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09-04 投稿



ivied 发音

英:[['a?v?d]]  美:[['a?v?d]]

英:  美:

ivied 中文意思翻译



ivied 相似词语短语

1、revied ─── 修订

2、chivied ─── v.追赶;使烦恼;n.狩猎,追逐

3、envied ─── adj.被羡慕的;被妒忌的;v.羡慕;嫉妒(envy的过去式和过去分词)

4、chivvied ─── vt.使烦扰;耍花招(等于chivy)

5、levied ─── v.levy的过去式和过去分词

6、ivies ─── n.常春藤;adj.常春藤联盟的;n.(Ivy)(美、英)艾维(人名)

7、divvied ─── vi.分摊;n.部分;分配;vt.分摊

8、-vied ─── vt.竞争

9、vied ─── vt.竞争

ivied 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The description is evidently the result of the mystical experience which the devout pilgrim was blessed with while visiting that holy mountain" (ivi, 150). ─── 这样的描述,显然是虔诚的朝圣者在参拜圣山之际,蒙受祝福的神秘经验的结果(ivi,150)。

2、The IVI drivers of Labwindows/CVI7.0 are used to drive the equipments and the SQL Server technique is used to deal with the analysis of the test data. ─── 利用Labwindows/CVI软件中的IVI驱动器来驱动仪器,并运用SQL Server手段来对测试数据进行查询,存储和处理。

3、IVI instrument drivers eliminate the test redundancy of virtual instrument system, improved test speed and raise interchangeability of the instruments. ─── IVI仪器驱动程序消除了虚拟仪器系统中的测试冗余,提高了测试速度和测试系统中同类仪器的互换性。

4、characteristic and work mechanism of IVI instrument drivers are studied in this paper. The method and steps of IVI instrument drivers' development under LabWindows/CVI environment are presented. ─── 研究了IVI仪器驱动程序的结构、特点和工作机制 ,提出了在LabWindows/CVI环境下开发IVI仪器驱动程序的方法和步骤。

5、it studies the technologies and methods of ATS instrument interchangeability by using IVI, IVI-MSS and component technology, which establishes the bases of realizing ATS network; ─── 研究了采用IVI、IVI-MSS和组件技术实现ATS仪器互换性的技术与方法,对实现ATS网络化奠定了基础;

6、The IVI is the first international organization based in Korea and was created in partnership with the U.N. ─── IVI是首个与联合国合办的国际组织,总部设于韩国汉城国立大学校园内.

7、We do not have any strict rules about whether the product is shipping or not.We do ask that the IVI driver be available online, either on your own site or through the IVI Foundation website. ─── 我们没有任何严格的规则,我们只要求IVI驱动在线实现,或者在你们的网站或者通过IVI基金会。

8、Baker says the Chinese have been using a NAT approach dubbed IVI for about two years. ─── 贝克说,中国已使用NAT的做法,被称为的IVI两年左右。

9、LabWindows/CVI Instrument Driver and IVI Architecture ─── LabWindows/CVI仪器驱动程序与IVI体系结构

10、In order to search new candidates of pharmaceutical target ,in vivo Induced Antigen Technology(IVIAT)was used to screen in vivo induced (ivi) genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis(M. ─── 为寻找新型抗结核药物靶标,采用体内诱导抗原技术筛选结核分枝杆菌的体内诱导基因。

11、Using IVI technique to building hardware-independent, universal test programs ─── 应用IVI技术建立与硬件无关通用测试程序

12、ivied walls ─── 长满常春藤的墙壁.

13、Index of Vegetation Impact (IVI) ─── 植群冲击指数(IVI)

14、A Design method of ATE Test System Software Based on IVI ─── 基于可互换虚拟仪器ATE测试系统软件设计

15、IVI (interchangeable virtual instruments) ─── 可互换虚拟仪器

16、IVI Technology Used In Developing Virtual Instrument ─── 用于虚拟仪器开发的IVI技术

17、Research on the signal-based IVI instrument drive ─── 基于信号命令的IVI信号驱动技术研究

18、This paper introduces IVI system architecture and running mechanism of each module in IVI system. ─── 介绍了IVI系统结构以及IVI系统各模块的运行机制。

19、third,introduce the knowledge of the instrument driver,and how to develop DSO instrument driver based on GPIB interface through the IVI method; ─── 然后介绍仪器驱动器相关知识和利用IVI 仪器驱动器技术开发基于GPIB 接口的数字存储示波器驱动程序的开发过程;

20、Arbitrary Function Generators Drive Design Based on Technology of IVI ─── 基于IVI技术任意函数发生器驱动设计

21、On the other hand, the test software and the IVI instrument driver developed in this paper can accurately and reliably drive the interface and the module, and is up to the VPP and IVI specification. ─── 另外,所开发的IVI仪器驱动器能正确可靠地对VXI总线寄存器基接口和数据采集模块进行操作,同时完全符合VPP规范和IVI规范 VXIbus is an excellent platform for automated test system.

22、W ivi cusomrs arou h worl cam o iscuss busiss! ─── 我们诚意邀请世界各地的客户前来洽谈业务!

23、At the same time, the work gave direction to the TPS(Test Program Set) and IVI development. ─── 同时该工作为测试程序集的开发和仪器互换性设计奠定了基础。

24、So each night in sleep I strove to find the hidden latch of the gate in the ivied antique wall, though it was exceedingly well hidden. ─── 因此每晚入睡后,我都尽力在那面爬满藤蔓的古老高墙上寻找青铜大门被隐藏起来的门闩,尽管它被藏得极其隐秘。

25、Dany Cheij.Using interchangeable virtual instrument(IVI) drivers to increase test system performance[J].IEEE AESS Systems Magazine,July 2001. ─── 顾玉辉,宋利,朱明武.IVI模型在虚拟仪器驱动开发中的应用[J].电子技术应用,1999,12:14-17.

26、IVI instrument drivers are included to enable easy communication with the oscilloscope using GPIB, serial data, and LAN connections from programs running on the instrument or an external PC. ─── 的IVI仪器驱动程序包括,使容易沟通与示波器使用的GPIB ,串行数据, LAN连接,从程序上运行的文书或外部的PC 。

27、However, we find that, in practice, the numbered IVI class specifications limit its usage, and it is not suitable for non-standard instrument. ─── 然而,在我们的实践中,IVI有限的仪器驱动器类限制了它的广泛应用,而且对于非标准仪器设备不适合开发IVI标准仪器驱动器。

28、The handsome dark-eyed boy is Master George Talboys, who declines musa at Eton, and fishes for tadpoles in the clear water under the spreading umbrage beyond the ivied walls of the academy. ─── 男孩同小姑父罗伯特和小姑妈克莱拉相处得很快乐。

29、Consequently, on studying on the IVI architecture, we propose a new open architecture to implement instrument interchangeability. ─── 为此,本文对IVI的仪器互换机制进行了研究,并在此基础上提出了一种基于开放式体系结构的仪器互换性实现方法。

30、Korean movie stars and singers will appear on January 23rd at a massive benefit concert in Osaka to raise funds for the International Vaccine Institute (IVI). ─── 韩国影星、歌星将出席于1月23日在大阪举行的大规模音乐会,为国际疫苗研究所(IVI)筹款.

31、Many a night from yonder ivied casement, ere I went to rest, ─── 许多夜晚透过那常春藤覆盖的玻璃窗,

32、Design of instrument driver of digital storage oscilloscope based on IVI technology ─── 基于IVI技术的数字存储示波器驱动程序的设计

33、Part of semen of HBV infected patients is infective,and sperm washing does not remove HBV.It is cautious to use semen of the HBV infected patients in IVI or IVF. ─── :部分HBV感染者精液具有传染性 ,精子洗涤不能完全去除精液中的乙肝病毒。 将HBV感染者的精液用于人工授精或体外受精应慎重。

34、Management of IVI Configuration File in Instrument Indepen dent Test System ─── 仪器无关测试系统IVI配置文件的管理

35、IVI specification ─── IVI规范

36、"That makes it a strong contender in a world of rough consensus and running code," Baker says of IVI. ─── “这使一个强大的竞争者在当前的世界上粗糙的共识和运行代码, ”贝克说,研究的IVI 。

37、IVI system architecture; ─── IVI系统结构;

38、He did not refer to spires and towers, to campus greens and ivied walls. ─── 他指的不是高耸的塔尖和巍峨的高楼,也不是绿树成荫的校园和长满长春藤的围墙。

39、At first, it introduces how to build ActiveX Server in LabWindows/CVI, and thus explaining how to convert it into IVI Instrument Driver so that it can be used in LabWindows/CVI project. ─── 文章首先介绍了如何在LabWindows/CVI开发系统中进行ActiveX服务器的创建,并在此基础上来说明怎样将ActiveX服务器转化成IVI仪器驱动器,使其应用于LabWindows/CVI工程之中。

40、This paper gave the design of HUD test system based on IVI and explained the structure of software and hardware of test system. ─── 摘要设计了一种基于可互换虚拟仪器的平显测试系统,说明了系统的软硬件结构;

41、In this paper, structure and working principle of the IVI model of virtual instrument driver are given, and furthermore the GPIB bus oscillograph driver based on IVI model is designed in LabWindows/ CVI 8.0 environment. ─── 本文介绍了IVI模型的结构和工作原理,并在Lab Windows/CVI8.0的开发环境中设计了基于该模型的GPIB总线虚拟示波器的驱动程序。

42、Development of IVI Instrument Driver Under Lab Windows/CVI Environment ─── Lab Windows/CVI环境下虚拟仪器驱动程序的开发

43、Study of Constructing An Test System Based On IVI ─── 基于IVI技术构建测试系统的研究

44、Pretty rosy faces peeped out of carriage windows to smile the last farewell upon the group at the hall door, as the vehicle rattled and rumbled under the ivied archway. ─── 俊俏的玫瑰红的脸蛋儿从马车车窗里探出来,向那些站在大厅门口的人群微笑道别,这时马车就从长春藤拱廊下发出格格隆隆的声音驰去了。

45、The IVI said the vaccine has been tested in the slums of the Indian city of Kolkata and initial results showed it confers significant protection. ─── 新疫苗已在印度加尔各答的一些贫民窟进行了初步试验,防疫效果良好。

46、Design and realization of user-defined functions in IVI instrument-driver based on LabWindows/CVI ─── 基于Lab Windows/CVI平台的IVI仪器驱动器中自定义函数的设计与实现

47、Keywords Trail impact;Impact monitoring;Index of Vegetation Impact(IVI);Soil erosion; ─── 步道冲击;冲击监测;植群冲击指数(IVI);土壤冲蚀;

48、Study and Implementation on IVI Event Server ─── IVI事件服务器研究与实现

49、"Harvard's ivied edifices" (Joseph P. Kahn) ─── “哈佛大学中常春藤覆盖的大楼”(约瑟夫P.卡恩)

50、Among woody plants, the Alnus, formosana was the most dominant with the IVI value of 100.35 Four main types and two subtypes of vegetation were recognized by the Matrix Cluster Analysis. ─── 各植物以重要值指数(IVI),分析植群之组成结果,以台湾赤杨的100.35为最显著。


52、In order to search new candidates of pharmaceutical target, in vivo induced antigen technology(IVIAT) was used to screen in vivo induced (ivi) genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis(M. ─── 摘要为寻找新型抗结核药物靶标,采用体内诱导抗原技术筛选结核分枝杆菌的体内诱导基因。

53、" he thought, and he drew nearer to the ivied archway, and the still water-pools, coldly grey in the twilight. ─── 他心中想道,这时他更加走近长春藤的拱廊以及在暮色中呈苍白寒光的静静池水了。

54、interchangeable virtual instrument( IVI) ─── 虚拟仪器互换

55、Keywords Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC);System Integration (SI);Optimization Deployment;Measuring Model;Genetic Algorithms (GAs);Interchanging Virtual Instrument (IVI); ─── 电磁兼容;系统集成;优化配置;测量模型;遗传算法;可互换虚拟仪器;

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