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09-04 投稿



insurgency 发音

英:[?n's??d??ns?]  美:[?n's?d??nsi]

英:  美:

insurgency 中文意思翻译



insurgency 词性/词形变化,insurgency变形

名词复数: insurgencies |

insurgency 短语词组

1、incipient insurgency ─── 初期叛乱

2、belligerency vs insurgency ─── 交战与叛乱

3、Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia ─── 马其顿共和国的叛乱

4、Insurgency in the Republic of Maced ─── 马其顿共和国的叛乱

5、counter-insurgency ─── 反叛乱; ─── 反暴动

6、insurgency sandstorm ─── 叛乱沙尘暴

7、insurgency mod ─── 叛乱国防部

insurgency 同义词

insured person

insurgency 反义词


insurgency 相似词语短语

1、insurgent ─── adj.叛乱的;起义的;n.叛乱者;起义者

2、assurgency ─── 担保

3、insurgences ─── n.暴动;起义;造反;叛乱

4、insurgencies ─── n.叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态

5、insurgently ─── adv.汹涌地;造反地

6、indulgency ─── n.赦免;放纵;任性(等于indulgence)

7、insurgence ─── n.暴动;起义;造反;叛乱

8、interagency ─── adj.跨部门的;部门之间的

9、insurgents ─── n.叛乱分子(insurgent的复数)

insurgency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kashmir has been riven by insurgency for more than two decades; parts of the north-east for even longer. ─── 二十多年来,由于叛乱克什米尔地区一直处于分裂状态;而其东北部部分地区则分裂了更长时间。

2、The president's foreign policy advisors stress the insurgency will not derail Iraqi elections scheduled for early2005. ─── 总统的外交政策顾问强调说,反叛活动不会干扰伊拉克定于2005年初举行的大选。

3、Much of British strategic thinking on counter-insurgency tactics in a jungle environment was passed on through BRIAM (British Advisory Mission). ─── 英国有关丛林环境中的平叛战术的许多战略思考都是通过英国咨询团传播的。

4、The American commander in Kabul said he will need the troops for the long term to fight the growing insurgency. ─── 美国在喀布尔的指挥官说,他需要这些部队长期驻守阿富汗,打击日益增多的反叛活动。

5、Anbar had been the bloodiest zone in the first years of the insurgency, but is now pretty calm. ─── 在叛乱的最初几年,安巴尔省是一块最为血腥的区域,但现在已是非常安定。

6、In each case, insurgency and counterinsurgency caused huge loss of life and large-scale displacement. ─── 在每个国家中,叛乱与反叛乱的战争都造成众多伤亡和大批人流离失所。

7、But he took a tough line on the worsening Islamist insurgency in the north Caucasus, promising to "exterminate the bandits" . ─── 但他对北高加索地区日益严重的伊斯兰叛乱活动采取了强硬的态度,他承诺将“铲除匪患。”

8、Dr Zyphur is part of an insurgency against this idea. ─── 博士是这一观点逆流的一部分。

9、Pulling up a farmer's opium crop could generate ill will, perhaps enough to produce a new recruit for the insurgency. ─── 停止一个农民的鸦片种植可能会引起敌意,也许足以产生一个新的叛乱分子。

10、He insisted the insurgency can be controlled by then."Nobody is planning to postpone the elections," Mr. ─── 伊拉克总理阿拉维已经明确地表示过这一点。

11、The insurgency against Indian rule in Kashmir had recently gone quiet. ─── 最近在克什米尔的反对印度统治的起义已经平静了许多。

12、The Sunni Arab insurgency is also running in high gear. ─── 逊尼派阿拉伯人的叛乱也在如火如荼地展开。

13、He also said Iraq's insurgency cannot be defeated by military means alone. ─── 他同时表示伊拉克的叛乱不可能仅靠军事手段平息。

14、More than 66,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the insurgency since it began in 1989. ─── 超过六万六千人死于1989年开始的武装叛乱,其中大部分是平民。

15、In its view, America's preoccupation with the insurgency in Iraq strengthens China's hand in its dealings with Taiwan. ─── 在中国看来,美国出兵伊拉克而引发的叛乱局势使得中国在处理台湾问题上更为强悍。

16、The US military is handing over security control of Anbar province, once the heart of the Sunni insurgency in Iraq. ─── 美军向伊方移交了对安巴省的安全控制。安巴省曾是伊拉克逊尼派叛乱分子的活动中心。

17、NATO officials say the death of Dadullah is a "serious blow" to the Taleban insurgency. ─── 北约官员说,达杜拉的死亡对塔利班反叛活动来说是一记沉重打击。

18、There was a time when most violence in Iraq was the result of a Sunni insurgency against the foreign occupiers. ─── 曾经有那么一段时间,多数暴力都来自逊尼派武装对外国占领者的袭击。

19、Extra troops have been sent to combat the insurgency in the north of the country. ─── 更多的部队被派遣去平息北部的叛乱。

20、In the new government the Sunnis have a minority voice, and many officials think the insurgency is largely Sunni. ─── 在新政府中,逊尼派只能发出微弱的声音,所以很多官员认为叛乱者大多数是逊尼派人。

21、The recent joint army and marines counter-insurgency manual says the central aim is not to destroy the enemy but to protect civilians. ─── 陆军-海军陆战队联军最新的反叛乱手册说,中心目标不是消灭敌人而是保护平民。

22、"We have a full-fledged insurgency and full-blown sectarian conflict in Iraq. ─── 现在在伊拉克充斥着弹粮充足的叛乱分子和气焰正盛的宗派分子。”

23、In mainly Shia Basra, most of the insurgency is aimed at British soldiers rather than Iraqis. ─── 在主要是什叶派的巴士拉,英军比伊拉克士兵受到的攻击更多。

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