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09-04 投稿



iliopsoas 发音


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iliopsoas 中文意思翻译



iliopsoas 短语词组

1、iliopsoas notch ─── 髂腰肌切迹

2、musculi iliopsoas ─── [医] 髂腰肌

3、iliopsoas bursae ─── [医] 髂腰肌囊

4、iliopsoas tendon ─── 髂腰肌腱

5、iliopsoas fascia ─── 髂腰肌筋膜

6、iliopsoas sign ─── 髂腰肌征

7、iliopsoas tendonitis ─── 髂腰肌肌腱炎

iliopsoas 相似词语短语

1、heliopses ─── 赛菊芋属

2、biopsies ─── 活组织检查

3、heliopsis ─── 日光病

4、oligopsony ─── n.寡头买主垄断,商品采购垄断

5、psoas ─── n.腰大肌

6、oligopsonist ─── n.寡头买主垄断;商品采购垄断(oligopsony的变形)

7、oligopsonies ─── n.寡头买主垄断,商品采购垄断

8、Ciliophora ─── n.[无脊椎]纤毛亚门

9、leipoas ─── 莱波阿斯

iliopsoas 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Strengthened pelvic floor by iliopsoas muscles in the treatment of neuro-genic fecal incontinence ─── 髂腰肌加强盆底肌治疗小儿神经源性大便失禁

2、Effect of Cutting Iliopsoas on the Hip Joint Function in Treating Acetabular Fractures ─── 髂腹股沟入路切断髂腰肌治疗髋臼骨折对术后髋关节功能的影响

3、musculi iliopsoas ─── [医] 髂腰肌

4、Objective: To study the diagnostic value of CT on enlarged iliopsoas bursa. ─── 目的:探讨髂腰肌囊扩张的CT表现,诊断价值及鉴别。

5、Iliopsoas tendinitis is a common injury in sport. ─── 髂腰肌肌腱炎是一种常见的运动损伤。

6、iliopsoas muscle ─── 髂腰肌

7、We report two rare cases of iliopsoas bursitis extending into the retroperitoneal space. ─── 我们报告两例罕见的髂腰肌滑囊炎延伸到腹膜后间隙。

8、The pain is most often due to direct mechanical irritation of the iliopsoas due to a malpositioned or oversized acetabular cup. ─── 该痛疼经常由于髂腰肌错位或髋臼杯过大而引起的直接机械刺激。

9、Specialized Experiments to the Iliopsoas for the Function of the Hip ─── 髂腰肌对髋关节功能的实验性研究

10、Objective To sum up diagnosis and treatment experience of the compartment syndrome of iliopsoas muscle. ─── 目的:总结髂腰肌筋膜间室综合征诊治体会。

11、MR imaging is thus suggested to be useful as an adjunct of CT in studying the iliopsoas compartment, especially with disorders closely related to the major vessels or spinal column. ─── 因此对于肠骨腰问腔疾患,磁振造影检查被推荐作为电脑断层之一有用的辅助检查,尤其是当疾患与主要血管或脊柱有密切关连时。

12、Microanatomy and electrophysiology of iliopsoas innervation ─── 人髂腰肌神经的显微解剖和大鼠髂腰肌的复合动作电位研究

13、Objective To analyze CT findings of dropsy in the bursa of iliopsoas muscle, and to discuss its etiology, clinical diagnosis and differentiation. ─── 目的分析髂腰肌囊积液的CT表现,探讨其发病机制和鉴别诊断。

14、Recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic iliopsoas tendinitis are given. ─── 建议用于治疗急性和慢性髂腰肌肌腱得到。

15、More often the iliopsoas compartment acts only as a conduit for the spread of disease. ─── 在我们的经验中,通常肠骨腰间腔只是疾病散布之一管道,原发于此之疾病很少。


17、Conclusion. This treatment is minimally inasie and useful in carefully selected patients with pyogenic spondylitis complicated by iliopsoas abscess. ─── 结论:这种治疗方法对有严格适应症的化脓性脊柱炎伴髂腰肌脓肿的病人具有极少的侵袭性和有效性。

18、bursa of iliopsoas muscle ─── 髂腰肌囊, 髂腱下囊

19、Percutaneous catheter drainage combined with antituberculosis chemotherapy in the management of tuberculous iliopsoas abscesses ─── 经皮穿刺置管引流结合抗痨治疗结核性髂腰肌脓肿

20、the substitute mark of the iliopsoas' origins ─── 髂腰肌代起点

21、Open tenotomy of iliopsoas ─── 髂腰肌腱开放切断术

22、Iliopsoas abscess is an uncommonly encountered clinical entity. ─── 摘要腰大肌脓疡是在临床上较为少见的感染。

23、iliopsoas bursae ─── [医] 髂腰肌囊

24、enlarged iliopsoas bursa ─── 髂腰肌囊

25、Diagnosis and treatment of the compartment syndrome of iliopsoas muscle ─── 髂腰肌筋膜间室综合征的诊断和治疗

26、The iliopsoas is also separated from the capsule by blunt dissection and retracted medially. ─── 髂腰肌也从关节囊上被钝性剥离并向内侧牵开。

27、Treatment of congenital dislocation of hip in children with adductor and iliopsoas tenotomies and manual reduction ─── 内收肌髂腰肌切断手法复位治疗小儿先天性髋脱位

28、Methods 176 children underwent bilateral iliopsoas to strengthen the muscles of pelvic floor and rectal suspension. ─── 方法176例全部采用双侧髂腰肌加强盆底肌直肠悬吊术治疗。

29、Imaging Manifestations of Enlarged Iliopsoas Bursa in Ischemic Necrosis of Femoral Head ─── 股骨头缺血坏死并髂腰肌囊扩张的影像学表现

30、Applied anatomic study on functional reconstruction of stepping forward with vascularized intercostal nerves suturing to iliopsoas nerve ─── 带血管肋间神经与髂腰肌支吻接重建屈髋功能应用解剖

31、CT and Clinical Diagnosis of Dropsy in the Bursa of Iliopsoas Muscle ─── 髂腰肌囊积液的临床、CT诊断

32、CT and MRI diagnosis of enlarged iliopsoas bursa ─── 髂腰肌囊扩张的影像学诊断

33、Make sure that you don't do this, it can lead to a host of problems including Achilles tendonitis, ITB pain, and iliopsoas muscle pain. ─── 千万不要这样做,它将导致很多伤害,包括足腱,**髂胫束疼痛和髂腰肌疼痛。

34、Keywords enlarged iliopsoas bursa;hip joint;magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 髂腰肌囊;髋关节;磁共振成像;

35、The iliopsoas is also separated from the capsule by blunt dissection and retracted medially. ─── 髂腰肌也从关节囊上被钝性剥离并向内侧牵开。

36、Keywords Acetabular fracture;Iliopsoas;Ilioinguinal approach; ─── 髋臼骨折;髂腰肌;髂腹股沟入路;

37、Conclusion: Combined gracilis and iliopsoas graft is an ideal treatment for fecal incontinence in children. ─── 结论:肌肉联合移植是治疗小儿大便失禁的较好术式。

38、MRI and clinical analysis of enlarged iliopsoas bursa ─── 髂腰肌囊扩张的临床与MRI分析

39、CT Feature and Identification of Enlarged Iliopsoas Bursa ─── 髂腰肌囊扩张的CT表现及鉴别

40、Iliopsoas tendonitis can arise from impingement with the leading anterior edge of a relatively under anteverted or retroverted cup. ─── 髂腰肌肌腱炎可由假体领前缘和相对前倾或后倾的髋臼杯撞击而发生。

41、Objective To study the diagnostic value of ct on enlarged iliopsoas bursa. ─── 目的探讨髂腰肌囊扩张的CT表现及诊断价值。

42、Iliopsoas muscle hematoma with femoral nerve paralysis treated by combined Chineses and western medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗髂腰肌血肿致股神经麻痹

43、Keywords Percutaneous catheter drainage;Iliopsoas abscess;Tuberculous abscess;Spinal tuberculosis; ─── 经皮置管引流;髂腰肌脓肿;结核性脓肿;脊柱结核;

44、iliopsoas impingment ─── 髂腰肌撞击

45、Diagnosis and Treatm ent of the Co m partment Syndrome of Iliopsoas Muscle(6 Cases Report) ─── 髂腰肌筋膜间区综合征的诊断和治疗(附6例报告)

46、We present a case of iliopsoas abscess with a history of Child's class C liver cirrhosis. ─── 我们提出一腰大肌脓疡,经手术治疗成功出院之案例。

47、Other sports where increased iliopsoas strength would appear to offer benefits include cycling, rowing and mountain climbing, in particular when scaling rock faces. ─── 其他如增加体育髂实力似乎提供好处包括自行车、划艇、登山、尤其当岩壁攀登.

48、Conclusion Acupuncture has an obvious therapeutic effect on iliopsoas trigone syndrome. ─── 结论:针刺治疗髂腰三角综合征有显著疗效。

49、3.Corclusior: The strengthened pelvic floormuscles by iliopsoas muscles and rectal suspension is a good method for neurogenic fecal incontinence. ─── 结论:髂腰肌加强盆底肌、直肠悬吊术是治疗神经源性大便失禁的一种较好术式。

50、Keywords Avascular necrosis of femoral head Iliopsoas bursitis Iliopsoas bursa enlargement Imaging features; ─── 股骨头缺血性坏死;髂腰肌滑囊炎;髂腰肌囊扩张;影像特征;

51、Keywords iliopsoas;lumbar root;applied anatomy;function reconstruction of stepping forward; ─── 髂腰肌;腰神经根;应用解剖;迈步功能重建;

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