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09-04 投稿



differentia 发音

英:[[?d?f?'ren???]]  美:[[?d?f?'ren??r]]

英:  美:

differentia 中文意思翻译



differentia 反义词

same | similar

differentia 词性/词形变化,differentia变形

名词复数: differentiae |

differentia 短语词组

1、Davidsohn differentia butter ─── [医] 达维逊氏区分试验(检传染性单核细胞增多症)

differentia 同义词

original | alien | uncommon | atypical | unusual | unique | poles apart | distinctive | diverse | changed | various | single | special | contrary | novel | unfamiliar | varied | assorted | unlike | reverse | particular | divergent | opposite | disparate | another | else |dissimilar | incoherent | distinct | discrete | separate | singular | other

differentia 相似词语短语

1、differentiate ─── vi.区分,区别;vt.区分,区别

2、differentiae ─── n.种差(differentia的复数形式)

3、differently ─── adv.不同地;差异;各种

4、different idea ─── 不同的想法

5、differentiable ─── adj.[数]可微的;可辨的;可区分的

6、differentially ─── adv.区别地

7、differentials ─── n.差异;独特(differential的复数)

8、differential ─── adj.微分的;差别的;特异的;n.微分;差别

9、different ─── adj.不同的;个别的,与众不同的

differentia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords differentia scanning calorimetry;thermogravimetry;digital thermogravimetry;amoxicillin; ─── 差示扫描量热分析法;热重法;微分热重法;阿莫西林;

2、The core competition orientation in particular, the key of it is to adapt differentia strategy so as to ensure the specific logistics services to the customers. ─── 尤其是物流企业的核心竞争力的定位,其关键是必须采用差异化策略,确保为客户提供“量体定制”的个性化物流服务。

3、Therefore, be good at to develop with make use of the material, technique, the differentia of the structure, is an important principle that furniture design. ─── 因此,善于发挥和运用材料,技术,构造的不同点,是家具设计的一个重要原则。

4、English optional courses are important part of school curriculum, showing differentia, diversity and flexibility of curriculum. ─── 它体现了课程的差异性、多样性和灵活性,是学校课程中的重要组成部分。

5、At the same time, due to the characters and specialties of army, there are some differentia between military housing policy and local authority housing policy. ─── 但是,由于军队的特殊性质和保障特点,军队和地方的经济适用住房政策存在一定的差异,表现在购房资格审查、户型面积控制、售房价格确定和物业管理方式等方面。

6、The ERP software has its own features such as high cost, high risk, long implementing period and huge differentia. ─── 摘要ERP软件产品具有投入成本高、失败风险高、实施周期长及产品差异性大等特点。

7、3, ask: Do you and bicycle have why same point and differentia? ─── 三、问:你与自行车有何相同点和不同点?

8、We think Toronto and the city with Chinese corresponding photograph have same point to also have differentia. ─── 我们认为多伦多与中国相对应的城市有相同点也有不同点。

9、A Fast Algorithm of Screen Capture Based on Image Differentia ─── 基于差值的动态屏幕截取快速算法

10、These advertisements have both the similarities in culture and differentia in diction, lexicon and syntax, meaning, and content. ─── 它们既有文化共性,又在表达习惯、词汇句式、语意重心以及用语内容上呈现出语言文化差异。

11、Area mix with base of policy, economy, capital level of science and technology of the market, education is the main factor that forms this differentia to be apart from. ─── 区位和政策、经济基础、资金和市场、教育科技水平是形成这种差距的主要因素。

12、Further canonical correlation analysis shows that environment differentia accounts for 49.6% of heterogeneities between communities. ─── 典型相关分析进一步表明,群落间异质性主要是群落组成异质性,有49.6%是由环境差异引起的。

13、Improve the differentia degree of banking production. ─── 提高银行产品的差异化程度。

14、Land prices gradient and slope direction are put forward as two indicators of the spatial distribution of land price, and they are still of spatial differentia. ─── 提出了地价梯度和地价指向,作为表征地价空间变化的两项指标,也存在明显的空间差异。

15、differentia operator ─── 差异算子

16、Differentia: It is by bicycle the person drives after encouraging first, and I am to ride person hind to encourage first! ─── 不同点:骑自行车是先打气后骑人,而我是先骑人后打气!

17、One, ask: Do you and refrigerant box have why same point and differentia? ─── 一、问:你与冷冻箱有何相同点和不同点?

18、We have to find, then, some differentia of training from education. ─── 于是,我们必须找到训练和教育的某种区别。

19、The article compares and analyzes the differentia and the sameness between interior and furniture design.The connection is concluded and some advices are given which can be a reference for designers. ─── 本文尝试用比较研究的方法对室内设计和家具设计的异同之处逐一比较分析,并归纳出两者的衔接点,为设计者提出一定的参考性建议。

20、The Method of Semantic Differentia ─── SD法

21、Davidsohn differentia butter ─── [医] 达维逊氏区分试验(检传染性单核细胞增多症)

22、One of five general attributes of a subject or class, traditionally including genus, species, property, differentia, and accident. ─── 宾词主体或类别的五个共同属性之一,传统上包括类、种、固有性、特异性和偶然性

23、The study starts from the differentia of Just World Belief between young prisoners and normal adolescents, discussing the value of cultivating adolescents Just World Belief. ─── 从青少年罪犯与未犯罪青少年公正世界信念的差异入手,探讨了培养青少年公正世界信念的意义。

24、differentia calculation ─── 差异计算

25、The prime cause that causes this differentia price as we have learned is whether be " fountainhead " sale, this is be expert at inside be called " roasted seeds and nuts " . ─── 据了解造成这种差价的根本原因是是否是“源头”销售,这在行内被叫做“炒货”。

26、So the gradient of pressure decline in vertical well section and deviated well section is different, it aroused the gradient of fluid viscosity in the two sections has differentia. ─── 在稠油流动过程中,压力损失主要表现为摩阻损失,因此,在定向井中,直井段和斜井段的压降梯度有所不同,流体粘度梯度在直井段和斜井段也有差异。

27、differentia evolution ─── 差异演化

28、The resources tax will be levied ad valorem instead of on weight, its differentia proportional tax rate is designed by its“grading”. ─── 将资源税由从量计征改为从价计征,并按其“级差”设计差额比例税率;

29、Compares the part-time faculty building situation of higher vocational colleges of Liaoning Province with other part provinces. Analyzes their common ground and differentia. ─── 对辽宁省与外省部分高职院校兼职教师队伍建设的情况进行了比较,分析了其共同之处与不同之处。

30、current balance type current differentia ─── 差动平衡式电流继电器

31、regional differentia of price ─── 区域价格差

32、Differentia from product to brand ─── 从产品差异化走向品牌差异化

33、differentia influence ─── 差异影响

34、The present study investigates the features of Just World Belief among young prisoners in our country, and compares the differentia of Just World Belief between young prisoners and normal adolescents. ─── 摘要本研究考察我国青少年罪犯的公正世界信念特点,并比较了青少年罪犯与未犯罪青少年公正世界信念的差异。

35、There are mainly three kinds of sememe motion patterns in extended noun meanings, namely, generic sememe heredity that is new extended sememe formed by the changing of differentia sememe; ─── 名词词义引申的义素运动模式主要有三种:类属义素遗传,种差义素变化而形成新的引申义位;

36、is standard model of information definiens that definiens of "species plus differentia". ─── 加种差的界定是信息定义的标准化模式。

37、9.The results are shown as follows:1. There is a differentia between the demographic variables and the OCB of the employee. ─── 人口统计变量对员工组织公民行为各个维度存在着显著性差异。

38、How to Create the Differentia of the Commercial Real Estate. ─── 如何打造商业地产差异化。

39、coal-bearing property differentia ─── 含煤性差异

40、Then we analyze the differentia between electronic evidence and digital evidence, computer evidence and scientific evidence. ─── 然后分析了电子证据与数字证据、计算机证据、科学证据的差异。

41、Senior personage thinks to this, this differentia different basically is behaved in thing square idea different. ─── 资深人士对此认为,这种差异主要表现在东西方观念的不同。

42、In the circulation of interpretation,relativity and absoluteness are objective existence. Therefore,there certainly exist two aspects of differentia and relativity,unity and absoluteness in understanding Marxist philosophy. ─── 在解释学循环中 ,相对性和绝对性是客观存在的 ,因而在对马克思主义哲学的理解中 ,也必然存在着差异性、相对性和统一性、绝对性两个方面。

43、What differentia is there? (The meaning of 1) microcosmic economics and macroeconomics. ─── 1 微观经济学与宏观经济学有哪些共同点?有哪些不同点?(1)微观经济学与宏观经济学的含义。

44、2, ask: Do you and thermos have why same point and differentia? ─── 二、问:你与热水瓶有何相同点和不同点?

45、Differentia of Dependency System between Chinese and Western Governmental Regulations ─── 中国与西方政府规制的依存性制度差异

46、3) There exist differentia in different reaction phases on K+ desorbing percentage,e.g.whose desorbing percentage rose fast at initial phase,but with high clay content; ─── 3)不同处理在不同的反应阶段其解吸率差异很大,粘粒含量高的处理在反应初期解吸较快;

47、Tell from particular significance, this differentia is apart from pull big as lopsided as what economy of individual privately owned grows between thing ministry area having main concern. ─── 从一定意义上讲,这种差距的拉大与东西部地区之间个体私营经济发展的不平衡有着重要的关系。

48、It and Nash are balanced have a difference, and, this differentia fastens mechanism of common consist in in. ─── 它与纳什均衡有差别,并且,这种差别普通存在于机制之中。

49、osteoblastic differentia tion ─── 成骨细胞分化

50、The Warming Trend and Interdecadal Differentia of Seasonal Cycle of Air Temperature in Harbin ─── 哈尔滨气温增暖倾向和季节循环的年代际差异

51、Set out from the differentia that studies economic calamity and economic crisis, elaborated the expression of economic calamity, form reason and clutch make countermeasure. ─── 从研究经济灾害与经济危机的不同点出发 ,阐述了经济灾害的表现 ,形成原因以及扼制对策。

52、9 see joke: Ask: The common feature of woman and lukewarm water bottle and differentia? ─── 9看笑话:问:女人和温水瓶的共同点和不同点?

53、The differentia with it and the biggest ceramic tile is, piece bigger. ─── 它与瓷砖最大的不同点是,片更大。

54、differentia signal ─── 差分传输线

55、binomial differentia ─── 二项式微分

56、New differentia operator based on principle of "selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior" ─── 基于"优胜劣汰"原则的差异算子

57、3) There exist differentia in different reaction phases on K + desorbing percentage, e.g. whose desorbing percentage rose fast at initial phase, but with high clay content; ─── 3)不同处理在不同的反应阶段其解吸率差异很大,粘粒含量高的处理在反应初期解吸较快;

58、differentia strategies ─── 差异化战略

59、Of course, there are so many differentia between the two markets, for instance, the stock segmentation in mainland securities market. ─── 当然,两个证券市场也存在许多不同点:如大陆证券市场存在着股权的分置;

60、We can then take note of various differentia, which distinguish humans from other animals. ─── 随后,我们会注意到各种差异,这区分人类从其他动物。

61、total differentia ─── 全微分

62、Abstract: It is important for the commercial real estate to be differentia,which means not only from the perspective of market, but also based on reflecting specialization and thematicalization. ─── 摘要:商业地产项目具有差异化至关重要。差异化包括初级的来自市场意义的差异化,以及深层次的体现专业化、主题化的差异化。

63、All tourist destinations have such three characteristics as combination, complexity and differentia. ─── 旅游目的地具有组合性、复杂性和差异性三大特点。

64、Differentia is a woman be first the plug on a place of strategic importance again fill water; ─── 不同点是女人是先塞上塞子再灌水;

65、It is essential to a corporation that former one focuses on the developing rhythm while the latter pays attention to the differentia. ─── 前者的关键是要把握好企业发展的节奏;而后者的核心在于“差异化”,这是企业的“立命之本”。

66、one of five general attributes of a subject or class,traditionally including genus,species,property,differentia,and accident ─── 五个共同属性之一,传统上包括类、种、固有性、特异性和偶然性

67、Confucian thought-courtesy is ethics which lays emphasis on grade differentia of seniority. ─── 孔子的“礼”就是“伦理”,强调的是辈份等级差别。

68、The scans of tumors in the antero-superior and posteroinferior mediastinum showed better imaging and effectivelly made differentia... ─── 对鉴别肿瘤囊实性迅速、准确。结论应用超声检查纵隔肿瘤,对诊断和鉴别具有较大实用价值。

69、Comparison with jet pump, it is indicated that there are the same side and differentia on best parameters in HJAI. ─── 实验结果表明,与射流泵对照,水气射流通风器最佳优参数既有其共同之处,也有其不同点。

70、Please show the brief differentia between hydroponics and soil culture. ─── 请简要说明营养液栽培与土壤栽培在植物养分供应上的不同点。

71、Environmental Imagery with the Differentia of Building of Chinese Traditional Gardens and English Landscape Gardens ─── 中国传统园林与英国自然风景园中建筑的差异与环境意境

72、Keywords Fingerprints;high-resolution whole-oil GC differentia technique;The least square;the multi-oil production analysis software;Production allocation;LuLiang oilfield; ─── 指纹;高分辨率全烃色谱分析技术;最小二乘法;多层产能分析软件;产能分配;陆梁油田;

73、Differentia Between the Tax Payable Method and Tax - affect - accounting Method ─── 应付税款法和纳税影响会计法之比较

74、Differentia: Flesh of refrigerant box outfit is soft put in, take forcedly. ─── 不同点:冷冻箱装肉是软的放进去,硬的拿出来。

75、The method of feature selection based on word frequency differentia was proposed and TF-IDF formula was modified to improve the quality of feature selection,the speed and accuracy of categorization. ─── 提出一种基于词频差异的特征选取方法和改进的TF-IDF公式,以提高特征选取质量和文本分类的速度及准确度。

76、Differentia accumulation ─── 差异聚集

77、differentia - mode EMI ─── 差模干扰

78、The utility model discloses a velocity differentia lever type sequential rice seedling thrown device. ─── 本实用新型公开了一种差速杠杆式有序抛秧装置。

79、We made use of the fuzzy theories to C-means algorithm again is for increasing classifications classification rate,The differentia is that fuzzy theories were used for fuzzy rule. ─── 为了提高分类器的分类率,再一次把模糊的思想引入C-均值算法,构成双重模糊C-均值算法的分类器,所不同的是把模糊化思想引入到分类规则上。

80、Its differentia depends on the processing each has his strong point of ladder pace and baluster. ─── 其不同点在于梯步和栏杆支柱的处理各有千秋。

81、As an agricultural big province, the influence of the consumption that this differentia spurs pair of Hunan and even Hunan economy is apparent. ─── 作为一个农业大省 ,这种差距对湖南的消费乃至湖南经济的影响是明显的。

82、The 3-D dynamic model,fiber beam element model,wall element model and integration algorithm of dynamic differentia equation used in elastop-lastic seismic response analysis are introduced. ─── 对某框支短肢剪力墙-异形柱框架结构进行了非线性时程分析,介绍了弹塑性地震反应分析中采用的空间整体动力模型、纤维梁元模型、墙元模型及动力微分方程的积分方法。

83、potential differentia ─── 位势差异

84、This paper reviews the study progresses of pancreatic encephalopathy.about pathogenesis,diagnosis and differentia... ─── 本文主要讨论其发病机制、诊断与鉴别诊断以及临床防治的研究进展。

85、To clarify differentia in cognition, the thesis starts with traditional position, give a clear boundary to the definition of corporate financial positions. ─── 为澄清认识上的差异,文章首先从传统的头寸定义入手,对企业金融头寸进行了含义上的界定。

86、Using different sidetracking methods, its success ratio and effectiveness differentia are large. ─── 侧钻的方法不同,侧钻的成功率和效率差异很大。

87、The result's differentia of the numerical simulation is sometimes produced by the different version of the software in the numerical simulation of the building fires. ─── 在建筑物火灾计算机模拟中,软件的不同版本有时会造成同一算例数据文件的计算结果是不同的。

88、Differentia: Thermos outfit water is the plug after installing water first. ─── 不同点:热水瓶装水是先装水后插塞。

89、If the client deals with labour to provoke deal of travel foreign currency all right through net silver, what also can enjoy differentia to differ is favourable. ─── 客户如果通过网银办理工行招行外汇买卖,也可享受不同点差的优惠。

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