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09-04 投稿


crematorium 发音


英:  美:

crematorium 中文意思翻译



crematorium 词性/词形变化,crematorium变形

名词复数: crematoriums |

crematorium 短语词组

1、crematorium in philadelphia pa ─── 宾夕法尼亚州费城的火葬场

2、crematorium 4 ─── 火葬场4

3、crematorium def ─── 火葬场定义

4、crematorium rijtackers ─── 火葬场rijtackers,

5、crematorium cleveland ohio ─── 俄亥 ─── 俄州克利夫兰火葬场

6、crematorium graveyard keeper ─── 火葬场墓地管理员

crematorium 相似词语短语

1、crematoriums ─── n.火葬场(等于crematory)

2、crematorial ─── 火葬场

3、crematories ─── n.火葬场;垃圾焚化场;adj.火葬的

4、fumatorium ─── 熏蒸室

5、cremator ─── n.焚尸炉;焚尸人;火葬者

6、cremationism ─── n.主张火葬者;火葬论者(cremationist的变形)

7、crematory ─── n.火葬场;垃圾焚化场;adj.火葬的

8、cremators ─── n.焚尸炉;焚尸人;火葬者

9、crematoria ─── 火葬场(crematorium的名词复数)

crematorium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any lone massive oak he finds growing from a low clover-covered mound marks a crematorium. ─── 他还知道,任何一棵从低矮的苜蓿丛中长出的又高又大、茕茕孑立的橡树都意味着一处焚尸场。

2、has long been burned in the crematorium ash and still a pensioner . . . really do not know how this file is a pipe. ─── 早就在火葬场烧成灰了还在领养老金……真不知道这档案是怎么管的。

3、New cremators commissioned at the Fu Shan Crematorium. ─── 富山火葬场新火化炉投入服务。

4、Our family reached the crematorium to condole on him. ─── 我们全家去火葬场吊唁他的去世。

5、Choi's body was true in South Korea, local time 8:30 is located in Gyeonggi-do were sent to the crematorium for cremation. ─── 崔真实的遗体在韩国当地时间8点30分被送往位于京畿道的火葬场火葬。

6、to select and book on my behalf the date and time of cremation for the deceased mentioned in Section B at your crematorium. ─── 代本人选择及预订火葬日期及时间,以便为在乙部所填写之先人在贵署火葬场进行火化。

7、Replacement of two cremators together with the provision of monitoring and telemetry systems at the Cape Collinson Crematorium were completed. ─── 歌连臣角火葬场更换两个火化炉和装置监察及遥测系统的工程已经完成。

8、In this connection, the Department is actively planning for the replacement of cremators at the Fu Shan Crematorium and the Diamond Hill Crematorium. ─── 本署现正积极计划更换富山火葬场和钻石山火葬场的火化炉。

9、One million people lined the streets to Bid farewell to him when the hearse drove slowly along Changan Boulevard to the crematorium. ─── 当灵车缓缓驶过长安街开往火葬场时,街道两边站立着成千上万的群众向他做最后的告别。

10、The reprovisioning of cremators at Diamond Hill Crematorium is under active planning. ─── 此外,本署正积极策划重建钻石山火葬场。

11、39.A few more decades, we have to meet, to the crematorium, all burning ash, a bunch of you, I am a heap, and nobody recognized who, in rural areas to do all the fertilizer. ─── 39.再过几十年,我们来相会,送到火葬场,全部烧成灰,你一堆,我一堆,谁也不认谁,全部送到农村做化肥.

12、Eventually to enter the crematorium, which is we have to go through the last leg of life. ─── 人最终是要进入火葬场的,这是我们必须要经历的人生最后一站。

13、The movie focuses on three lonely souls: Hsiao-kang, a gay salesman of crematorium niches who wanders the city on his scooter; ─── 影片聚焦于三个孤独的灵魂:小康,推销骨灰盒的同性恋者,骑着自行车穿梭于城市中;

14、Looking back, I caught sight of a lonely crematorium looming out of a pine wood. The towering red-brick chimney was giving off wisps of greyish smokes. ─── 回首见松原里的一所孤寂的火葬场,红砖砌成的高耸的烟囱口上冒出了一笔灰白色的飘忽的轻烟。

15、Other crematorium projects in the pipeline include replacement of existing cremators at the Fu Shan Crematorium and the reprovisioning of the Diamond Hill Crematorium. ─── 现正进行的工程还有更换富山火葬场现有的火化炉,以及重建钻石山火葬场。

16、12. Such success, of course, begs a question: Are feats of courage, like trips to the crematorium, necessary to nurture champions? ─── 当然,这样的成功也带来了一个问题:诸如到火葬场之类的勇武行为是否是培养冠军所必需的?

17、My friend is just a porter in the hospital crematorium. ─── |我的朋友只是个 医院太平间里的守卫.

18、And you can also find the crematorium with running overloaded. ─── 此外,你还可以看到整日超负荷运转的焚尸炉。

19、Family members filled with sorrow sending my Mother-In-Law to Mandai Crematorium. ─── 家庭成员以悲痛的心情送岳母大人到万里焚化场。

20、City Crematorium flowers honor the district, only two graves in the area. ─── 市火葬场鲜花拜祭区,只有两人在该区拜祭。

21、Thick black smoke streamed from the twin smokestacks of the town's crematorium. ─── 小城火葬场的一对烟囱不断冒出滚滚黑烟。

22、The access road leading to the Diamond Hill Crematorium; ─── 通往钻石山火葬场的通路;

23、At the crematorium, they made a fire to burn the coffin, and everything was burnt in a short time. ─── 到了城外化人场,举火烧化棺材。不一会儿,烧得干干净净。

24、South Korea yesterday morning local time, the real Choi's funeral in Gyeonggi-do held at the crematorium. ─── 韩国当地时间昨日上午,崔真实的葬礼在京畿道的火葬场举行。

25、The couple, from Paulsgrove, Hants, will have a joint funeral at Porchester Crematorium. ─── 现在,他们将在他们的结婚纪念日那天,埋葬在一起.

26、Some weeks later, my wife asked if we could drive to the crematorium so she could lay some flowers and say her final farewells. ─── 几周后,我的妻子问我能不能陪她一起去火化场,她给科林留点鲜花,做最后的告别。

27、The only thing unusual that I know for a fact about the place is that the basement used to house a crematorium in the 1930s and 40s. ─── 我唯一知道的关于这个地方不太对劲的地方就是在20世纪三、四十年代,地下室曾经是个火葬场。

28、I also remembered the ovens of the crematorium that were on display in another barracks, and that another barracks had contained cells. ─── 我还想起了在另一个营房内展示给人的火葬炉,在一个营房里设有小单间。

29、The access road adjacent to the Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour leading to Sze Chen Hall of Diamond Hill Crematorium. ─── 毗连钻石山殡仪馆,通往钻石山火葬场思亲堂的通路。

30、With the spread of interactive electronic media a man alone in is own home will never have been so well placed to fill the inexplicable mental space between cradle and crematorium. ─── 随着交互式电子媒体的普及,独自在家的个人将具备前所未有的优越条件,来满足自己从摇篮到火葬场那说不清、道不明的精神世界。

31、I now want to purchase with neighbor uncle, then the afternoon of the crematorium, I am there time to the Internet? ─── 我现在要跟邻居叔叔一起去进货,下午再去火葬场,我哪有时间去上网?

32、At Cape Collinson Crematorium, due to limited space, there will be special arrangement for traffic on the day of cremation, the committee sincerely asks the media not to go there for interview. ─── 基于歌连臣角场地有限,以及将有特别交通措施,治丧委员会恳求各传媒请勿前往该处采访。

33、Choi's body was true in South Korea, local time 8:30 was sent to the crematorium and the ashes placed in Gyeonggi-do in a park. ─── 崔真实的遗体在韩国当地时间8点30分被送往火葬场,骨灰被安置在京畿道甲山公园内。

34、Other important services rendered by the temple include administration of last rites, arrangements for cremation and related ceremonies and the general upkeep of the Hindu crematorium at Cape Collinson. ─── 印度庙提供的其他主要服务,还有主持殡殓仪式、安排火化和有关事宜,以及管理位于歌连臣角的印度教火葬

35、The surprise hobby was the piano and his implied admission that when he tires of Manchester United he will be applying for the job as the in-house organist at Wilmslow crematorium. ─── 在卡灵顿训练基地,是谁做出最后的战术决定?弗爵爷还是助教奎罗斯?“最终是由主教练拍板,但奎罗斯已经取得巨大成功,他带来了新的想法。”

36、After cremation, water is used to cool gases in the crematorium chimney. ─── 火化之后要用水来冷却火葬场烟囱中的气体。

37、The movie focuses on three lonely souls: Hsiao-kang, a gay salesman of crematorium niches who wanders the city on his scooter; Ah-jung, a handsome street hawker of counterfeit designer goods; and May Lin, a struggling real estate agent. ─── 影片聚焦于三个孤独的灵魂:小康,推销骨灰盒的同性恋者,骑着自行车穿梭于城市中;阿荣,专卖赝品的地摊小贩;林梅,苦苦奋斗的房产代理人。

38、Decommission the existing crematorium after the satisfactory commissioning of the new one. ─── 在新火化炉顺利运作后,拆卸现有的火葬场。

39、But the present small crematorium can barely handle the prisoners who die a natural death and various offenders who are shot or hanged ─── 可是目前这个焚化物勉强只够焚化自然死亡和因犯法被枪毙或绞死的俘虏。

40、That principle underlies a second practice: recycling crematorium heat. ─── 这一法规引出了第二个事件:回收火葬场的余热。

41、Construction and operation of a new crematorium plus demolition of the existing crematorium which was once used as a clinical wastes incinerator . ─── 建造及营办一所新火葬场;和拆卸现有的火葬场(此火葬场曾用作焚化医疗废物)。

42、Construct and operate a new crematorium of 6 new cremators with supporting facilities include 4 service halls, automatic coffin transportation system, offices, E&M and fire services facility. ─── 建造及营办一所内设六组火化炉的新火葬场。其配套设施包括4个礼堂、一套灵柩自动运输系统、办公室、机电和消防设备。

43、Austrian crematorium officials have blamed a deceased woman's obesity for causing a blaze which had to be tackled by firefighters. ─── 奥地利一家火葬场的负责人称一位超级肥胖的女性死者引发了一场火灾,最后不得不出动消防队来扑灭火宅。

44、Mount Weather includes a hospital, crematorium, reservoirs of drinking water, a power plant, and a radio and television studio. ─── MountWeather包含了医院、火葬场、饮用水的储藏库、发电厂、无线电广播电视站。

45、Baumschulenweg Crematorium, Berlin ─── Baumschulenweg火葬场,柏林

46、More than 250 people at the church and 350 at the crematorium chapel. ─── 教堂里有超过250人,火葬场的小礼堂里也有350多人。

47、Funeral Service will start at 11:00a.m. tomorrow and finish at 12 noon. Cremation will be followed right away at Cape Collinson Crematorium. ─── 明日上午十一时至十二时则是梅艳芳亲友告别礼,梅艳芳遗体随后送往哥连臣角火化。

48、In February 2002, the world was shocked to learn of a scandal involving a crematorium in the United States ─── 2002年2月,美国爆出令人震惊的火葬场业主大规模抛尸丑闻。

49、I once visited a crematorium that gave discounts for burn victims. ─── 我曾经去过一个打折的火葬场。

50、The only thing unusual that I know for a fact about the place is that the basement used to house a crematorium in the 1930s and 40s. ─── 我唯一知道的关于这个地方不太对劲的地方就是在20世纪三、四十年代,地下室曾经是个火葬场。

51、Health protection zone standard for crematorium ─── 火葬场卫生防护距离标准

52、But when coaches blindfolded her in the dead of night, took her to a crematorium and told her to fetch bones from the ovens, she almost lost it. ─── 但是,当教练在漆黑的夜晚给她蒙上眼睛,带她到火葬场,并让她从焚烧炉中取骨头时,她差点儿拿不住骨头。

53、Denmark's crematorium association has revealed its profitable sideline in recycling metal parts salvaged from the dead. ─── 丹麦的火葬场行业协会公开了其利润颇丰的副业:从死者身上回收金属部件并加以循环利用。

54、Construction and operation of a new crematorium. ─── 建造及营办一所新的火葬场。

55、That principle underlies a second practice: recycling crematorium heat. ─── 这一法规引出了第二个事件:回收火葬场的余热。

56、Two "Huge Stones"-- Comparing with Luyeyuan Stone Sculpture Art Museum and Baumschulenweg Crematorium ─── 两个"巨石"--试比较鹿野苑石刻博物馆与鲍姆舒伦韦格火葬场

57、Wo Hop Shek Skeletal Crematorium ─── 和合石骨殖火化场

58、Stealing valuables from coffins bound for Cape Collinson Crematorium ─── 在送往哥连臣角火葬场的棺木中,偷取贵重的陪葬品

59、Reprovisioning of Diamond Hill Crematorium ─── 重建钻石山火葬场

60、Looking back, I caught sight of a lonely crematorium looming out of a pine wood. Its towering red-brick chimney was giving off wisps of greyish smoke. ─── “火葬场”,“红砖”,“白而飘忽的轻烟”作者善于抓住这些能引起人们联想的死亡象征符,似乎是逝去的灵魂的升华。

61、The Nippon Foundation has proposed an idea of "the cremation vessel" to avoid the crematorium shortage in Japan. ─── 日本财団,火葬,火葬场,火葬船,笹川阳平,葬式,葬斎船,葬祭,葬祭船,高齢化

62、Ritual of Death: Design and Construction of Crematorium Baumschulenweg in Berlin ─── 逝者的仪式:柏林鲍姆舒伦韦格火葬场设计理念

63、After funeral service, her body will be sent right away to Cape Collinson Crematorium for cremation.But it hasn't been decided where to put the ashes. ─── 岑建勋亦表示,梅艳芳的遗体会在大殓仪式后,运至哥连臣角火葬场火化,但暂未决定骨灰的安放位置。

64、Other important services rendered by the temple include administration of last rites,arrangements for cremation and related ceremonies and the general upkeep of the Hindu crematorium at Cape Collinson. ─── 印度庙提供的其他主要服务,还有主持殡殓仪式、安排火化和有关事宜,以及管理位于歌连臣角的印度教火葬场。

65、Four new cremators are commissioned at the Fu Shan Crematorium. ─── 富山火葬场四个新火化炉投入服务。

66、Full view. A messy body was entrusted to the crematorium. ─── 众目睽睽之下.一具凌乱的尸体被拖向火葬场.

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