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ophthalmic 发音

英:[ɑ?f?θ?lm?k?ɑ?p?θ?lm?k]  美:[?f?θ?lm?k; ?p?θ?lm?k]

英:  美:

ophthalmic 中文意思翻译




ophthalmic 短语词组

1、ophthalmic pathology ─── [医] 眼病理学

2、ophthalmic migraine ─── [医] 眼型偏头痛

3、chloramphenicol ophthalmic Ointment ─── [医] 氯霉素眼膏

4、ophthalmic artery ─── 眼动脉

5、ophthalmic optician n. ( ─── 有眼科证书的)光学眼镜配镜师

6、epinephrine bitartrate ophthalmic solution ─── [医] 重酒石酸肾上腺素眼溶液

7、ophthalmic bath ─── [医] 眼浴

8、ophthalmic vesicle ─── [医] 眼泡

9、ophthalmic lens ─── [医] 镜片

10、superior ophthalmic vein ─── 眼上静脉

11、ophthalmic reaction ─── [医] 眼反应

12、ophthalmic gonorrhea ─── [医] 眼淋病, 淋病性结膜炎

13、inferior ophthalmic vein ─── 眼下静脉

14、ophthalmic tularemia ─── [医] 眼土拉菌病

15、ophthalmic tests ─── [医] 眼试验, 结膜反应(检伤寒和结核病)

16、ophthalmic ganglia ─── [医] 睫状神经节

17、ophthalmic vein ─── [医]眼静脉

18、ophthalmic cup ─── [医] 视杯

19、ophthalmic tract ─── [医] 视束

ophthalmic 相似词语短语

1、ophthalmiac ─── n.眼炎(ophthalmia的变形)

2、exophthalmic ─── adj.突眼的;眼球突出的

3、phthalic ─── adj.邻苯二甲酸的,酞酸的

4、ophthalm. ─── 眼科。

5、ophthalmia ─── n.[眼科]眼炎

6、ophthalm- ─── 眼科

7、ophthalmist ─── 眼科医生

8、ophthalmo- ─── 眼科

9、xerophthalmic ─── 干眼症

ophthalmic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、National Iuspetion &Testing Centre for Ophthalmic Optics Products (NOTC) is authorized by AQSIQ in June,2006.All the test items passed the National Metrological Ceritification、Laboratory Assessment . ─── 国家眼镜产品质量监督检验中心于2006年6月经国家质量监督检验检疫总局批准成立,开展的项目均通过了国家计量认证、授权和实验室认可。

2、Methods High frequency ultrasonography was performed in 86 patients with extraocular wounds, and the results were compared with operation and other ophthalmic examinations. ─── 方法应用彩色多普勒显像仪高频探头直接眼部扫查,并与手术及其它眼科检查结果相印证。

3、The results of this paper have been applied to ophthalmic excimer laser system .During clinic practice , it has achieved satisfied outcomes. ─── 并在此基础上研制了准分子激光眼科治疗机,经过临床应用,取得了满意的手术效果。

4、"The current medications that we are using now are for off-label use, so it will be a benefit to have something specifically with an ophthalmic indication," he told Medscape Ophthalmology. ─── 已经中国眼网授权使用的作品,应在授权范围内使用,并注明“来源:中国眼网”。违反上述声明者,中国眼网将追究其相关法律责任。

5、Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia. ─── 眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。

6、Ophthalmic fundus examination showed bard exudate, retinal hemorrhage, and macular edema in both her eyes. ─── 两眼眼底检查皆有硬性渗出物、视网膜出血、黄斑部水肿。

7、Trifluridine ophthalmic preparation ─── 曲氟尿苷眼用制剂

8、E.g. the Ge lens used in planar wide-angle altazimuth, indirect ophthalmoscopy lens in ophthalmic diagnosis, Zoom lens of camera, all were minor aspheric component. ─── 例如,红外广角地平仪中的锗透镜、眼科诊断用的间接眼底镜、变焦照相机镜头、刻录机光头等都是小型的非球面元件。

9、Wenzhou Haoya Optical Co.Lt.d., as a Sino-Japan joint venture company, specialized in producing and developing of resin lens and new ophthalmic materials. ─── 公司简介:温州浩雅光学有限公司是一家专业从事光学树脂镜片及视光新材料研制开发和生产经营的中日合资企业。

10、Tobramycin ophthalmic preparation ─── 妥布霉素眼用制剂

11、In 2003, the institution associated with the institution of ophthalmic center of the The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Pr.Peng Peizhi has been an honorary professor of the institution. ─── 2003年,深圳市眼病防治研究所与香港中文大学眼科中心研究所建立了合作关系,聘请了彭培智教授作为名誉教授。

12、By decades carving out, JingLian has brought up uncommon quality, established the leading supplier in the domain of Ophthalmic equipment for pursuing the perfect Hi-Tech. ─── 历经数十年的艰苦创业,造就了经联的非凡品质。对高新技术的完美追求,确立了经联在视光学仪器领域的领先地位。

13、Ophthalmic fundus examination showed bard exudate, retinal hemorrhage, and macular edema in both her eyes. ─── 两眼眼底检查皆有硬性渗出物、视网膜出血、黄斑部水肿。

14、This article reviews the related ophthalmic journals in the last ten years to address the topic of current trends of resident education in ophthalmology. ─── 本文搜集近十年内眼科期刊上,住院医师??育改革的相关文章,并加以整理,以简要说明目前眼科医学??育的新趋势。

15、This article reviewed the therapeutic use of chitosan as artificial lacrima, medical viscoelastic material, carrier of drug delivery systems and so on in ophthalmic disease. ─── 本文就壳聚糖作为人工泪液、医用粘弹剂、药物缓释系统载体、抗纤维增生药物等的应用进行简要的介绍。

16、These arteries contain the nasal septal artery of the superior labial artery, the lower naso-alar marginal artery, the nasal alar artery, the lateral nasal artery of the facial artery, and the dorsal nasal artery of the ophthalmic artery. ─── 分布到外鼻的动脉有上唇动脉的鼻中隔动脉、面动脉的鼻翼下缘动脉、鼻翼动脉和鼻外侧动脉; 还有眼动脉的鼻背动脉;

17、Herpes zoster with ophthalmic complications ─── 带状疱疹伴眼并发症

18、This paper presents a case of biochemically proven congenital erythropoietic porphyria. The major ophthalmic manifestations are a dry eye and scleromalacia perforans. The implications of these are discussed. ─── 摘要本篇报告一经生化证明之先天性红血球性坡菲林病之病例。其主要之眼部表徵为乾眼和穿孔性巩膜软化,其临床症候之意义亦在文中予以讨论。

19、Therefore, distinguishes the typeface with its hard sledding, would rather spends Qian Zuoge the ophthalmic testing to match the eyeglasses which vice-reading uses. ─── 所以,与其费力地去辨别字体,倒不如花一点钱做个眼科检查配副阅读用的眼镜。

20、Cathy later went on to become an ophthalmic surgeon. ─── 凯茜后来成为一位眼科外科医生。

21、Any ophthalmic disorder may thus negatiely impact on this process, especially if it is unrecognised in the early years of life. ─── 因而任何视觉器官的障碍都对此发展存在着负面影响,特别是如果这种情况在他们幼年时未被发现。

22、The most common clinical presentations of frontal sinus mucoceles include frontal headache,and ophthalmic symptoms, such as proptosis, periorbital pain, and impairment of ocular mobility. ─── 最常见的临床表现为前额头痛及眼科症状例如:眼球突出、眼眶周围疼痛、眼球运动受损。

23、PARTICIPANTS:Totally 8 children visited Ophthalmic Department of Affiliated Op hthalmology and Otolaryngology Hospital of Fudan University due to slight myopia between December 1999 and December 2000 were involved. ─── 对象:1999-12/2000-12收集复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院眼科门诊8名轻度近视儿童,男6例,女2例;

24、Clinic application of timolol ophthalmic gel ─── 噻吗洛尔眼用凝胶液临床应用观察

25、Ophthalmic artery occlusion usually causes severe permanent visual loss, and conservative treatments generally have poor prognoses in most cases. ─── 摘要眼动脉塞往往引起严重的视力丧失,而以保守疗法治疗往往愈后不佳。

26、Compound chioramphenicol ophthalmic solution ─── 复方氯霉素滴眼液

27、All prescriptions provided to us must have been given to the Buyer by a registered medical practitioner or registered ophthalmic optician following a sight test within the last 2 years. ─── 所有提供给我们配镜的处方数据必需是买家在最近两年内在专业验光机构那里获得的。

28、Therefore ophthalmic nursing staffs must learn some new knowledge and new techniques to adapt to current more complicated and subtle operation demand of patients. ─── 因此眼科护理人员必须更新知识、学习新技术,才能适应现代更复杂、更精细的手术要求。就此演变过程作一综述。

29、Arteriovenous shunt was found between superior ophthalmic vein and infraorbital branch of internal maxillary artery. ─── 在上眼静脉与内上颚动脉的眼窝下分支之间有不正常的瘘管。

30、flurbiprofen ophthalmic solution ─── 氟比洛芬滴眼液

31、HPLC method for determination of gatifloxacin and its related substances in ophthalmic gel was established. ─── 建立了HPLC法测定加替沙星眼用凝胶剂含量及有关物质。

32、Ophthalmic optics -- Spectacle frames -- Vocabulary and lists of equivalent terms. ─── 光学和光学仪器。眼镜框架。等义术语表及词汇。

33、Methods:To analyse the basic principle and function of ophthalmic optical-instruments by introducing basic principle and typical optical-instruments. ─── 方法:通过基本光学原理和典型光学仪器的简述来解析眼科光学仪器的基本原理和功能。

34、Neomycin sulfate ophthalmic preparation ─── 新霉素硫酸盐眼用制剂

35、Methods:A patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that presented with painful ophthalmoplegia, sensation loss in the distribution of the ophthalmic nerve and papilledema was retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析我科收治的1例表现为痛性眼肌麻痹、额部痛觉减退和视乳头水肿的非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者,并复习了既往报道的19例类似病例。

36、The equipment of ophthalmic medical treatment that where is is the most perfect? Can you treat an eye to lose sight of? ─── 在哪里的眼科医疗设备是最完善的?是可以治疗眼睛看不见的?

37、Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia . ─── 如果眼部麻醉剂溶液不容易得到,不要延误治疗。

38、National Ophthalmic Treatment Board ─── 全国眼病治疗委员会

39、The application of polylactide in biomedical field was introduced, such as medicine slow release, bone screw fixation, surgical suture, ophthalmic material.And the prospects were outlooked. ─── 介绍了聚乳酸在生物医学工程领域的应用,如药物缓释材料、骨固定材料、手术缝合线、眼科材料等,对其在生物医学领域的研究前景作了展望。

40、Fusion-welded multifocal photochromic ophthalmic lenses are composed of photochromic major lense and high refractive index segments lense. ─── 变色熔合双光镜片由变色大片和双光小片两部分玻璃材料组成。

41、The a cute instillation of 1g/L azone +33g/L acetazolamide ophthalmic solutions signif icantly lowered the IOP of normotensive albino rabbits at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 h by 0 .37, 0.54, 0.52, 0.46, 0.26 kPa, respectively (P

42、Is the ophthalmic hospital with best Yunnan that? ─── 云南最好的眼科医院是那家?

43、When he retired from his work as an Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioner, he decided to emulate English Botanist and Diatomist Dr.C.L.Odam and collect diatoms from tributaries. ─── 斯特林格曾是一家医院眼科护师,退休后,他决定效仿英国植物学家、硅藻研究专家奥达姆博士的做法,从河流采集硅藻。

44、The 707 eyes in the study were operated on by Dr.Berke and four of his colleagues from his priate practice group, Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island. ─── Berke博士解释说:全部707例患眼手术由他和他在LongIsland的眼科中心的个人同事完成。

45、Methods:with CDFI,blood velocity of ophthalmic artery(OA),ciliary artery(CA)and central retinal artery(CRA)were assessed in 30 normal cases,40 open angle glaucoma and 40 closure angle glaucoma. ─── 方法:用彩色多普勒成像技术检测30例正常人和40例开角型青光眼与40例闭角型青光眼患者的眼动脉(OA),睫状动脉(CA)和视网膜中央动脉(CRA)的血流动力学。

46、Objective: To survey the conditions of drug utilization of the ophthalmic patients and provide evidences for clinical medical staff so as to guide patients to use drugs reasonably and safely. ─── 摘要目的:了解眼科患者的用药情况,为临床医药工作者提供参考依据,使患者更加合理、安全的使用药品。

47、Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center (ZOC) of Sun Yat-sen University is the first and leading advanced ophthalmic center in China, integrating eye care, teaching, eye research and blindness prevention. ─── 中山大学中山眼科中心是集眼科医疗、教学、科研和防盲治盲为一体的眼科中心,整体学术水平在国内处于领先地位。

48、epinephrine bitartrate ophthalmic solution ─── [医] 重酒石酸肾上腺素眼溶液

49、Methods Twelve patients who were gathered with primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches were examined in ophthalmic conventionality items. ─── 方法对收集的12例多发性大动脉炎患者进行眼科常规检查,利用眼底照相和荧光素眼底血管造影对其中有眼部表现的7例14眼进行分析。

50、Objection: Research the curative effects of amblyopia by ophthalmic acupuncture. ─── 摘要目的:观察眼针疗法治疗弱视的疗效。

51、Methods The medical records of 39 patients with corneal tumors referred to Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University from Jan 1,1996 to Dec 31,2002 were reviewed retrospectively. ─── 方法对1996年1月至2002年12月经病理证实的39例角膜肿瘤进行回顾性分析。

52、Ophthalmic surgical blades (734) are manufactured from either a crystalline or polycrystalline material, preferably in the form of a wafer. ─── 眼科手术刀片(734)是用优选为晶片形式的结晶或多晶材料制造的。

53、Pimaricin ophthalmic preparation ─── 匹马菌素眼用制剂

54、To establish a HPLC method for determination of levofloxacin lactate ophthalmic gel. ─── 建立一种乳酸左氧氟沙星眼用凝胶中左氧氟沙星含量的测定方法。

55、The transparent nature of the eye makes the fundus images used routinely in ophthalmic practice for recording, diagnostic and follow-up purposes. ─── 利用电脑影像处理的技术加上不同滤波器的使用,可以准确且客观地定量及分析眼底的病变参数,如动静脉比,动静脉交叉现象,出血区,渗出物区等。

56、malnutritional ophthalmic disease ─── 小儿疳眼, 眼疳

57、Any ophthalmic disorder may thus negatively impact on this process, especially if it is unrecognised in the early years of life. ─── 因而任何视觉器官的障碍都对此发展存在着负面影响,特别是如果这种情况在他们幼年时未被发现。

58、Intraoperative angiography showed that satisfying management was achieved in 36 of the 38 patients (94.7%), and residue of ophthalmic artery aneurysm was seen in 1 patient which underwent clip adjustment later. ─── 36例(94·7%)经过造影证实病变处理满意,1例(9·0%)眼动脉瘤夹闭后有残留,重新调整动脉瘤夹;

59、prednisolone sodium phosphate ophthalmic solution ─── 强的松龙磷酸钠眼用液

60、Because many cases of childhood myasthenia are first seen in the ophthalmic clinic, ophthalmologists should pay special attention when seeing patients with ptosis or ophthalmoplegia. ─── 治疗以抗胆硷脂?及免疫抑制剂等内科药物治疗为主,眼睑下垂及斜视的矫正手术仅适用于极少数症状稳定的病人。

61、Price FW, Wellemeyer M. Long-term results of Molteno implants. Ophthalmic Surg 1995; 26: 130. ─── 段宣初,蒋幼芹,熊小玲.国产房水引流置入物治疗顽固性青光眼近期疗效观察.中华眼科杂志1997;33:121-123.

62、Latest development of ophthalmic surgery worldwide; Standard operation of ophthalmic surgery; introducing courses of international standards, and; Ophthalmic surgery management. ─── 会议内容:国际眼科手术最新进展;眼科手术标准操作;引入国际标准课程;眼科手术管理等。

63、Objective To study ophthalmic manifestation and the types of injury in fishermen poisoned by harmful gas generated by decayed anchovy fish from fishing boat cabins where they work. ─── 摘要目的研究渔民在鱼舱内作业因鳀鱼腐败后产生有害气体中毒时,眼部临床表现及其分型。方法观察256例鳀鱼腐败气体中毒患者结膜、角膜、房水及虹膜的临床表现。

64、R. is higher than other ophthalmic patients, but there is no significant difference between patients with recurrent C.S.C.R. and those with ordinary C.S.C.R. ─── 其比例较其他眼科门诊病患高,但复发型与初次发病的18例之间则无显著差异。

65、It is performed in this country by just one ophthalmic surgeon, Mr Christopher Liu of the Sussex Eye Hospital in Brighton. ─── 在英国,只有布赖顿苏塞克斯眼科医院的眼科医生克里斯托佛·刘能做这样的手术。

66、Methods PYM was injected into the patients with ophthalmic hemangioma intermittently. ─── 方法间歇性瘤内注射平阳霉素。

67、Methods: Forty pedial patients undergoing ophthalmic operation of ASA class I were randomized into propofol group(group A, n =20),and Diazepam group(group B, n =20). ─── 方法 :选择ASAI级小儿眼科手术 4 0例 ,随机分为异丙酚组 (A组 ,n =2 0 )和安定组 (B组 ,n =2 0 )。

68、Methods: The ophthalmic patients or their families were surveyed and analyzed by random questionnaire survey. ─── 方法:对眼科就诊患者或其家属采用随机问卷方式,进行调查统计分析。

69、Methods:The color Doppler ultrasound was used to measure the ophthalmic blood vessels of sixty patients with hypertension,and the results were contrasted with the ophthalmic fundal disease. ─── 方法:对60例各期高血压患者进行了眼血管彩色多普勒检测,并与眼底病变进行对比观察。

70、Methods: People of the age of 65 or older were enrolled for interviews and ophthalmic examinations in a visual health care survey in Taipei and Matsu. ─── 方法:本研究以台北市大同、中山区及连江县南竿、北竿乡地区65岁(含)以上老人为筛检对象,进行视力检查。

71、homatropine hydrobromide ophthalmic solution ─── 氢溴酸后马托品眼科用液

72、Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center was one of the first institutions approved to award master and PhD degrees. ─── 中山大学中山眼科中心是我国可招收眼科硕士和博士研究生最早的单位之一。

73、The properties of gellan gum and its application in pharmaceutics including ophthalmic, nasal and sustained-release preparations are reviewed. ─── 本文介绍了其有关性质及近年来在眼用制剂、鼻用制剂、缓控释制剂等药剂学领域中的应用。

74、Hydrocortisone ophthalmic preparation ─── 氢化可的松眼用制剂

75、Polymyxin B sulfate ophthalmic preparation ─── 多粘菌素B硫酸盐眼用制剂

76、In 1990, the ophthalmic laboratory of the Ministry of Health was set up in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center. ─── 1990年,卫生部批准在中山眼科中心内成立卫生部眼科学实验室;

77、She said she knows some good places where you can find ophthalmic opticians and buy glasses, one in Shenzhen and the other in Guangzhou. ─── 她说她知道深圳有一个配眼镜不错的地方,广州也有一个配眼镜不错的地方。

78、In situ ophthalmic gel changes from liquid drug to gel phase upon exposure to physiological conditions, resulting in an increase in the precorneal residence time of drugs. ─── 在体凝胶剂可使药物在生理条件下由溶液向凝胶转化,延长药物在角膜前的滞留时间。

79、Amblyopia is a common ophthalmic disease,but the underlying neural mechanism is still not clear. ─── 弱视作为常见的儿童眼病,其发病机制自今仍未完全清楚。

80、It is successful for 33 cases ophthalmic surgery to use peribulbar anesthesia . including senile cataract 23 cases, glaucoma 4 caes. ─── 在球周麻醉下成功施行眼科手术33例,其中老年性白内障23例,青光眼4例,裂源性网脱6例。

81、Thomas McCormick, her father was an ophthalmic surgeon and a classics' scholar. ─── 她的父亲则是位眼科医师和传统优雅的学者。

82、Keywords concomitant squint;ophthalmic surgery; ─── 共同性斜视;眼外科手术;

83、Methods The blood flow of central retinal artery (CRA) and ophthalmic artery(OA) were measured by colour Doppler imaging(CDI) of both eyes before trabeculectomy and after surgery of primary open angle glaucoma(POAG). ─── 方法 用彩色多普勒 (CDI)检测POAG小梁切除术前、后及非手术眼的视网膜中央动脉 (CRA)、眼动脉 (OA)的血流动力学改变情况。

84、Method:66 cases are all treated by the ophthalmic acupuncture mostly,and the body acupuncture,envelope by glasses and fine trainings of vision are assistant. ─── 方法:66例患者均以眼针疗法为主,配合体针疗法,戴镜遮盖+精细眼力作业训练。

85、If available, apply a few drops of aqueous topical ophthalmic anesthetic solution to the eyes (proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5%). Do not delay treatment if ophthalmic anesthetic solution is not readily available. ─── 如果有的话,滴几滴局部眼部麻醉剂的水溶液到眼睛里。如果眼部麻醉剂溶液不容易得到,不要延误治疗。

86、It has been said that there is no systemic disease which does not have a sign identifiable on ophthalmic examination. ─── 可以说没什么系统性疾病不具有眼科检查可识别的迹象。

87、Ophthalmic optics - Specifications for ready-to-wear spectacles. ─── 眼科光学.试戴镜规范

88、The uniersal findings of type III were engorged superior ophthalmic eins through the transorbital window in all patients. ─── III型经眼窗检查,所以表现为眼上静脉扩张。

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