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09-04 投稿



disproportionately 发音

英:[?d?spr??p??r??n?tli]  美:[?d?spr??p????n?tli]

英:  美:

disproportionately 中文意思翻译



disproportionately 词性/词形变化,disproportionately变形

副词: disproportionately |名词: dispropor-tionateness |

disproportionately 同义词

unreasonably | too | extremely |excessively | unduly | overly

disproportionately 短语词组

1、disproportionately squeezed ─── 不成比例地挤压

2、disproportionally disproportionately ─── 不成比例地 ─── 不成比例地

disproportionately 反义词


disproportionately 相似词语短语

1、disproportionated ─── 歧化

2、disproportional ─── adj.不相称的

3、disproportionably ─── 不成比例地

4、disproportionate ─── adj.不成比例的

5、disproportionally ─── adv.不均衡地;不相称地

6、disproportionality ─── n.比例失调

7、disproportionates ─── 不成比例的

8、disproportionable ─── 不成比例的

9、disproportionating ─── 歧化

disproportionately 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、First Senator. Indeed, they are disproportion'd; My letters say a hundred and seven galleys. ─── 元老甲它们真是参差不一;我的信上说是共有船只一百零七艘。

2、a supply in disproportion with the demand ─── 供求失调

3、Everything we're talking about falls disproportionately on African-Americans, on Hispanics, on a lot of Asian-Americans. ─── 我们在这里所谈论的所有不幸都不成比例地落到非裔美国人、西班牙裔和许多亚裔美国人身上。

4、A distinguishing feature of high office, however, is the disproportion between the gravity of actions and the time available to deal with them. ─── 但是,身居高官显职的人的一个显著特点是,他们所采取的行动,其重要性同可以用来处理问题的时间很不相称。

5、Sun had lived in Shanghai for two days when he was charged -- say they are disproportionately ensnared when Shanghai authorities enforce the rules. ─── 孙中界是河南人,被控开黑车时刚到上海两天。

6、Congenital growth disproportion ─── 先天性生长不匀称

7、The SPD and BPD measured by ultrasound would be method for diagnosis of cephalopelvic disproportion in childbearing. ─── 临产前超声测量胎儿双顶径及孕妇骨盆骶耻径可作为产前头盆不称筛查的检测方法而值得临床应用。

8、The equity analysis show the distributing of MMR in different provinces is disproportion, and indicates the maternal and infant health situation in our country is inequitable. ─── 健康公平性研究表明,孕产妇与儿童死亡在各省分布不均衡,妇幼健康存在不公平现象,并逐年加重。

9、disproportionately graded ─── 分品不当

10、An American who read just one book this year was disproportionately likely to have read “The Lost Symbol”, by Dan Brown. ─── 今年只读一本书的美国人极有可能读“失落的符号”,丹-布朗提出。

11、Although the study did not stratify care recipients according to disease, the cohort did include cancer patients, who were disproportionately represented in the group of patients who died, Wolff said. ─── Wolff说,由于被护理者中包括癌症患者,这些病例不能合适地代表死亡病人的结构比例,因此此研究没有将被护理者按疾病进行分类。

12、The different value between the SPD and the BPD in 100 cases of normal labor is obviously larger than that of 55 cases of cesarean section who were diagnosed as cephalopelvic disproportion(P

13、The most vulnerable sectors - automotive, pulp and paper, and consumer products - are disproportionately based in Central Canada. ─── 加拿大最脆弱的行业,例如汽车业,纸浆造纸业,以及消费品制造业,几乎都集中在加拿大中部。

14、however, community practice reveals a disproportionately lower use of cardiovascular medications and invasive treatment even among elderly patients with ACS who would stand to benefit. ─── 尽管如此,社区医疗实践表明,在治疗对其有益的老年急性冠脉综合征病人中应用心血管药物治疗和侵入性治疗者的比例呈不相称的低。

15、His secret consists in being able to find the exact point where they meet in their greatest disproportion. ─── 他的秘密在于他能够捕捉到这两个世界极度不成比例之时所交汇那一点。

16、Woman who have yoyo dieted for years have an upper body that is disproportionately smaller than her lower body. ─── 喜欢节食的女性需要留意,在你体重降低的同时,你会发现在胸围降低之后留下的是坚持不懈的储备脂肪的腰围以及腿围。

17、Similarly, "while higher fuel prices hurt everyone, the poor are hurt disproportionately," it said. ─── 同样的,"当更高的油价伤害到每一个人的时候,穷人被伤害的程度是不成比例的..(严重),"

18、Congenital fiber type disproportion myopathy ─── 先天性纤维型不相称性肌病

19、Cephalo-pelvic disproportion exists when the capacity of the pelvis is inadequate to allow the fetus to negotiate the birth canal. ─── 什麽是'头盆不相称-不相称婴儿的头部和母亲的骨盆'?

20、Due to various reasons mentioned above, Asian Americans are disproportionately affected by many health disparities. ─── 因为上述提及的许多理由,亚裔美国人有不同的健康差距。

21、By far the worst form of competition in schools is disproportion ate emphasis on examinations. ─── 学校里最最糟糕的竞争方式是不恰当地强调考试。根据这句话可知

22、Yes, there are risks and potential dangers, but worry magnifies these disproportionately and blinds us to the wonders of our age. ─── 不错,是有风险与潜在危险,但是忧虑过度地放大了这些东西,遮蔽了我们这个时代中的美好。

23、The great disproportion between the means of egress and the size of the imprisoned insect makes one wonder how the exit is ever accomplished at all-and it never is without great labor and difficulty. ─── 它的身体这样肥大,那条管儿这样细小,人人都会希奇它怎样才能够出来呢?一定会碰见多少难处,花费多少心机与力气。

24、Before I left, Mr.Xie did not disproportionately expressed their preferences. ─── 临走前,谢先生并没有过多地表示出自己的喜好。

25、The burden of the resettlement falls heaviest on the rural community and disproportionately heavily on the poorest of the rural poor.Many of these being moved earn about $120 a year. ─── 安置工作的重担落在了农村管理者的肩上,同事也不成比例地落在农村最贫穷的人群身上,这些人大部分每年的收入只有120美元。

26、Yet the creature's disproportionately large hind limbs and paddlelike feet would have made walking somewhat awkward. ─── 但是这动物的后肢大得不成比例,脚掌又像桨一般,在陆上行走必然不太灵活。

27、"What I think we know, separate and apart from this incident, is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. ─── “我想,撇开这一事件,人人都知道,在这个国家,非洲和拉美裔美国人遭执法盘查的机会不成比例而且由来已久。

28、congenital fiber type disproportion ─── 先天性纤维型失调

29、the disproportion between the gravity of geopolitical events and the time available to deal with them ─── 地缘政治学事件的严重性与用于处理这些事件的时间极不相称

30、congenital fibre type disproportion ─── 先天性纤维型不(相)称

31、Keywords Grey Model;contacting relation degree;cesarean section rate;fetal distress in uterus;cephalopelvic disproportion;fetus valuable; ─── 关键词灰色系统;关联度;剖宫产率;胎儿宫内窘迫;头盆不称;胎儿珍贵;

32、But because Eastern members' energy sectors rely heavily on coal, they would pay disproportionately more than if shares were based on their economic output. ─── 但由于东欧的欧盟成员国的能源行业严重依赖于煤炭,如果按照这一提议,他们就会比根据经济产值决定捐助比例的做法支付更多的资金。

33、The cephalopelvic disproportion was the major indication in the spontaneous labour group. ─── 在剖宫产指征方面两组有所不同。

34、Mr Obama's team rightly points out that Mr Bush's tax cuts disproportionately benefited the wealthy at a time when their share of income was anyway rising for more fundamental reasons. ─── 奥巴马团队正确的指出,当由于一些更重要的原因,富人的收入无论如何都会增加的时候,布什的减税政策反而不相衬地使他们得到好处。

35、a disproportion between the price and the value ─── 价格与价值之间的不均衡

36、In typical mammalian fashion, the newborn's head is disproportionately large, and its tail stock, the region between the dorsal fin and flukes, is relatively short. ─── 如典型的哺乳类动物一样,新生儿的头通常不成比例地大,且牠的尾干(背鳍及尾鳍之间的区域)也相对较短。

37、Studies show merit aid also tends to benefit disproportionately students who could afford to enroll without it. ─── 研究表明,奖学金也逐渐大量流入那些没有奖学金也能入学的学生的囊中。

38、prosthetic disproportion ─── 人造瓣大小比例失当

39、cephalo-pelvic disproportion ─── 头盆不称

40、HIV/AIDS has disproportionately affected young and middle-aged adults who are the mainstays of economies and the breadwinners for families. ─── HIV/AIDS大量侵害那些年轻的和中年人,而这些人本该成为经济发展的中流砥柱和家庭的经济支柱。

41、Yet the data reveal a striking oddity: the largest listed firms have disproportionately little debt compared with both smaller listed peers (see bottom chart) and private firms. ─── 不过,数据还揭示出一个十分奇怪的现象:与较小的上市企业和私营企业相比,大型上市企业的负债少得与其规模并不成比例。

42、his benefits were disproportionately generous. ─── 他的报酬和他的工作不成比例。

43、Try to float the cup, and it will be grounded, due to the disproportion between water and vessel. ─── 何必要高飞九万里而到那遥远的南海呢?”

44、During the financial crisis, governments have funded themselves disproportionately with bonds of maturities of less than a year. ─── 在金融危机期间,各国政府大幅提高了期限不足一年的债券在其融资中所占比例。

45、Babies often seem to have disproportionately large heads. ─── 婴儿的头往往显得特别的大。

46、Suppose a moral disproportion obtains in M's case.He has been made to suffer excessively for his crimes. ─── 假设在M案件中出现了道德失衡,他遭受了过量的惩罚之苦。

47、Disproportion of other origin ─── 其他原因的比例不称

48、Hands. Stockton has disproportionately long fingers, allowing him to palm the ball out of a dribble. ─── 双手。老斯的手指超乎寻常的长,他能运球的时候把球抓住。

49、The cesarean delivery rate more than doubles when passing the 42nd week compared with 40 weeks because of cephalopelvic disproportion resulting from larger infants and by fetal intolerance of labor. ─── 妊娠超过42周的患者,其剖宫产率是妊娠超过40周的患者的两倍,原因多为胎儿产程耐受不良,出现宫内窘迫或胎儿巨大造成头盆不称。

50、After all, they own a disproportionately large share of the equity and property markets. ─── 不管怎么说,他们所持有的股票和财产都不是一般人可以想象的。

51、Since then, the price of greater freedom seems to have fallen disproportionately on the large Coptic Christian minority. ─── 从那以后,争取更多自由的代价似乎不成比例地落在大部分科普特基督徒少数族群身上。

52、There is a disproportionately high suicide rate among prisoners facing very long sentences. ─── 刑期的犯人中自杀率高得不成比例。

53、A company with a lot of cash is in a disproportionately strong position now than it would be in normal times. ─── 一家拥有充裕现金的企业比正常时期的地位强大的多。

54、cephalopelvic disproportion ─── 头盆不称胎头骨盆不相称

55、chronic disproportion ─── 慢性失调

56、Congenital disproportion ─── 先天性不匀称

57、disproportion in age, size, weight, importance ─── 年龄上的不相称﹑ 尺寸上的不匀称﹑ 重量上的不均衡﹑ 重要性上的不相等


59、However, a moral disproportion also obtains in N's case. ─── 但是,道德失衡也可能在N的案子中出现。

60、The last item is irrelevant to the issue, yet it plays a disproportionately large role in UFOlogy. ─── 对于UFO更深入、更广泛的研究可能不能够证明科学从此可以如预期般更先进。

61、Under these circumstances, it was vital to see that no part of the world suffered disproportionately. ─── 在这种情况下,保证不让世界任何地方遭受更为严重的疾病痛苦至关重要。

62、Perhaps what most impressed me was to note the absolute disproportion between the pleasure obtained from a cigarette and the risk run. ─── 或许让我印象最深刻的是看到了吸烟的快乐与健康承担的风险不成比例。

63、Reflections on Handling the Gender Disproportion Problem of Newly-born Population ─── 对治理出生人口性别比失调问题的思考

64、The steel industry may benefit disproportionately from energy subsidies because of its voracious appetite for coal, but the energy subsidies obviously help other industries too. ─── 对于煤炭需求极大的钢铁业来说,能源补助或许有点援助不均,但很明显这些补助同时也帮助了其他产业。

65、Despite the health hazards, cigarette smoking is disproportionately frequent among young women. ─── 尽管吸烟危害健康,但是年轻女性的吸烟频率依然高得不成比例。

66、On a scarlet-draped platform an orator of the Inner Party, a small lean man with disproportionately long arms and a large bald skull over which a few lank locks straggled, was haranguing the crowd. ─── 在用红布装饰的台上,一个核心党的党员在发表演讲,他是个瘦小的人,胳臂却长得出奇,与身材不合比例,光秃的大脑袋上只有少数几绺头发。

67、A Research on Prediction Model Applied to Analyzing many Factors and the Disproportion in the Sports Results of Athletes ─── 十项全能运动员成绩多因素非均衡性预测模型的研究

68、And for all of you still stuck on number 6, about ditching the law school applications: The Utah Bar Journal says that lawyers are disproportionately perfectionists. ─── 所有申请常春藤名校的人都有同样的自信和野心,即使不能入校就读。

69、ABC is an asset-building program primarily focused on building the wealth of low-income Latina women and youth, as both groups are impacted disproportionately by poverty and barriers to success. ─── ABC是一个主要关注低收入拉丁妇女和年轻人的资产建设计划,他们都不成比例地受到贫穷和通向成功阻碍的影响。

70、Those economies which had still not diversified as much as they should suffered disproportionately. ─── 那些没有实现多样化的经济体就会受很大的影响。

71、When the electrical conductivity of excessive, will cause the dampening solution concentrations, the result is an oil and water, offsctdruckereien disproportion. ─── 当进火的电导率过不小时,不兵引起润版原液浓度的保持,其甘休不离是油火比例闹争,引发胶印障碍。

72、Freud saw man as motivated disproportionately by sex. ─── 弗洛伊德认为人主要受到性的主宰。

73、If you drag one of the side circles, the image grows or shrinks disproportionately, as shown here. ─── 如果拖动侧面的一个圆圈,则图像会不按比例地增大或减小,如下所示。

74、The lower-paid spend a disproportionately large amount of their earnings on food. ─── 低工资者将收入花在食物上的比例很大。

75、Of smoking that are regressive - lower-income communities disproportionately ─── 不成比例地

76、Single mothers and their children, who disproportionately receive food stamps, would see declines in the rates of poverty because noncash aid would be taken into account. ─── 不成比例地收到食品券单身妈妈及其孩子,可以见到贫困率有所下降,是因为非现金援助没有计算在内。

77、The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means. ─── 一个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。

78、The Anatomy about Disproportion Characteristic of the Tang Chang'an City Form ─── 从隋、唐长安城看中国古代都城空间演变的功能趋向性特征

79、During the financial crisis, governments have funded themselves disproportionately with bonds of maturities of less than a year. ─── 在金融危机期间,各国政府大幅提高了期限不足一年的债券在其融资中所占比例。

80、If the government too much involvement in the price mechanism, the policy disproportionately affected by the price, which is not normal, healthy development of the market is very negative. ─── 如果政府过多地参与价格机制,用政策过多地影响价格,这是不正常的,对于市场的良性发展是非常不利的。

81、Anglo-Saxon invaders set up an apartheid-like society in Britain between the 5th and 7th centuries and out-breed the natives, leaving modern Britons with a disproportionately large percentage of their genes. ─── 在公元5世纪到7世纪间,盎格鲁撒克逊人入侵者在英国建立种族隔离社会,不和本地人通婚,使得现代英国人有很多不合比例的盎格鲁撒克逊人种基因。

82、During the 1990-91 recession, African-Americans suffered disproportionately. ─── 在1990到1991年的经济衰退中,非洲裔美国人遭受了不成比例的损失。

83、Analysis of International Capital Flow's Character of Disproportion ─── 国际资本流动的非均衡性浅析

84、"The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means. ─── "一个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。

85、In her view, medical students should learn to trivialise death enough to cope but humanise it enough to help, and their formal education caters disproportionately to the former. ─── 在她看来,医学院学生应学着轻看生命以便操作,同时又要有充沛的同情心以助病人。然而传统的医学教育却倾向于前者。

86、Maybe the Romans had financial institutions that were disproportionately large to the overall activity of the world that they operated in, but LTCM was a specific type of hedge fund. ─── 也许罗马帝国曾经有过与整个世界的活动都不成比例的特大的金融机构,但是长资公司是一种特别的对冲基金。

87、A disproportionately large head. ─── 大得不成比例的头

88、Any study counting citations, depending on when it is conducted, runs the risk of registering the "impact" of the fad in disproportion to its scholarly merit or long-term value or interest. ─── 取决于其研究的时间,任何引用计数的研究都冒着记录时髦的“影响力”的风险,而时髦与其学术创见或长期价值或利益并不成正比。

89、Opponents argued that it would disproportionately affect the poor. ─── 反对者认为这样会对贫者产生不公平的影响。

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