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09-04 投稿



herniae 发音

英:[['h?:na?i:]]  美:[['h?:na?i:]]

英:  美:

herniae 中文意思翻译



herniae 词性/词形变化,herniae变形

名词复数: hernias |形容词: hernial |

herniae 相似词语短语

1、hernio- ─── 铼

2、herniated ─── 突出

3、herniate ─── v.(器官)成疝,突出

4、herniates ─── v.(器官)成疝,突出

5、heroine ─── n.女主角;女英雄;女杰出人物

6、hernial ─── adj.疝的;脱肠的

7、hermae ─── n.上有赫尔密斯头像的方形石柱(herma的变形)

8、hernias ─── n.[外科]疝;突出(hernia的复数)

9、hernia ─── n.[中医]疝气;脱肠

herniae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He ruptured himself(= got a hernia)trying to lift the piano. ─── 他试着搬动钢琴,发了疝气。

2、Cost-effectiveness in the laboratory: should we examine hernia sacs or calcified heart valves? ─── 实验室中的成本效益:我们应该检验疝气囊或钙化心瓣膜吗?

3、To investigate the characteristics of Sandwich mesh repair for treatmant of groin hernia. ─── 摘要目的探讨三明治法网片修补术治疗腹股沟疝的特点。

4、Abstract: Objective To explore the etiology of incision hernia of abdominal wall. ─── 文摘:目的探讨腹壁切口疝的发病原因。

5、Both of the patients suffered conscious disturbance and dyscoria, like the manifestations of cerebral hernia. ─── 两例患者治疗过程中都出现意识障碍,瞳孔异常,类似于脑疝表现。

6、Methods Marlex Mesh & Plug (Bard Co,USA)was used in tension free hernioplasty for 96 patients with inguinal hernia. ─── 方法 采用美国巴德公司聚丙烯网塞及补片对 96例腹股沟疝病人施行无张力疝修补术。

7、To the best of our knowledge, there are fewer than 30 cases of handlebar hernia reported in the English literature. ─── 就我们所知,文献上被报告的手把性疝气的病例不超过 30 例,而且相关的腹内脏器伤害也少见。

8、Methods The tension-free hernia repair was administered in 21 emergency patients with incarcerated hernia using the Bard Marlex mesh perfix plug. ─── 方法采用美国Bard公司的M arlex m eshperfix p lug成型产品,对21例嵌顿疝行疝环充填式无张力疝修补术。

9、A 57 y/o male patient started to lose balance and fall while walking after operation on right hernia. ─── 摘要57岁男性患者,因右侧疝气开刀后,失去平衡感,走路易偏倒,故寻求中医治疗。

10、Methods:The experiences of 116 patients with inguinal hernia treated by Mesh plug hernia repair from March 1999 to March 2002 were summarized. ─── 方法:总结1999年3月至2002年3月采用疝环充填式无张力疝修补术治疗116例腹股沟疝的经验。

11、There is an inherent disadvantage of forcibly bringing together the two sides of a hernia defect. ─── 把疝两侧的组织强行拉在一起,进行缝合有其固有的缺陷。

12、He had a hernia in his testicle, but was too scared to get it checked. ─── 亚历山大先生的睾丸上长了一个突起,但是因为过于害怕,他不愿接受检查。

13、Methods:The data of 15 cases with adult inguinal hernia operated by TEP were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:对15例腹股沟斜疝行腹腔镜完全腹膜外疝修补手术(TEP)的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

14、Inguinal bladder hernia is a rare clinical condition, reported in1 to4% of inguinal hernia cases. ─── 摘要腹股沟膀胱疝气是一种罕见的临床病症,占所有腹股沟疝气的百分之一至四。

15、Methods 256 patients were treated by mesh &plug hernia repair with BardR Mesh &PerFixR Plug,C.R.Bard Inc. ─── 方法使用美国巴德公司的疝环充填物及网状补片,对256例各类腹股沟疝病人进行无张力修补治疗;

16、This bowel was caught in a hernia and the mesenteric blood supply was constricted by the small opening to the hernia sac. ─── 但这段肠发生了肠疝,由于疝环很小,因此肠系膜动脉供血明显减少。

17、Ventral hernia is a common type of abdominal wall hernia, but ventral hernia developing after blunt abdominal trauma is rare. ─── 摘要腹部疝气为一种常见的腹壁疝气,但因腹部钝伤造成的腹部疝气却相当罕见。

18、To be a hernia operation is simple. ─── 做个疝气手术其实很简单。

19、Methods:Myelography and CTM scanning were performed in 200 patients with surgically proved intervertebral disc hernia. ─── 方法 :回顾性分析 2 0 0例经手术证实的腰椎间盘突出症患者脊髓造影与CTM检查的影像资料。

20、Robbin AW,Rutkou IM.Mesh plug repair and groin hernia surgery[J].Surg Clin North Am,1998;78(6):1007. ─── 二十世纪西方国家疝外科的发展史[A].上海.中华医学会第十四届全国外科学术会议论文汇编[C],2001:74.

21、Objective To summarize experience of treating adult strangulated indirect inguinal hernia. ─── 摘要目的总结外科治疗成人绞窄性腹股沟斜疝的经验。

22、Abstract: Purpose: To probe into the method of surgical of BPH with inguinal hernia. ─── 文摘:目的:探讨前列腺增生症合并腹股沟疝一次性手术方法。

23、Protrusion of mucous membrane through the wall of the pharynx; hernia of the pharynx. ─── 咽突出,咽囊肿通过咽壁的粘膜上的突出;咽的突出部分

24、KNEW as soon as I entered the Munich Hernia Centre that I was going to be in expert hands. ─── 当我进入慕尼黑疝气中心时,我知道已经将自已的命运放在了专家的手里。

25、But that is not good enough for certain sections of the media, and reports today claim Owen may need a hernia operation. ─── 但是对于有些媒体来说这个结果实在不够好,他们纷纷报道说欧文需要做疝气手术。狂笑。

26、Methods:Forty cases of inguinal hernia in the elderly were performed by applying the PHS,including two cases of pantaloon hernia. ─── 方法:使用强生公司PHS修补老年腹股沟疝40例(包括马鞍疝2例),其中有单侧疝36例,双侧疝4例;

27、Be urgent! How is umbilical hernia treated? ─── 急!脐疝怎么治疗?

28、 双语使用场景

29、Methods We reviewed the clinical data of 45 cases with incarcerated inguinal hernia in newborns. ─── 方法回顾分析45例新生儿嵌顿性腹股沟斜疝的临床资料。

30、Among patients with reflux esophagitis, hiatal hernia was more frequent in those with NAFLD (72% vs 49% in controls). ─── 在返流性食管炎的患者中,有NAFLD的患者其食管裂孔疝发病率更高(72%vs49%对照组)。

31、Hiatal hernia and duodenal lesions were frequent accompanying digestive tract diseases. ─── 内镜表现食管粘膜红斑者占9.7%。

32、Bergsbein JM, Gondon BE. Obturator hernia: Current diagnosis and treatment[J].Surgery, 1996(119):133-136. ─── 张兴明,高根五,朱代华.闭孔疝12例误诊原因分析[J].中国实用外科杂志,1999(7):438.

33、An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. ─── 当部分肠道通过腹部肌肉的薄弱点突出时,则发生了脐疝。

34、Method The data of diagnosis and treatment on congenital diaphragmatic hernia in 17 patients were reviewed. ─── 方法回顾性分析17例先天性膈疝的诊断与治疗资料。

35、Method: We reviewed and andlyzed 4 cases data of volvus of testis misdiagnosis inguimal hernia. ─── 方法:回顾性总结4例睾丸扭转误诊为腹股沟嵌顿疝患者的诊治资料,结合文献进行分析。

36、Objective To investigate the effect of the suture of transverse abdominal velum in the groin hernia repair. ─── 摘要目的探讨腹横筋膜缝合在腹股沟疝修补术中的应用价值。

37、Among the many likely diagnoses were hiatal or diaphragmatic hernia, neuroblastoma, neurenteric cyst, esophageal duplications... ─── 可能的鉴别诊断有:裂孔或膈疝,神经母细胞瘤,神经管原肠囊肿,食管重复畸形等。

38、Paul McShane did not feature in relegated Brighton's5-1 defeat to Stoke as his recuperation from a hernia operation continues back in Manchester. ─── 保罗-迈克夏恩没有在布莱顿1-5惨败给斯托克的比赛中上场,他还得在曼彻斯特进行疝气手术的恢复。

39、Methods Minithoracotomy Herniography ligation in the treatment of 128 cases of children with indirect inguinal hernia. ─── 方法采用微创小切口疝囊高位结扎术治疗小儿腹股沟斜疝128例。

40、Methods Marlex Mesh &Plug (Bard Co,USA)was used in tension free hernioplasty for 96 patients with inguinal hernia. ─── 方法采用美国巴德公司聚丙烯网塞及补片对96例腹股沟疝病人施行无张力疝修补术。

41、The rest were diagnosed respectively as harelip,spinal bifida and hernia of brin. ─── 其余 3例分别经胎儿镜确诊为唇裂、脊柱裂及脑疝。

42、How to complete the treatment of lumbar disc hernia, bone hyperplasia, spur? ─── 怎样彻底治疗腰椎盘突出,骨质增生,骨刺?

43、Abstract : Objective:To summarize the clinical experiences of patch repair on giant abdominal incisional hernia. ─── 摘要 : 目的:总结补片修补巨大腹壁切口疝的临床经验。

44、Methods 62 gerontal patients with groin hernia were treated by mesh &plug hernia repair with mesh &Perfix plug. ─── 方法使用聚丙烯锥形充填物及成型补片对62例老年腹股沟疝施行疝环充填式无张力修补。

45、Objective To summary the experience of diagnosis and treatment of incarcerated inguinal hernia in newborns. ─── 摘要目的总结新生儿嵌顿性腹股沟斜疝的诊治经验。

46、Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a cardiopulmonary anomaly that causes severe respiratory disorder. ─── 摘要先天性横膈膜疝气是一种会导致严重心肺功能异常的先天性心肺畸型。

47、Andriy Shevchenko will have a groin hernia operation tomorrow (Tuesday). ─── 安德烈.舍甫琴科将会在明天(星期二)进行一次鼠蹊疝气手术。

48、Method All kinds of monkey hernia were diagnosed and actualized surgical operation. ─── 方法各种猕猴疝经确诊,实施手术治疗。

49、The occurrence of peptic ulcer in some pa-tients with hiatal hernia may necessitate considerationof both diagnosis. ─── 对一些裂孔病患者,出现消化性溃疡时,须考虑两种疾患的诊断。

50、Complications from conventional and tension-free hernia repair are few and not life threatening. ─── 无张力手术和传统手术后的并发症并不多,而且不危及生命。

51、Objective: To summary the clinical experience of Tension-free Hernioplasty Treatment for Elder Inguinal Hernia. ─── 摘要目的:总结无张力疝修补术治疗老年腹股沟疝的临床经验。

52、Objective: To investigate the incidence of groin hernia in part of the Shanghai area. ─── 了解上海部分地区的腹股沟疝的患病及相关情况。

53、The hernia repair methods were introduced,the most popular operation was tension-free repair. ─── 介绍了外科疝修补手术和最常用的无张力修补方法。

55、Method: 46 patients were treated by mesh &plug hernia repair with Bard Mesh &PerFix Plug, C.R.Bard Inc. ─── 方法:使用美国巴德公司的疝环充填物及网状补术对46例各类腹股沟疝病人进行无张力疝修补治疗;

56、Excels to treat: Appendix, hernia, liver, gallbladder, kidney, vesical calculus, sterile sterile. ─── 擅长治疗:阑尾、疝气、肝、胆、肾、膀胱结石,不孕不育。

57、Small bowel obstruction is usually acute and is due most often to external herniae, inguinal and femoral. ─── 小肠梗阻通常是急性的,而且最常见的原因是腹股沟和股部的外疝。

58、Methods:9 cases of obturator hernia proven surgical ly and pathologically were analyzed retrospectively with CT findings. ─── 方法回顾分析9例经CT术前检查、并为手术证实的闭孔疝CT表现。

59、Herein, we present a case of transmesenteric hernia with multiple episodes of postprandial abdominal pain, vomiting and unexplained ileus. ─── 我们提出壹例屡患餐后腹痛、呕吐及不明原因之肠阻塞的经肠系膜疝气案例。

60、The total effective rate was 64.3%,in which an ineffcient was observed in 10 patients,and 7 cases died from hernia cerebri. ─── 10例无效患者中 7例死于脑疝。

61、Methods 526 cases of inguinal hernia underwent tension-free hernioplasty with kugel. ─── 方法回顾性分析采用记忆弹力环补片进行无张力疝修补526例的临床资料。

62、Defender Glen Johnson undergoes hernia surgery in Germany today, and is expected to be back before the end of the season . ─── 今天,后卫格伦-约翰逊在德国进行了疝气手术,预计将在这个赛季结束时回到队伍里。

63、The triad that bears his name is the association of hiatal hernia, gallbladder disease, and diverticulosis. ─── 以他名字命名的三联征是联合存在食道裂孔疝、胆囊疾病和憩室。

64、The hernia mimicked a large abdominal wall carbuncle. ─── 初期被诊断为腹壁痈而转诊至外科。

65、Objective: To introduce a modified darn repair procedure by summarizing the clinical experience in treating 67 cases with inguinal hernia. ─── 摘要目的:介绍一种改良编织式修补术,并总结其治疗67例腹股沟庙的临床经验。

66、Figure 4. Ventral hernia with omental fat protruding through the defect in the rectus sheath. Arrows point to the defect in the rectus sheath. ─── 图4。腹疝,大网膜经缺损的腹直肌鞘突出。箭头指示腹直肌鞘缺损。

67、Methods 150 cases of inguinal hernia (direct and indirect) undenvent tension-free hernioplasty with Marlex mesh. ─── 方法采用聚丙烯网片进行无张力疝修补150例(其中包括直疝及斜疝)。

68、It is this failing which has produced a long saga of repeated recurrences following hernia operations. ─── 传统手术的这一缺陷导致了历经一个多世纪的,连续不断的疝复发。

69、Abstract: Objective To investigate the efficacy of prolene mesh in treating incisional hernia. ─── 文摘:目的总结应用聚丙烯网片修补腹壁切口疝的体会。

70、When people speculate on the future of Dixon, the star has infected sports hernia and had to retire early announcement. ─── 当人们猜测着迪克森的前途的时候,这位新星却感染上运动型疝气而不得不早早宣布退役。

71、Hiatus hernia is rarely found to be associated with partial gastric obstruction. ─── 摘要食道裂孔赫尼亚很少被发现并发有部分胃阻塞。

72、Objective To discuss the CT imaging features of terminal transtentorial hernia and appraisal of clinical prognosis. ─── 摘要目的探讨晚期小脑幕裂孔下疝CT征象与临床预后的关系。

73、Methods Prolene mesh was used to repair14 cases of incisional hernia in abdominal wall, and3 of them were recurrent incisional hernia. ─── 方法应用聚丙烯网片修补11例切口疝及3例复发性切口疝。

74、A polypropylene patch or screen covers the hernia completely and is "tension-free"". ─── 图3用一张聚丙烯网片覆盖在缺损部位之上,完全没有张力。

75、Figure 6. A, Spigelian hernia containing bowel loops. B, Spigelian hernia containing obstructed bowel loops. ─── 图6。A,包含肠环的半月线疝。B,半月线疝包含梗阻的肠管。

76、Seventy six cases had assosiated anomalies, consisting mainly of cryptorchidism, hernia, bifid scrotum, and intersex. ─── 在186位患者中,有13位患者的兄弟,亦有尿道下裂的情形,亦即家族发生率约6.9%。

77、Itinerant surgeons operated for stone, cataract, and hernia. ─── 巡回的外科医生对结石、白内障和疝进行手术。

78、The fossa of Landzert, present in about 2% of autopsies, is recognized as inducing left paraduodenal hernia (PDH). ─── Landzert隐窝尸检的检出率约2%,易引起左侧十二指肠旁疝(PDH)。

79、Methods The clinical date of 5 patients with heart hernia were retrospectively analysed. ─── 方法回顾性分析5例心疝并发症的发生和救治经过。

80、I think it may have been the hernia I suffered after moving all those boxes of clothes into my new apartment. ─── 我想,也许是因为在把所有成箱的衣服都搬到我的新公寓后我就患上了疝气的缘故吧。

81、He got a hernia when he tried to lift 100 pounds. ─── 当他尝试举起100磅时,他疝气了。

82、We report a case of a 6-month-old infant with an irreducible left inguinal ovarian hernia. ─── 摘要我们提出一个六岁小孩发生难以恢复的卵巢会阴脱出之病例之影像表现。

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