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09-04 投稿



grizzlies 发音

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英:  美:

grizzlies 中文意思翻译



grizzlies 词性/词形变化,grizzlies变形

形容词比较级: grizzlier |形容词最高级: grizzliest |名词复数: grizzlies |

grizzlies 常用词组

grizzly bear ─── [动]灰熊(产于北美)

grizzlies 短语词组

1、Memphis Grizzlies ─── 孟菲斯灰熊队

2、montana grizzlies ─── 蒙大拿灰熊

grizzlies 相似词语短语

1、drizzliest ─── 毛毛雨

2、frizzliest ─── adj.头发卷曲的;满是卷结的(frizzly的变形)

3、drizzles ─── vt.(毛毛雨似地)洒;(在食物上)浇(液态调料);vi.下毛毛雨;n.细雨,毛毛雨;(浇在食物上的)液态调料细流

4、frizzies ─── 卷曲

5、grizzliest ─── adj.灰色的(grizzly的变形)

6、drizzlier ─── 毛毛雨

7、grizzles ─── n.灰色(物);斑白的头发;vi.变成灰色;抱怨;vt.使成灰色;adj.灰色的;n.(Grizzle)人名;(英)格里兹尔

8、frizzles ─── v.把(头发)烫卷曲;(发吱吱声地)煎(或烤);炸脆,烧焦;n.煎炸时的吱吱声;煎炸;鬈发

9、grizzlier ─── adj.灰色的(grizzly的变形)

grizzlies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, the Grizzlies and the Lakers in the negotiations is to be hoped that Mark - Gasol, Sun Yue can be. ─── 但是,灰熊队在与湖人队谈判的时候希望既得到马克-加索尔,又能得到孙悦。

2、Memphis Grizzlies in recent years has been committed to international and younger. ─── 孟菲斯灰熊队最近几年一直致力于国际化与年轻化。

3、LOS ANGELES(AP) Kobe Bryant scored 31 points and the Los Angeles Lakers ended their two-game skid with a front-running 99-89 victory over the Memphis Grizzlies on Tuesday night. ─── 今晚,湖人队以99-89战胜了灰熊队,这也结束了他们的两连败,本场比赛科比得到31分。

4、Kupchak told the group that his first contact with the Grizzlies was in February of 2007 around the All-Star Break. ─── 库普切克告诉来参加会议的人,他和灰熊的第一次联系是在2007年2月,大概也就是在那年的全明星赛期间吧。

5、With Lowry as the Grizzlies glue, this team should do just that. ─── 同里的灰熊胶水,这支球队应该做到这一点。

6、The Clippers drafted Blake Griffin with the first overall pick in this year's NBA draft. They also traded forward Zach Randolph to the Grizzlies for swingman Quentin Richardson. ─── 快船在今年的选秀中以状元签摘下布雷克-格里芬。他们还用前锋扎克-兰多夫换来了灰熊的摇摆人昆廷-理查德森。

7、Both Dallas and Memphis will visit Toyota Center during the preseason. The Mavericks come to town on Oct.18, while the Grizzlies arrive on Oct.23. ─── 在季前赛中,小牛队和灰熊队都将作客丰田中心,与小牛队的比赛是在10月19日,而灰熊队作客丰田中心是在10月23日。

8、Francis never showed up in Vancouver, having been petulant and pouting enough for the Grizzlies to send him elsewhere. ─── 弗朗西斯脾气暴躁,灰熊受够了他的苦瓜脸,于是他最终没在温哥华露脸,而是被灰熊送到了别处。

9、If you guessed Antoine Walker and Darko Milicic, you understand Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley's pain. ─── 如果你能猜到是安托万-沃克和米利西奇,那么你想必也能理解灰熊老板迈克尔-海斯利的痛苦。

10、Memphis Grizzlies ─── 孟菲斯灰熊队

11、And, perhaps the Lakers' second-half dominance was an indication of how the Grizzlies haven't quite adapted to the faster pace under Hollins. ─── 湖人下半场的统治地位很可能是由于灰熊还没有完全适应霍林斯的快速攻防转换的球风。

12、The details of Sunday's game also weren't so bad for them in a 92-75 victory over the Memphis Grizzlies, part of an easy, uneventful and perhaps even dull night at Staples Center. ─── 周日的比赛其实并没有很差,以92-75轻松取胜于灰熊,虽然这没有让斯台普斯沸腾,甚至有些平静的无聊。

13、Treadwell's crusade to defend the grizzlies tragically ended when he-and his girlfriend-were attacked and killed by a rogue grizzly in October 2003. ─── 影片大部份画面来自车维尔自拍的一百小时录像,执迷与狂热令他在镜头前变得魅力非凡,他为每头熊改名字,为牠们打斗旁述,为牠们每个动作兴奋。

14、What was Grizzlies general manager Chris Wallace thinking when he agreed to the deal that sent Pau Gasol to the Lakers? ─── 灰熊总经理克里斯-华莱士送走保罗-加索尔之后在想什么呢?

15、Last, the Grizzlies are China and India is a small center Pau Gasol, but in general play, got only 5 points 2 rebounds, another big man Ha Dadi is 4 points 5 rebounds. ─── 上一场,灰熊正印中锋是小加索尔,但发挥一般,只拿到5分2个篮板,另一名大个子哈达迪是4分5个篮板。

16、" Yia Wa Luoni said he hoped the Grizzlies in fast attack and defense conversion, the first of the tough defense forced the Rockets errors, and then use fast attack A very high success rate. ─── 伊阿瓦罗尼说道,他希望灰熊队能够在快速攻防转换当中,先用强悍的防守迫使火箭队出现失误,然后再利用快攻打出很高的成功率。

17、TheMemphisGrizzlies: Giant "grizzly bears" range the Rocky Mountains in the US and Canada.They do not live anywhere near the city of Memphis, which is on the Mississippi.Then why the name "Grizzlies"? ─── 孟菲斯灰熊队身体硕大的灰熊分布在美国与加拿大境内的洛基山脉,在孟菲斯市(位于密西西比河岸边)附近的任何地方都不是它们的栖息地,那为什么孟菲斯队以灰熊命名呢?

18、vibrating grizzlies ─── 振动格筛

19、Undrafted out of South Carolina, Kinsey made the Grizzlies as a free agent and went on to have a solid rookie season in the River City. ─── 季前赛南卡罗来纳州,金赛以自由球员身份加入了灰熊队,在河城经过一个不错的新秀赛季。

20、No disrespect to Kwame Brown, but it has always amazed me that Kwame was the starting center for the Lakers, yet never did get off the bench in Memphis for the Grizzlies. ─── 更让我惊讶的事,夸梅在湖人担任首发中锋,可在灰熊还没有从板凳跳到场上。

21、The Lakers face off against the Memphis Grizzlies on Sunday, meaning Karl may be forced to match up either against former teammate Javaris Crittenton or possibly even the uber-talented OJ Mayo. ─── 星期天湖人将对阵灰熊队。这就意味着卡尔将不得不面对自己的前队友Crittenton甚至有可能对上天才球员梅奥。

22、Pau Gasol - The gift from the Memphis Grizzlies. ─── 加索尔--灰熊送来的大礼。

23、Since then, Artest even vote even, two double Yao Ming, Anthony Walker, a double, Ha Dadi hit the shot, the Grizzlies lead to 22-20. ─── 此后阿泰斯特连投连中,姚明两罚两中,安东尼沃克两罚一中,哈达迪上篮命中,灰熊队以22-20领先。首节结束,灰熊队以24-22领先于火箭队。

24、Although the final Yao Ming scored 10 points, 9 rebounds, but the Grizzlies for the reconstruction, the results do not necessarily ideal. ─── 尽管最后姚明拿下10分,9个篮板球,不过对于重建的灰熊,这个成绩必然是不理想的。

25、ESPN.com's Marc Stein reported on Sunday that the Memphis Grizzlies have been pursuing Iverson, but owner Michael Heisley thought the Miami Heat had the inside track. ─── ESPN的马克-斯特恩在周日说孟菲斯灰熊队一直在追求艾弗森,但是灰熊老板却说对艾弗森有意思的是迈阿密热火。

26、Guard Damon Stoudamire ruptured his right patella tendon and left the court on a stretcher in the Memphis Grizzlies '93-90 win over the Portland Trail Blazers on Friday night. ─── 后卫达蒙.斯塔德迈尔在周五晚上灰熊队以93-90战胜波特兰开拓者队的比赛中扭伤了右膝的肌腱而被担架抬出场外。

27、The Lakers play only twice more this week, tonight against the Memphis Grizzlies at Staples Center and Friday night at home against the Minnesota Timberwolves. ─── “在某些时候你比对手更感觉到疲累,那不是个借口,但是你真的感觉得到,所有人都一样,我们不能再输下去,就是这样。”

28、Vancouver Grizzlies ─── 温哥华灰熊队

29、Still, the Grizzlies continued to match the Lakers' energy and effort. ─── 然而,灰熊继续以同样的能量与努力跟湖人纠缠着。

30、The Clippers return to Action tonight in the feature 7:30 pm (PDT) game against the Memphis Grizzlies. ─── 快船队今晚返回到行动中的功能(晚上7:30秒)对孟菲斯灰熊的比赛。

31、Before his demoralizing injury against the Grizzlies, Bynum was enjoying a breakout stretch in which he not only turned the heads of his teammates, but people all around the league too. ─── 在对阵灰熊队受伤之前,拜纳姆的爆发让所有人眼前一亮,他不仅可以让队友刮目相看,而且也让整个联盟另眼相看。

32、And tonight with the Lakers facing Memphis' Rudy Gay, who leads the Grizzlies with a 19.4-point scoring average, Jackson said after practice Monday he was leaning toward starting Trevor Ariza. ─── 今晚湖人队(小前)面临的是孟菲斯的鲁迪盖伊,他平均每场19.4分带领着灰熊队,杰克逊说,经过周一的训练他倾向于让阿里扎首发。

33、The combination of draft picks and young talent (Javaris Crittenton) along with Kwame Brown's expiring contract was the best package the Grizzlies were able to find at that moment in time. ─── 在那时,几个选秀权和年轻而又有潜力的球员克里特顿,再加上夸梅-布朗即将到期的合同,是灰熊能够寻求的最佳交易方案。

34、As a result, today's first pre-season games against the Grizzlies, Alston became the chief commander of rocket. ─── 于是,今天季前赛首战对阵灰熊,阿尔斯通又成了火箭的首席指挥官。

35、NBA Hall of Famer Chuck Daly during speaks at a Vancouver Grizzlies press conference in Vancouver, BC, in this May 10, 200 file photo. ─── 在这个5月10日,NBA名人堂查克戴利在谈到在温哥华灰熊队新闻发布会在加拿大温哥华,200名档案照片。

36、But even before Mitch Kupchak fleeced the Grizzlies the Lakers had shown the potential to finish in the top half of the conference thanks to the development of their young center, Andrew Bynum. ─── 但是在库普切克和灰熊交易之前,湖人就已经显示了他们能登顶西部的实力,而这一切都要归功于他们成长很快的年轻中锋:拜纳姆。

37、Spurts of potential do materialize every now and then, usually before he receives a contract extension or right before the Lakers visit FedEx Forum to face the not-so-mighty Grizzlies. ─── 他将来的潜力是不可限量的,也是考虑到长远的利益,球队才与其签下一份大合同。

38、Not since Stevie Francis flashed a meaningful scowl on being picked by the Vancouver Grizzlies in 1999 has there been an unhappier draft choice. ─── 1999年,温哥华灰熊选择斯蒂夫-弗兰西斯时,弗兰西斯怒目相向,自那以后还没有谁像易建联这么对选秀不满意。

39、He did it early in the season to get center Andrew Bynum going, and he has done it recently to make Pau Gasol's adjustment smoother after his acquisition from the Grizzlies a month ago. ─── 他在赛季前期的表现使得拜纳姆成长迅速,而近来他的表现是为了使一个月前从灰熊加盟的加索尔更快地融入和适应湖人。

40、I asked one of my best NBA informants if the trade made sense, on any level, for the Grizzlies. ─── 我问一个nba最灵通的消息人士,就各个层面来说,这样的交易对灰熊有什么意义。

41、Momentum: Riding a one-game winning streak, after beating the Memphis Grizzlies, 92-75, Sunday night. ─── 动量:在周日晚上以92-75战胜灰熊后获得了,一连胜!

42、Memphis Grizzlies: Since we don't even know the identity of the new coach yet, we'll give it a little time before putting him on the hot seat. ─── 孟菲斯灰熊:因为我们尚不了解灰熊队的新教头,在断定他的类别前,我们将给他一定的时间看看他的表现。

43、Whatever you do, do not blink.They're like grizzlies ─── 无论你做什么,别眨眼.他们跟熊有点相象.

44、The Memphis Grizzlies then grabbed Connecticut center Hasheem Thabeet, a dominant rebounder and shot blocker who doesn't have strong offensive skills. ─── 孟菲斯灰熊队拿下了来自康涅狄格的中锋塔比特,一个很好的篮板手和盖帽手,不过进攻能力偏弱。

45、I make my first trip to Memphis this week to play my old team the Memphis Grizzlies. ─── 本周我将(交易后)第一次前往孟菲斯,与我的老东家灰熊交手。

46、The Lakers pulled away midway in the third period after the Grizzlies held a 13-point lead in the first half.Los Angeles outscored Memphis 60-37 after the break, including 24 points off 14 turnovers. ─── 在灰熊上半场领先13分后,湖人开始在比赛的第三节中段觉醒,在那次休息后湖人打了灰熊一个60:37,其中包括了逼迫对方14次失误得到的24分。

47、Lakers center Andrew Bynum is helped off the court after suffering a knee injury in the first quarter of Saturday's game against the Memphis Grizzlies. ─── 最近的膝盖问题--右侧韧带撕裂,并不意味着对湖人年轻中锋来说是一个职业生涯的凶兆!

48、The 7-foot-1 Gasol has spent the past two years with Spain's Akasvayu Girona.His rights are held by the Memphis Grizzlies. ─── 7尺1寸的加索尔在过去两年都为西班牙的一支球队效力,而孟菲斯灰熊队拥有他的所有权。

49、But instead of making an immediate statement, they have stumbled out of the gate, having lost five in a row before beating the Grizzlies on Wednesday. ─── 但他们没有立即作出声明,而是跌跌撞撞地走出大门?,在周三击败灰熊之前,连着输上五场比赛。

50、Families gawk at a game enclosure featuring stuffed buffalo, grizzlies, bighorn sheep and other rarely seen emblems of the American frontier. ─── 家庭成员痴痴地看着游戏。游戏的四周充满着水牛、灰雄、大盘羊和其它稀奇的美国边界象征物。

51、He was met with a mixture of cheers and boos in the pregame introductions. Later, when the Grizzlies presented a video tribute during a timeout, the boos were louder. ─── 在赛前介绍出场名单时,他收到了来自球迷的欢呼声,其中也夹杂着很多嘘声。然后在一次暂停中,当现场大屏幕播放加索尔的有关视频时,嘘声更是高涨。

52、It's been over two weeks since the Lakers acquired Pau Gasol from the Memphis Grizzlies, but his enormous impact on the Lakers' still has the city and league buzzing. ─── 湖人从灰熊换来加索尔只不过两周多的时间,但加索尔给球队带来的影响已经使洛杉矶和整个联盟震惊不已。

53、Nov. 20 at Memphis: Posted 24 points and 23 rebounds in a 95-86 loss to the Grizzlies. ─── 11月20日客场对阵孟菲斯灰熊,在86比95的输场中交出了24分23板的成绩。

54、The owner of the Memphis Grizzlies says, yes, come to him with criticism for the Gasol trade because he had the power to stop it. ─── 孟菲斯的老板表示,是的,可能他会因此(加索尔的交易)广受指责,因为他可以制止这个交易。

55、" Today, the first battle of the Grizzlies and Rockets The defense team did not plan to, so their defense did not give too much pressure on rival manufacturers. ─── 今天首战对灰熊队,火箭队没有特别的防守计划,所以他们的防守也没有给对手制造太大压力。

56、The teams had two each: Kobe Bryant and Lamar Odom picked up the fouls for the Lakers while Marc Gasol and Greg Buckner picked them up for Grizzlies. ─── 在今晚的比赛中,一共有四次技术犯规。两支球队各有两次:科比布莱恩特和喇嘛奥多姆为湖人队得到了技术犯规,马克加索尔和格雷格-巴克纳为灰熊队领到两次技术犯规。

57、He had missed three of his last four games with the Memphis Grizzlies because of his back problems, but said he was feeling better. ─── 他在过去的在灰熊的四场比赛中缺阵三场因为他的背疾,但是他现在宣称他感觉好多了。

58、On Saturday against the Memphis Grizzlies in a standing-room-only crowd of5,000, however, Farmar found the harsh new reality of moving to the NBA. ─── 周六,在坐满5000人的体育馆里,他在对抗孟菲斯灰熊队中又一次真实的体验到进军nba的强大的对抗性。

59、Honorable mentions: Ben Gordon, Detroit Pistons; Eric Gordon, Los Angeles Clippers; Stephen Jackson, Golden State Warriors; O.J. Mayo, Memphis Grizzlies; Michael Redd, Milwaukee Bucks. ─── 候选者:本戈登,底特律活塞;埃里克戈登,洛杉矶快船;斯蒂芬杰克逊,金州勇士;O.J.梅奥,孟菲斯灰熊;迈克尔里德,密尔沃基雄鹿.

60、Memphis Grizzlies: Chris Mihm, Darius Miles, Juan Carlos Navarro (R), Quinton Ross, Hakim Warrick (R), Mike Wilks. ─── 孟菲斯灰熊队:克里斯-米姆,迈尔斯,胡安卡洛斯纳瓦罗 ,罗斯,瓦里克(注册商标) ,麦克威尔克斯。

61、Francis never showed up in Vancouver, having been petulant and pouting enough for the Grizzlies to send him elsewhere. ─── 弗朗西斯脾气暴躁,灰熊受够了他的苦瓜脸,于是他最终没在温哥华露脸,而是被灰熊送到了别处。

62、The road games will be a challenge with Memphis and New Orleans on back-to-back nights. The Lakers may beat the Grizzlies but the Hornets should be tough. ─── 接下来还要挑战孟菲斯和新奥尔良,这将会是一个背靠背.湖人应该可以击败灰熊,顶多在遇上黄蜂时出些麻烦.

63、He knew wolves and grizzlies were nearby. And he knew he was no longer at the top of the food chain. ─── 狼群和灰熊就在附近,他深知自己随时有可能被吃掉。

64、It was more than a year ago he suffered a season-ending injury to his left kneecap during a game against the Grizzlies. ─── 在一年多以前,同样是在对阵灰熊的比赛中,他伤到了自己的左膝并且报销了他上个赛季剩余的比赛.

65、The Grizzlies declined comment when asked by a reporter from the Memphis Commercial-Appeal whether they would hire Abdul-Jabbar or what his role might be. ─── 当孟菲斯商报的一名记者问到灰熊是否会聘请天钩,他的角色会是什么时,灰熊队却一言不发。

66、Outlook: You know the Grizzlies are in trouble when they look to Iverson and Randolph to provide veteran leadership. ─── 展望:你知道,当灰熊指望艾佛森和兰多夫来提供老将的领袖经验的时候,他们会有麻烦的。

67、The film explores the life and death of amateur grizzly bear expert and wildlife preservationist Timothy Treadwell, who loved unarmed among grizzlies for 13 summers. ─── 但美得最战竞的时刻,正如荷索指出,是他和几头有名有性的狐狸融洽相处时,拍下他们的脚步和友善的身影,还有无心拍成的大自然空镜。

68、But the Grizzlies did not change his strategy in the new season signed a small Gasol of Spain, as well as create a new history of Iran signed a Yihadadi star. ─── 但灰熊队却没有改变自己的战略,在新赛季签下了西班牙的小加索尔,以及开创历史的签下了伊朗球星艾哈达迪。

69、Gasol said Thursday he was disappointed to learn he will miss facing the Grizzlies. ─── 他在周四表示,自己很失望将缺席对阵灰熊的比赛。

70、If what I think may go down, goes down, people are going to be really pissed.Have you ever considered what Kwame Brown would look like in a Grizzlies uni? ─── 如果我在继续说下去,人们会发疯的.你是否考虑过夸梅布朗这样的家伙会是灰熊的救世主吗?”

71、His rookie season in third place at the time of the Vancouver Grizzlies, he is fast becoming the best player of the Grizzlies, averaging 20.8 points per game, he hit 5 in Vancouver last season. ─── 他的新秀赛季是在当时排名第三的温哥华灰熊队,他迅速成为灰熊队的最佳球员,平均每场20.8分,他在温哥华打了5个赛季。

72、Former Lakers guard Chucky Atkins had 18 points, including a tiebreaking free throw with 3 seconds left, as the Grizzlies ended a season-worst five-game losing streak and a six-game road skid. ─── 前湖人后卫Atkins得到了18分,其中包括了终场三秒前的一个关键罚球。灰熊结束了本赛季最惨淡的五连败。

73、Yellowstone area grizzlies were delisted in 2007. ─── 黄石地区的灰熊曾于2007年被从保护名单中去队。

74、I had a little bit of a feel when they coming [into Memphis ] because I see more Lakers jerseys than Grizzlies jerseys in the stands. ─── 在他们到孟菲斯进行比赛时我感到一些吃惊,因为我看到了看台上湖人的球衣居然比灰熊的球衣还要多。

75、Yes, he has flirted with the Clippers, Knicks, Grizzlies and even the Bobcats and Larry Brown. ─── 是的,他已逼近快船,尼克斯,灰熊队和山猫队和拉里布朗。

76、He steps up his game and amazes us. In the Nets win over the Grizzlies, we witnessed another part of history as he passed Wilt ─── 他比赛的节奏并带给我们神奇的表演。在战胜灰熊的比赛中我们见证了他以

77、"I had a little bit of a feel when they coming [into Memphis] because I see more Lakers jerseys than Grizzlies jerseys in the stands. ─── “在他们到孟菲斯进行比赛时我感到一些吃惊,因为我看到了看台上湖人的球衣居然比灰熊的球衣还要多。

78、A report from the Los Angeles Times says the Grizzlies have dropped the price of Pau Gasol as the franchise looks to trim payroll instead of find equal value for the player. ─── 一个从洛杉矶的报道说灰熊提出了交易加索尔的代价,看起来特权将要找到一个相同的薪资交易.

79、Daniels of course are very experienced and his career has been effectiveness of the Grizzlies, Spurs, Trail Blazers, SuperSonics, Wizards, has been a stable market after the blue-collar player. ─── 丹尼尔斯的球场经验非常丰富,职业生涯曾先后效力过灰熊、马刺、开拓者、超音速、奇才,一直都是一个稳定的后场蓝领球员。

80、When Steve Francis was drafted by the Vancouver Grizzlies his ego immediately got in the way. ─── 当弗朗西斯被温哥华灰熊摘下的时候,他的自傲立马就开始作祟。

81、The former face of the Grizzlies responded to criticism of his acquisition in the Houston Chronicle. ─── 外界批评关于巴蒂尔被编入休斯敦大事记,他作为前灰熊队队员,对此作出了回应.

82、"I'm telling you," said the thickset man with the orange beard that didn't match his dark brown hair."I've seen grizzlies pretty close up in Yellowstone, but they had nothing on this brute. ─── “我就这么跟你说吧,”矮胖的男人,长着橙色的胡子去留了一头深棕色的头发,他说,“我在黄石公园很近距离的见到过灰熊,但他们可没残忍到这等地步。

83、After inexplicable losses to the Bobcats and Grizzlies at STAPLES Center, the Lakers needed OT to beat the Wizards after blowing a late lead. ─── 在令人费解地主场输给山猫和灰熊后,湖人甚至需要加时中后来居上,才能战胜奇才。

84、Established in 1917, the park is home to a rich array of wildlife, including grizzlies, Dall's sheep, caribou, loons, and golden eagles. ─── 成立于1917年,该公园是在家中各种各样的野生动物,包括灰熊,dall的羊,驯鹿,潜鸟,金雕。

85、Park rangers are concerned for the safety of the tourists and the grizzlies alike. ─── 公园管理员担心游客和灰熊的安全。

86、Gasol is the Grizzlies franchise leader in 12 statistical categories, including points, rebounds and blocks, and the only All-Star in Grizzlies history (2006). ─── 加索尔在灰熊历史上有12个技术统计排在第一,包括得分,篮板,盖帽,而且是灰熊历史上唯一的一个全明星(2006)。

87、One of them will improve its position when the slumping Houston Rockets try to snap out of their funk in a matchup with the last-place Memphis Grizzlies on Wednesday. ─── 期待走出低潮的坠落中的休斯敦火箭队,西南区副班长孟菲斯灰熊队,这对难兄难弟将在周三晚上相遇,赢的一方则可以改善排位。

88、March ends with the Charlotte Bobcats, Memphis Grizzlies and resurgent Washington Wizards coming to Los Angeles. ─── 三月以主场迎战山猫,灰熊,奇才结束。














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