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09-04 投稿



Lahore 发音

英:  美:

Lahore 中文意思翻译



Lahore 短语词组

1、Lahore Fort ─── 拉合尔堡

2、lahore city ─── 拉合尔市

Lahore 相似词语短语

1、abore ─── 中止

2、fahlore ─── [矿物]黝铜矿

3、-chore ─── n.家庭杂务;日常的零星事务;讨厌的或累人的工作

4、-phore ─── 荧光团

5、Lahore ─── n.拉合尔(巴基斯坦城市)

6、Johore ─── n.柔佛(马来西亚州名)

7、Tagore ─── n.泰戈尔(印度诗人,曾获1913年诺贝尔文学奖,1861-1941)

8、afore ─── prep.在……以前;(名单或次序上)较……为先;在……面前;(重要性)在……之前;(指一段时间)临近(等于before);conj.在……以前;……之后才;要不然;(宁可……)也不愿(等于before);adv.从前;在前面(等于before)

9、adore ─── vt.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢;vi.崇拜;爱慕;n.(Adore)人名;(法)阿多尔

Lahore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The thousands of protesters in Lahore are expected to journey 260 kilometers to the capital, Islamabad, for a large rally Monday. ─── 数千名拉合尔的游行者可能会远行260公里至首都伊斯兰堡,于周一举行一场大的集会。

2、His resignation announcement set off jubilant gunfire in Pakistan's commercial capital of Karachi. Crowds also gathered to celebrate in the Pakistani cities of Islamabad and Lahore. ─── 穆沙拉夫宣布辞职后,巴基斯坦商业中心城市卡拉奇随即响起喜庆的枪炮声。在伊斯兰堡和拉合尔,人们纷纷集会庆祝。

3、The Pakistani air forces meanwhile put Lahore, Sargodha and other forward bases on alert to reduce reaction time. ─── 同时,巴空军已下令包括拉哈尔、萨戈达在内的所有前沿基地进入戒备状态,以减少反应时间。

4、Rakae Jamil, a musicologist with the Sanjan Nagar Institute of Philosophy and Arts in Lahore, says there is no doubt that Michael Jackson influenced the pop scene in Pakistan. ─── 拉齐.贾米尔是拉合尔的桑贾恩.纳加尔哲学和艺术研究所的音乐理论家。他说,迈克尔.杰克逊影响了巴基斯坦的流行歌坛,这点是毫无疑问的。

5、Over 1,800 of his supporters had been detained prior to his homecoming in Lahore, although they were not formally arrested. ─── 在他返回家乡拉合尔之前,就有超过1800名支持者被拘留,尽管这些支持者没有正式被捕。

6、Lahore sore ─── 欧亚型皮肤利什曼病

7、LAHORE: The military is prepared for house-to-house combat to flush out the Taliban from their urban strongholds in Swat. ─── 拉哈尔:政府军已经准备好巷战,要将塔利班从盘踞地赶走。

8、We also have offices in Lahore and Faisalabad, two of the most important cities for Textile Spinning Industry. ─── 简要说明: We would like to introduce our selves as a well-established indenting house based in Karachi.

9、MARKING MUHARRAM: Pakistani Shiite Muslims beat their chests during a Muharram procession in Lahore, Pakistan, Tuesday. ─── 纪念穆哈兰月:什叶派穆斯林周二在巴基斯坦拉合尔以击打自己胸膛的方式来纪念穆哈兰月。

10、I made a reservation in Lahore. ─── 我在拉合尔已预订房间。

11、In Hussainabad, a slum district of Lahore, a gang of men sunning themselves on a rubbish-strewn railway track say that they are normally PML(N) voters but this time will vote PPP. ─── 在拉合尔的一个贫民区Hussainadad,一群男人顶着强烈的日晒站在到处是垃圾的铁道上,讲道他们通常都是PML-N的支持者,但这次他们会把选票投给巴基斯坦人民党。

12、It took three hours of gun battles between police and militants to finally bring the situation in Lahore under control. ─── 警方与好战分子之间进行了三个小时的枪战之后才最终将拉合尔的形势控制住。

13、We also have a sales presence in Dubai( UAE) and Karachi( Pakistan) and sales and software development centers in Lahore ( Pakistan) and Beijing( China). ─── 我公司也在迪拜(联酋)卡拉奇(基斯坦)常驻销售中心,在拉合尔(基斯坦)北京(国)有软件研发中心。

14、The nomination documents were submitted by a member of the Pakistan Muslim League led by Shahbaz Sharif on August 26 in lahore on his own behalf ─── 这个提名文件是沙赫巴兹·谢里夫领导的巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟的人士于26日代表他本人在拉合尔市提交的。

15、Lahore Central Museum ─── 拉合尔中央博物馆

16、Nawaz Sharif is from my native city of Lahore. ─── 纳瓦兹谢里夫来自我的城市拉合尔。

17、lahor surpassed capital ─── 劳动超越资本

18、Someone else should be appointed," said Ferooz Menon, 37, who has an electronics business in the eastern city of Lahore. ─── 在拉何尔东部城市的从事电子生意,37岁的法如日-迈囊说。

19、A suicide bomb attack outside the High Court in Lahore, Pakistan, has killed at least 12 people, including police officers, officials say. ─── 官方媒体称,在巴基斯坦的拉合尔的高等法院外发生一起自杀性袭击事件,包括警方人员在内至少12人死亡。

20、As an aggressive patrolling mode, the Pakistani air force have been seen visibly flying in a number of cities such as Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore on Monday,a source said. ─── 作为一项预防措施,巴空军战斗机22日数次飞过伊斯兰堡、拉瓦尔品第、拉哈尔和其它城市上空。

21、Political analysts and sport enthusiasts say the repercussions from the attack in Lahore may be felt for years to come. ─── 政治分析家和体育爱好者说发生在拉哈尔的袭击的影响需要得好多年才能恢复。

22、Police tried to stop activists from gathering in Lahore for their long march on Islamabad. ─── 为了参加伊斯兰堡的长征活动,激进分子们在拉合尔市集结,警方设法加以阻止。

23、“THANK God she survived,” says Faqir Muhammad, a vegetable-seller with bearded gravitas, seated cross-legged before a heap of aubergines in the ancient walled city of Lahore. ─── “感谢真主她还活着,”古城拉合尔一位蓄有庄严胡须的菜商,FaqirMuhammad,盘腿坐在一大堆茄子前,这样说道。

24、It's very different, set in Lahore. ─── 非常与众不同,开始在拉合尔。

25、Less than a month before, a similar group had brazenly attacked a bus carrying the Sri Lankan national cricket team in Lahore. ─── 不到一个月前,一个类似的组织在拉合尔公然袭击了一辆载有斯里兰卡国家板球队的大客车。

26、“I have no vendetta,” he explained, seated in his opulent mansion near Lahore, guarded by two stuffed lions. ─── 谢里夫的官邸富丽堂皇,座落在拉合尔附近,门前有两个填充狮守卫。

27、nbsp;   The Punjabi chief ministers unprecedented threat came just ahead of the start of an annual kite-flying festival in the provincial capital, Lahore, Sunday. ─── 就在旁遮普省首府拉尔市准备在周日召开一年一度的风筝节前,旁遮普省省长发出了这个史无前例的警告。

28、XML consultant Bilal Siddiqui received a degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan in 1995. ─── XML顾问Bilal Siddiqui在1995年从巴基斯坦的拉合尔工程与技术大学获得电子工程学位。

29、Lahore cloth ─── 拉合尔羊绒花呢

30、Pakistani man rests on a bench amongst floodwater after heavy monsoon rain in Lahore on July 12, 2008. Officials said Lahore had received 140mm of rain in the previous 24 hours. ─── 7月12日,巴基斯坦拉合尔的一名男子躺在长椅上小憩,而他的周围已是洪水漫漫。据当地一名官员称,在之前的24小时里,降雨量达到140毫米。

31、We are Fan Enterprises from Pakistan, Member of LCCI (Lahore Chamber of Commerace &Industry).We import clutch and other auto parts for diffrent cars. ─── 我们是巴基斯坦LCCI的成员,进口离合器等各种汽车配件,有意者请与我们联系.

32、That same tactic was used in last month's attack on a police building in Lahore, which killed at least 24 people. ─── 上个月拉赫尔的警察大楼受到袭击,手法如出一辙,造成至少24人死亡。

33、Lahore Fort ─── 拉合尔城堡

34、Daniyal Mueenuddin, who was brought up in Lahore and in Elroy, Wisconsin, has a talent for switching voices. ─── 戴尼亚儿.穆伊努丁在拉合尔和威斯康星的艾尔罗伊长大,用不同的声音呼吁是他的拿手好戏。

35、Pakistani officials said Monday's deadly assault on a police training center outside Lahore was planned by a top Pakistani Taliban commander who is now threatening attacks inside the United States. ─── 巴基斯坦官员说,拉合尔郊外一个警察训练中心星期一受到的致命攻击是巴基斯坦塔利班一名高级指挥官策划的,这个人现在威胁要在美国境内发动袭击。

36、Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry ─── 拉合尔工商会

37、Pakistani (left) and Indian border guards faced each other during a ceremony at the border near Lahore, Pakistan. ─── 巴基斯坦,拉合尔:巴基斯坦(左)和印度的边境士兵在仪式中打了个照面.

38、Mr Davis is such a figure of hate as he languishes in a Lahore jail that even his guards are kept unarmed for fear they might kill him. ─── 戴维斯先生就是这样一个遭人痛恨的人物以至于他在拉合尔的监狱的警卫都没有配备武器,因为怕对方杀了手无寸铁的他。

39、That Pakistan has now proved unable to protect the Sri Lankans, despite extraordinary efforts by Lahore's police in the face of a manifest threat to their lives, is, to say the least, dispiriting. ─── 尽管拉合尔市警察在对自己生命构成明显威胁的情况面前做出了巨大的努力,但是巴基斯坦现在已经被证明无法保护斯里兰卡球员,这至少可以说令人沮丧的。

40、Only eight people were killed in this week's ambush of Sri Lanka's cricket team in Lahore, none of them the assumed targets of the attack, the cricketers themselves (see article). ─── 本星期在拉豪,来自斯里兰卡的板球运动员遭到了袭击。八人身亡,但全部都不是运动员,那些袭击者预想的攻击目标。

41、It was mid-morning Wednesday, when a van pulled up to a building housing a police department on Fatima Jinnah road, one of Lahore's busiest. ─── 星期三上午,一辆货车驶至法蒂玛真纳路的一个警察署大楼,那是拉合尔的最繁忙的街道。

42、Lahore chaddar shawl ─── 拉合尔仿羊绒披巾

43、A city of west-central Pakistan west-southwest of Lahore. ─── 基达巴基斯坦中西部一城市,位于拉合尔西南偏西。

44、With some fast networking among the Lahore elite, Ms. Chiu found a new ally in a patron of the arts, Nusrat Jamil, who opened doors to Mr. ─── 通过拉合尔的一些上层社会关系,邱女士找到一个新的合作伙伴,一名艺术赞助者,NusratJamil。

45、Gunmen in Lahore, in Pakistan's Punjab province, attacked a bus carrying the Sri Lankan cricket team to an international match. ─── 在巴基斯坦旁遮普省的拉合尔地区,一群持枪歹徒袭击了一辆载有斯里兰卡国家板球队队员的巴士车,当时该客车正驶往一个国际赛场。

46、In 2005 a Pakistani lawyer contended in a Lahore court that Basant was not just a Hindu ritual but a lethal game. ─── 2005年时,一位巴基斯坦律师在拉合尔法院主张「巴桑特节」不仅是一种印度教的民俗,还是个危险游戏。

47、The Sri Lankan cricket team, shaken by the attack in Lahore, landed in a special aircraft in Colombo, early Wednesday, to emotional reunions with family and friends. ─── 受拉哈尔袭击惊吓的斯里兰卡板球队在周三早些时候乘坐专机抵达科伦坡和亲人朋友们团聚。

48、Xia men to Lahore air tickets xia men to Lahore special airfares xia men to Lahore discount tickets, ─── 厦门到拉合尔学生机票,北京到拉合尔航班时刻表

49、The Punjabi chief minister's unprecedented threat came just ahead of the start of an annual kite-flying festival in the provincial capital, Lahore, Sunday. ─── 就在旁遮普省首府拉尔市准备在周日召开一年一度的风筝节前,旁遮普省省长发出了这个史无前例的警告。

50、The Karachi Express night train was on its way from the southern city to Lahore when most of its carriages came off the rails and rammed into each other near the town of Mehrabpur, officials said. ─── 从南部城市拉合尔出发的卡拉奇号夜间列车在梅赫拉布布尔镇冲在一起,大部分车厢脱轨。

51、On May 5th, the day Mr Chaudhry's caravan came to Lahore, the PML-Q had to cancel a rival rally for lack of support. ─── 在5月5日,乔托里先生的车队来到拉舍尔的那天,PML-Q甚至不得不取消了一次针锋相对的集会,原因是无人捧场。

52、It is too easy to tumble into the brothels of Lahore or become one of the many “sparrows” begging on the streets. ─── 稍不经意,就会沦入拉合尔的妓院;或者在街头乞怜,加入诸多“可怜虫”的行列。

53、If there is any good to come out of the Lahore carnage, it may be the sense of "humiliation" that many Pakistani commentators are voicing. ─── 如果Lahore的血腥事件有任何正面意义的话,是许多巴基斯坦媒体评论员认识到不停的血腥事件是对国家的‘羞辱’。

54、Rural lahor force flow ─── 农村劳动力流动

55、analgesic lahor ─── 无痛分娩

56、Here I am in Lahore, Pakistan, suffering from month of Ramadan! ─── 我现在在巴基斯坦的拉河,在这里忍受着长达一个月的斋月.

57、From the love of a Taiwanese mother for her disabled son, to a young man in Lahore, Pakistan, @ who thanks to the support of his family, is challenging many myths about disability. ─── 从一位对身障儿充满爱的台湾妈妈,转到住在巴基斯坦拉合尔一位年轻人,因为他要养家,挑战许多不可能的任务;

58、"Bound by common belief, Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan at Lahore's Badshahi Mosque. ─── “在拉合尔的巴德夏希清真寺,穆斯林们遵照共同的信仰庆祝斋月的结束。

59、LAHORE, Pakistan (Reuters) -- A Pakistani court has sent a couple to jail for three years on the grounds that they lied about the sex of the husband who is a transsexual. ─── 拉合尔巴基斯坦(路透社)--因为一对夫妇隐瞒丈夫是变性人的事实,一所巴基斯坦法庭当即判决这对夫妇三年有期徒刑。

60、In typical years, the rains open up in the east, centered on Punjab province, roughly near the cities of Lahore and Faisalabad. ─── 在典型的年份,降雨从东部地区开始,在旁遮普省汇集,大约就在拉合尔和费萨拉巴德市附近。

61、I visited a village in Pakistan, Lahore, 45 minutes away from the distance. ─── 我曾访问过巴基斯坦的一个村庄,离拉合尔45分钟的距离。

62、But discussing al-Qaeda at a meeting with newspaper editors in Lahore, Mrs Clinton said the extremist group had had a safe haven in Pakistan since 2002. ─── 但希拉里在拉合尔会晤一些报纸主编期间谈到基地组织时表示,自2002年起,极端组织就在巴基斯坦拥有了避难所。

63、Gunmen have attacked a bus carrying the Sri Lankan cricket team on its way to play a match in the Pakistani city of Lahore. ─── 持枪歹徒袭击了一辆载有斯里兰卡板球队的巴士,该板球队正在前往巴基斯坦的拉哈尔市参加比赛的路上。

64、In Lahore, local television showed police dragging two suspects through an angry throng of onlookers, who beat one as he was shoved into a police van. ─── 拉合尔的本地电视台播放了警方将两名嫌犯从愤怒的围观群众中拉拽出来,其中一名嫌犯在被推入警车前遭到群众攻击。

65、Born in lahore and now working as a govt.interpretor(urdu-norwegian) for immigrants to Norway.Digitizing secretary in central govt. ─── 个人简介:A mature, compassionate,cool minded and obliging person for those who have clear heart and intention.

66、At least 26 died in Lahore, where police clashed with militants who’d attacked a federal security building and two police training centres. ─── 在拉合尔,警方与袭击联邦安全建筑和两座警察训练中心的好战分子发生冲突,造成至少26人死亡。

67、Meanwhile, according to a document issued by a court in Lahore on July 26th, Pakistani security authorities had arrested 363 Pakistanis returning from Afghanistan to prevent extremists to slip into Pakistan. ─── 另据拉合尔一家法院26日公布的一份文件说,为防止极端分子乘机潜入巴基斯坦,巴安全部门已经逮捕了363名从阿富汗返回的巴基斯坦人。

68、It was reported that in a prison in the Punjab Province's capital lahore, 41 Pakistanis were released after they wrote a "pledge letter" ─── 据悉,旁遮普省首府拉合尔的一个监狱里,已有41名巴基斯坦人在写下“保证书”后获释。

69、At LET's yearly moot in its sprawling headquarters in Muridke, 13 miles from Lahore, there are always tens of thousands of supporters and trained combatants thundering jihad against India and America. ─── 虔诚军的年会在距离拉哈尔13英里处的总部举行,每逢此时数以万计的支持者和受训战士就会振臂高呼反美反印的圣战口号。

70、The ban was lifted about a month ahead of Basant, an annual festival that heralds spring and is marked by flying colorful kites in the eastern province of Punjab and its capital, Lahore. ─── 这项禁令是在风筝节前一个月解除,该节日是预示春天来临的年度庆典,透过在东部旁遮普省与其省会拉合尔飘放颜色鲜?的风筝来庆祝。

71、Summer started in the country where the Pakistani met of-fice recorded a temperature of 43 degrees Celsius of Lahore. ─── 当日,拉合尔最高气温达43摄氏度。随着巴基斯坦全国进入夏季,各地陆续出现高温天气。

72、Since then this Pakistani journalist who lives in Lahore has been one of the world's pre-eminent commentators on the rise of militant Islam in Central Asia, with exceptional first-hand sources. ─── 从此,这位居住在拉合尔市,掌握了非比寻常的第一手材料的巴基斯坦记者,成了有关中亚地区伊斯兰武装崛起问题的优秀评论员。

73、" At the same time, in Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and other cities, the army also took over the transport, communications and other vital sectors. ─── 与此同时,在卡拉奇、拉合尔、白沙瓦等其他大城市,军队也同样接管了交通、通信及其他政府要害部门。

74、Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore ─── 拉合尔的古堡和沙利马尔花园

75、The attack in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore killed at least 10 people, police told CNN. ─── 警察告诉CNN记者,枪战发生在巴基斯坦东部城市拉合尔市,造成至少10人死亡。

76、A Preliminary Study Of The Consciousness Of Rural Labor Forces'Personal Migrate Cost--Based On An Explorative Investigation Of 375 Rural Lahor Forces Who Migrate To Urban For Business ─── 目前我国农村劳动力城乡迁移的个人成本意识--基于一项对375位城乡迁移的农村劳动力的探索性调查

77、t.road br.gujrat,Pakistan showing freight prepaid and marked notify applicant and us.In the coloum of mks and nos/container nos of bill of lading words Lahore via Karachi be quoted. ─── 7、信用证内容关于提单的要求如下:Full set of clean on board bill of lading made out or endorsed to the order of prime commercial bank limited,g.

78、Mr. Sharif was supportive but said the decision was up to the board of the Lahore Museum, Ms. ─── 邱女士说,谢里夫表示会支持展览,但是他也说决定权取决于拉合尔博物馆委员会。

79、Pakistani man rests on a bench amongst floodwater after a heavy monsoon rain in Lahore. ─── 在拉合尔,一名巴基斯坦男子在洪水包围的长凳上休息。

80、That is partly born of their latest shared suffering: "Bangles from Delhi, paan [Betel nut] for Lahore amid the ashes", was a typical Indian newspaper headline describing the atrocity. ─── 部分原因是两国最近共同的遭遇,印度一家代表性报纸的头条是这样描述这场灾难的“灰烬中布满了德里的手镯和拉哈尔的槟榔”。

81、This makeshift ring is on the outskirts of Lahore. ─── 这个临时修建的摔跤场地在拉合尔郊外。

82、The military operation against the gunmen attack in Pakistan's Lahore ended Monday after about 8 hours of gun battle. ─── 30日,经过近8个小时的交火,巴基斯坦在警察培训中心围剿武装分子的行动宣告结束。

83、Take another bus or taxi the remaining 20km to Lahore. ─── 再搭巴士到20公里外的拉合尔。

84、On May 5th tens of thousands mobbed his car as it crawled 300km (190 miles) from Islamabad to a rally in Lahore. ─── 5月5日,在从伊斯兰堡去拉舍尔示威的路程上,成千上万的人沿途簇拥着他的车,使其足足爬行了300公里(190英里)。

85、urban Lahore, 204 kilometers south of Jalapa Department, was in 2500 BC the ancient Indus Valley cultural sites. ─── 拉合尔市区以南204公里处的哈拉帕,是公元前2500年印度河流域古文化遗址。

86、He also said the attack on a police training academy in Lahore on Monday is further evidence that extremists groups are a threat to Pakistan as well as to Afghanistan. ─── 他还表示,星期一拉合尔一个警察训练学校受到攻击,这进一步证明,极端组织是对阿富汗和巴基斯坦两国的威胁。

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