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09-04 投稿



obviate 发音

英:[?ɑ?bvie?t]  美:[??bvie?t]

英:  美:

obviate 中文意思翻译



obviate 反义词


obviate 词性/词形变化,obviate变形


obviate 短语词组

1、obviate the need redundant ─── 消除多余的需要

2、obviate defined ─── 排除定义的

3、obviate define ─── 排除定义

4、obviate meaning ─── 排除意义

5、obviate means ─── 排除手段

6、obviate crossword ─── 排除纵横字谜

7、obviate dictionary ─── 排除词典

obviate 同义词

rid of | prevent | debar | do away with | forestall |avoid | eliminate | fend off | head off | forefend | stave off | ward off | preclude | deflect | avert | remove | forfend

obviate 相似词语短语

1、obviated ─── vt.排除;避免;消除

2、ebriate ─── 犹太人

3、obviates ─── vt.排除(obviate的第三人称单数)

4、obviable ─── 很明显

5、ostiate ─── 有刺的

6、opiate ─── n.鸦片制剂,麻醉剂,镇静剂;慰藉物;adj.含鸦片的,鸦片似的;麻醉的,催眠的,镇静的;v.给……注入鸦片

7、obviator ─── 排除器

8、deviate ─── vi.脱离;越轨;vt.使偏离

9、aviate ─── vi.飞行;驾驶飞机;vt.用飞机飞行

obviate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To diagnose and obviate equipment malfunction. ─── 设备故障的诊断及排除。

2、a carpet woven on a wide loom to obviate the need for seams ─── 在宽织布机上织出来的、不需要缝的地毯

3、I'd huddle and meditate on the warmth, the actual warmth of God, to obviate the cold; ─── 我蜷缩着冥想着温暖,来自上帝的真正的温暖,来驱散寒意。

4、So, now you know for whom journaling file systems were created, but how do they obviate the need for fsck? ─── 那么现在您应该清楚日志文件系统针对的是哪类人群了,但是他们是如何取缔fsck的呢?

5、to obviate the risk of serious injury ─── 消除各种受伤的危险

6、Luckily, we do not need to deal with these two phenomena separately, because we can obviate them both in the same way. ─── 幸运的是,我们不需要单独处理这两类现象,因为我们能够以相同的方法排除它们。

7、obviate the possibility of a mistake ─── 消除出错的可能性

8、Correct treatment could obviate from taking place complication. ─── 正确的围术期处理可预防其术后并发症的发生。

9、Machine translation could be good enough to obviate the need for a primary global language. ─── 机器翻译已经足够好了,可以避免全球出现某个语言主导的情况。

10、The Pitt investigators say that if the vaccine is successful, it could potentially obviate the need for repeated colonoscopies in patients at high risk for developing colorectal cancer. ─── 皮特调查说,如果这种疫苗研制成功,它可能无须重复进行结肠镜检查的病人处于高风险的发展成为大肠癌的可能。

11、whether using an enlarger or a computer, anything less than the finest tools and techniques will obviate whatever investment you've made i n fine lenses. ─── 不管是用放大机还是用电脑,一旦你的后期处理设备和技术不是最好的,你在镜头上的投资将化为乌有。

12、But it is difficult to find and obviate the faults timely only by manpower due to the complicacy of the equipment. ─── 由于制氧机组设备的复杂性,单凭人工很难及时发现、排除故障。

13、Diagnose and obviate equipment electric malfunction ─── 设备电气故障的诊断排除

14、This will obviate the need to import high carbon investment prefabricated components form hundreds of miles away. ─── 这将避免从数百英里处进口高碳量投资的,昂贵的预制零部件。

15、In jurisdictions not rejecting the privity requirement as to obviate its effect to a great extent. ─── 在不完全排斥合同关系原则的管辖范围内,法院已创造了许多例外规则来避开此原则的广泛的适用效力。

16、A joinder of causes of action based on two or more of these theories, as permitted under modern rules, may be of advantage in some situations to obviate or defer the necessity of a choice of remedies. ─── 现代法律原则还允许一个案件可以共同基于两种或两种以上的理论来提起,这有助于在某些条件下原告选择有利于自己的各种不同的救济方法。

17、Such measure normally should obviate the need to seek more costly injunctive relief from the courts. ─── 通常,此种措施应以不需寻求法院禁令这一更为昂贵的救济办法为限。

18、Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine so as to obviate pain of the patients. ─── 目的探讨氯丙嗪球后注射治疗绝对期青光眼的临床效果,以解除绝对期青光眼疼痛问题。

19、To avoid( obviate) a claim ─── 排除索赔

20、helen has agreed to lend me the book i need. this obviate my trip to the library. ─── 海轮同意把我需要的书借给我,这使我不必要跑到图书馆了。

21、This gives us a wonderful opportunity: rather than fixing mitochondrial mutations, we can obviate them. ─── 这给了我们绝好的机会:我们可以排除它们而无需修复线粒体突变。

22、Market Basket Analysis enables content affinity predictions even when cold-start situations obviate the relevance of collaborative filtering. ─── 即便当冷启动状况回避了协同过滤的关联,市场篮分析启用内容亲缘性预测。

23、The manufacturing revival isn't going to make health reform unnecessary or obviate the need for a strong social safety net. ─── 制造业的复苏将不会使医疗改革变得没有必要,或者排除强大的社会安全网的需要。

24、How to Obviate the Impact of Transfer Price of Multinational Corporations ─── 跨国公司转移价格的影响与防范

25、and 3.) ultrasonography can differentiate soft tissue abscess or tenosynovitis from septic arthritis and help clinicians obviate unnecessary needle joint aspiration. ─── (3)超音波可清楚将肌肉脓疡和感染性关节炎做出鑑别诊断而避免再作进一步无必要的关节腔针吸检查。

26、to obviate the need for something ─── 使不需要某事物

27、Given that an accessory spleen does not usually require treatment, accurate preoperative diagnosis will obviate surgery. ─── 副脾通常不需要治疗,因此,准确的术前诊断以避免外科手术。

28、"and conciseness can also be achieved through pictures, which obviate the need for description. Which was the most influential one?" ─── 通过图画,简洁性也能体现出来,因其减少了文字叙述。那么最有影响的又是哪家杂志呢?

29、If the laws break down, then modifying them might obviate dark matter. ─── 如果定律出了错,修改后也许就可以省却暗物质的麻烦。

30、These tests might obviate the requirement for a liver biopsy in a significant proportion of those patients. ─── 这些测试能够使相当比例的这种患者免于肝活检。

31、An interrupt can be used to signal the completion of an I/O to obviate the need for device polling. ─── 一个断续能用来象徵输入/输出的完成除去对装置输询的需要。

32、Clinic observation of nicardipine and esmolol applying to hypertensive patient during decannulation to obviate cardiovascular response ─── 尼卡地平和艾司洛尔预防高血压患者气管拔管时心血管反应的临床观察

33、In order to obviate the influence soliders basic knowledge on the Vehicle maintainance unit s synthetical training grade,this paper puts forward a new evaluation method. ─── 为了排除单兵文化基础对汽车维修分队单兵综合训练成绩的影响,提出了1种新的汽车维修分队单兵综合训练成绩评价方法。

34、The shielding and grounding is the important way to restrain disturbance.Right shielding and good grounding is important means to stabilize work of NC system and to obviate the disturbances. ─── 屏蔽和接地是抑制干扰的重要方法,正确使用屏蔽和良好的接地则是使数控系统稳定运行、消除干扰的重要措施。

35、The use of a lawyer trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice. ─── 受过训练做调解人的律师,就没必要再找独立的法律咨询了。

36、To obviate the possibility of a mistake ─── 预免错误

37、Some of our vendors are moving further into China in order to obviate the higher labour costs, he said. ─── 我们有些供给商正在转战中国内地,以躲避劳动力成本的上升,他表示。

38、obviate a necessity ─── 解决某一需要

39、“Some of our vendors are moving further into China in order to obviate the higher labour costs,” he said. ─── “我们有些供应商正在转战中国内地,以躲避劳动力成本的上升,”他表示。

40、Some general malfunctions and some handy methods to obviate it for a flak ─── 人影高炮常见故障及简便排除方法

41、Parameter's style and causation of parameter error of CNC machine tools is introduced.Method of parameter error obviate of CNC machine tools is described through practical example. ─── 阐述了数控机床参数的分类以及数控机床参数故障产生的原因,并结合具体实例,对数控机床参数故障排除的方法进行了探讨。

42、obviate defect ─── 消除缺陷

43、Early administration of antibiotics may obviate the necessity of surgical incision and drainage. ─── 早期给予抗菌素可免去外科切开排脓的必要。

44、So we have been appointed to obviate that peril by finding a meeting of the minds and the hearts of our peoples. ─── 因而我们奉命来寻求我们各国人民观念和心愿的共同点。

45、Where required, to examine deflections, stiffness requirements, and any special material and design provisions to obviate brittle fracture under adverse conditions. ─── 必要时验算挠度、刚度要求、以及任一特殊材料和设计规定,以预防不利条件下的脆断。

46、These observations, however, would not obviate the need for accelerator experiments, which could generate holes more reliably, in greater numbers and under more controlled circumstances. ─── 然而,这些观测结果并不能迴避加速器实验的需求,因为加速器能以更可靠、更大量,且在更受控制的环境之下,制造黑洞。

47、a carpet woven on a wide loom to obviate the need for seams. ─── 在宽织布机上织出来的、不需要缝的地毯。

48、Those numbers are likely to obviate the need for spare batteries for the majority of average consumers. ─── 这些数字或能说明,对于多数一般消费者而言,没有携带备用电池的必要。

49、Nevertheless, neither the pure law theory represented by Hans Kelsen nor the pure sociology of law represented by Black can obviate the appraisal of legal value. ─── 但是,无论是凯尔森为代表的纯粹法理论还是以布莱克为代表的纯粹法社会学都无法回避对法律的价值评判。

50、to eliminate; to exclude; to banish; to obviate; to cast aside; to shut ... out (of sth.); to drive out; to smooth away ─── 排除

51、But his clumsily urgent efforts to obviate that possibility, most obviously in the self-inflicted humiliation of the non-election, have instead made it more likely. ─── 但是,他笨手笨脚采取杜绝那种可能的紧急措施(最明显的是他在非选举期进行的一些自找的丢人行为)。

52、There are numerous items on the market (such as line voltage monitors/controllers and anti-static floor mats) designated to obviate such problems. ─── 市场上有众多的条款(例如,监视器/控制器的线路电压,地板的抗静电性能)来避免这样的问题。

53、A linear filter is adopted in the system to obviate the measurement of angle acceleration and to achieve the closed-loop speed control. ─── 系统实现时,构造了一个线性滤波器以避免转子角加速度的测量,同时实现了转速的闭环跟踪。

54、The Difficulty in the Teaching of Oral Interpretation and the Way to Obviate It ─── 口译教学中的难点及对策

55、And good grounding is important means to stabilize work of industrial control computer system and to obviate the disturbances. ─── 而良好的接地则是使工业控制机系统稳定运行、消除干扰的重要措施。

56、The strategy of "exchange marks for technology" has been practiced for over 10 year in China.However, its effect basal been obviate since the mid 1990s. ─── 摘要中国实施“以市场换技术”的发展战略已10年有余,但其效果从进入20世纪90年代中期以后很不明显。

57、Awareness of the characteristic mammographic manifestations of this kind of tumor may obviate the unnecessary procedures. ─── 所以只要发现乳房肿瘤具备此种乳房摄影之特徵,即可避免多馀的检查和不必要的手术。

58、The method shows great selectivity, highsensitivity, good reproductivity.Also it shorten the length of the test and can obviate the interference comes from impuritiesas well. ─── 实验结果表明,采用微波萃取、分析时间短并可排除其它基质干扰,所用试剂少且污染小;

59、They obviate need to carry large amounts of cash and are always useful in emergencies. ─── 一卡在手,急您之所急,为您分忧解愁。

60、She schemes to prevent Wen Yu from divulging the secret and at the same time, fends against Song Qiao, trying to obviate her contact with Song Nian. ─── 为了维护她辛苦夺来的权位财势,她不能让任何人知道她的真正身世,尤其是叶家的人。

61、By far,it cann't obviate seismic possibility. ─── 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性.

62、Such a scheme would not obviate the need for deep reform in Greece. ─── 该方案不意味着希腊无需进行深度改革。

63、Comprehensive nursing care,mainly cons isting of psychiatric-behavioral correction,is proposed to obviate the inducing factors and rectify emotional disorders to promote recovery from anorexia. ─── 有针对性地从去除诱因、纠正情绪障碍入手,实施以心理-行为干预为主的综合护理,可望改善或治愈情绪障碍性厌食症。

64、To obviate misunderstanding, state directions in the most lucid way possible. ─── 为了避免误解,尽可能明白地说明。

65、"Some of our vendors are moving further into China in order to obviate the higher labour costs, " he said. ─── “我们有些供应商正在转战中国内地,以躲避劳动力成本的上升,”他表示。

66、obviate dangers, difficulties, etc ─── 排除危险﹑ 困难等

67、We tried to obviate the necessity of beginning again . ─── 我们尝试免除重新开始的麻烦。

68、That error cannot justly be reproached, which reason could not obviate, nor prudence avoid.(No.63 ─── 若对错误不能公正地谴责,那么理性或谨慎都无济于事。

69、One way to obviate the nonlinear characteristic of an RTD sensor is to design analog hardware to perform the curve-fitting mathematics before any additional signal processing occurs. ─── 避免RTD传感器非线性特征的一个方法是,在其他信号处理之前设计类似硬件实现曲线拟合运算。

70、The establishment of science and technology ethic is one of the important ways to obviate it and realize the sustainable development. ─── 科技伦理构建是实现可持续发展的重要手段之一。

71、Having approached this structure I looked inside, and perceived it to be a singular sort of old-fashioned couch, very conveniently designed to obviate the necessity for every member of the family having a room to himself. ─── 我走近这个东西往里瞧,才看出是一种特别样子的老式卧榻,设计得非常方便,足可以省去家里每个人占一间屋的必要。

72、To obviate the need for yearly setoff of Property Tax against Profits Tax, a corporation can apply for exemption of Property Tax on the property concerned. ─── 为了免除每年须用物业税抵销利得税,法团可申请豁免缴交有关物业的物业税。

73、The trunk is large (VDA: 315L), also thanks to the run-flat tires which obviate the need for a spare tire. ─── 主干,是大(虚拟发展学院:315升),这也是由于经营单位进行轮胎,其中省却需要一个备胎。

74、Fuzzy phenomena exist in abundance all over, men can't obviate the question , following the technology on the upgrade. ─── 由于模糊现象到处大量存在,随着科学技术的进步,人们己无法回避这个问题。

75、Quick Obviate Method of Common Malfunction for Cylinder ─── 气缸常见故障的快速排除方法

76、obviate applicability ─── 排除适用

77、Our deterioration and eventual elimination are not, therefore, programmed to obviate the risk of any competition with our offspring for food and space. ─── 我们的退化和最终的消失不是,因此,程序化避免任何与我们子孙后代的食物和空间竞争的风险。

78、We must obviate the problem ahead of tomorrow. ─── 我们必须在明天之前解决这个问题。

79、Instruments deriving from finance and future transactions are exerted to disperse and obviate impacts incurred by the fluctuant international oil prices, or to reduce the reserving cost. ─── 政府运用金融衍生品工具和期货市场来分散和回避国际石油价格激烈波动的影响,或者降低储备成本。

80、The warranty of the project funds payment is an effective way to obviate the potential obstructions and to protect the enterprises' legitimate rights. ─── 指出工程款支付担保制度是排除潜在障碍,保证建筑企业合法权利的有效途径。

81、The new road obviate the need to drive through the town. ─── 有了新路,车辆不必再穿行市区了。

82、Given that an accessory spleen does not usually require treatment, accurate preoperative diagnosis will obviate surgery. ─── 副脾通常不需要治疗,因此,准确的术前诊断以避免外科手术。

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