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09-04 投稿



gnosis 发音


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gnosis 网络释义

n. 灵知;真知;直觉

gnosis 相似词语短语

1、monosis ─── 单胞菌病

2、enosis ─── n.合并;希腊与塞浦路斯合并运动

3、gliosis ─── n.神经胶质过多症

4、diagnosis ─── n.诊断

5、gnoses ─── n.灵知;真知;直觉(gnosis的变形)

6、gaposis ─── 因衣服太紧纽扣间出现的裂口

7、-gnosis ─── n.灵知;真知;直觉

8、kenosis ─── n.神性放弃

9、gnostic ─── adj.(尤指深奥神秘的)知识(有关)的;(与)诺斯替教(有关)的;n.诺斯替教徒

gnosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Like other dualistic systems, it stresses salvation of the soul through esoteric knowledge, or gnosis, of its divine origin. (Its name derives from mandayya, “having knowledge. ─── 和其他二元论体系一样,曼达派强调灵魂透过奥秘的知识或诺斯(即真知)而获得解脱。

2、Result The CT tape? clinics(GCS) and pro gnosis( GOS) have negative correlation. ─── 结果CT分型与临床(GCS)、预后(GOS)呈负相关。

3、Survey of knowledge-based fault dia gnosis methods ─── 基于知识的故障诊断方法综述

4、This item is not bad,and feels high class,is it gnosis?What stuff? ─── 是日本人还是华侨??????这件东西不错喔.感觉很高级喔.是灵芝吗?是什么料子的?

5、Gnosis tries to discover herself at the beginning. ─── 简正怡的作品尝试藉由探索自己为出发点。

6、To support this, I created a little recursive traversal function that walks all the nodes of a gnosis. xml. objectify object. ─── 为此我创建了一个小型的递归便利函数来遍历gnosis.xml.objectify对象中的所有节点。

7、improvised spell: A spell cast using only the mage's raw Supernal understanding (Gnosis) and Arcanum lore. ─── 即兴法术:仅通过法师的天生对上界的理解(灵知)和奥秘学识来施展的法术。

8、You've always known what Friendship is, Gnosis and praxis too. You stand at every crossroads So good and strong and true. ─── 你一贯知道友谊到底是什么,不仅心灵甜美,还要不辞牺牲。你挺立在一个个十字路口,那么善良,那么刚毅,那么忠贞。

9、He suggests that gnosis is just another form of ordinary knowledge. ─── 他暗示灵知仅仅是惯常知识的另一种形式。

10、Gnosis and praxis too. ─── 并要表里如一。

11、Methods] Dia gnosis was made th rough interrogation, overall physical examination and determination on TCA in th e urine and lipid peroxidation index. ─── 方法按调查表格逐项进行问诊,进行全面体格检查及尿中三氯乙酸(TCA)脂质过氧化指标的测定。

12、A mage can hold a number of prepared spells simultaneously equal to his Gnosis. ─── 法师可以同时持有的已准备法术数量等于他的灵知。

13、The designation Gnosticism, derived from the Greek gnostikos (one who has gnosis, or "secret knowledge"), is a term of modern scholarship. ─── 诺斯替主义的名称,源自希腊的灵智派(拥有灵知,或者“秘密知识”),是一个现代的学术用语。

14、gnosis sensibility ─── 认知感觉

15、5、She's gonna die if I don't make a dia gnosis , which is where you come in. ─── 如果我们不作出一个诊断她会死亡的,你们谁愿加入.

16、This study was designed to investigate the relatio nship between the expressions of p53,c-erbB2Genes,and PCNA with the pro gnosis from the patients with EOC. ─── 为进一步探讨p53、c-erbB2基因和PCNA表达与卵巢上皮性癌预后的关系,我们进行了本研究。

17、Thirdly, students should be inspired to be a generation with new personality carrying out Three Represents and step from gnosis to practice. ─── 三是启迪学生立志做实践“三个代表”的一代新人,从真知走向真行。

18、Or as part of the Gnosis Utilities package. ─── 或作为Gnosis实用程序包一部分的。

19、Keywords Breast Lesions Frozen Section Dia gnosis Analysis; ─── 乳腺病变;冷冻切片;诊断;分析;

20、The easiest way to understand what gnosis. xml. validity does is to see it used. ─── 理解gnosis.xml.validity做了什么的最简单方法是看它是如何使用的。

21、The pro gnosis for weak acid injury to the upper digestive tract is good although large amounts can still cause ulcerative injury to the mucosa. ─── 较大量的弱酸吞食仍会导致胃及食道之粘膜溃疡性伤害,出现临床症状,不过其预后仍然良好,不像强碱或强碱那样会造成非常严重之腐蚀性伤害。

22、a religious orientation advocating gnosis as the way to release a person's spiritual element; considered heresy by Christian churches ─── 提倡以灵的直觉解放人的精神的一种宗教信仰;被视为邪教的一种基督教

23、Study is the happy way to obtain knowledge, the spiritual gnosis of our lifetime. ─── 读书是一种获取知识的快乐活动,是伴随一生的精神感悟。

24、Conclusions The acute leu kemias have high telomerase activity,which related to clinical course.The test of telomerase can be used to diagnose and predict pro gnosis of leukemias. ─── 结论急性白血病较高的端粒酶活性与临床病情演变相关,分析白血病细胞端粒酶活性,对白血病临床诊断和治疗具有一定意义。

25、Gnosis comes from practice,it's not bad on hand!It is satisfied,keep working,thanks! ─── 实践出真知,上手的效果不错!接近度令人满意.继续努力吧,谢谢!

26、Player vs Player combat will be very rewarding and it is one of the main ways of getting the main resource in the game, gnosis . ─── 球员与球员作战是非常有价值的,它是一个主要的方法来获取资源主要在游戏中,预后。

27、To download the module by itself or as part of Gnosis Utilities. ─── 以下载该模块本身或将其作为Gnosis实用程序中的一部分。

28、Player vs Player combat will be very rewarding and it is one of the main ways of getting the main resource in the game, gnosis. ─── 球员与球员作战是非常有价值的,它是一个主要的方法来获取资源主要在游戏中,预后.

29、For example, before this article, I never used setuptools with my "Gnosis Utilities." ─── 例如,在本文之前,我从没有对自己的“Gnosis Utilities”使用过setuptools。

30、Especially during the life and study, gnosis has taken up the main part.They always want to see whatever they are doing, to hear it,to touch it and even to have a try by thenselves. ─── 特别是在幼儿的生活和学习中,直觉行动思维占主导地位,无论做什么总想亲自去看一看,听一听,摸一摸,试一试。

31、Every bright brushwork always can illuminate me and every image can move me and bring me some surprises and gnosis. ─── 画布上的每一点亮色都能照亮我,每一个形象都能感染我,带给我一些惊喜与感悟。

32、Choose visual gnosis persistence ─── 选择反应时间

33、Keywords Visual fatigue;Choose visual gnosis persistence;Average change ration; ─── 视觉疲劳;选择反应时间;平均变化率;

34、trust your intuition?trust your gnosis?trust your hunch?trust your instinct? ─── 以上是相信你的直觉。哪个用词会很完美一些呢?

35、25. But Mani was the greatest prophet who, as the paraclete, proclaimed a salvation by knowledge (gnosis) consisting of strict ascetic practices. ─── 但是,摩尼是一个最伟大的先知,作为一位辩护者,宣布拯救是通过知识(灵知),由严厉的禁欲修行组成。

36、Arcane Experience: A special type of experience point awarded for epiphanies about the supernatural world. Arcane Experience can normally be spent only to raise a character's Gnosis. ─── 奥秘体验:特殊类型的经验值,通过对上界的顿悟而获得。奥秘体验仅能用于提升人物的灵知。

37、4. But Mani was the greatest prophet who, as the paraclete, proclaimed a salvation by knowledge (gnosis) consisting of strict ascetic practices. ─── 但是,摩尼是一个最伟大的先知,作为一位辩护者,宣布拯救是通过知识(灵知),由严厉的禁欲修行组成。收藏指正

38、Importing gnosis now works fine in a script. ─── 导入gnosis现在可以在一个脚本中运行。

39、2.By studying the realms of the Umbra, they learn to understand great secrets, increasing their mystical understanding or Gnosis. ─── 通过了解影界世界,他们探寻那些大秘密、扩大对神秘世界的了解、增进灵知的力量。

40、Keywords Linglong gold field;characteristic of 175th branch vein;occurrence regularity of orebody;mineralizing pro gnosis; ─── 玲珑金矿田;175号脉特征;矿体赋存规律;成矿预测;

41、7.It is similar to the Cathar doctrine and he himself stated that he was restating the Hermetic gnosis and explaining the misunderstood central quest of alchemy. ─── 它与卡特里派信条相似,他声称自己正在重新叙述秘传的诺斯替派和解释了对炼金术主要寻求的误解。

42、Objective To investigate the differential dia gnosis between ankylosing spondyli tis(AS)and condensing ostitis(CO)and to analyze their clinical manifesta tions and CT features. ─── 目的探讨强直性脊柱炎与致密性骨炎的临床及影像学鉴别诊断。方法对38例强直性脊柱炎,21例致密性骨炎临床表现与影像检查进行回顾性分析对比。

43、a religious orientation advocating gnosis as the way to release a person's spiritual element; considered heresy by Christian churches. ─── 提倡以灵的直觉解放人的精神的一种宗教信仰;被视为邪教的一种基督教。

44、gnosis. xml. objectify attaches subelement nodes directly as attributes of nodes (every node is of a custom class named after the tag name). ─── objectify将子元素节点直接作为节点的属性进行连接(每个节点都是一个根据标记名命名的定制类)。

45、Zhong Baihua's Gnosis to Goethe's Art Life ─── 宗白华对歌德艺术人生的感悟

46、Hebei Normal Unviversity(founded in 1902):Hold the world, Seek the gnosis. ─── 河北师范大学(创建于1902年):怀天下,求真知

47、Chen Wei's favorite saying is, “Memory is knowledge;from your memories you find gnosis. ─── 陈维的名言是“回忆等于知识:从你的回忆中可以找到真知。”

48、By studying the realms of the Umbra, they learn to understand great secrets, increasing their mystical understanding or Gnosis. ─── 通过了解影界世界,他们探寻那些大秘密、扩大对神秘世界的了解、增进灵知的力量。

49、I don't think that I have thought these concepts and their mutual relations clear thoroughly.I wish in the years ahead that I am able to get further understand and gnosis. ─── 我并没有想透这些概念和相互的关系,但愿今后的岁月,能让我有进一步的领会和感悟。

50、Gnosis on Compiling Teaching Plan of Case ─── 案例编写中的几点感悟

51、Conclusions:Taking history of disease entirely,examining body carefully,chosing special examination correctly are the way of avoiding misdia gnosis. ─── 结论:详细询问病史,仔细体格检查,正确选用特殊检查可避免误诊。

52、But Simon's gnosis remained essentially Jewish and monotheistic, as did that of the Gnostic circles to which later parts of the New Testament allude. ─── 但是,西蒙的诺斯替主义本质上保留着犹太教和一神论的元素,诺斯替的盘绕也映射在新旧的后期部分。

53、Fault Dia Gnosis of the Non-Distributor Electronic Ignition System of a FORD Passenger Car ─── 福特轿车无分电器电子点火系统的故障诊断

54、An improvised spell's dice pool = Gnosis + Arcanum dots. ─── 即兴法术的骰库=灵知+奥秘点数。

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