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peroxide 发音

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peroxide 中文意思翻译




peroxide 网络释义

n. 过氧化氢;过氧化物vt. 以过氧化氢漂白;以过氧化物处理adj. 以过氧化氢漂白的

peroxide 词性/词形变化,peroxide变形

动词现在分词: peroxiding |动词过去分词: peroxided |动词过去式: peroxided |形容词: peroxidic |动词第三人称单数: peroxides |

peroxide 短语词组

1、acetyl benzoyl peroxide ─── [化] 过氧化乙酰苯甲酰; 乙酰过氧化苯甲酰

2、acetylbenzoyl-peroxide ─── [化] 过氧化乙酰苯甲酰

3、aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution ─── [机] 过氧化氢水溶液, 双氧水水溶液

4、acyl peroxide ─── [化] 酰基过氧化物

5、acetic peroxide ─── [化] 乙酰化过氧; 过氧化乙酰

6、acid peroxide ─── [机] 酸之过氧化物

7、cadmium peroxide ─── [机] 过氧化镉

8、hydrogen peroxide ─── [化] 过氧化氢 ─── [医] 过氧化氢

9、antimony peroxide ─── [化] 五氧化二锑; (不宜称)过氧化锑

10、benzoyl peroxide ─── [化] 过氧化苯甲酰 ─── [医] 过氧化苯甲酰

11、acetyl Peroxide ─── [医] 过氧化乙酰

12、acetylbenzoyl peroxide ─── [化] 过氧化乙酰苯甲酰; 乙酰过氧化苯甲酰

13、barium peroxide ─── [化] 过氧化钡; 二氧化钡 ─── [医] 过氧化钡

14、bismuth peroxide ─── [机] 过四氧化二铋

15、benzoyl-acetyl peroxide ─── [医] 过氧化乙酰苯甲酰

16、cesium peroxide ─── [化] 过氧化铯; 过四氧化二铯

17、after-treatment with peroxide ─── [机] 过氧化物后处理

18、actyle benzoyle peroxide ─── [建] 乙酰过氧化苯甲酰

19、calcium peroxide ─── [化] 过氧化钙 ─── [医] 过氧化钙

peroxide 相似词语短语

1、peroxidize ─── 过氧化

2、pentoxide ─── n.[无化]五氧化物

3、peroxidise ─── 过氧化物

4、superoxide ─── n.超氧化物;过氧化物

5、peroxidate ─── v.过氧化

6、periodide ─── n.高碘化物

7、peroxidase ─── n.[生化]过氧物酶

8、peroxides ─── n.[化学]过氧化物(peroxide的复数)

9、peroxided ─── v.用过氧化氢漂白(头发)(peroxide的过去式及过去分词)

peroxide 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experimental studies of a gas generator based on hydrogen peroxide and hypergolic ethanol[J]. ─── 引用该论文 陈志强,廖达雄,刘宗政,符松.

2、Method: The hydrogen peroxide was added into the chitosan water solution, heated and stirred for some time. ─── 方法:壳聚糖的水溶液加入一定量的双氧水,加热搅拌一段时间进行降解。

3、Second line drugs include dibenzoyl peroxide, benzoyl peroxide,clindamycin,calcineurin inhibitors,and permethrin. ─── 二线药物包括:过氧化二苯甲酰,过氧苯甲酰,克林霉素,钙神经蛋白抑制剂以及扑灭司林等。

4、Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 is a strong oxidizer, it has an important meaning in curing the polluted water. ─── 摘要过氧化氢(H2O2)是强氧化剂,在治理污水中有十分重要的意义,对水中脉冲放电中电压对它的影响进行了研究。

5、Eeffects of assisted gold leaching reagents, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide, on the gold cyanide leaching performace are studied. ─── 对辅助浸金剂高锰酸钾和过氧化氢的加入次序对金氰化浸出行为的影响进行了探讨。

6、Moreover,the obvious catalytic reduction of oxygen in solution and hydrogen peroxide by Mb was realized on Mb-KGM-DMF/GCE. ─── 同时,Mb-KGM-DMF/GCE修饰电极表现出良好的电催化性能,对氧、H2O2有显著的催化作用。

7、Objective To study the effect of zinc-oxide phosphorate base on preventing hydrogen peroxide leakage in intracoronal bleaching. ─── 摘要目的研究髓室内漂白时,磷酸锌水门汀基对抗过氧化氢渗漏的作用。


9、Reveal it's Inward Nature of Reaction "Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition Catalyzed by Potassium Iodide" ─── 重新认识“过氧化氢碘化钾催化分解”的反应概念与机理

10、The peroxide value of prepress solvent extraction was 26.09% higher than that of direc... ─── 另外,从酱油渣中回收的油脂已发生酸败,不宜作为食用油,只适用于生产生物柴油或生产脂肪酸等化工产品。

11、But benzoyl peroxide dries out skin causing itching or allergic reactions. ─── 但过氧化苯甲酰干出引起皮肤瘙痒或过敏性反应。

12、Hydrogen peroxide powers the arm for 18 hours of normal activity. ─── 过氧化氢提供的能量可以支持义肢18个小时的正常使用。

13、When CSI's use luminol to test for blood, they first mix it with hydrogen peroxide. ─── 当CSI用发光氨检测血液时,他们首先将发光氨与过氧化氢混合。

14、Barium peroxide and zinc dust. ─── 过氧化钡加锌粉。

15、HIV is readily inactivated by heat and many disinfectants, including peroxide, alcohols, phenolics, and hypochlorite. ─── HIV容易通过加热和许多消毒剂灭活,如过氧化物、酒精、酚和次氯酸。

16、It reacts violently with oxygen difluoride and barium peroxide. ─── 一氧化碳同氟化氧、氧化钡会发生剧烈反应。

17、The COC’s moisture and chemical barrier protect the water-based whitening gel, which has 10% peroxide. ─── 在奥委会的水分和化学屏障保护水为基础的美白凝胶,这10 %的过氧化氢。

18、She must peroxide her hair-it looks unnaturally blond. ─── 她肯定是漂白了她的头发,因为它们看起来不是自然的棕色。

19、She has to wash the affected ear with hydrogen peroxide and then apply some neomycin solution two or three times a day. ─── 她必须用双氧水洗一下被感染的耳朵,然后每天涂两三次新霉素药水。

20、It has studied the action of hydrogen peroxide on nitrous acid. ─── 它研究了过氧化氢对亚硝酸的作用。

21、The maleation of ABS by using a single screw extruder and dicumyl peroxide as initiator was studied. ─── 以过氧化二异丙苯为引发剂,采用单螺杆挤出方法实现了ABS树脂接枝马来酸酐。

22、Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day. ─── 将感染的伤口浸在3%双氧水里一天几次,每次五到十分钟。

23、But stay away from store-bought trays and gels, which can burn your gums by saturating them with peroxide. ─── 但是要远离那些配置好的。。和胶。它们会把过氧化物浸入牙龈,从而烧坏了牙龈。

24、I.H. say the wax can be softened with mineral oil, glycerin or ear drops.They say hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide may also help. ─── 他们表示,耳垢能够被矿物油、甘油和滴耳液软化,而过氧化氢和过氧化脲也可能会有所帮助。

25、Giving evidence to the jury in his own defence, Sarwar told them of a method he had learned to calculate the strength of hydrogen peroxide. ─── 萨瓦尔为自己辩护时向陪审团提供了证据,并告诉他门他所学到的计算过氧化氢浓度的方法。

26、The pretreatment of high-sulfur and high-arsenic refractory gold concentrate (RGC) with hydrogen peroxide was studied. ─── 摘要在酸性条件下采用过氧化氢对高硫高砷难选金精矿进行预处理。

27、The oxidizer is oxyacid of chlorine, bromine and iodine and salts thereof, and peroxide. ─── 所述的氧化剂是指:氯、溴、碘的含氧酸及其盐类与过氧化氢。

28、There is some evidence to suggest that this process may be controlled by the chemical hydrogen peroxide. ─── 有些证据显示,这个过程可以由化学品过氧化氢加以控制。

29、Methods: Neonatal umbilicus were sterilized with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 0.5% P.V. ─── 方法:采用3%双氧水加0.5%碘伏消毒脐部与传统方法进行比较,结果:传统法脐部感染率为2.69%;

30、Objective To observe the effect of tile extract from roots of ovateleaf actinidia leaf on inhibition of lipid peroxide and delay of aging in mice. ─── 摘要目的观察狗枣猕猴桃根提取物对小鼠抗脂质过氧化及延缓衰老的作用。

31、My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine, but was healed by soaking in peroxide. ─── 我老公曾见过有病人的坏疽用任何药都治不好,后来用此法治愈了。

32、WUNDERBAR cream peroxide 6% For coloration with WUNDERBAR hair color cream ton-on-ton or darker up to 1 level lifting. ─── 德国温德芭6%用于配合染膏完成同色度染色或加深到1度的提升。

33、A new method is developed to determine benzoyl peroxide(BPO) added in wheat flour. ─── 提出了一种面粉中过氧化苯甲酰含量的新型检测方法。

34、Although the peroxide value is applicable for following peroxide formation at the early stages of oxidation, it is nevertheless highly empirical. ─── 尽管过氧化值适用于氧化初期过氧化物的形成,然而它只是经验值。

35、TAIC is widely used as a coagent for peroxide crosslinking or radiation crosslinking of Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE) EPDM Fluroelaster and so on. ─── TAIC作为过氧化物交联或自由基反应交联的助交联剂被广泛应用,如氯化聚乙烯(CPE),EPDM,氟橡胶等等。

36、I use peroxide to clean my mirrors with, and there is no smearing which is why I love it so much for this. ─── 我用双氧水擦玻璃镜(楼主译注:门窗亦可),非常干净一点污秽都没有,这就是为何我喜欢用它。

37、Put half a bottle of peroxide in your bath to help rid boils, fungus, or other skin infections. ─── 当你要进行泡浴时,在浴盆的水里加半瓶的双氧水,可以帮助杀死皮肤上的菌癣和其它的疔疮。

38、General targets have hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate, and so on. ─── 一般的氧化剂有过氧化氢、次氯酸钠、高锰酸钾等。

39、Hydrogen peroxide and cyanide consumptions can be reduced with the similar gold leaching speed and recovery. ─── 在金浸出速度和浸出率基本相同的情况下,可以降低过氧化氢和氰化物的耗量。

40、Common bleaching agents are hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, sodium chlorite and sodium perborate. ─── 常用的漂白剂有过氧化氢、次氯酸钠、氯化钠以及过硼酸钠。

41、Lipid peroxide created by fats combined with oxygen tends to build up in the body and create aging. ─── 脂肪和氧分结合形成的类脂过氧化物在体内累积并使人老化。

42、They say hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide may also help. ─── 他们还认为过氧化氢和过氧尿素也有所帮助。

43、The effect of peroxide content in acrylonitrile on yellowness of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber was analyzed. ─── 分析了丙烯腈中过氧化物含量对聚丙烯腈纤维黄度的影响。

44、PET fibres were grafted with acrylonitrile (AN) initiated by benzoyl peroxide. ─── 以过氧化二苯甲酰为引发剂,使丙烯睛在涤沦(PET)纤维上接枝共聚。

45、Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of Peroxide" to keep them free of germs. ─── 把你的牙刷放到一小杯双氧水里可以杀死藏身在牙刷里的细菌。

46、Like other acne treatments, topical retinoids can increase the effectiveness of benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics when used together. ─── 像其他痤疮的治疗,过氧化苯甲酰和抗生素一起使用时可提高局部维甲酸的效力。

47、They say hygerun prosi hydrogen peroxide or capberma proranposi carbamide peroxide may also help. ─── 他们说过氧化氢和氧化尿素也有用。

48、Use after rub skin: Merbromin of gentian of alcohol of iodine of iodin bend over of hydrogen peroxide solution, the sort of any better? ? ─── 擦破皮后用:双氧水碘伏碘酒酒精龙胆紫红药水,那种好些??

49、Correspondently,the number of big hole of briquette is also incresing with the increasing of hydrogen peroxide. ─── 型煤颗粒的大孔数目随着过氧化氢加入量的增加而增加。

50、The present quality specifications of semiconductor hydrogen peroxide are introduced. ─── 介绍了目前电子级过氧化氢的质量标准;

51、During the course of oxidation, peroxide values reach a peak and then decline. ─── 在氧化过程中过氧化值达到一个顶峰然后下降。

52、The peroxide breaks apart into oxygen when a capful or so is added to the bath. ─── 双氧水当在沐浴中加入一杯左右的时候,会分解成氧气。

53、Hydrogen peroxide solution is brushed try a tooth, blanch the effect fast? ─── 双氧水擦试牙齿,漂白效果快吗?

54、Quinoderm cream contains two active ingredients, benzoyl peroxide and potassium hydroxyquinoline sulphate. ─── 暗疮膏包含两种活性成分,过氧化苯甲酰和偏笨三酚硫酸钾.

55、Methods Intracoronal bleaching was given to exsomatized teeth, and the amounts of penetrated hydrogen peroxide was determind by spectro-photo-metry. ─── 方法对离体牙行内漂白,用分光光度法检测过氧化氢渗漏量。

56、Metallosilicate containing Sn and Ga cations are the effective catalysts for Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of cyclic ketones with hydrogen peroxide. ─── Sn-MWW 和Ga-MWW催化剂在环状酮类的Baeyer-Villiger氧化反应中显示良好的催化性能。

57、Methods: After decomposing the sample in acid, add hydrogen peroxide, then determine it by spectrophotometry. ─── 方法:样品经酸消化后与双氧水生成黄色络合物,利用紫外可见分光光度计进行测定。

58、Environment friendly, hydrogen peroxide can be decompounded into water and oxygen, no production of salt. ─── 安全环保,双氧水被分解成天然组分的水和氧气,不生成盐类。

59、They said(say) hydrogen proxde[hydrogen peroxide] or carben pioxide[carbamide peroxide] may also help. ─── 他们说过氧化氢或过氧化脲也有帮助。

60、Hydrogen peroxide is a dangerous and unsuitable agent for routine wound irrigation and debridement. ─── 双氧水常规用于创口冲洗清创术,是危险而不适宜之举。

61、He used a solution of peroxide and water. ─── 他使用过氧化氢和水组成的溶液。

62、Title: Peroxide Bleaching of CTMP from the Triploid Populus Tomentosa Carr. ─── 关键词:三倍体毛白杨;CTMP;过渡金属离子;过氧化氢漂白

63、As bees make honey they secrete glucoseoxidase, an enzyme that releases the bleach hydrogen peroxide when it comes into contact with wound liquids. ─── 当蜜蜂酿造蜂蜜时,他们要分泌葡萄糖氧化酶这是一种可以在与伤口处的液体物质接触时释放能漂白的过氧化氢的酵。

64、P for 20 mins, and followed by DAB and hydrogen peroxide mixture. ─── 1:100S-P溶液室温孵育20分钟;

65、They say there is no need to use products like hydrogen peroxide or iodine. ─── 他们也提到不必使用像是双氧水或碘酒类的药品。

66、Their tendency to oxidize can be avoid by an appropriate storage under inert gas (such N2) and a control of the peroxide index. ─── 其氧化倾向可以通过使用惰性气体(如氮气)适量存储或者适量调节过氧化物来避免。

67、The average sterilization ratio, when we used 3% hydrogen peroxide in an aerosol sprayer, was 87.31%. ─── 3%过氧化氢用普通喷壶喷雾后 6 0 min,平均细菌杀灭率仅为 3.0 4% ;

68、This paper discusses fiber dimension, chemical component and alkaline peroxide mechanical pulping from whole kenaf. ─── 报道了红麻全秆的纤维形态、学组成、碱性过氧化物机械浆的性质及其在造纸工业中的应用。

69、I had fungus on my feet for years - until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry. ─── 我有脚癣多年一直没法根治,直到后来我每天晚上将3%双氧水按1比1兑水后喷到脚上(特别是脚指头)并让其风干后。

70、The clinical study of bleaching discolored nonvital tooth with 10% carbamide peroxide. ─── 10%过氧化脲漂白无髓牙的临床研究。

71、WUNDERBAR cream peroxide 9% for coloration with WUNDERBAR hair color cream2-maximum 3 level lifting. ─── 德国温德芭9%用于配合染膏完成2-最高3度提升的染色。

72、Natural pigment in grain layer of goat skin and pig skin was bleached by hydrogen peroxide and ultrasound. ─── 探讨了采用过氧化氢及超声波除去山羊皮及猪皮粒面层色素的方法。

73、There are chemicals, including hydrogen peroxide, electrical components, documents and other items,” he said. ─── 它们是化学药品,包括过氧化氢,电器元件,文件和其他物品”。

74、After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria. ─── 当你洗干净木砧板后,倒点双氧水在上面可以杀死沙门氏菌和其它的细菌。

75、For over 20 years, scientists have been trying to solve the riddle of how this peroxide is produced and why it does not cause any damage. ─── 在过去的20年里,研究人员一直尝试弄清这种过氧化氢如何产生以及它为什么不会造成任何伤害等问题。

76、Application of Ferrous-Hydrogen Peroxide Process for the Treatment of Wastewater from Dye Intermediate DSD Acid Manufacturing Processes. ─── Fe~(2+)-H_2O_2法处理DSD酸生产氧化母液的研究

77、But why water and not, say, hydrogen peroxide or even ammonia? ─── 可是,为什么是水,而不是双氧水或是氨水呢?

78、WUNDERBAR cream peroxide 12% for coloration with WUNDERBAR hair color cream from 3 to maximum 4 level lifting. ─── 德国温德芭12%用于配合染膏完成3-最高4度提升的染色。

79、During the study of crosslinking modification, copolymerization PP was modified by peroxide initiator and multifunctional assistant crosslinker. ─── 在交联改性的研究中,采用过氧化物引发剂和多官能团助交联剂对共聚pp进行交联改性。

80、Hypersensitive response (HR) of rice cells induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a signal molecule, was investigated. ─── 本文报道了过氧化氢(H2O2)诱导水稻细胞过敏反应(HR)的剂量和时间作用效应。

81、Conclusion: Wounding and benzoyl peroxide can increase the carcinogenesis induced by DMBA in hamster tongue. ─── 在进行流行病学调查、癌变发生和预防上应考虑物理和化学因素对癌形成的促进作用。

82、Methods:200 herpetic-stomatitis cases were randomly divided into hydrogen peroxide group and combined therapy group. ─── 方法:随机将200例疱疹性口炎分为综合治疗组与过氧化氢组。

83、ARKEMA Shanghai Hydrogen Peroxide is determined to conduct our activity in accordance with top safety and environmental standards. ─── 上海阿科玛双氧水有限公司遵循严格的安全和环境标准来指导我们的运营。

84、Various attempts have been made to correlate peroxide values with development of oxidative off flavors. ─── 为了将过氧化值与氧化的异味的发展联系起来,已做了各种尝试。

85、Immerse it in a solution of peroxide and water. ─── 将其浸入过徉氧化氢及水的溶液中。

86、Still, these findings offer something of a conceptual shift in how to view human conditions where hydrogen peroxide plays a role. ─── 对于如何看待过氧化氢在人体中的角色,这些发现仍然提供了概念上的转变。

87、The Luminol and hydrogen peroxide under go a chemical reaction. ─── 发光氨与过氧化氢进行化学反应。


89、The peroxide value of Elsholtzia rugulosa Hemsl seed oil is low in the storing process. ─── 压榨法提取的野香苏油在贮存过程中过氧化值较低。

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