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09-04 投稿


fumble 发音

英:['f?mb(?)l]  美:['f?mbl]

英:  美:

fumble 中文意思翻译



fumble 短语词组

1、conjecturable venues fumble ─── 猜测地点失手

2、fumble the bag ─── 摸索袋子

3、fumble definition ─── 模糊定义

4、fumble chart ─── 失手参悟图

5、fumble bumble ─── 笨手 ─── 笨脚的

6、fumble definition nfl ─── 失球定义nfl

7、fumble with ─── 摸索着

8、fumble finesse malign ─── 失手手法恶意

9、fumble meaning ─── 摸索的意思

10、butt fumble play ─── 屁股失球

11、fumble bumble stumble ─── 笨手 ─── 笨脚的绊倒

12、fumble out ─── 摸索出

13、fumble bottom roblox ─── 笨手 ─── 笨脚的机器狗

fumble 词性/词形变化,fumble变形

动词现在分词: fumbling |名词: fumbler |动词第三人称单数: fumbles |动词过去式: fumbled |动词过去分词: fumbled |

fumble 相似词语短语

1、fumbled ─── v.笨拙地做,笨拙地行动;摸索;支支吾吾地说;漏接,漏球(fumble的过去式和过去分词)

2、jumble ─── n.混乱;杂乱的一堆东西;vi.混杂;搀杂;vt.使混乱;搞乱

3、fumbles ─── v.笨手笨脚地做;笨嘴拙舌地说话;漏球;摸索;用手笨拙地移动(某物);n.笨拙的手部动作;漏球;笨拙的处理;(非正式,为达性快乐)抚摸

4、mumble ─── vt.含糊地说;抿着嘴嚼;vi.含糊地说话;n.含糊的话;咕噜

5、rumble ─── vt.使隆隆响;低沉地说;vi.隆隆作响;n.隆隆声;抱怨声;n.(Rumble)人名;(英)朗布尔

6、fumbler ─── n.愚笨的人;摸索者

7、fimble ─── n.雄大麻

8、bumble ─── vi.犯错误;踉跄;结结巴巴地说话;vt.弄糟;搞坏;n.错误

9、humble ─── adj.谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的;vt.使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气

fumble 习惯用语

1、fumble about ─── 瞎摸, 摸弄, 失误

fumble 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You have to put the ball through the hoop the right way so it's not banging around and guys don't fumble the ball. ─── 你必须用正确的方式把球放进篮筐,不让球不会撞周围和其他的球员。”

2、With her free hand, Ms.Li managed to fumble it out, but there was no signal. ─── 李女士用另一只手,成功地把它摸了出来,但是却没有信号。

3、to the employee who has to fumble and rummage through ill-kept papers it is time wasing. ─── 不得不在混乱的文件里乱翻乱找所要的文件,对于雇员来讲是浪费时间。

4、A sergeant peering through the chinks in the barn wall watched Booth fumble around inside for his guns. ─── 一名中士从谷仓墙壁上的一处裂缝里看见里面的布思正在胡乱找他的枪,便立即向布思射击。

5、Fumble for a key. ─── 摸索着找钥匙

6、I fumble with a melody or two ─── 我便咿呀拨弄一两段

7、Study of Factors of Fumble in European Championship in ─── 年欧锦赛失球情况的研究

8、As he sat in his easy chair, I would fumble through "Lady of Spain" and "Beer Barrel Polka". ─── 他坐在安乐椅里,我就笨手笨脚地拉完《西班牙女郎》和《啤酒桶波尔卡》。

9、The fumble allow the other team to make a goal ─── 处理不当使另外一队进了一球

10、fumble around ─── 笨手笨脚地寻找

11、fumble along the dark path; grope one's way in the dark night ─── 摸黑路

12、The speaker fumble for the right word to answer the question ─── 演讲者笨嘴拙舌地想找到合适的词来回答这个问题

13、Coinstantaneous stimulation is too intense to some females, but be ejaculation however to another part person must, this must have you to fumble ability is informed slowly. ─── 同时的刺激对有些女性来说太强烈了,但对另一部分人来说却是射精的必须,这得有你慢慢摸索才能得知。

14、With her free hand, Li managed to fumble it out, but there was no signal. ─── 李万枝用另外一只手左摸右掏的总算把手机拿了出来,但是没有信号。

15、In the nearly two round 3 grains fumble, Wuhan team on, because air defense the emaciation, looks helplessly others the rubber ball pound the net bottom in their head general. ─── 在近两轮的3粒失球中,武汉队就因为“防空”的羸弱,眼睁睁地看着人家在自己的头上将皮球砸进网底。

16、Like hoping more premature ejaculation patients resemble Ayuan, fumble a remedial method that suits oneself, acquire happy sexual life. ─── 希望更多的早泄病人像阿元一样,摸索出适合自己的治疗方法,获得美满的性生活。

17、In March he goes on a survival course and learns about the “umbles”: as hypothermia sets in you mumble, fumble, grumble, stumble, then finally tumble. ─── 三月,开始野外生存训练,懂得了寒冷下嘴、脚是什么样:低温开始了,咕哝,摸爬,嘟囔,踉跄,终于仆倒在地。

18、muff (or fumble) a ball ─── 接球失误

19、How does this country end up being a Republic, the Third Republic, which has been castigated because it seemed to fumble along? ─── 这个国家是怎么成为一个共和国的,即第三共和国,因为它似乎是在摸索着前进而被谴责?

20、They are fumble in oneself in the center, subliminal definition comes out. ─── 他们是在自己的摸索当中,下意识的定义出来。

21、to fumble for the right thing to say ─── 笨嘴拙舌地寻找恰当的话题

22、She heard him fumble in the dark, strike a match and the room sprang into light. ─── 她听见他在黑暗中摸索,划一根火柴,房里便猛地亮了。

23、Don't fumble with it. ─── 别毛手毛脚。

24、The earthquake prediction based on the geoelectric field variation is still in period of fumble and discussion. ─── 摘要地电场的地震预报研究目前处于摸索探讨阶段。

25、Fang Qingbin: The perspective that how imagines online charge to an account are you at that time? 2Year fumble, go up with operation mode on idea what change to produce? ─── 方清彬:当时你是如何设想在线记账的前景的?2年的摸索,想法上和运营模式上发生了哪些变化?

26、"The female should learn the body that follows her to become a friend, fumble with the hand slowly the place that makes oneself cheerful, how can understanding let the body put relaxed, happier. ─── “女性应该学习跟自己的身体做朋友,慢慢用手摸索让自己愉悦的部位,了解怎样能让身体放轻松、更愉快。”

27、Foster in the Watford goal, one fumble apart, is a formidable opponent and although Mourinho tactically shuffles throughout the second-half, the performance remains lethargic. ─── 替沃特福德把关的福斯特,虽然刚刚经历过笨拙的失球,这场却成为一个棘手的家伙。虽然穆里尼奥在下半场来了战术大搅乱,球队表现仍旧是了无气愤。

28、As he sat in his easy chair, I would fumble through "Lady of Spain" and "Beer Barrel Polka. ─── 他躺在安乐椅里,我则笨拙地拉完“西班牙女郎”和“啤酒桶波尔卡”。

29、The speaker fumble for the right word to answer the question. ─── 演讲者笨嘴拙舌地想找到合适的词来回答这个问题。

30、I fumble out a coin ─── 找一枚硬币

31、With her free hand, Ms. Li managed to fumble it out, but there was no signal. ─── 李女士用另一只空闲的手,几经周折终于取出了手机,然而没有信号。

32、A fumble! ─── 犯规!

33、Current nevertheless, telegraphic operation business did not fumble give gain run get online this commercial pattern. ─── 不过目前,电信运营商并未摸索出盈利的运作上网本商业模式。

34、So I fumble along as best I can, no good, no bad, and I hope generally fair-to-middling. ─── 于是我就摸索着这么试试那么改改,画个大概齐。

35、He criticized my meal: "The kids, to care for plants, do not fumble, to know it? ─── 他把我批评了一顿:“小朋友,要爱护花草,不要乱摸,知道了吗?”

36、grope (or fumble) one's way in the dark ─── 在黑暗中摸索前进

37、A quick fumble is often less erotic, and certainly not as indicative of desire. ─── 快速笨拙地乱摸通常不那么能引起性欲,并且肯定不会表明欲望。

38、The sky colour is blue so incisive , cannot find out a thread of flaw out-of-the-way , use hand to go and fumble along being not allowed to reach at a distance. ─── 天空的颜色是蓝色,以便透彻,不能找出一个线程的缺陷了型的方式,使用手去摸索正在沿着不允许将达到距离。

39、The cooperation is still in trial and fumble. ─── 双方合作仍处在尝试和摸索中。

40、Fumble in what pass nearly 10 years, of the standard of living as domestic dweller rise, the grow in quantity that open to the outside world, people begins yearning live high qualitily with pursuit. ─── 在经过近10年的摸索,随着国内居民的生活水平的提高、对外开放的增多,人们开始向往和追求高品质的生活。

41、Save life! Emergency! I top 181-183 or so, weight 78 only fumble along less than the basket! I want to practise spring ─── 您的位置:我也知道>体育/运动>篮球>救命啊!急啊!我身高181-183左右,体重78但摸不到筐!我想练弹跳

42、I fumble in the darkness to expect a glimpse of light to lead me out of dark.The life in Canada elapses so fast;the elapsed days erode my soul; ─── 我 在 黑 暗 中 摸 索 ,试 图 发 现 一 丝 光 线 会 引 领 我 走 出 黑 暗 .在 加 拿 大 的 生 活 过 得 很 块 ,流 逝 的 时 光 在 侵 蚀 我 的 灵 魂 ;

43、fumble for the right thing to say ─── 笨嘴笨舌地寻找恰当的话题

44、But he is not contented explore market rule actively however, fumble thereby give a many course of study to develop simultaneously, development market, the road of benefit of do one's best. ─── 但他并未满足而是积极探索市场规律,从而摸索出一套多业并举,开拓市场,力求效益之路。

45、I like Kobe because, as a fan, I've had the opportunity to watch him fumble, pick himself back up and we've watched him grow tremendously as a player and as a person. ─── 我喜欢科比,因为,作为一个科迷,我有机会看到他在摸索,令自己跌入低谷,我们也看到了他可怕地成长,作为一个球员和普通人。

46、The fumble allow the other team to make a goal. ─── 处理不当使另外一队进了一球。

47、fumble the ball ─── vi. 漏球(失球, 犯错误)

48、fumble for ─── 摸索,瞎摸

49、fumble in one's pocket for some coins ─── 笨手笨脚地在口袋里摸索几枚硬币

50、After all, you don't want the person you are getting ready to have sex with staring at you as you fumble with a condom. ─── 毕竟,你并不希望在你苦苦探索如何佩戴避孕套的时候,那位你正准备发生性行为的伴侣一直凝视着你。

51、the act of running back the football after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble. ─── 开球、断球或失球后。

52、to fumble ─── 漏接

53、The lights went off. I have to fumble my way out. ─── 灯熄了,我只好摸黑出去。

54、Fort Fumble ─── 五角大楼

55、fumble in pocket ─── 在口袋中摸索

56、He said: the placement shot is one is worth the matter of concern, our three fumble comes from the placement shot completely. ─── 他说:“定位球是一个值得关注的问题,我们的三个失球全部来自定位球。”

57、He said: “I thought that when you 1-0 are in the lead, 1st fumbles is more spaces shoots for them, then we once more fumble, then comes from the corner kick the header. ─── 他说:“我觉得当你1-0领先,第1个失球就是给他们更多的空间射门,然后我们再次的失球则来自角球的头球。

58、He would not know how to answer them, He would fumble and thus He would be exposed to the crowd as an imposter. ─── 他将不知道怎么回答,他将支支吾吾,这样他就会在众人面前露馅。

59、Blinded by the soap, he had to fumble about for his glasses. ─── 他被肥皂弄得睁不开眼,只好到处瞎摸去找眼镜。

60、On April 28, whether is the electroshock that reporter Ceng Xun asks Yang Yongxin experienced fumble and experiment. ─── 4月28日,记者曾询问杨永信的电击疗法是否经历摸索和实验。

61、I think, this needs to fumble ceaselessly in practice, cannot be an armchair strategist. ─── 我认为,这需要在实践中不断摸索,不能纸上谈兵。

62、fumble in the purse ─── 在钱包中摸索

63、Nobody wants to see you fumble your way through your file system for that diagram you were supposed to explain. ─── 没有人希望看到你为了找到要向大家解释的图,而在文件目录中苦苦搜寻。

64、To fumble in speaking. ─── 呃说话犹豫时发出呃声

65、After a Pittsburgh fumble, Miami scored a touchdown. ─── 匹兹堡队接球失误以后,迈阿密队底线持球触地得分。

66、fumble in one's pocket for a key ─── 在口袋里摸钥匙

67、We all know that people fumble along the way. ─── 我们都知道人们会摸索着前进。

68、fumble for the light switch ─── 摸索电灯开关

69、You fumble to find your passport when you cross a frontier. ─── 当你出境时,要摸索着寻找护照。

70、Football To run with (the ball) after a kickoff, a punt, an interception, or a fumble. ─── 回球反攻:在开球、悬空球、拦截或失球后的带(球)跑

71、deep foot after 2:1 defeats Liaoning, unexpectedly welcomed this season to fumble most competitions, the placement shot defense becomes stubborn illness which Team Shenzhen overcame with difficulty. ─── 1比3,深足在2比1战胜辽宁之后,竟然迎来了本赛季失球最多的一场比赛,定位球防守更是成为深圳队难以克服的顽疾。

72、Fumble with ─── 笨手笨脚地做

73、Words frustrate her, like fastened buttons at which she can only fumble. ─── 言语使她感到挫败,就像扣上的扣子,她只能摸索着按。

74、Declaring is one begins, fumble in the process but repass law, code and a few regulation will perfect. ─── 申报是一个开始,摸索过程中可再通过法律、法规以及一些规则来完善。

75、Fumble v. Speak in a clumsy and unclear way ─── 支支吾吾地说,笨嘴拙舌地说

76、fumble with a ribbon ─── 笨拙地抚弄丝带

77、Dante: You will fumble in your opposition of my quest. ─── 如果你反对我的请求,你就犯了大错了。

78、Then, she is obliged armrest will fumble take money. ─── 于是,她只得靠手来摸索取钱。

79、Sina's profits are growing at double-digit rates, while Focus Media's recent past has been marked by one fumble after another. ─── 新浪的利润在以两位数的速度增长,而分众传媒最近却是接二连三的失误。

80、It is known that the nation had some areas to carry on the fumble to the land system reform. ─── 据了解,全国已有部分地区对土地制度改革进行摸索。

81、Arkansas kicked off to Texas, forced a fumble on the first possession, and scored less than a minute and a half into the game. ─── 阿肯色队开球攻向德克萨斯队,第一次进攻就形成了对方的失球,不到一分半钟便得分。

82、fumble about ─── 瞎摸摸弄失误

83、A derelict son is a shame to himself and to his family in exactly the same sense as a quarterback who makes a fumble and loses the ball. ─── 一个不肖子对自己和家族所造成的耻辱,是和一个任防御之责的球员接不住球,因而被敌人抢去一样。

84、After you fumble, you cannot say that the team does not have the question. ─── 你失球后,你不能说球队没有问题。”

85、the act of running back the football after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble ─── 开球、断球或失球后

86、In March he goes on a survival course and learns about the “umbles”: as hypothermia sets in you mumble, fumble, grumble, stumble, then finally tumble.Without help you die. ─── 三月份在生存课上学到了很多“症状”:如果过低的体温使你口齿不清,笨拙不堪,怨声载道,步履蹒跚,直至摔跤时,若得不到救治你可能因此命丧黄泉。

87、I fumble and I fall with no sense ─── 我毫无感觉的摸索,堕落

88、fumble in goal ─── 失手入网

89、How to use it, craftsman and bookman fumble together. ─── 如何利用它,工匠与文人一同摸索。

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