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09-04 投稿



sympathizing 发音

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sympathizing 中文意思翻译



sympathizing 短语词组

1、sympathizing eye ─── [医] 交感眼

sympathizing 词性/词形变化,sympathizing变形

动词过去分词: sympathized |动词过去式: sympathized |副词: sympathizingly |名词: sympathizer |动词第三人称单数: sympathizes |动词现在分词: sympathizing |

sympathizing 相似词语短语

1、sympathin ─── n.交感神经素;去甲肾上腺素

2、sympathize ─── vi.同情,怜悯;支持

3、sympathizingly ─── 同情地

4、sympathising ─── vi.同情;吊唁;共鸣(等于sympathize)

5、unsympathising ─── 冷漠的

6、empathizing ─── 移情;神会

7、empathising ─── 感同身受

8、symmetrizing ─── v.使对称,使匀称;使均衡

9、unsympathizing ─── 不同情的;不表示同情的;无同情心的

sympathizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sympathizing with the poor and the weak ─── 哀穷悼屈

2、This principle, which I shall refer to as Kant's principle of significance, is one with which empiricist philosophers have no difficulty in sympathizing. ─── 这个原则,我将按照康德的重要性原则去参照,是这样一个原则,经验主义哲学家们在同情的理解它的过程中并没有困难。

3、The 'walk in' was uttered with closed teeth, and expressed the sentiment, 'Go to the deuce': even the gate over which he leant manifested no sympathizing movement to the words; ─── 这一声“进来”是咬着牙说出来的,表示了这样一种情绪,“见鬼!”甚至他靠着的那扇大门也没有对这句许诺表现出同情而移动;

4、Reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding; it is also criticizing and judging. ─── 阅读不仅是同情与了解,也是批评与判断。

5、and when the minister threw his startled eyes towards him, there the physician sat; his kind, watchful, sympathizing, but never intrusive friend. ─── 当牧师向他投来惊恐的目光时,医生就会坐在那里,成了关切和同情牧师的好心朋友,绝不打探他的隐私了。

6、Favoring economic development and sympathizing with "antigrowth" advocates need not be mutually exclusive, however. ─── 不过,赞成经济发展与同情“反增长”理论并不一定相互排斥。

7、12 Sympathizing Yun Jiang's feeling, Hong Meng knew that this young man is sincere devotion to seeking the Tao. Hong Meng decided to teach him all. ─── 鸿蒙同情云将的心境,也知道他一心求道的诚意,因此决定倾囊相授。

8、The great Physician now is near, The sympathizing Jesus; ─── 第一节谱例:最大医生与我亲近,就是爱人之耶稣;

9、She must have been very beautiful when alive, but now she was just a dry and blurred skeleton in the picture.I could not help sympathizing for her bygone youth and beauty. ─── 可是画面上只见枯干黝黑的一具骸骨不由令人感叹,当年的美貌、青春哪里去了?

10、i try to find sympath from him,which i can not find from him. ─── 在他身上得不到的温存,我试图在他身上得到.

11、8.If you are listening to someone else complain and focusing on that, sympathizing with them, agreeing with them, in that moment, you are attracting more situations to yourself to complain about. ─── 如果你常听别人抱怨,而且热烈参与其中,那么你就会吸引更多的要抱怨的场景。

12、From the acquaintance, to the death, he and cherishes constantly to her sympathizing. ─── 从相识,至死亡,他对她的体贴和爱护始终如一。

13、In that chamber there were no longer either judges, accusers, nor gendarmes;there was nothing but staring eyes and sympathizing hearts. ─── 在这圆厅里,已经无所谓审判官,无所谓原告,无所谓法警,只有发呆的眼睛和悲痛的心。

14、sympathizing you,but I could not help you this time. ─── 我同情妳,但是这次是帮不了妳了。

15、When sympathizing, you will understand and find the way to help you step over the estrangement between you and others. ─── 移情时,你将理解并且找到能帮助你逾越与他人间隔阂的方式。

16、sympathizing eye ─── [医] 交感眼

17、Reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding; it is also criticizing and judging. ─── 阅读不仅是同情与理解,也是批评与判断。

18、When sympathizing, you will understand and find the way to help you step over the wstrangement between you and others. ─── 移情时,你将理解并且找到能帮助你逾越与他人间隔阂的方式。

19、For deeply sympathizing with the Chinese women's low and sorrowful status, Xiang Jingyu joined the woman's liberation campaign actively. ─── 向警予深切同情中国广大妇女的悲苦地位,积极投身到为妇女争取自由的妇女解放运动中。

20、sympathizing the people and loving all living things ─── 仁民爱物

21、In thedeepest night, I more than once was thinking you have the howgentleness, how sympathizing. ─── 在最深的夜晚,我不止一次想着你有多么的温柔,多么的体贴。

22、In order to protect and enlarge American interests in China, USA. neutral policy changed from sympathizing for the Taiping Revolution to supporting Qing government. ─── 受其影响,为了保护和扩大美国的在华利益,美国的“中立”政策也出现了由同情太平天国到支持清政府的变化。

23、In that chamber there were no longer either judges, accusers, nor gendarmes, there was nothing but staring eyes and sympathizing hearts. ─── 在这圆厅里,已经无所谓审判官,无所谓原告,无所谓法警,只有发呆的眼睛和悲痛的心。

24、Famous operas and plays, generally sympathizing with the banished culprit, have been written around such themes. ─── 有不少戏剧就是以同情的态度来描述不幸的被放逐者的遭遇的。

25、The wives were sympathizing with each other in slightly raised voices. ─── 两位太太略微提高了嗓子在互相表示同情。

26、Gary was sympathizing with me about how difficult it was going to be and how we were going to be there for a long time. ─── 这个演员急着说,尤其一个卢平戏会使没准备好的人惊慌的扔出他们的黄油啤酒和巧克力青蛙。

27、After learning of his sufferings, I could not help sympathizing with him. ─── 得知他痛苦的遭遇后,我忍不住同情他。

28、On ground of sympathizing patients suffering, physician-assisted suicide s purpose is to end meaningless proceeding lives while patients actively ask, to respect patients autonomy. ─── 医助自杀的用意,立基于同情病人受苦,结束无意义延长的生命,在尊重病人自律原则之下,由病人主动请求医助自杀的权利。

29、Reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding; it is also critizing and judging. ─── 阅读不仅是同情与理解,也是批评与判断。

30、Reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding ; ─── 阅读不仅仅是共鸣和理解;

31、operas and plays, generally sympathizing with the banished culprit, have been written around such themes. ─── 戏剧就是以同情的态度来描述不幸的被放逐者的遭遇的。

32、My wife and I are all thinking of you and sympathizing in your grief. ─── 内人和我都在惦念你,并对你悲痛致上吊慰。

33、We should keep it in mind forever that heartache could not be cured by medical treatment, but can be alleviated by the sinerely sympath devoted. ─── 我们永远不应忘记,心痛不能通过医疗来治愈,却可以因人们付出真诚的同情而减轻。

34、She could not help sympathizing with every little helpless thing; her heart was always touched by a bird or beast that had been burt. ─── 她对那些弱小无助的东西都不禁对之发生同情,遇到受伤的小鸟或小兽,总要为之心痛。

35、After an 11-month follow up, a good outcome of the "sympathizing eye" (20/16) was achieved. ─── 并探讨其临床表现、诊断方式及治疗方法。

36、He drew the sympathy of all hearts by showing Himself capable of sympathizing with all. ─── 他能同情一切人,也赢得了一切人的同情。环绕著他的希望与勇敢的气氛,使他成为每个家庭的福惠。

37、relieving- sympathizing the poor ─── 济贫恤穷

38、Mrs Baker is a Job's comforter. While sympathizing with the mother who had lost her child,she told the mother that it was her own fault not sending the child to hospital sooner. ─── 贝克夫人一面对失去孩子的母亲表示同情,一面又对这位母亲说,这得怪她自己没有早些将孩子送进医院。这样贝克夫人本来是想安慰这位母亲但实际上却增加了她的痛苦。

39、With the philanthropic sentiments of respecting,sympathizing and sincere concern for patients, We profoudly appreciate the suffering of and the expectation from patients and their family members. ─── 科室医护人员深切体验病人及家属的痛苦与期待,拥有尊重、同情、真诚关怀病人的博爱情操。

40、Reading is not merely sympathizing and understand; it is also criticizing and judging. ─── 阅读不仅是同情与了解,也是批评与判断。

41、After learning of his sufferings, I couldn't help sympathizing with him. ─── 得知他痛苦的遭遇后,我忍不住同情他。

42、I have looked for again the new freedom( website) now, a place for suffering other people sympathizing with! ─── 我现在已经再寻找新的自由(网站),一个受别人同情的地方!

43、Also sometimes, has woman's gentle sympathizing. ─── 有时候,也有女人的温柔体贴。

44、The Function of Sympathy or Sympathizing in Adam Smith's Ethical Thoughts ─── 同情在亚当·斯密伦理思想中的作用

45、"The worst thing that would happen is that Pakistanis will start disowning this war and will start sympathizing more with the militants than the Americans or NATO," said Talat Masood. ─── 他说:"可能发生的最坏情况就是:巴基斯坦人开始不再认同这场战争,并且更多地同情激进分子,而不是美国人或北约。

46、Favoring economic development and sympathizing with "antigrowth" advocates need not be mutually exclusive, however. ─── 不过,赞成经济发展与同情“反增长”理论并不一定相互排斥。

47、Du Fu's poetry extends to two dimensions like "sympathizing the people" and "loving all living things", showing a great concern for all the lives. ─── 杜甫的诗以“仁民”、“爱物”两个向度展开,表现为对一切生命的关注。

48、Often they show heartfelt sympathy for intellectuals of petty-bourgeois origin, to the extent of sympathizing with or even praising their shortcomings. ─── 他们在许多时候,对于小资产阶级出身的知识分子寄予满腔的同情,连他们的缺点也给以同情甚至鼓吹。

49、The Thoughts of Purification Clique on Understanding and Sympathizing with People at Late Qing Dynasty ─── 晚清清流派的恤民思想

50、She could not help sympathizing with every little helpless thing; her heart was always touched by a bird or beast that had been burt. ─── 她对那些弱小无助的东西都不禁对之发生同情,遇到受伤的小鸟或小兽,总要为之心痛。

51、Verbs that show exhaustion, criticism, self-sacrifice, repetition, mental stagnation pretense, hinting, soothing, sympathizing, indecision, etc. ─── 表达疲倦、批评、自我牺牲、重复、大脑迟钝、假装、暗示、宽慰、同情、犹豫不决的动词。

52、Reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding; it is also critizing and judging. ----Virginia Woolf ─── 阅读不仅是同情与理解,也是批评与判断。----拂吉尼亚·伍尔夫

53、Sympathizing Yun Jiang's feeling, Hong Meng knew that this young man is sincere devotion to seeking the Tao. Hong Meng decided to teach him all. ─── 鸿蒙同情云将的心境,也知道他一心求道的诚意,因此决定倾囊相授。

54、To have a sympathizing God we must have a suffering Saviour, and there is no true fellow-feeling with another save in the heart of him who has been afflicted like him. ─── 要有一个同情的上帝,必须先有一个受苦的主;一个没有尝过同样痛苦的,对于别人不会发生眞实的同情。

55、Sympathizing with the customer, while explaining you could lose your job for serving them. ─── 同情客户,同时解释您会因给他们提供酒而失去工作。

56、My wife and I are all thinking of you and sympathizing in your grief. ─── 内人和我都在惦念你,并对你悲痛致上吊慰。

57、As if it is encouraging me to continue such sympathizing gently with. ─── 似乎在鼓励我继续这样的体贴和温柔。

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