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09-04 投稿



extrajudicial 发音

英:[?ekstr?d?u?d??l]  美:[?ekstr?d?u?d??l]

英:  美:

extrajudicial 中文意思翻译



extrajudicial 网络释义

adj. 法庭职权以外的

extrajudicial 短语词组

1、extrajudicial avoidance ─── [法] 由非诉讼方式宣告无效

2、extrajudicial procedure ─── 法外程序

3、extrajudicial execution ─── 法外处决

4、extrajudicial investigation ─── [法] 庭外调查, 审判外的调查

5、extrajudicial dispute ─── [法] 非司法上的纠纷

6、extrajudicial statement ─── [法] 法院外的陈述

7、extrajudicial evidence ─── [法] 与诉讼无关的证据

8、extrajudicial document ─── [法] 非正式文件, 非法律文件

9、extrajudicial confession ─── [法] 法院外的招供

10、extrajudicial assertion ─── [法] 审判外的主张

11、extrajudicial oath ─── [法] 未按法律程序的宣誓

extrajudicial 词性/词形变化,extrajudicial变形

副词: extrajudicially |

extrajudicial 相似词语短语

1、prejudicial ─── adj.不利的;有害的;引起偏见的

2、nonprejudicial ─── 非医学的

3、extrasocial ─── 社会外的

4、extrajudicially ─── 法外的

5、extraofficial ─── adj.职务以外的

6、extralogical ─── 超自然的

7、extramusical ─── adj.音乐范围以外的

8、extrafamilial ─── adj.家族以外的

9、extra-special ─── 格外特别

extrajudicial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、judges' extrajudicial investigation ─── 法官庭外调查权

2、And never forget the extrajudicial squads he sanctioned that killed thousands of drug users and peddlers. ─── 别忘了他还派出过司法系统外的处决队,杀死了数千名吸毒人员和毒贩。

3、extrajudicial statement ─── [法] 法院外的陈述

4、But, this being Russia, the point is not changing the status quo — the cushy, legally extrajudicial privileges of the elite — but changing the way the status quo is perceived. ─── 但是,这是在俄罗斯,关键不是要改变现状——精英所依法享有的舒适的法外特权——而是去改变人们是如何认识现状的。

5、extrajudicial evidence ─── 与诉讼无关的证据

6、If they are held in unofficial places of detention they are at higher risk of torture, ill-treatment, extrajudicial execution or enforced disappearance. ─── 如果他们被拘留于非官方地点,则遭受刑求虐待、非法处决或被迫无故失踪的危险机率更高。

7、Commenting on the story of a 14-year-old girl and a senior police officer Rooster Cogburn alcoholic track together extrajudicial slay her father of the believers. ─── 故事讲评了一个14岁的女孩和一名年长的酒鬼警官Rooster Cogburn一块儿追踪诛戮她爸爸的法外之徒。

8、extrajudicial assertion ─── [法] 审判外的主张

9、She has investigated alleged extrajudicial killings by the security forces, set up a shelter for vulnerable young women, and campaigned to end child labor. ─── 阿斯玛已经调查了由国家安全部门任意执行杀戮的犯罪行为(这种杀戮可能往往绕过了法律程序)。她还为那些年轻无助的妇女提供收容所,并且为取缔童工而积极活动。

10、extrajudicial document ─── 非法律文件

11、At least five civilians were killed in extrajudicial executions. ─── 至少五名平民被法外处决。

12、extrajudicial dispute ─── [法] 非司法上的纠纷

13、Although a common form of punishment for Chinese dissidents, extrajudicial detentions are rarely handed out to foreigners, who are often deported almost immediately after being taken into custody. ─── 这里是说外国人通常被逮捕后就马上驱逐出境。文章翻译的时候弄反了吧?

14、calling on the authorities to ensure that all cases of extrajudicial execution and enforced disappearance are investigated promptly, impartially and effectively; ─── 呼吁当局保证所有非法处决和强迫失踪的案子都获得迅速公正有效的调查。

15、Arbitrary detention, extrajudicial killings, disappearances, rape, and torture are reportedly common. ─── 随意拘押、法外处决、失踪、强奸和酷刑常见报端。

16、extrajudicial procedure ─── 审判外程序

17、Extrajudicial and judicial debt collection for banks, financial corporations and businesses: call... ─── 分类标题:商业情报|债务追收...

18、extrajudicial settlement ─── 庭外解决

19、extrajudicial avoidance ─── 由非诉讼方式宣告无效

20、extrajudicial investigation ─── 庭外调查, 审判外的调查

21、The report also criticised the use of coerced confessions from prisoners, extrajudicial killings, torture and forced labour camps. ─── 该报告还批评中国对犯人逼供、非法杀害、拷打和劳改。

22、Other serious human rights abuses included instances of extrajudicial killings; ─── 象以往一样,公民无权更换政府。

23、Government security forces were responsible for extrajudicial killings, custodial deaths, disappearances, rape, and torture. ─── 政府安保机构对非法虐杀、监禁中死亡、失踪、强奸和滥用酷刑负有责任。

24、extrajudicial confession ─── [法] 法院外的招供

25、But Mr Calderon himself has suggested placing only some crimes under civilian jurisdiction, leaving others-including extrajudicial execution-to the army. ─── 但卡尔德龙先生本人只建议将一些罪犯移交平民司法程序,而其他人——包括法外处决的案件,留给军事法庭来裁决。

26、The civil actions are by relatives of Tamil victims of alleged extrajudicial killings during the Sri Lankan civil war. ─── 这些民事案件是由在斯里兰卡内战期间被非法杀害的塔米尔猛虎组织的亲属递交的。

27、ADR is the abbreviation of Alternative Dispute Resolution, It is the general name of various kinds of Extrajudicial System. ─── ADR是Alternative Dispute Resolution的简称,是诉讼外各种纠纷解决方式的总称。

28、UN investigator has called for the removal of Kenya's police commissioner and attorney general over a wave of alleged extrajudicial killings. ─── 一名联合国调查人员在许多所谓的法外处决上(已经)呼吁清除肯尼亚的警察署长和总检察长.

29、extrajudicial oath ─── [法] 未按法律程序的宣誓

30、Under Mr Thaksin, extrajudicial squads killed thousands of suspected drug-pushers and other criminals. ─── 他信在位时期,非司法队伍私自处决了数千贩毒和其他犯罪嫌疑人。

31、Beijing police then rejected their application and sentenced them to an extrajudicial term of "re-education through labor". ─── 北京警方拒绝她们的申请外,更判处她们为期一年的劳动教养。

32、extrajudicial execution ─── 非法处决

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