员打破沉默,开口说话,让大家看山间壮丽的瀑布。

24、Agency officials said Dell had received six reports of batteries overheating. ─── 代理商官员说戴尔已经收到六份电池过热的报告。

25、Please reply. Dell just can't leave the problem behind. Give me an answer please. ─── 寻求工程师技术支持,请点击此处直接网上提交。

26、Likewise, Hewlett Packard, Dell and Apple do not advertise that they all make use of a firm called Hon Hai. ─── 同样的惠普,戴尔以及苹果也不会宣传他们所有的产品都是一家叫做鸿海的企业生产的。

27、There are no Michael Dell jokes, none. ─── 但是却从没有听说过迈克尔·戴尔的笑话,从未有过。

28、Only 25 on the list are under 40, led by 37-year-old computer founder Michael Dell at No.18. ─── 在这497名巨富中,有25位年龄在40岁以下,排名最前的是名列第18位的戴尔公司创始人,现年37岁的迈克·戴尔。

29、Our DELL computers sell fast in domestic market. ─── “戴尔”牌电脑在国内市场销路很好。

30、"What you see is what you get with Michael," says an early Dell employee. ─── “你所看到的就是你从戴尔身上所能得到的,”一个戴尔公司以前的雇员说道。

31、IBM is trying to share Dell's success by becoming a major component supplier to the company. ─── IBM正在努力通过成为戴尔公司的主要零件供应商来分享戴尔的成功果实。

32、Dell has systems and everything that goes with them, from entry-level 286s to mighty networking 486 models. ─── 从初级入门的286到强大联线的486机型,Dell公司应有尽有。

33、Allora intenderai il timor dell’Eterno, e troverai la conoscenza di Dio. ─── 你就明白怎样敬畏耶和华,并且获得对 神的认识。

34、Does Dell need to make essential changes to compete in todays marketplace? ─── 在今日之市场,戴尔需要作出重要的变化来应对竞争吗?

35、In part, Dell has done this by reducing its number of suppliers to those that will cooperate with its warehousing plan. ─── Dell公司能做到这一点,部分原因是减少供货商数目,谁配合它的仓储计划就用谁。

36、E che sarebbe se vedeste il Figliuol dell’uomo ascendere dov’era prima? ─── 如果你们看见人子升到他原来所在的地方,又怎样呢?

37、process inside Dell that percolated that up as something that was a major strategic initiative for the company? ─── 戴尔内部经过何种程序将其作为公司的一项重大战略计划的呢?

38、With Windows 7, said Dell Vice President Alex Gruzen in October, the PC market would no longer be a 'race to the bottom' in terms of prices. ─── 戴尔副总裁格鲁增去年10月说,Windows7面世后,PC市场就不会再出现大打价格战的情况。

39、Picture the following scene.Michael Dell,chairman and CEO of Dell Computer rporation,enters a hotel ballroom. ─── 下面的照片显示的是戴尔电脑公司董事长首席执行官麦克戴尔在进入一间酒店宴会厅。

40、"I talked to a salesperson today," said a Dell sales executive. "He got Michael in to meet a customer to close a medium-sized bid. ─── “我今天和一个销售员聊了一会儿”,戴尔的一个销售经理说道,“他请迈克尔会见一个顾客以确定一份中等大小的订货单。

41、If this problem recurs ,please call Dell Support with error code #M1004. ─── 不知道为什么会出现突然自动关机的现象,也不知道该如何解决这一问题。

42、And at 34, with a greater net worth than Gates had at the same age, Dell looks to be a force for decades to come. ─── 在34岁时,戴尔就获得了比盖茨在同样的年龄所拥有的更大的网络价值,看上去他将成为未来的几十年中的中坚力量。

43、DELL empl is stunned &says "Twenty dollars??? ─── 半年后再次与DELL擦肩而过;

44、I loti lo copron dell’ombra loro, i salci del torrente lo circondano. ─── 它在 神所造的事工中居首,只有创造它的能使刀剑临到它身上。

45、Right from Network he start, the PCs were sold d irect to customers who called Dell on the pne. ─── 从一开始起,PC都是直接销售给打电话给戴尔的客户。

46、So theres carbon sequestration going on at the Dell home? ─── 在戴尔总部所在地,你们将采取碳隔离处理措施?

47、It will be activated on install if a DELL SLIC is in the BIOS. Does anyone have the DELL Enterprise version? ─── 它是说如果你机器的BIOS中有DELL的SLIC字段,那么这个2008就可以被激活。然后问:有人有DELL的企业版2008吗?

48、As soon as it did, all the other computer makers, from Acer to Dell and HP, surrendered. ─── 它一这样做,从宏碁到戴尔和惠普,所有其它电脑生产商都立即投降了。

49、Ascoltate, o monti, la causa dell’Eterno, e voi, saldi fondamenti della terra! ─── 大山啊!你们要听耶和华的争辩。大地永久的根基啊!

50、Wan Mingjian VS Dell: Who Is The Systematic War Hero? ─── 万明坚VS戴尔:谁是系统战英雄?

51、Dell can wait up to a month before paying its suppliers, so the company earns interest on customer payments in the meantime. ─── 戴尔可以有一个月的缓冲时间来给供应商结款,所以与此同时公司从客户的付款那里获得了利润。

52、IT's general manager of a pub in Omaha, the Dundee Dell, which boasts 650 single-malt scotches on its menu. ─── 她是奥马哈一家酒吧的经理。这家名为DundeeDell的酒吧有650种单麦芽苏格兰威士忌供顾客挑选。

53、Chi dimora nel ritiro dell’Altissimo alberga all’ombra dell’Onnipotente. ─── 亲近 神的必蒙荫庇住在至高者的隐密处的,必在全能者的荫庇下安居。

54、But Dell seems to take orders as well as give them, sometimes acting as the closer on major sales. ─── 但是看上去戴尔象发出命令一样地遵守命令,有时他会担当主要销售业务的仲裁人(closer)。

55、Not even the savviest twentysomething CEO knows everything, so Dell imported over the years a variety of older experts from other companies. ─── 即便是最精明的二十多岁的CEO也不会知道所有的事情,因此这些年戴尔从其它公司吸收了许多老专家。

56、Over the past year, as Dell slashed prices, it failed to gain market share as it had hoped. ─── 去年一年,虽然戴尔大幅下调售价,但却没有如其预期的那样赢得市场份额。

57、The core of theory A is "more straitness is better",the represent cases are Dell, Intel, Microsoft. ─── A理论的核心是“越狭窄越好”,代表案例是戴尔、英特尔、微软。

58、He took Dell public and made it the single most successful stock in the history of the Nasdaq. ─── 他使戴尔上市,并且使之成为纳斯达克历史上最成功的股票。

59、But in June the battery in a Dell laptop computer caught fire during a conference at a hotel in Osaka, Japan. ─── 但是六月日本大阪的一个旅馆里举行的会议上戴尔笔记本电脑里的电池着了火。

60、There was a flirtation with retail sales when Dell machines were sold in Staples stores and some others. ─── 当戴尔计算机在Staples和其它商店被销售时感觉这是对零售的一种挑逗。

61、The 42-year-old Michael Dell, and 43-year-old Yang in the PC market seems to count only just begun. ─── 42岁的迈克尔·戴尔与43岁的杨元庆在PC市场的斗法似乎才刚刚开始。

62、The most controversy a reporter can dig up on Michael Dell is a property-tax dispute that doesn't deserve press past the Austin city limits. ─── 一个记者可在迈克尔身上挖掘出的最大争论是财产税的争议,但这并不值得新闻界加以注意,因为其并未超过奥斯汀市的限制。

63、Olympic produced a few custom chips and a writeoff for Dell before it was declared a failure and canceled. ─── 在宣布Olympic是一个失败并最终取消之前,已生产了一些戴尔的定制芯片和报废产品。

64、What about Dell Computer and its early success with the direct-sale model? ─── 对戴尔计算机和它的直接销售模式的早期成功你有什么看法?

65、Ah, senti, hai gli ultimi numeri dell' Espresso? ─── 呵喂,你有最近的几分快报吗?

66、Not only did IBM sell Dell sixteen billion dollars worth of hard drives, flat panel displays and custom chips. ─── IBM不仅出售了价值一百六十亿的硬盘驱动器,平面显示器和特制的芯片,

67、For O’Dell, the pluses outweigh the minuses. ─── 对奥戴尔来说是得大于失的。

68、The bus driver broke the silence, by calling attention to a waterfall of great beauty, in the rocky dell. ─── 大客车驾驶员打破沉默,开口说话,让大家看山间壮丽的瀑布。

69、During regular trading, shares of Dell rose 0.3 percent, or 7 cents, to close at $22.80 on Nasdaq. ─── 在例行交易期,戴尔的股票上涨了0.35,即7美分,在纳斯达克的收盘为22.80美元。

70、Edited by Joel Sherzer.Foreword by Dell Hymes. ─── 书名/作者 The origin and diversification of language.

71、Egli era sacerdote dell’Iddio altissimo. ─── 他是至高 神的祭司。

72、Dell recommends to only backup PIM data from a previous system and restore to a new system. ─── Dell建议仅从之前操作系统版本恢复PIM数据到新的系统。

73、But Dell seems to take orders as well as give them,sometimes acting as the closer on major sales. ─── 但是,戴尔象发出命令一样地遵守命令,有时他会担当主要销售业务的仲裁人(closer)。

74、Poi prenderai l’olio dell’unzione, glielo spanderai sul capo, e l’ungerai. ─── 你要把膏油拿来,倒在他头上,膏立他。

75、Dell has also been lambasted for paying a hefty premium to win Perot's hand. ─── 同样,戴尔也在同佩罗特成功整合的过程中付出了成功的代价。

76、Looking finals, Walton wishes to see a copy here last year, Dell won a miracle. ─── 展望决赛,沃尔顿希望自己能复制去年戴尔在这里夺冠的奇迹。

77、We ar y. E importes We dell in soft ice crem machines We ar intrestig in parte... ─── 以色列公司求购软冰淇淋机器2007-5-23其它国家和地区.以色列有效期:30天

78、You have not communicated with me as a senior management team member on my career development plan in Dell. ─── 作为一个高级管理团队人员,您并没有就我在戴尔内部的职业发展规划与我进行沟通。

79、Not FOUND or DAWNING , but IBM , HP , SONY , TOSHIBA , SAMSUN , DELL , ACER , BENQ etc. ─── 不是方正、曙光等,而是IBM、HP、索尼、东芝、三星、戴尔、宏基、明基等等。

80、Hardware manufacturers like Dell, Hewlett Packard, Compaq and IBM would still be battling it out with incompatible systems. ─── 像戴尔、惠普、康柏和IBM这样的硬件制造商还在为不兼容的系统而斗得你死我活呢。

81、Its response is a bundle of initiatives called, with the prevailing fashion, "Dell 2.0". ─── 作为回应,戴尔以势不阻挡之势推出一系列时尚风行的称作“戴尔2.0”的市场策略。

82、Have you ever used DELL notebooks? ─── 你有用过戴尔的笔记本吗?

83、"Dell," said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep 'em a while. ─── “德尔,”他说,“让我们把圣诞礼物放在一边,保存一会儿吧。

84、But Dell could not diversify its business, making it vulnerable once Hewlett-Packard matched its expertise. ─── 但戴尔没能使其业务多元化,在惠普的专家技术可以与其媲美时,使自己在竞争中处于弱势。

85、A lot has happened on Michael Dell's watch. ─── 在迈克尔.戴尔的在任期间发生过很多事情。

86、Personal-computer maker Dell unveils fiscal-second-quarter results after Thursday's closing bell. ─── 个人电脑制造商戴尔将在周四收盘后公布第二财季的财务报告。

87、Toshiba manufactures handsets and rumors have it that Dell is preparing to launch its own range. ─── 东芝也做手机且谣传戴尔也准备发表他的系列产品。

88、Michael Dell even talked of trying to recapture the spirit of the start-up, only this time with "a little more capital" . ─── 迈克尔?戴尔(MichaelDell)甚至谈到试图重拾创业精神,只是这次“资本多了一些”。

89、Many people would look back on Dell and say, "You went straight up." ─── 很多人回头看戴尔的时候会说:“你们直线上涨。”

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