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09-04 投稿



leavings 发音

英:[?li?v??z]  美:[?li?v??z]

英:  美:

leavings 中文意思翻译



leavings 词性/词形变化,leavings变形


leavings 短语词组

1、leavings meaning ─── 遗留意义

2、leavings concrete ─── 剩余混凝土

3、leavings crossword ─── 遗留字谜

4、leavings means ─── 留下意味着

5、leavings def ─── 残羹剩饭

6、leavings kirbyville tx ─── 德克萨斯州柯比维尔

7、leavings orkesteri ─── 利文乐团

8、leavings definition ─── 遗留物定义

leavings 相似词语短语

1、learnings ─── n.学习;学问;v.学习(learn的现在分词)

2、beatings ─── n.打;[纸]打浆;敲打;失败;v.打(beat的ing形式)

3、leaving ─── v.离开;留下;舍弃;使……处于某种状态(leave的现在分词)

4、leavenings ─── n.发酵;酵母;引起渐变的因素;v.发酵;影响;渐变(leaven的ing形式);adj.发酵的

5、beadings ─── n.形成珠状;[机]卷边;起泡,起泡剂;v.用小珠装饰(bead的ing形式)

6、gleanings ─── n.收集到的零星消息;拾遗;搜集物(gleaning的复数)

7、clearings ─── n.清算;[金融]汇划结算的款项总额;票据交换结算总额(clearing的复数形式)

8、pleadings ─── n.原告的起诉状;恳求(pleading的复数)

9、leanings ─── v.倾斜;倚靠;(使)斜靠;屈身(lean的现在分词);n.倾向,偏向,爱好;n.(Leaning)(美)利宁(人名)

leavings 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The death rate of Holotrichia diomphalia Bates is 100% with leavings of extraction of Radix euphorbiae Fischerianae within 5 days. ─── 利用大戟狼毒浸提残渣对蛴螬[东北大黑鳃金龟幼虫(HolotrichiadiomphaliaBates)]进行室内喂养杀虫试验,杀虫率为100%。

2、Queen Sivali, who was used to eating the delicacies of the palace, was disgusted.She said to him, "Even at the point of death a high class person would not eat the leavings of a dog! ─── 西瓦利王后吃惯王宫里的山珍海味,对此很厌恶,说道:“上等人即使要死了,也不会吃狗留下的东西!

3、Most forms of investment pay only the paltry leavings after others deduct their expenses and fair compensation for using your money. ─── 大多数投资是这样的,别人使用你的钱,扣除必要的费用并补偿你以后,你所得到的钱非常少。

4、Chemical analysis showed that there is a little magnesium in leavings, can be used to make cement or building gelation materials. ─── 提取氧化镁后镁的含量很少的剩余物可用来制造水泥或胶凝材料。

5、43 And they took up the leavings, twelve full baskets of fragments, and of the fishes. ─── 人就把剩馀的碎块收了满满十二筐;还有鱼的碎块。

6、Those who become virtuous in their old age merely make a sacrifice to God of the devil's leavings. ─── 那些在古时成为有道德的人,只不过是将魔鬼留下来的做牺牲给上帝。

7、2. Some chemical materials may volatile poisonous gas and some chemical leavings may produce pollution. ─── 某些化工材料物品可能挥发有毒气体,一些化工残渣可能产生污染;

8、It amazed me to hear that you were leavings. ─── 听说你要走,我很惊讶。

9、Give our leavings (ie unwanted food) to the dog. ─── 把我们吃剩的东西喂狗吧。

10、Mrs. Birrell had slapped Sarah's face, and said she had taken nothing out of the place, as there was "never no leavings to take. " ─── 比勒尔夫人打了萨拉的脸,说她没有往外拿任何东西,而且也“从没有剩饭菜可拿。”

11、That slip part of cowslip really does refer to the sloppy gloppy leavings of those bovine fertilizers. ─── 而后半部分的slip确实就是指那些又黏又稀的来自牛的肥料了。

12、The leavings of a dried up ocean ─── 枯海的残渣

13、Are their leavings a satire upon the self-righteous people here? ─── 是他们在讽刺正直的人们吗?

14、When men grow virtuous in their old age, they only make a sacrifice to god of the devil's leavings. ─── 当人们上了年纪而变得善良之时,他们只是把恶魔留下的东西来给上帝献祭而已。

15、When the end of promotion, please return the present if there have leavings. ─── 当促销结束后,如有赠品未送完应及时退还海蒂诗;

16、For a long time for a long time, the red rose became the hand touch of mosquito blood, white rose into corners the leavings particle. ─── 久了久了,那红玫瑰就变成了手心里的一抹蚊子血,白玫瑰则成了嘴角边的残渣剩粒。

17、A. Cockroaches certainly carry disease organisms and filth from place to place, and their leavings can trigger asthma attacks. ─── 蟑螂确实从一个地方携带疾病生物体和污物到另一个地方,它们的身体残渣能导致哮喘发作。

18、All the sudents, pls put the leavings on your plates to keep the table clean and take care of your valuables at meals, then pls take your dishware to the counter, thanks! ─── 请同学们把吃剩的残渣放在盘内,保持桌面卫生;注意保管好自己的贵重物品,顺便把餐具带到收饭台,谢谢!

19、3.I want none of your leavings. ─── 我不要你留下的东西。

20、Give our leavings ( ie unwanted food ) to the dog ─── 把我们吃剩的东西喂狗吧.

21、Nine approaches transfering country's leavings labour force into city efficiently ─── 实现农村剩余劳动力有效转移的九大徐径

22、43And they took up the leavings, twelve full baskets of fragments, and of the fishes. ─── 人就把剩馀的碎块收了满满十二筐;还有鱼的碎块。

23、Therefore the hammer-flake grinder is a universality, low noise, no leavings, high efficiency, fine depend ability machine, it is wide used in civil economy. ─── 故锤片式粉碎机是通用性强、高效和低耗能的粉碎机械,在国民经济中得到广泛的运用。

24、Mr.Tod likes nobody's leavings but his own. ─── 托德先生不喜欢任何人的残留物,除了他自己的。

25、and on my replying 'Half a pint of sherry,'thought it a favourable opportunity, I am afraid, to extract that measure of wine from the stale leavings at the bottoms of several small decanters. ─── 要不是因为怕羞,也怕叫他不快,我非搂住他脖子大哭一场呢。“我从来、从 来、从来都没这么高兴过!我亲爱的斯梯福兹,见到你我真是非常非常高兴啊!”

26、Zinc in leavings ─── 残渣含锌

27、But the leavings of the old feast were still plentiful. ─── 而富贵人家却仍然是朱门酒肉臭,奢侈不减当年。

28、The untouched leavings from the banquet made a fine meal for the kitchen staff.Although remains often specifically refers to a corpse, it also applies to remnants, fragments, and relics, as of times past: ─── 宴会中留下来未动的菜肴成了厨房人员的美餐。虽然remains常具体指一具尸体,但同时它也指过去岁月的残留、碎片或遗迹:

29、Keywords Zinc in leavings;temperature in firebox;dust collector;loss in rising; ─── 残渣含锌;蒸馏炉燃烧室温度;飞扬损失;收尘器;

30、And yet, most know or at least sense that leav ing chaos behind us in Iraq will bring dramatically more suffering for the Iraqis and also disaster for the Middle East and, ultimately, for us. ─── 但是,大多数人应该知道,或者说至少意识到,伊战所遗留的混乱会带给伊拉克人民更多的伤害,同样,会带给中东地区灾难,最终,也会带给我国伤害。”

31、make your leavings without regret and willing to do so. ─── 让你们走的无怨无悔,心甘情愿。

32、4 Formed initially by a few relatively junior officers, and a small group of mainly New Zealander volunteers, the LRDG had to scrounge much of its equipment from the leavings of the rest of the Army. ─── LRDG最初主要是一些低级军官和一些新西兰志愿兵组成的,它所需的大部分装备只能从军队留下的剩余物资中获取。

33、A.Cockroaches certainly carry disease organisms and filth from place to place, and their leavings can trigger asthma attacks. ─── 答:蟑螂当然携带病原体和污物从一个地方到另一个地方,其排泄物能引起哮喘发作。

34、An analysis in the leavings of Shang Dynasty at the Yuanziping Site, Linyou county, Shaanxi province ─── 陕西省麟游县园子坪遗址商代遗存分析

35、Mrs.Birrell had slapped Sarah's face, and said she had taken nothing out of the place, as there was "never no leavings to take. ─── .比勒尔夫人打了萨拉的脸,说她没有往外拿任何东西,而且也“从没有剩饭菜可拿。”

36、that the cause of the row was, that Sarah had accused Mrs.Birrell of tearing the pages out of my diary to wrap up some kitchen fat and leavings which she had taken out of the house last week. ─── 我询问了一下事情的原委,原来萨拉说比勒尔夫人上周撕了我的日记用来包厨房里剩下的肥肉和剩饭菜带回家。

37、Our living depend on leavings be from the mountain fastness regaled. ─── 我们赖以生存的,只是一些山寨大王们享用后的残渣剩末。

38、the leavings of meals ─── 残羹剩饭

39、When the end of promotion,please return the present if there have leavings. ─── 当促销结束后,如有赠品未送完应及时退还海蒂诗;

40、The untouched leavings from the Banquet made a fine meal for the kitchen staff ─── 宴会中留下来未动的菜肴成了厨房人员的美餐

41、There are some 500 thoroughbred horse farms in and around Lexington, where pastures, fed by the rich leavings of a long-vanished sea, are said to be among the world's best. ─── 在列克星敦及附近地区,大约有500个纯种马农场,那里的草场是由长期消失的肥沃的海洋残留物种植而成,被认为属于世界的最佳之列。

42、When men grow virtuous in their old age, they only make a sacrifice to god of the devil's leavings. ─── 当人们上了年纪而变得善良之时,他们只是把恶魔留下的东西来给上帝献祭而已。

43、And when it was all done me and the hare-lip had supper in the kitchen off of the leavings, whilst the others was helping the niggers clean up the things. ─── 把大伙儿都侍候过了,我和豁嘴在厨房里吃剩下的饭菜,别的一些人帮着黑奴收拾整理。

44、I want none of your leavings. ─── 我不要你留下的东西。

45、Loving, losing, hot touches, cold kisses, mystery, mistakes, leavings, takings, dreams, desires, laughter, lechery. ─── 爱意,失败,热情的触摸,冷冷的吻,神秘,错误,离开,索取,梦想,欲望,大笑,好色。

46、Materials of artificial dried flower include natural plant and leavings of crop. ─── 人造植物干花所用原材料可以是天然植物,也可以是农作物的剩余料。

47、10) That food which is stale, tasteless, putrid, decomposed, foul and impure as well as the leavings of others is dear to one in nescience. ─── 那些陈腐无味儿的,腐烂的,分解了的,污秽不洁的以及别人的残羹剩饭为无知的人所喜欢。

48、The farmers would share their wells, and the herders would feed their stock on the leavings from the harvest. ─── 农民让他们分享自己的水井,牧民用收割后剩余的草料喂养自己的牲畜。

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