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09-04 投稿


collectivism 发音

英:[k??lekt?v?z?m]  美:[k??lekt?v?z?m]

英:  美:

collectivism 中文意思翻译



collectivism 短语词组

1、collectivism opposite ─── 集体主义对立面

2、undertones of collectivism ─── 集体主义的基调

3、collectivism vs individualism ─── 集体主义与个人主义

4、collectivism definition ─── 集体主义定义

5、collectivism vs individualism world map ─── 集体主义vs个人主义世界地图

6、collectivism vs ─── 集体主义vs

7、collectivism vs communism ─── 集体主义与共产主义

8、collectivism images ─── 集体主义意象

9、individualism-collectivism ─── 个人主义-集体主义

10、collectivism and individualism culture ─── 集体主义与个人主义文化

collectivism 反义词


collectivism 词性/词形变化,collectivism变形

形容词: collectivistic |名词: collectivist |副词: collectivistically |

collectivism 同义词

social | multitude | gathered | united | group | commune | aggregate | connected | composite | co-op | mutual | massed | farm | crowd | body | corporate | communal | combined | cooperative | outfit | enclave | colony | shared | compound | clustered | aggregation | common | kibbutz | crew |joint

collectivism 相似词语短语

1、collectivised ─── 使之成为共同的,集体化,集团化

2、collectivize ─── vt.集团化;使集体化;使之成为共同的(等于collectivise)

3、collectivises ─── 使之成为共同的,集体化,集团化

4、collectivising ─── 使之成为共同的,集体化,集团化

5、collectivise ─── 使之成为共同的,集体化,集团化

6、collectivistic ─── adj.集体主义的

7、collectivity ─── n.集体;集体主义

8、collectives ─── adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词

9、collectivist ─── n.集体主义者;adj.集体主义的

collectivism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and municipal and state-owned business. ─── 此外,这也是公司摆脱个体创造力,向集体化和市营、国营迈出的一步。

2、The theory of the right of Hegel has the obvious color of collectivism. ─── 其权利思想具有明显的整体主义色彩 ;

3、and the spirit of collectivism and socialism. ─── 五,集体主义、社会主义精神。

4、In the moral principles of “new collectivism”,the relation between individual and collective is dialectical unity. ─── “新集体主义”是市场经济对计划经济条件下的传统集体主义冲击的一种回应。

5、Individualism is opposed to collectivism or statism,which stress that communal, community, group, societal, or nationalgoals should take priority over individual goals. ─── 因此个人主义直接的反抗将个人地位置于社会或共同体之下的集体主义。

6、The vertical collectivism culture has negative correlation with mental health. ─── 垂直的集体主义与心理健康呈显著的负相关;

7、Mises's point has also been a fruitful one for further theorizing about all forms of collectivism. ─── 米塞斯的观点同时还为进一步分析所有形式的集体主义提供的丰富的思想。

8、The institutional analysis of Marxism displays the unification of the individualism and the collectivism, but it sticks to the value judgment of collectivism. ─── 与西方制度主义不同的地方是,马克思主义的制度分析方法坚持了价值观集体主义。

9、Moreover, it analyses the cause of the nihilism for the presenceof collectivism. ─── 同时,分析了对集体主义产生“虚幻”错觉的原因。

10、It is important that insisting on value orientation of collectivism in the course of move forward Urban and rural overall plannings. ─── 坚持集体主义的价值导向在推进城乡统筹建设中具有重要的作用。要充分发挥集体主义的作用,必须注意几个问题。

11、traditional collectivism ─── 传统集体主义

12、a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society. ─── 偏爱无阶级社会集体主义的政治理论。

13、They stressed their own collectivism, although they only had a small amount of wages and workers are equally paid as the leaders. ─── 他们强调着自己的集体主义,每月只有少量的工资,领导与职工同工同酬。

14、However, globalization and cultural collectivism today are wiping out their individuality. ─── 然而今天全球化和文化集体制抹杀了这个族群的个性。

15、The basic task of socialist collectivism is to promote and ensure with great effort the harmony of the society. ─── (2)社会主义集体主义的根本任务是努力促进和保障社会和谐。

16、individualism and collectivism (I-C) ─── 个人主义和集体主义(I-C)

17、Even at the peak of the moral education of collectivism, the idea of the ‘others' did not become spontaneously conscious in the Chinese people. ─── 即便在集体主义理想教育最为鼎盛之时,“他人”不仅未能成为国人的自觉意识,“他人”反而意味着告密、背叛、异己、危险、离间等等。

18、It is trifling to argue between individualism and collectivism. ─── 个人主义和集体主义的辩论是微不足道的。

19、In the socialist market economy, is the collectivism principle that is thought about the mainstream ethics in China actually applicable or not? ─── 在社会主义市场经济条件下,作为中国主流伦理导向的集体主义原则究竟还适用不适用?

20、The dominant doctrine that guides our action in China is collectivism. ─── 在中国,占主导地位的指导方针是集体主义。

21、In present period, especially needs making patriotism, collectivism and socialism as basic guiding direction of val-ue. ─── 在现阶段,尤其需要以爱国主义、体主义、会主义作为基本的价值导向。

22、For even to this day, the so-called "mind" is no more the spiritual consciousness of collectivism, but individual existence. ─── 因为时至今日,所谓“心”,不再是集体主义的精神意识,而是个体化的自我存在。

23、Its final goal is, substitutes individualism gradually as for the function , keep forging ahead gradually to Marx"s " really " collectivism. ─── 它的最终目标是,在功能上逐渐替代个人主义,并朝向马克思“真正的”集体主义渐次进取。

24、On the Relation Between" Individualism" and " Collective" in" New Collectivism" ─── "新集体主义"对"个人"与"集体"关系的诠释

25、From the notion of individualism right to the notion of collectivism right--Study on the right theory of Hegel ─── 从个人主义权利观念到整体主义权利观念--黑格尔权利思想探微

26、Conflict, Agreement and Surpass: a Comparative Study between Individualism and Collectivism--On Construction of Leading Value on Condition of Socialist Market Economy ─── 冲突·契合·超越:个人主义与整体主义比较研究--兼论社会主义市场经济条件下的主导价值观建构

27、Only under the guidance of such collectivism can we develop our society in the right direction. ─── 在这样的集体主义指引下,才能让我们的社会朝着健康的方向发展。

28、Construction of Culture Tradition and Credit Institution Based on Collectivism ─── 基于集体主义的文化传统与信用制度构建

29、Differences of address forms in Chinese and English annotated from individualism and collectivism ─── 从价值观角度诠释英汉称谓的差异

30、This is related to the Chinese custom. As a society of collectivism, China is greatly influenced by Confucianism, which stresses the consensus of opinions, and encourages coordination. ─── 中国是一个集体主义的社会,深受儒家思想影响。儒家哲学思想强调意见一致,鼓励协调,

31、Secondly,it is the crux of a good system to keep the balance between individualism and collectivism. ─── 二、制度成功关键在于保持个人主义与集体主义的平衡。

32、Had he been a socialist, he might have nationalized the banks and set the country upon the road toward extreme collectivism ─── 如果他是个社会主义者,他也许已经把银行国有化,并把该国引上极端集权主义的道路了。

33、Individulism and Collectivism are central to all the cultural values. China belongs to the collectivist culture while the United States belongs to the individualist culture. ─── 个人主义和团体主义是所有文化价值观的核心。中国属于团体主义价值观,美国属于个人主义价值观。

34、as for the relationship btween people and society, Western would like to be egocentric, but Chinese prefer to be in collectivism. ─── 在人与社会的关系上,西方以个人为本位,中国以集体为本位。

35、Your translation: 'By the end of the last century, the gradual disintegration of Chinese “collectivism ... ─── 上世纪中叶的中国式“集体主义”,自从在世纪末之前,逐渐分解以及还原为对个人和个体的尊重,

36、Across the Scottish political spectrum, there is common recognition of an ingrained left of centre political culture, comprising egalitarianism, social justice and collectivism. ─── 在苏格兰的政治体系中,有一种根深蒂固的、以左派为政治中心的共识,这包括了平等主义、社会公正和集体主义。

37、It was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and municipal and state-owned business. ─── 另外,这也是公司摆脱个体创造,走向集体化、市营化和国营化迈出的一步。

38、As China is a society of collectivism, when a worker is rewarded, due consideration should also be given to his collective, i. e. , combining a personal reward and the award of the collective. ─── 中国是一个集体主义的社会,在奖励一个人时,也要兼顾他所处的这个集体,也就是个人奖励和集体奖励相结合。

39、She is owing to has collectivism spirit to suffer to commend ─── 她由于有集体主义精神而受到表彰。

40、In the theory and practice of the ideological and political educaticon, the relations between utilitarianism and collectivism get to draw people? s attention and consideration. ─── 在思想政治教育的理论与实践中,功利主义与集体主义的关系问题,愈益引起人们的关注和反思。

41、Second,the valuesthat play the leading role in socialist market economy should be socialist collectivism ratherthan individualism. ─── 二、在社会主义市场经济中起主导作用的人生价值观应该是社会主义集体主义而不能是个人主义;

42、Zhou Li, deputy party chief of the village, said: 'The building is a symbol of collectivism. ' ─── 周丽,村里的党委副书记,她说:“这栋建筑是集体主义的象征。”

43、On the Relation Between“Individualism”and “Collective”in“New Collectivism” ─── “新集体主义”对“个人”与“集体”关系的诠释

44、He has abandoned economic collectivism and says he will support private investment and, with reservations, a trade agreement with the United States. ─── 他已经弃集体主义经济政策转而支持私人投资,并保留与美国的贸易往来。

45、Under collectivism, the means of production is owned and controlled by the state or the people as a whole . ─── 在集体主义制度下,生产工具由国家或全民拥有和支配

46、" good collect" is the basic condition of individual interiorzation under the collectivism principle. ─── 作者提出“良好集体”是集体主义原则个体内化的最根本的客观条件。

47、But you have to be extremely careful to use this method in China, for in such a society of collectivism as China, if some people lose their jobs, the enterprise will probably fall into a panic. ─── 但在中国使用这种办法的时候,就要格外小心。因为中国是一个集体主义的社会,一部分人的失业可能会引起企业内的恐慌。

48、Athletes shall be educated in patriotism, collectivism and socialism as well as in morality and discipline. ─── 对运动员进行爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义教育,以及道德和纪律教育。

49、Individualism and collectivism: Cross-cultural perspectives on self-ingroup relationships. ─── (个人主义还是集体主义,也是经济学和哲学的一个重要概念。

50、China‘s drinking clture is collectivism obviously, to be particular about gather with friends and fellows , uninhibited drinking . ─── 中国的酒文化显然是集体主义的,讲究的是呼朋引伴,开怀畅饮。

51、in school, the respect for teachers, students solidarity, helpfulness, with a strong sense of collectivism. ─── 在校期间,尊敬老师,团结同学,乐于助人,有强烈的集体主义观念。

52、contrariety existence with nationalism and collectivism; ─── 与民族主义、集体主义意识的“对立性”存在;

53、Individualism and Collectivism Scale ─── 个人主义和集体主义量表

54、Confucian collectivism ─── 儒教社群主义

55、had he been a socialist , he might have nationalized the banks and set the country upon the road toward extreme collectivism. ─── 如果他是个社会主义者,他也许已经把银行国有化,并把该国引上极端集权主义的道路了。

56、Silence also reflects their collectivism and humiliation-felt culture as well as their cultural instinct of "heart-to-heart communication". ─── 在日本,沉默现象是高度依赖语境的传统文化的遗存,同时它也反映出日本人的集团主义和耻感文化的主题以及“以心传心”的文化直觉。

57、They share with earlier individualists a fear of collectivism. ─── 他们与早期的个人主义者一样,害怕集体主义。

58、Reflections on the Spirit of Collectivism of the Women in Revolutionary Bases ─── 对革命根据地妇女集体主义精神的思考

59、The individual success surpassing an organization in a society of collectivism is unlikely to be accepted by others. Such a "regulation" has been formed in the minds of the Chinese people-the contribution belongs to everyone. ─── 在集体主义社会中超越团体的个人成功是很难被别人接受的。久而久之,在中国人心目中就形成了一种“规定”:凡是功劳,都是大家的。

60、In a society known for competitive individualism, pay cuts and furloughs are calling forth a spirit of collectivism. ─── 在一个以竞争性个人主义著称的社会中,裁员和无薪休假却催生出了集体主义。

61、Actually, it keeps step with the Collectivism in the final aim. ─── 其实它和集体主义在最终服务的目的上是一致的。

62、Silence also reflects their collectivism and humiliation-felt culture as well as their cultural instinct of" heart-to-heart communication". ─── 在日本,沉默现象是高度依赖语境的传统文化的遗存,同时它也反映出日本人的集团主义和耻感文化的主题以及“以心传心”的文化直觉。

63、A Fresh Look at Collectivism ─── 对集体主义的再理解

64、Insisting on the Principle of Collectivism during Cultivating College Students'Team Spirit ─── 培养大学生的团队精神应坚持集体主义原则

65、Attention should be paid to children's feelings in community during the education of patriotism and collectivism. ─── 尤其在爱国主义教育和集体主义教育中,要关注孩子在共同体生活中的情感体验。

66、Familial Collectivism: Political and Cultural Identification of Rural Community ─── 家族的集体主义:乡村社会的政治文化认同

67、To organize(an economy, industry, or enterprise) on the basis of collectivism. ─── 使集体化在集体主义的基础上组织起来经济、工业或企事业

68、the organization of a nation or economy on the basis of collectivism. ─── 以集体主义为基础的民族或经济组织。

69、The individual selfish departmentalism, rational egoism, false collectivism, and the like cannot be the contemporary orientation of ethical value on account of their various limitations. ─── 个人本位主义、合理利己主义、虚假的集体主义等等,由于其种种局限性,不能作为现时代的伦理价值导向。

70、State, collectivism and worker privilege: a study of urban health insurance reform; Jane Duckett ─── 国家、集体主义和工人的特权:城市医疗保险改革研究

71、to organize(an economy,industry,or enterprise) on the basis of collectivism ─── 在集体主义的基础上组织起来经济、工业或企事业

72、The word "collectivism" in this sense has no political meaning: It refers to the group, not to the state. ─── 这个意义上的单词“集体主义”并无政治含义:它涉及人群,而非国家。

73、Under collectivism, the means of production are owned and controlled by the state or the people as a whole. ─── 在集体主义制度下,生产工具由国家或全民拥有和支配。

74、The moral principle of collectivism have been misunderstood for many years, which had caused a lot of serious problems in moral life. ─── 多年来,人们在理论上对集体主义道德原则产生了很大的误解,因而在道德生活中造成了很多严重的后果。

75、most people of the mass society live in a steady collectivism community,which think it is certainly that individual submit to the colony. ─── 大多数社会中的多数人从生到死都生活在稳定的集体主义社会里,这种社会把个人服从群体视作当然。

76、On the core values, a point of view (usually the ethics of the profession some scholars) that the concept of individual and collective, such as individualism and collectivism. ─── 关于价值观的核心,一种观点(通常是伦理学界的部分学者)认为是个人和集体的观念,如个人主义和集体主义。

77、We will promote patriotism, collectivism and socialist ideology. ─── 大力弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,

78、a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society ─── 偏爱无阶级社会集体主义的政治理论

79、The two popular Chinese sayings, "one who sticks his neck out gets hit first" and "fame is fatal to men as fatness to pigs", strongly reflect the social attitude of the Chinese towards collectivism. ─── 在中国有两句俗语:“枪打出头鸟”,“人怕出名猪怕壮”。这生动地反映了中国人对集体主义的社会态度。

80、Meanwhile,this ideology was deeply influenced by Darwinian social concept and national collectivism. ─── 同时指出 ,他这一思想深受达尔文式的社会观和国家集体主义的影响。

81、It had long been realized that the only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism ─── 他们早已认识到,寡头政体的唯一可靠基础是集体主义。

82、On the other hand, they are egocentric, undisciplined, and lack self-control.Therefore, our education program stresses collectivism, mutual help and love. ─── 因此,我们的教育强调集体主义、互助友爱,鼓励孩子们自己照顾自己,并且教育他们与人分享、共同分担的好处。

83、She was a fierce opponent of all forms of collectivism and statism, including fascism, communism, and the welfare state, and promoted ethical egoism while condemning altruism. ─── 她是所有形式的集体主义和国家统制,包括法西斯主义,共产主义和福利国家的激烈反对者,极力主张道德的利己主义并谴责利他主义。

84、Utilitarianism and collectivism are views of value respectively occupying important positions in the east and the west. ─── 功利主义和集体主义分别是中西方两种占主导地位的价值观。

85、This theory looks down on individual right wile revels in collectivism, and canonizes a crazed equal democratic system. ─── 人民主权理论轻视个人权利,偏爱集体主义,推崇激情的平等的民主制度。

86、Under collectivism,the means of production is owned and controlled by the state or the people as a whole. ─── 在集体主义制度下,生产工具由国家或全民拥有和支配。


88、Strengthening Collectivism Education for College Students and Fostering Successors in the New Century ─── 加强大学生集体主义教育造就新世纪接班人

89、The relationship between personal and society in Chinese traditional culture are in agreement in some as-pects with today's collectivism. ─── 中国传统文化关于个人与社会关系的论述上有不少与我们今天倡导的集体主义原则具有一致性。

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