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09-04 投稿



enthrone 发音

英:[?n'θr??n; en-]  美:[?n'θron]

英:  美:

enthrone 中文意思翻译



enthrone 网络释义

vt. 使登基;立…为王;任为主教;崇拜vi. 热心

enthrone 同义词

swear in | crown | consecrate | exalt | throne | ordain | invest |inaugurate | install | glorify | vest | instate

enthrone 反义词


enthrone 词性/词形变化,enthrone变形

名词: enthronement |动词过去式: enthroned |动词现在分词: enthroning |动词过去分词: enthroned |异体字: inthrone |动词第三人称单数: enthrones |

enthrone 相似词语短语

1、dethrone ─── vt.废黜;废位赶出;罢免

2、unthroned ─── vt.废除……的王位;罢免

3、unthrones ─── vt.废除……的王位;罢免

4、enteron ─── n.[解剖][动]肠;消化管

5、unthrone ─── vt.废除……的王位;罢免

6、enthronize ─── 焓化

7、enthroned ─── adj.登上王位的;v.使登基(enthrone的过去式和过去分词)

8、enthronise ─── 恩特罗尼

9、enthrones ─── vt.使登基;立…为王;任为主教;崇拜;vi.热心

enthrone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh, come peasant, king, to own him; The king of kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone him. ─── 给他带来薰香,金子和没药树脂,来吧,农夫,来吧,国王,做他的主人。神灵之主,拯救灵魂吧。用你的爱心立他为王。

2、Kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone Him. ─── 王之王带来救恩,应当倾心接待祂。

3、To invest with regal power;enthrone. ─── 那是一个豪华的宴会。

4、I will not restore you to that paradise, but I will enthrone you in heaven. ─── 而我如今要安置你的地方、不再是地上乐园,而是天上的宝座。

5、King of Kings salvation brings Let loving hearts enthrone Him. ─── 万王之王赐下救赎,心灵当尊他为王。

6、a ruler enthrone in the heart of one's subject ─── 一个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主

7、" In sinning we remove God from the central position of our faith and love, and enthrone sin (the desire to serve our own lusts and passions; ─── 罪使我们把神从信和爱的中心位置移开,而把罪(屈从于我们自身的欲望和激情;

8、let loving hearts enthrone him. ─── 用你的爱心立他为王.

9、He is a ruler enthrone in the heart of his subject. ─── 他是个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主。

10、to enthrone Edward ─── 立爱德华为国王

11、The King of kings salvation brings, Let loving hearts enthrone Him. ─── 万王之王赐下救赎,心灵当尊他为王。

12、In a few hours time, the Church of England will enthrone its first black Archbishop. ─── 今天,英国国教会任命了首位黑人大主教。

13、He is a ruler enthrone in the heart of his subject. ─── 他是个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主。

14、The King of kings salvation brings Let loving hearts enthrone Him. ─── 万王之王赐下救赎,心灵当尊他为王。

15、system. If you really enthrone the dictatorship so much, why don't you emigrate to North Korea or Cuba? ─── 制度来领导人民。如果你真的那么崇尚专制裁的话,那你何不移民到北韩或古巴呢?。

16、the King of kings salvation brings,Let loving hearts enthrone him. ─── 救世主带来救赎,我们永铭在心。

17、He was forcing the state to enthrone a particular brand of modernism. ─── 他力推政府要尊崇那一套特定走向的现代化。

18、Pride seeks to de-throne God and enthrone itself. ─── 骄傲试图拆毁上帝的主权,使自己作王。

19、To invest with regal power; enthrone. ─── 登基立…为君主;使…登位

20、The vision that I glorify in my mind, the ideal that I enthrone in my heart, this I will build my life by and this I will become. ─── 我将以脑海中所憧憬的幻想,心中所仰慕的理想,来建设我的生命,来实现这样的我。

21、The king of kings salvation brings;Let loving hearts enthrone him. ─── "的宗教歌词,于是又演变成圣诞节时的赞美歌曲。

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