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09-04 投稿


putty 发音

英:['p?t?]  美:[?p?ti]

英:  美:

putty 中文意思翻译




putty 网络释义

n. 油灰;氧化锡vt. 用油灰填塞n. (Putty)人名;(匈)普蒂

putty 词性/词形变化,putty变形

动词现在分词: puttying |动词第三人称单数: putties |动词过去分词: puttied |动词过去式: puttied |名词复数: putties |

putty 短语词组

be putty in sb.'s hands

1. 易为某人所摆布(或操纵)

He was like putty in her hands.


1、bitumen putty ─── 沥青油灰

2、a putty medal ─── 小奖赏

3、putty medal ─── 油灰奖章

4、antiseptic putty ─── [医] 防腐油灰

5、Horsley's putty ─── [医] 霍斯利氏油灰(用以控制板障或骨髓腔出血)

6、oil putty ─── [化] 油灰; 油性腻子

7、iron putty ─── 铁油灰

8、painter's putty ─── 油漆腻子

9、putty knife ─── 油灰刀

10、jointing putty ─── 勾缝腻子

11、red-lead putty un. ─── 红铅油灰; ─── 红丹油灰 [网络] ─── 红铅油泥

12、putty jointing ─── 油灰缝

13、bouncing putty ─── 弹性油泥

14、asphalt putty ─── 沥青腻子

15、putty-head n. ─── 蠢货

16、nitrocellulose putty ─── [化] 硝基腻子

17、putty up ─── 用油灰填上

18、putty joint ─── 油灰缝

19、emulsified putty ─── [化] 水乳化腻子

putty 相似词语短语

1、patty ─── n.肉饼;小馅饼

2、jutty ─── n.码头;防波堤;(建筑物的)突出部分(等于jetty);vi.突出(等于jetty);vt.在…设防波堤(等于jetty)

3、petty ─── adj.琐碎的;小气的;小规模的;n.(Petty)人名;(英、法)佩蒂

4、butty ─── n.(英)三明治;伙伴;监工;n.(Butty)人名;(西、匈)布蒂

5、nutty ─── adj.多坚果的;产坚果的;古怪的

6、gutty ─── adj.胆大的;有勇气的;生气勃勃的

7、punty ─── n.点棒;顶底杆

8、potty ─── adj.发疯的,疯狂的;愚蠢的;微不足道的;n.(非正式)幼儿便盘;n.(Potty)(美、印、澳)宝迪(人名)

9、cutty ─── adj.短的,极短的;锐利的;n.短匙,短柄烟斗

putty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Apply Mr. Dissolved Putty to the gap and wait 5 minutes. ─── (在缺口处填入郡士液态补土,然后等待5分钟。)

2、Buy a woman a few pretty flowers and she’ll be putty in your hands?you’ll be able to make her agree to anything. ─── 买些漂亮的花儿送给女人,她就会对你俯首贴耳??你就可以让她什么事都听你的。

3、Colored putty for filling nail holes. ─── 用于填钉孔的彩色灰泥。

4、To fill,cover,or secure with putty. ─── 用油灰填塞(或接合)用油灰填补,覆盖或粘牢

5、Cold, wet, doughy-like putty almost. ─── 冷又湿,像面团——几乎像油灰。

6、Does my wall lacquer criticize a putty not polishing the fault, whether O.K. or not? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>生活>家居装修>我家墙漆批腻子没有打磨过,行不行?

7、With the help of polypropylene fibers,the ability of anti-cracking of the putty was improved successfully. ─── 系统地讨论了腻子的施工性、干燥时间、打磨性、耐水性、耐碱性、粘结强度、抗渗性等性能。

8、The reticulated structure gives Plastic Putty superior adhesion and flexibilities and e-asy-sanding surface. ─── 因具有致密的网状链型结构,所有附着力极佳、柔韧性极好。另外灰体细腻、非常好涂刮。

9、For intermediate paint in epoxy floor coating series on sealer or putty to increase film thickness and smoothness. ─── 作为环氧地坪涂料系列的中间漆,涂于封闭底漆或腻子之上,用来增加漆膜厚度和涂层的平整性。

10、We all loathe people who are like putty in the leaders' hand. ─── 我们都不喜欢对领导惟命是从的人。

11、Putty knife for Burning off. ─── 火具油灰刀。

12、I went out off to kick a football against a tree.I'd made up my mind never to be putty in a bloke's hands. ─── 偶气的昏偷昏脑地跑到外面冲着大树死命地踢着球,我下定决心永远不能落到他的手里任他摆布。

13、Here the putty is used to make a waterproof cover to base seal on small and large size openable joints. ─── 在这里,腻子是用来作防水,掩护基地密封在大,小尺寸可开启接头。这些接头是用塑料绝缘配电电缆。

14、The surface of some panels are need to be level flat with putty. ─── 有些表面需要通过补土使其平滑、平整。

15、is good, the use stratum was more widespread, promotes the drill rod to carry on the reverse to close the putty mouth ahead of time. ─── 特点是钻头密闭性较好,使用地层较为广泛,提升钻杆需先期进行反转合上进泥口。

16、The old wall surface should eradicate the old paint level, approves blows the putty, polishes smoothly, clean, dry. ─── 旧墙面应铲除旧漆层,批刮腻子,打磨平整,清洗,干燥。

17、When in lower level shop sandy soil top cover bottom putty situation, the best the proportion of bottom putty to sandy soil is 3:7. ─── 当下层铺沙土上层覆盖底泥情况下,底泥与沙土比例在3:7时最佳。

18、It's gooey like rubber. It bounces and it stretches. Play with it, or use it to take dog hair off the furniture. It's Silly Putty. ─── 它像橡胶一样发粘,有弹性,可以用来玩或用来粘去家具上的狗毛。它就是弹性橡皮泥。

19、P154 Multifunctional Ground Attritor applies to mattess and epoxy putty grinding and ground cleaning and wax-polishing. ─── P154型多功能地面研磨机,可以用于混凝土地面的打磨,水泥自流平地面环氧腻子层打磨及地面清洗打腊等。

20、Charles is like putty in his wife's hands. She's only got to say what she wants and he gives it to her. ─── 查尔斯是易于被他妻子摆弄的人。她只要说要什么,他就会把那东西给她。

21、The hole has been stopped up with putty. ─── 窟窿已用泥子堵住了。

22、He wants to decorate the house, apply putty and paint the walls all by himself. ─── 他想自己装修新房,自己抹腻子、自己刷墙。

23、This will soon be locked in epoxy putty, the bends in the wire will keep the wires from coming loose and turning. ─── 这将很快被锁定在环氧腻子,弯在铁丝网将继续电线从未来的松散和契机。

24、The putty gives a good seal round the window. ─── 窗户四周泥的油灰密封效果很好。

25、Gordon: That must take a long time. What do you use? Gel, hair putty or wax? ─── 戈登:一定花很长时间,你用发胶、泥还是发蜡?

26、The small putty stove on at the same time, the fuel adds the coal briquette, rumble loo is burning the boiling water. ─── 一边的小泥炉上,柴火加煤球,咕噜噜地烧着开水。

27、We bought the two-part putty at a home center.) Other types of wood filler would work, too. ─── (我们买了两个部分在一个家庭娱乐中心,腻子。)其他类型的木材填料会的工作,也。

28、The outer core heats the mantle's bottom rocks into buoyant putty, which rises toward the crust, as if in a lava lamp. ─── 外核加热地幔底部岩石,使其变成具有浮力的灰泥,灰泥涌向地壳上方。

29、I had to look up from there to see the top of the101-story World Financial Center, which tapers like the blade of a putty knife. ─── 我从那里看向世界金融中心这个高达101层的大楼时,这些尖角就像是油灰刀的刀刃。

30、She is a woman of such beauty and charm that men is putty in her hand. ─── 她美艳绝伦, 男人在她手心任其摆布。

31、He was like putty in her hands. ─── 他听命於她。

32、Put putty into big pin marks. I also removed the partition lines with putty. It is hard to see though. ─── 在推出孔上填上补土,此外有不易被发现的空隙我也用补土把它填了。

33、The mixture of Putty and Hardener should be used up before gelling. ─── 原子灰与固化剂混合后,要在凝固前使用完毕。

34、Scraping special strength level putty. ─── 涂利专用强力找平腻子;

35、Gordon : That must take a long time. What do you use? Gel, hair putty or wax? ─── 戈登:一定花很长时间,你用发胶、发泥还是发蜡?

36、Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed, the Putty mixed with har-deners should not be returned to the original container. ─── 未使用完的原子灰及固化剂需要密封保存;加有固化剂的原子灰不可放回原罐内。

37、The painting shows an amusing scene depicting putti buying fries from a lady. ─── 画中爱神们逗趣地向女郎买薯条的情景,构成了一张愉悦的画面。

38、The name is a bit of a giveaway because, just as it sounds, Silly Putty wasn't invented on purpose! ─── 这个名字听起来有点儿像赠品,因为它是人们无意中发明的。

39、Will let you download the free PuTTY telnet client. ─── 下载免费的PuTTY telnet客户机。

40、Used as high gloss varnish, color paint, transparent putty and undercoat by mixed with other components. ─── 适用于配作各种清漆、色漆、透明腻子、底漆等。

41、Charles is like putty in his wife's hands. She's only got to say what she wants and he gives it to her. ─── 查尔斯是易于被他妻子摆弄的人。她只要说要什么,他就会把那东西给她。

42、The name is a bit of a giveaway because, just as it sounds, Silly Putty wasn't invented on purpose! ─── 这个名字听起来有点儿像赠品,因为它是人们无意中发明的。

43、Some overspreads a putty on flax even, make greasepaint won't fall off. ─── 有的还要在麻布上罩一层油灰,使油彩不会脱落。

44、As soon as she starts crying, I'm putty in her hands. ─── 只要她一哭,我就对她百依百顺。

45、This young man would be putty in their daughter's hands until they were married. ─── 这个年轻小伙子将是他们女儿手中任意捏弄的面团了。

46、The Prussian was modified with filing, cutting and epoxy putty. ─── 用锉、刀和环氧油灰修改普鲁士人。

47、He molded the putty to his finger to create a three-dimensional copy of his fingerprint and ran it over the sensor. ─── 他将油灰压到指头上,制作出指纹的三维复制品,然后拿到感测器上。

48、If you have ever played with Silly Putty, you can use clay. ─── 如果你曾用过油灰,你就可以使用研磨泥。

49、Development,manufacture,raw material performances and technical index of putty powder for exterior wall are introduced. ─── 介绍了外墙用腻子粉的研制、生产、原材料性能及各项指标。

50、Features: Decelerates the electrical machinery impetus leaf blade to revolve, clay evenly stirs the putty with the water in the same place. ─── 结构特征:采用减速电机带动叶片旋转,将粘土粉与水均匀搅拌在一起。

51、To fill, cover, or secure with putty. ─── 用油灰填塞(或接合)用油灰填补,覆盖或粘牢

52、Q:Will the Light-Curing Putty be cured under UV light? ─── 问:光硬化补土将会在紫外线光之下固化吗?

53、Because that little girl falls in the morass, has made body putty, on the one hand walks also on the other hand cries. ─── 那个小女孩因掉进泥坑里,弄了一身泥,一边走还一边哭。

54、Scrape the mixture of Putty and Hardener into the spot defects which will be fi-lled and scrape to evenness immediately. ─── 尽快将混合后的原子灰刮入待填补的斑点缺陷中,并迅速刮平。

55、Since there is less wear on epoxy putty layer,it can promote the flatness of epoxy ground. ─── 同时对环氧腻子层的磨损小,提高环氧地面的平整度。

56、There are miscellaneous tools, pliers, putty knife, polarity stamps, battery stamping or coding equipment, lead cutters. ─── 有各种工具、手钳、油灰刀,极性印戮、电他标记打印或编号机、铅切刀。

57、The brass bowl shows its age with a deep green verdigris with mottled surfaces and there are numerous small age checks in the glazing putty. ─── 深绿色铜制表面和其斑驳都显示出它年代的久远,而且在上釉的玻璃上有许多岁月的痕迹。

58、If Blockboard plastic surrounding a meeting, the phenomenon than putty, that he must have an internal or an empty slot. ─── 如果细木工板的周边有补胶、比腻子的现象,就说明他的内部一定有缝隙或空洞。

59、The paper introduces the principle of the unsaturated polyester putty with a computer aided design. ─── 本文介绍了计算机辅助设计和筛选“快干腻子”工艺的原理;

60、The mixed Putty must bi used up within the available period before gelling.or it will gel. ─── 混合后的原子灰在凝固前的可使用时限内必须用完,否则会胶凝报废。

61、A tabbedbrowser ,tabbed putty , tabbed terminal or tabbed shell, tabbed anything. ─── 该软件可以向浏览器,终端或者外壳以及任何窗口添加标签。

62、The nest looks at the putty affectionately! ─── 窝深情地看着泥!

63、Nail holes are usually sealed with putty, putty has to drum up attention, like a drum up to not, putty will slowly fall out from the inside. ─── 通常钉眼是用腻子封住的,要注意腻子有否鼓起来,如鼓起来了就不行,慢慢腻子会从里面掉出来。

64、What does it feel like to stand on stage,the light in your eyes and the audience like putty in your hands? ─── 站在台上,眼中带著自信的光芒,看著观众因为自己的一举一动而疯狂不已,这种感觉是怎样的?

65、I recommend using PuTTy. ─── 我推荐使用PuTTy

66、She'll persuade him. He's like putty in her hands. ─── 她会说服他的。他就像她手里的面团一样。

67、A pure white grade of chalk that has been ground and washed for use in paints, ink, and putty. ─── 白垩粉,白粉一种碾碎的并洗过的纯净白垩,用于油漆、墨水和油灰

68、Blows spreads is uses the trowel, the scraper or the putty knife blows makes up the putty the method. ─── 刮涂是采用抹子、刮板或油灰刀刮补腻子的方法。

69、She'll persuade him. He's like putty in her hands. ─── 她会说服他的。他就像她手里的面团一样。

70、The mixed Putty must bi used up within the available period before gelling. Or it will gel. ─── 混合后的原子灰在凝固前的可使用时限内必须用完,否则会胶凝报废。

71、Helen Hunt : BALONEY !! Calista, you know what your problem is? You were A PUTTY IN HIS HAND. Now, DON'T GET MAD, GET EVEN! ─── 费话!卡丽达,你知道问题在那理吗?你被他玩在掌心理。现在不是发怒的时侯了,要报仇!

72、She was a woman of such beauty and charm that men were putty in her hands. ─── 她美艳绝伦,男人在她手心任其摆布。

73、Angels, putti, dragons and fairies are generally shown with insect wings, often those of damselfly or butterflies. ─── 天使、丘比特、龙和仙女,他们通常具有昆虫一样的翅膀,多数为蝴蝶和豆娘那样的翅膀。

74、Stop the machine, raise the hopper and with a spatula or putty knife remove as much paste from the hopper as possible. ─── 停车,升起料斗,并用刮铲或油灰刀尽可能除去料斗上多余的铅膏。

75、You should have your own ideas, stop acting like putty in his hand. ─── 你应该有自己的想法,不要总是对他唯命是听。

76、Every crevice in these walls has been filled with putty . ─── 这几堵墙的每个裂缝都用油灰补塞上了。

77、Niu Kunren the hungry date has been high, in the city Nanmenwai putty rests. ─── 牛困人饥日已高,市南门外泥中歇。

78、We temporarily plugged the hole with putty. ─── 我们临时用油灰塞住那个洞。

79、Putty black clouds surged over Turtle's head. ─── 一团团的乌云聚集到乌龟的头顶上,

80、He retreated to his office and returned a few seconds later with a piece of orange putty from one of the toys on his windowsill. ─── 他回到自己的办公室,几秒钟后就拿了一小块橘色油灰回来(从他窗台上其中一个玩具拿下来的)。

81、Waiter: Well, then, its peach. The apple pie tastes like putty. ─── 侍者:噢,那是桃馅饼;苹果馅饼的味道象油灰。

82、Lift one edge of each skid strip with a putty knife and peel it from roof panel. ─── 用油灰刀抬高防滑带的一边并且从车顶饰板上剥落它。

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