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09-04 投稿


gradualness 发音

英:[?ɡr?d?u?ln?s]  美:[?ɡr?dj??ln?s]

英:  美:

gradualness 中文意思翻译



gradualness 反义词


gradualness 同义词

graduality | gentleness

gradualness 词性/词形变化,gradualness变形

名词: gradualist |形容词: gradualistic |

gradualness 短语词组

1、gradualness adverb ─── 渐变副词

gradualness 相似词语短语

1、gradualism ─── n.渐进主义;按步就班主义

2、gradualist ─── n.渐进主义者

3、casualness ─── n.偶然;漫不经心;随便

4、gradeless ─── adj.无坡度的

5、graduals ─── adj.逐渐的;平缓的;n.弥撒升阶圣歌集

6、graduates ─── n.毕业生(graduate的复数形式);招生数;v.毕业;定等级,分级(原形为graduate)

7、gradableness ─── 渐变性

8、radicalness ─── n.极端;激进

9、graduands ─── n.(英)即将毕业的学生;即将接受学位者

gradualness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The slope had always seemed so slight, so gradual, in days when she galloped up it on her fleet-footed mare. ─── 以前总觉得这个山坡又小又平缓,算不了什么,她常常跨着她的快脚母马飞驰而上,毫不费力。

2、Global Change and the Boreal Forest: Thresholds, Shifting States or Gradual Change? ─── 全球变化和北方森林:阈值,移动态或逐渐变化?

3、In this case we see the act of metamorphosis performed in a primary and gradual manner. ─── 在此场合,我们可以看到变态行为是以原始的、渐进的方式完成的。

4、Its members pur their hopes in the "permeation" of the existing institutions and the "inevitability of gradualness. " ─── 其成员将他们的希望寄托在现有制度与“渐进必然性”的“渗透”之中。

5、Such tendencies can be modified only by advancing civilization and by gradual spiritualization. ─── 如此的趋向能被高级文明和精神净化逐渐修正。

6、The establishment of it is a gradual process of development. ─── 劳动力市场体系的建立是一个逐步演进的过程。

7、I advocate a policy of gradual reform. ─── 我拥护逐步改革的政策。

8、Under this situation, our anticipated 1800 points nearby gradualness support is still obvious. ─── 在此情况下,我们预期1800点附近的阶段性支撑依然明显。

9、Gradual seepage of carbon dioxide into the air is also an issue, because over time it could defeat the goal of CCS. ─── 另一个要考虑的问题,是二氧化碳慢慢渗出而进入大气;长期而言,这会使CCS的成效大打折扣。

10、The gradual erosion of our strength and power began in those halcyon years following World War II. ─── 我们的力量是在第二次世界大战以后太平盛世开始逐渐消失的。

11、Has been a gradual increase in the number of people owning cars. ─── 拥有汽车的人数一直在逐渐上升。

12、The actual record shows a gradual decline in species that occurs over several thousand years. ─── 但是事实上,记录中却显示了一个持续了几千年的递减过程。

13、That's because gradual selling removes the fear of missing the boat should a stock rebound. ─── 因为这可以使你不用担心一旦股票反弹,你会错过机会。

14、We face the gradual or not so gradual waning of our strength. ─── 我们逐渐或许很快变得越来越衰弱。

15、A gradual hill is not steep. ─── 倾斜度小的山不陡。

16、The subtle factor that makes life endurable is “gradualness”. ─── 使人生圆滑进行的微妙的要素,莫如“渐”;

17、A gradual process of unfolding or developing. ─── 开放逐渐展开或生长的过程

18、Otherwise Cornwall, over the centuries, had suffered a gradual economic decline. ─── 可是在别的方面,该城市在过去几百年中经济上已逐渐衰退。

19、If Etna is indeed transforming into an explosive subduction-zone volcano, the process will be a gradual one. ─── 假若埃特纳的确是在转型成爆裂性隐没带火山的话,这个过程将会是循序渐进的。

20、A gradual decrease(fade-out) or increase(fade-in) of the brightness of an image, or the volume of an audio signal. ─── 图象的亮度或音响强度逐渐增强或减弱的现象。

21、Global warming is causing a gradual rise of sea level. ─── 全球变暖是引起海平面上升的主要原因,现在正是投资内布拉斯加州一些海洋的好时间。

22、To learn a language we must follow the principle of gradual improvement. ─── 学习语言必须遵循循序渐进的原则。

23、Time" is the essence of "gradualness". ─── 渐”的本质是“时间”。

24、It is a historic process of gradual development which is both continuative and multistage. ─── 它是一个渐进演化的历史进程,既有系统完整的历史发展连贯性,又有明显特征的历史发展阶段性。

25、In the photon picture, an electron literally absorbs a blast of energy as opposed to a gradual trickle. ─── 在光子图象中,一个电子确确实实是一下子吸收一股能量,而不是逐渐地吸收。

26、It is also due to this "gradualness" that one is able to reconcile himself to his reduced circumstances. ─── 人之能堪受境遇的变衰,也全靠这“渐”的助力。

27、Price appreciation will be more gradual hereon and more in keeping with inflation. ─── 从今以后价格的涨势将变得平缓些,也会趋向和通胀同步。

28、The members put their hopes in the "permeation" of the existing institutions and the "inevitability of gradualness". ─── 其它成员将它们的希望寄托在现有制度与“渐进必然性”的“渗透”中。

29、Age brought a gradual diminution of his strength and energy. ─── 年龄使他的体力和精力逐渐减退。

30、Cornwall, over the centuries, had suffered a gradual economic decline. ─── 康沃尔许多世纪以来在经济上已逐渐衰落。

31、Hence it is evident that life is sustained by "gradualness". ─── 故可知人生是由“渐”维持的。

32、Deliver accurate and gradual compression from ankle to thigh. ─── 可提供准确及渐进式的压力予足踝至大腿部位。

33、We believed that regarding some high quality varieties, hits the new debt the opportunity gradualness existence. ─── 我们认为,对于一些优质品种,“打新债”的机会阶段性存在。

34、Generally speaking, in guarantees under the growth background, has welcomed gradualness opportunities for investment. ─── 总的来说,在保增长背景下,迎来了阶段性投资机会。

35、But even a gradual pullback could have big repercussions. ─── 但即便是逐步撤出也会产生重大影响。

36、The members put their hopes in the "permeation" of the existing institutions and the "inevitability of gradualness " . ─── 其它成员将它们的希望寄托在现有制度与“渐进必然性”的“渗透”中。

37、The world economy could well benefit from a gradual slide in the greenback. ─── 世界经济将会在持续下滑的美元中获益。

38、The doctor noticed a gradual improvement in his patient. ─── 医生注意到病人在逐渐恢复健康。

39、In a word, the legislation of mercy killing is suitable for gradualness. ─── 所以,安乐死立法宜循序渐进。

40、Our business continues to expand, Management projects in a gradual increase. ─── 公司的业务不断的发展,经营项目也逐渐在增加。

41、His health showed gradual improvement. ─── 他的健康逐渐恢复。

42、A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death. ─── 人员耗损,减缩人员指逐渐的、正常的成员或人员的减少,如退休、辞职或死亡

43、What we see from that moment on is a gradual divesture of the Big Five studios. ─── 我们看到的就是,这是一个对五大制片厂逐渐剥离的过程。

44、Workers need to develop the habit of independent thinking,but this will be a gradual learning process. ─── 我们希望推动员工独立思考的习惯,这是一个渐进的过程。

45、In the view of the Delegation, the Development Agenda needed to be mainstreamed into WIPO in a gradual and agreed way. ─── 代表团认为,发展议程需要以一种渐进和达成协议的方式在WIPO内予以主流化。

46、Shoot for gradual, long term progress. ─── 力争渐进、长期的进步。

47、Can these co-operatives help to bring about the gradual consolidation of the others? ─── 可以不可以由这些已经巩固的合作社带领其余尚待巩固的合作社逐步地获得巩固呢?

48、It consists of the gradual progression of one life stage to another. ─── 它包含从一个生命阶段到另一个生命阶段的渐进演变。

49、As I sat in a shadowy corner, I observed a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth. ─── 坐在一个暗角落里我观察到他的嘴慢慢而逐渐地伸长。

50、Successive post-war governments have presided over the gradual dissolution of the British Empire. ─── 战后的英国历届政府眼巴巴地看着英帝国逐渐解体。

51、Proper torquing avoids elastic separation of the mating parts under load and resists gradual loosening over time. ─── 扭矩正确,就能防止配合部件在负荷作用下出现弹性分离,并防止部件在长期运转过程中逐渐松动。

52、Gradual impairment or diminution is resulted from use or attrition. ─── 因使用或磨损造成的逐渐损坏或减少。

53、The creeps (so dubbed by the jerks) think that evolutionary change is gradual. ─── “毛毛虫”(“跳蚤”们给起的绰号)们认为进化是渐进的。

54、It has to be broken up into portions, as it were, and assimilated piecemeal, in a gradual and graded way. ─── 必须把它分成许多部分,逐步地、分层次地、一部分一部分地吸收。

55、Gradualness also means carrying out translations piece by piece.This will ensure accuracy, organization and relaxation. ─── 做翻译时也应循序渐进,从而确保翻译的准确性、条理性和灵活性。

56、We must embrace this gradual awareness of ethics. ─── 我们必须庆幸这种对伦理问题的逐渐重视。

57、British) socialism to be established by gradual reforms within the law. ─── 主张在法律范围内逐渐改革的(英国)社会主义。

58、Growth or increase in size by gradual external addition, fusion, or inclusion. ─── 增长因外部的添加,连接而生长或在体积上逐渐增大

59、Financial liberalization and capital account opening are necessary, but they should be carried out in a gradual way. ─── 对于发展中国家来说,金融自由化、资本项目开放是必要的,但必须采取循序渐进的步骤,不能急于求成。

60、The yellowish hue that becomes visible as a Bruise heals comes from the disintegration and gradual absorption of Blood. ─── 在愈合过程中,因局部形成胆汁以及血液的分解和逐渐吸收,颜色逐渐淡化为黄色。

61、The research make clear : the model of the CAST'S strategic transformation is'nt that of gradualness , but of revolution. ─── 研究表明:五院战略变革的模式为一转型式,而不是渐进式;

62、A hymn of irregular meter sung after the gradual. ─── (天主教)圣歌弥撒开阶歌后唱的圣歌

63、I shared the gradual disillusionment. ─── 我也是逐渐感到幻想破灭的。

64、time doesn't bring order or peace, so we must stop thinking in terms of gradualness. ─── 时间并不会带来任何的和谐或平安,我们必须停止这种渐进的想法。

65、The fight against corruption is a gradual process. ─── 反腐斗争是一个渐进的过程。

66、Their approach quite frankly ignores the need for gradual but effective changes. ─── 他们的做法的确忽略了渐进而有效的改变的必要性。

67、Around 1900 BC, signs of a gradual decline begin to emerge. ─── 大约在公元前1900年左右,开始出现衰落的迹象。

68、DTJCB also gives you a gradual migration path for converting large-scale COM applications into Java technology. ─── DTJCB还为您提供了一条渐进的迁移路线,可以把大型的COM应用程序转换成Java技术。

69、There has been a gradual growth in membership. ─── 会员逐渐增加。

70、Gradual exposure of plants to cold weather. ─── 把植物逐渐暴露在冷天气下的过程

71、Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging. ─── 变性特定的组织、细胞或器官随着受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质

72、Color gradual change, bronzing, atomize part is available in our factory. ─── 可彩色渐变,烫金,局部印磨砂;

73、Child will have gradual increase in red blood cells, white blood cells, and eventually platelets. ─── 患儿红血球、白血球及血小板逐渐增多。

74、After the accident, she suffered a gradual loss of memory. ─── 事故后她逐渐开始失忆。

75、The gradual use or consumption of a resource,especially a natural resource. ─── (逐渐)消耗对资源(尤其是自然资源)的逐渐使用或消耗

76、Inside each time the thing are different, the life cycle theory emphasized the growth gradualness. ─── 在每一个时期里面事物的状态、特征是不同的,生命周期论强调了成长的阶段性。

77、To cause erosion or gradual diminishment. ─── 侵蚀,消耗使侵蚀或渐渐减小

78、There is gradual transition from an optimum level into excessive levels of nitrogen. ─── 从氦素适宜水平进入过量水平的转变是逐渐的。

79、The various colored threads are mixed together, showing a gradual change in color with a rich and harmonious tone. ─── 使不同色的线相互掺合,逐渐变化,色彩丰富饱满,色调和谐。

80、It is also due to this "gradualness" that one is able to reconcile himself to his reduced circumstances. ─── 人之能堪受境遇的变衰,也全靠这“渐”的助力。

81、How important is he now becoming, even though it started on a gradual basis, for your preparation? ─── 他的帮助,虽然是一个逐步的过程,对你的准备来说有多重要?

82、Under this situation, our anticipated 1800 points nearby gradualness support is still obvious. ─── 在此情况下,我们预期1800点附近的阶段性支撑依然明显。

83、Fourth, gradual optimization of highway network structure. ─── 四是路网结构逐步优化。

84、A gradual,natural reduction in membership or personnel,as through retirement,resignation,or death. ─── 人员耗损,减缩人员指逐渐的、正常的成员或人员的减少,如退休、辞职或死亡。

85、Why Can the Gradual Reform in China AchieveSuccess? ─── 中国的渐进式改革为什么能获得成功?

86、Generally speaking, in guarantees under the growth background, has welcomed gradualness opportunities for investment. ─── 总的来说,在保增长背景下,迎来了阶段性投资机会。

87、The key element of our technique is gradual increase of exhalation duration. ─── 我们的技术的关键元素是呼气持续时间的渐渐的增加。

88、Oddly enough, this ventilation shift may have kicked off the gradual morphing of the shoulder girdle and pectoral fins. ─── 奇怪的是,这呼吸上的改变有可能启动了前肢带与胸鳍的形态逐渐改变。

89、Gradual return to health and strength after illness. ─── 康复在患病之后的逐渐恢复健康和体力

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