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09-04 投稿


heterodoxy 发音

英:[?het?r?dɑ?ksi]  美:[?het?r?d?ksi]

英:  美:

heterodoxy 中文意思翻译



heterodoxy 短语词组

1、heterodoxy define ─── 异端定义

2、heterodoxy meaning ─── 异端义

3、heterodoxy and orthodoxy ─── 异端与正统

4、heterodoxy definition ─── 异端定义

5、heterodoxy was ─── 异端邪说

6、heterodoxy means ─── 异端手段

7、heterodoxy defined ─── 异端定义

8、heterodoxy club ─── 异端俱乐部

heterodoxy 词性/词形变化,heterodoxy变形


heterodoxy 相似词语短语

1、heterodont ─── 异形牙的;异齿系动物

2、heterology ─── n.异体构造

3、heterotaxy ─── 内脏异位

4、heterodoxly ─── adj.异端的;非正统的(heterodox的变形)

5、heterogony ─── n.花柱异长,雌雄蕊异长

6、heterodoxies ─── n.异端,异端邪说

7、heterodox ─── adj.异端的;非正统的

8、heterotopy ─── 异位;语音错乱

9、heteronomy ─── n.他治,他律;他律性

heterodoxy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ideas of "heterodoxy' ─── “异端”思想

2、Depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy; be guilty of heterodoxy; be heretical and deviate from the true teachings ─── 背离正道;违反正统的经典道德规范

3、5. He showd a taste and talent also for danger and extremism, for heterodoxy, for ordeals. ─── 他对威胁凶险、极端主义,对异端邪说,对酷刑苛判也表现出极大的兴趣和才华。

4、He was already beginning to display quiet symptoms of heterodoxy ─── 当时,他已开始暗暗流露出叛离正统的迹象。

5、Orthodoxy is my doxy; heterodoxy is another man's doxy. ─── 缺乏怜悯的圣经正统信仰无疑是世间最丑透的东西。

6、Despite his heterodoxy, faults, and weaknesses, Clare was a man with a conscience. ─── 尽管克莱尔相信异端学说,身上有种种缺点和弱点,他仍然是一个具有是非感的人。

7、company of heterodoxy, final meeting becomes his victim. ─── 走旁门左道的企业,最终会成为自己的受害者。

8、The enterprise inside course of study wants to be in intense competition remain invincible, walk along heterodoxy to have no way out, fractionize market, deepening a service just is crucial then. ─── 业内企业要想在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,走旁门左道没有出路,细分市场、深化服务那才是关键。

9、consumption heterodoxy ─── 消费异端

10、He interpreted the relationship between nature and human by applying a theory of “heterodoxy of natural Disasters”. ─── 董仲舒用“灾异说”来解释天与人之间的关系。

11、During the Middle Ages a person could be accused of heterodoxy and burned at the stake. ─── 在中世纪,一个人被指控宣扬异端邪说就会因此被烧死在火刑柱上。

12、despite his heterodoxy , faults , and weaknesses , he was a man with a conscience. ─── 虽然克莱不顾世俗,有许多缺点,许多毛病,但是他却是个有良心的人。

13、This argument resulted from the mid-Tung dynasty intellectualities' will to defend the pure tradition of Confucianism against heterodoxy. ─── 究其原因,此番论争实仍围绕著中唐以来儒者明道统以辟异端之思想。

14、He interpreted the relationship between nature and human by applying a theory of "heterodoxy of natural Disasters" . ─── 董仲舒用“灾异说”来解释天与人之间的关系。

15、Key words: LI Zhi; ideas of “heterodoxy”; theory of the absolute selfness of persons ; ideas on women; enlightenment ─── 关键词]李贽;“异端”思想;人必有私论;妇女观;启蒙

16、Individuality gave way to universality.Uniformity was considered apotheosis whereas unconventionality, heterodoxy. ─── 个性被淹灭在共性之中,整齐划一是理想典范,标新立异则是异端另类。

17、Despite his heterodoxy , faults, and weaknesses, he was a man with a conscience. ─── 虽然克莱不顾世俗,有许多缺点,许多毛病,但是他却是个有良心的人。

18、Undoubtedly, he became the literary "heterodoxy" and was exiled beyond the center of literary field. ─── 他无疑成了文学的“异端”而被放逐于文坛中心之外,在边缘独自徘徊。

19、Some church historians say Galileo's actions should be classified as heterodoxy, which is less severe than heresy. ─── 有些教会史学家认为,伽利略的作为应当归为非正统(heterodoxy),比异端(heresy)的情节要轻一些。

20、Some church historians say Galileo's actions should be classified as heterodoxy, which is less severe than heresy. ─── 有些教会史学家认为,伽利略的作为应当归为非正统(heterodoxy),比异端(heresy)的情节要轻一些。

21、and using the argy-rophil technigue to observed the count , the range and the rate of heterodoxy of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region associated proteins particles. ─── 并通过银染技术对细胞核仁组成区AgNORs的数量、大小及形态进行观察。

22、Indeed, despite his own heterodoxy, Angel often felt that be was nearer to his father on the human side than was either of his brethren. ─── 说实在的,尽管安琪尔信仰异端邪说,但是他常常觉得在做人方面,他比两个哥哥更接近父亲。

23、During the Middle Ages a person could be accused of heterodoxy and burned at the stake. ─── 在中世纪,一个人被指控宣扬异端邪说就会因此被烧死在火刑柱上。

24、To be guilty of heterodoxy ─── 离经叛道

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