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09-04 投稿


beater 发音

英:['bi?t?]  美:['bit?]

英:  美:

beater 中文意思翻译



beater 词性/词形变化,beater变形


beater 短语词组

1、beater roll pressure ─── [机] 碎解压力, 打浆辊压力

2、beater sizing ─── [机] 打浆机(中)上胶

3、beater dyeing ─── [机] 打浆机(中)染

4、breaker beater ─── [化] 梳解机

5、beater drag ─── [机] 打浆计算器

6、beater process paper ─── [化] 打浆法纸; 纸浆法纸

7、buzzer beater ─── 比赛结束前的最后一投

8、beater loading ─── [机] 打浆机装料

9、beater roll ─── [机] 打浆辊

10、beater colloid mill ─── [机] 打浆胶体磨

11、beater chamber ─── [机] 打浆室

12、beater room ─── [机] 打浆室

13、foam beater ─── [化] 发泡剂; 起泡剂

14、drum-beater n. ─── 鼓吹者

15、beater tub ─── [机] 打浆桶

16、beater roller ─── [机] 打浆辊, 回转器

17、carpet beater ─── 地毯拍打器

18、beater oiling roller ─── [机] 打浆机油辊

19、broke beater ─── [机] 废物磨粉机

beater 相似词语短语

1、beaters ─── n.狙击手;[机]搅拌器(beater的复数)

2、-seater ─── n.有座位的交通工具;n.(Seater)人名;(英)西特

3、bleater ─── 萧瑟

4、neater ─── 更加整洁(neat的比较级)

5、feater ─── 羽毛球

6、beaten ─── adj.被打败了的;筋疲力竭的;踏平的;v.打败(beat的过去分词);n.(Beaten)人名;(英)比滕

7、heater ─── n.加热器;加热工;n.(Heater)人名;(英)希特

8、seater ─── n.有座位的交通工具;n.(Seater)人名;(英)西特

9、boater ─── n.硬草帽;乘船的人

beater 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、beater additive ─── 打浆添加剂

2、fast-growing industry in which Britain is a world beater: what could go wrong? ─── 在快速增长的工业领域,英国是佼佼者:他会存在问题吗?

3、feed beater cover ─── 喂入轮罩

4、cylinder beater mill for hides, skins or leather ─── 大皮、生皮或皮革辊式敲平机

5、beater process paper ─── [化] 打浆法纸; 纸浆法纸

6、The drummer needs to be comfortable with the feel of the beater hitting the head. ─── 鼓手需要一个非常舒适的踩锤击打鼓皮的感觉。

7、Cause one of causes that find new job, the design skill that is beater division is drab, experience is defective. ─── 导致跳槽的原因之一,是打板师的设计技能单调,经验欠缺。

8、Beater plate: See Bed plate. ─── 底刀床:

9、icing beater ─── 冰糖搅拌机

10、Beating: Mechanical treatment of fibrous materials in a beater or refiner to make the fibres suitably frayed out but not cut short much of them. These are properties necessary for the manufacture of a definite quality of paper or board. ─── 打浆:在打浆机或精磨机上用机械方法把纤维素材料处理,使纤维适度的起丝但不致于把它切得太短,配合生产某类纸或板纸所需的特性。

11、multiroll beater ─── 多辊打浆机

12、feeder beater ─── n. 喂入轮

13、On the base of invalidation analysis of the wear liners of the beater, the abrasion-resistant capability experiment is carried through NJ-cast iron and Ct-white iron. ─── 在对搅拌器中衬板失效分析的基础上,对镍硬铸铁和铬系白口铸铁进行了磨料磨损试验。

14、paving beater ─── 打夯机

15、duplex beater ─── 双盘打浆机

16、world beater ─── n. 举世无双的事物

17、Back in January I bought a U2S as an interesting beater and travel watch and I thought I would post some photos taken during the course of the year. ─── 一月份时我买了一块U2S,个人喜欢的一款旅行表。我想一年当中,应该在不同的旅行当中多拍一下这款表的照片。

18、Rita branded me as a self-centered adulterer and a wife beater,deliberately poisoning the relationship I had with Jessie. ─── 丽塔把我说成一个自私自利奸夫,打妻子的男人,故意破坏我和杰西的关系。

19、beater loading ─── 打浆机装料

20、synchronizing beater ─── 同步逐稿轮

21、If there's no front kick drum head, position the mic inside the bass drum about a foot back from the point where the beater hits. ─── 如果底鼓前面没有鼓皮,那么就把麦克固定在鼓腔内距踩锤击打位置1英尺的位置。

22、In the shoe kind before job of stylist title assess has not enter the right path, we call them beater division for the moment here. ─── 在鞋类设计师职称评定工作尚未进入正轨之前,我们在这里姑且称他们为打板师。

23、beater colloid mill ─── 打浆胶体磨

24、multiple hull beater ─── 多联打筛

25、Joss paper productions usually involve cold-soea process, followed by beater defibration and paper forming on cylinder machines. ─── 信仰纸一般采冷碱法浸渍竹片,再经打浆抄纸而成。

26、Are You a Child Beater? ─── 您是会打小孩的爸妈吗?

27、A standard college chick outfit is not complete without tight yoga pants and maybe a wife beater, which are both hot. ─── 一个标准的学院鸡装备是不紧不完整的瑜伽裤,也许是打老婆的,它们都是热。

28、beater drag ─── [机] 打浆计算器

29、The transverse supporting bar is welded with an installation pedestal which is used for arranging a feeder-beater component. ─── 所述横向支撑杆焊接有安装喂入轮组件的安装座。

30、waste silk beater ─── 打绢机

31、a carpet beater ─── 地毯掸子

32、Really? Strapping guy like you? You've got more of a Beater's build, don't you think? Keepers need to be quick, agile. ─── 真的?就凭你这个大块头?干嘛不去当击球手?守门员要快速,敏捷。

33、broke beater ─── 打浆机废物磨粉机损纸打浆机

34、fan-type beater ─── 叶片式击肥轮

35、beater tub ─── [机] 打浆桶

36、The fare beater on the subway presents less threat to life than the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes ─── 乘地下火车不买车票的人,当然不象房东老板无视防火安全条文那样会危及人的生命安全。

37、check beater ─── 反转逐稿轮

38、beater stuff tester ─── 打浆浆料检测仪

39、For filling, in a mixing bowl combine pumpkin, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.Add eggs.Beat lightly with a rotary beater or fork just until combined. ─── 做饼馅,将南瓜、食糖、肉桂粉、姜粉和肉豆蔻放进去,打入鸡蛋,用搅拌器或者叉子搅匀。

40、He works as a panel beater in a local garage. ─── 他在当地一家修车厂做板金维修工。

41、top beater ─── 上击肥轮

42、beater mechanism ─── 冲击机构拍打机构

43、She has enough talent as a player to is a world beater. ─── 她很有天资, 能成为天下无敌的选手.

44、cocoon beater ─── 打茧机索绪装置

45、drum beater ─── n. 鼓吹者

46、finishing beater ─── 成浆机

47、Or just a wife beater? ─── |纯粹就是个打老婆的人?

48、A carpet beater. ─── 地毯敲打物

49、cream beater ─── 奶油搅打器; 油膏调匀机, 乳浆调和机; 糖霜搅打机

50、roller beater ─── 打浆棍

51、1. She has enough talent as a player to be a world - beater . ─── 她很有天资,能成为天下无敌的选手.

52、After this, I made a great heavy pestle or beater, of the wood call'd the iron-wood, and this I prepar'd and laid by against I had my next crop of corn, when i propos'd to my self, to grind, or rather pound my into meal to make my bread. ─── 又用铁树做了一个又大又重的杵。舂谷的工具做好后,我就放起来准备下次收获后舂谷做面粉,再用面粉做面包。

53、And for me it's a recession beater too -- what's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash, " Hiley said in a statement. " ─── 而且对我来说,这还能使我在经济衰退的环境中捞点外快。用我自己的母乳赚点钱没什么害处。

54、I am determined to want to ask clear, they place a few phenomena to me: Nowadays of division of shoe pattern beater find new job the problem makes company manager very headache. ─── 我执意要问个明白,他们给我摆出一些现象:如今鞋样打板师的跳槽问题令公司老总十分头疼。

55、chain drive for beater ─── 击肥轮链传动装置

56、one-handed egg beater ─── 单手打蛋器

57、Crack two eggs into a bowl and beat with an egg beater until egg yolk is fully mixed with the egg whites. ─── 裂缝两个蛋在碗里,打了,直到搅蛋蛋黄完全混合了蛋白。

58、At the company’s sprawling headquarters in Guangdong Province, there is little outward sign that BYD is a world beater. ─── 在位于广东省的庞大的公司总部里,几乎没有什么外在迹象表明比亚迪就是全球赢家。

59、She has enough talent as a player to be a world beater. ─── 她很有天资,能成为天下无敌的选手。

60、beater oiling roller ─── 打浆机油辊

61、plain cage beater ─── 平边笼式打浆器

62、Whisk the batter with a wire whisk or hand beater until it is smooth and light. ─── 搅拌器搅拌糊状物直到糊状物变得光滑酥松。

63、feed beater ─── 喂入轮

64、Pulp fibres are creshed between the bars of teh roll and the knives of the bed plate.Also called Beater plate. ─── 它连同打浆轮的磨条把纸浆纤维在两者间压磨。

65、Other turbines work the same way, but the turbine is on a vertical axis and the blades look like a giant egg beater. ─── 其它的风力发电机也是同样的原理,只是涡轮出于垂直线上而叶片像巨大的鸡蛋搅拌器。

66、Bed plate: Metallic plate in which bronze or steel knives are fitted, set dirrctly underneath the beater roll of the hollander. Pulp fibres are creshed between the bars of teh roll and the knives of the bed plate. Also called Beater plate. ─── 底刀床:在荷兰式打浆机内打浆轮下面的金属底床,它上面装上青铜或钢刀片。它连同打浆轮的磨条把纸浆纤维在两者间压磨。

67、separating beater ─── 分离逐稿轮

68、Beater: Machine to confer by mechanical means on pulps in aqueous suspension the qualities necessary to make paper or board of the required characteristics. ─── 打浆机: 用机械方式把悬浮于水中的纸浆压磨成符合造某类纸或板纸的要求的机器。

69、Orlando opened the playoffs with a 100-98 loss on Andre Iguodala's buzzer beater, and Boston won Game 4 95-94 on a Glen Davis jumper. ─── 奥兰多则是季后赛的首场就被伊戈达拉的终场压哨绝杀,比分定格在100:98,而波士顿同样凭借戴维斯的跳投在第四场以95:94险胜。

70、If using padding, pull back the padding and ask the drummer to get the tuning“ even” and as low as possible without making the head too loose for the beater. ─── 如果你用填充物,把填充物一边往后移一边问鼓手,以得到一个合适的、个在为了踩锤而没有把鼓皮调节的过分松弛的情况下尽可能多的低频下潜的调节。

71、We'd beater make tracks if we want to get there on time. ─── 如果我们想按时到那儿的话,那我们最好赶快走。

72、Bed plate: Metallic plate in which bronze or steel knives are fitted, set dirrctly underneath the beater roll of the hollander . ─── 底刀床:在荷兰式打浆机内打浆轮下面的金属底床,它上面装上青铜或钢刀片。

73、cutter beater ─── 击碎切割刀轮

74、grain carrier beater ─── (回转式逐稿器上的)逐稿轮, (逐稿器)第一逐稿轮

75、If using padding, pull back the padding and ask the drummer to get the tuning "even" and as low as possible without making the head too loose for the beater. ─── 如果你用填充物,把填充物一边往后移一边问鼓手,以得到一个合适的、一个在为了踩锤而没有把鼓皮调节的过分松弛的情况下尽可能多的低频下潜的调节。

76、Sucre reluctantly takes the egg beater and begins to drill. ─── Sucre不情愿地拿着搅蛋器开始钻洞。

77、buzzer beater ─── n. 压哨球

78、Steve Sykes (a brilliant engineer) uses a dynamic mic inside the kick basically pointing at the beater. ─── SteveSykes(一个非常有才气的工程师)用一个动圈麦伸入鼓腔指向踩锤敲击位置。

79、We want to buy Kitchen Tools and Gadgets, Cutlery, Plastic Utensils, Bbq Tools, Egg Beater, Can Opener and Barware Kitchenware ─── 我们要采购厨房工具和小工具,餐具,塑胶餐具,烧烤工具,鸡蛋搅拌器,开罐器

80、beating engine; beater ─── 打浆机

81、experimental beater ─── 实验室打浆机

82、At the company's sprawling headquarters in Guangdong province, there is little outward sign that BYD is a world beater. ─── 在该公司位于广东省的庞大总部里,没有什么表面迹象表明比亚迪是举世无双者。

83、mixing beater ─── [化] 搅拌机

84、If you then add the two goals he has scored for FIFA representative sides, the world beater from Rio has amassed an incredible 440 goals in 616 professional matches, averaging 0.71 goals per game. ─── 如果算上他为国际足联贡献的两粒进球,这位来自里约热内卢的世界级前锋已经在616场正式比赛中打进了难以置信的440粒进球,平均每场有0.71个入账。

85、Gradually increase the beating speed to moderate and continue until the beater leaves light traces on the surface of the cream. ─── 渐渐加快搅打的速度至中速,直至打蛋器能在奶油表面留下浅浅的痕迹。

86、double beater ─── 双效打浆机

87、It is chocolate sauce origining from Australia and made from high qulity materials.Adding ice and water,it can be made into frozen drink whipped by beater. ─── 产自澳大利亚的巧克力酱,选用优质的原料精制而成可加入冰块和水,经搅拌机搅打后制成冰沙。

88、beater roll ─── 打浆辊

89、You'd make a fair Beater. ─── 你也可以成为优秀的击球手。


分手的英文是break up. 所以它的过去式是broke up.

broke up的中文意思:分手,结束,打碎




adj. 一文不名的,破产的

v. 打破,断掉(break的过去式)

n. (Broke)人名;(英)布罗克

例:What do you mean, I've got enough money? I'm as broke as you are.


例:Balton went broke twice in his career.




adv. 向上,在上面

adj. 向上的;涨的;正在修正的,快乐的;在运行的;完成的,完结的;起床的

v. 突然做(意想不到的事);提高……的价格(或数量);举起,抬起

n. 上升;繁荣;(非正式)走运

例:They were climbing up a narrow mountain road.


例:I ran up the stairs and saw Alison lying at the top.











1、broke beater 废物磨粉机 ; 损纸打浆机

2、finishing broke 完成损纸

3、broke transit 折镜子午仪 ; 详细翻译

4、trim broke 冲边损纸

5、dead broke 身无分文

6、broke series 断续数列

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