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09-04 投稿



diffuser 发音

英:[d??fju:z?(r)]  美:[d??fjuz?]

英:  美:

diffuser 中文意思翻译



diffuser 短语词组

1、uniform diffuser ─── [计] 均匀扩散体

2、discharge diffuser ─── 放电扩散器

3、diffuser angle ─── 扩散器角度

4、grating diffuser ─── 光栅扩散器

5、ceiling air diffuser ─── 顶棚空气散流

6、diffuser baffle ─── 扩散器导流板

7、ceiling diffuser ─── 顶棚散流器;天花板出风口

8、diffuser chamber ─── 扩散室

9、multi-stage(diffuser type)centrifugal pump ─── [化] 多级离心泵

10、diffuser channel ─── 扩散器通道

11、ozone diffuser ─── 臭氧扩散

12、diffuser type centrifugal pump ─── [化] 扩散器式离心泵

13、diffuser with bottom door ─── [化] 带底阀的浸提器

14、flat plate diffuser ─── [化] 平板扩器; 平板压器

15、line diffuser ─── [电] 线路漫射器

16、convergent diffuser ─── 收敛扩散

17、radial diffuser ─── [化] 径向扩压器; 径向扩散器

18、continuous diffuser ─── 连续扩散器

19、dome diffuser ─── 家庭广播

diffuser 词性/词形变化,diffuser变形


diffuser 相似词语短语

1、differ ─── vt.使…相异;使…不同;vi.相异;意见分歧;n.(Differ)人名;(法)迪费

2、diffuses ─── adj.弥漫的;散开的;vt.扩散;传播;漫射;vi.传播;四散

3、diffused ─── adj.散布的,扩散的;普及的;v.散布,传播(diffuse的过去分词);使分散

4、diffuse ─── adj.弥漫的;散开的;vt.扩散;传播;漫射;vi.传播;四散

5、diffusor ─── n.扩散器;散布者;扩散体

6、diffusers ─── n.[机]扩散器(diffuser的复数形式);柔光镜

7、defuser ─── n.导叶;调解人

8、diffusely ─── adv.广泛地;扩散地

9、diffusors ─── n.扩散器;散布者;扩散体

diffuser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China's F1 car breaks cover: note KERS battery box and clever chromed rear diffuser. ─── 中国最多的车探秘:注意KERS的电池盒和巧妙的尾部扩散器.

2、An auxiliary ejector with as little blockage in the ducting as possible is placed behind the inlet of the diffuser duct. ─── 一个辅助引射器,在通道中要以尽可能小的堵塞面积布置在扩压器进口之后。

3、The rear bumper diffuser is designed to reduce drag. ─── 后保险杠扰流是为了减少阻力。

4、Our company is a metal company! We supply many kinds of stainless steel valves, and Suction diffuser &Triple duty valve, the valves by OEM. ─── 下面是翻译?:

5、Research of double-stage pump combined with diffuser and volute ─── 导叶涡壳组合式双级泵的研究

6、Met problems,ways to solve and research development at every stage for VAV system were highlighted from three aspects such as diffuser,terminal box and system control. ─── 从散流器、末端装置以及系统控制三个方面,着重阐述了变风量系统在各个阶段遇到的问题,解决的方法和研究的进展。

7、But the flow in vaned diffuser is complex because it is influenced by not only the rotating impeller upstream but also the block of its own blades. ─── 但是由于受到其上游旋转叶轮的影响,以及本身叶片对流动的约束,其内部的流动情况是非常复杂的。

8、Progress in diffuser researches in room acoustics ─── 室内声学中散射研究进展

9、Many of the difficulties just described are avoided by the use of an auxiliary ejector and an engine exhaust diffuser which are placed in tandem. ─── 利用直列放置的发动机排气扩压器和辅助引射器,可以避免上述许多困难。

10、The light efficiency and irradiance uniformity of Fresnel lens sheet and semi-circular diffuser sheet which composed of diffuser and prism function are also discussed here. ─── 并结合扩散板与稜镜片功能,设计一菲涅尔透镜与半圆灯罩式扩散片,取代传统扩散板,讨论其光使用效率与光均匀性。

11、fully adjustable air diffuser ─── 完全可嫡气扩散器

12、The front end is now characterized by a larger grille that gives additional cooling and the rear diffuser was redesigned for improved functionality. ─── 前端现在的特点是较大的进气格栅,让更多的冷却和后方扩散是重新设计的改进功能。

13、It is not only used to design centrifugal pump impeller and diffuser, but also used to design non_clogging pump impeller and diffuser, radial diffuser, space diffuser, etc. ─── 它除了可进行清水泵的叶轮、蜗壳水力设计外,还可设计无堵塞泵的叶轮、蜗壳以及径向导叶、空间导叶等水力件的水力设计。

14、The shape of meridional flow channel for diffuser of mixed-folw pumps is given, the geometrical model of different section of the diffuser is built, and the characteristics of the model is analyzed. ─── 建立了空间导流器轴面流道的几何模型,并对其特点进行了分析,给出了求解过流断面面积的方法,并列举了计算实例。

15、The flow field characteristics and the total pressure recovery performance for different diffuser configurations were analyzed. ─── 对不同构型扩压器的流场特点、总压恢复性能进行了分析;

16、Diffuser disc is produced from aluminum oxide and ceramic bonded together with high sintering temperature. ─── 性能特点:1.曝气盘采用氧化铝磨料和陶瓷结合剂高温烧结而成。

17、Study on CAD of Bend-Shaped Diffuser of Centrifugal Pump Based on NURBS ─── 基于NURBS的离心泵弯曲形扩散管的cad研究

18、Diffuser design in a stratified chilled - water storage tank ─── 分层型蓄冷水箱中扩散器的设计与研究

19、The article studys the diffuser in the active injector altitude simulated test system of solid rocket engine. ─── 对固体火箭发动机主动引射高空模拟试车系统中的扩压器部分进行研究。

20、Experimental study using hot wire anemometer is carried out for the vaned diffuser of a centrifugal compressor.The flowfield data are taken and reduced. ─── 五. 建立了进行级环境下扩压器内部流场实验研究的数据采集和处理方法,并用热线风速仪进行了测量;

21、To maximize the usefulness of this added performance, MTM equips their R8's with an extensive aerodynamic carbon fiber body kit that includes a front splitter, new side skirts, and a rear diffuser. ─── 以便最大限度地发挥这一补充性能,母语教学装备的奥迪R8的同一个广泛的碳素纤维制成的车身空气动力学套件,包括一个前端分配器,新侧裙,以及后排扩散。

22、The comprehensive understanding of the flow mechanism in vaned diffuser is crucial for designing a high quality vaned diffuser.This thesis tries to carry out a deeper investigation in this field. ─── 了解其内部流动机理对合理设计和优化叶片扩压器有着重要的指导意义,而目前对叶片扩压器内的流动情况作透彻分析的工作开展得还很少,本文试图在这一方面作出更深入的研究。

23、He said he is hoping an early double-diffuser for the MP4-24 will be ready for Bahrain next weekend. ─── 他说,他希望早日双扩散的赛车MP4-24将准备下周末的巴林。

24、The rear end has a carbon fiber diffuser. ─── 在尾部有一个碳纤维扰流.

25、In terms of exterior cosmetics the big AMG gets LED daytime running lights, a more aggressive front spoiler, a rear diffuser and four tailpipes as per current AMG standard issue. ─── 从外部大的AMG化妆品得到LED日间运行灯,更积极的前扰流板,后方扩散和四个排气管按目前AMG的标准问题.

26、But to Germany's Sport Bild, Horner insisted that the Monte Carlo specification will only be the "first stage" of Red Bull's diffuser. ─── 合法化,但德国的体育画报,霍纳尔坚持蒙特卡洛规范将只能是“第一阶段”的红牛的扩散.

27、Francois Sillion and Clande Puech,“A General Two-Pass Method Integrating Specular and Diffus Reflection”, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol 23, No. 3, pp.335-344, 1989. ─── 张忠宝、陈利琮、王宗铭,“提高蒙地卡罗直接照明法效能的两种技巧”,中兴大学工程学刊第十二卷,第一期,民国九十一年三月.

28、The rear features a diffuser and a stationary spoiler. ─── 后方配备了扰流和固定扰流。

29、An Experimental investigation on the flow fi el d in vaned diffuser of a centrifugal fan has been conducted using Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV). ─── 利用激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)测量了离心风机叶片扩压器的内部流场。

30、DO: Blow-dry your hair with a diffuser, braid it when it's wet or use a volumizing product to achieve the style (as seen on Naomi Watts and Teri Hatcher). ─── 在用电吹风吹乾湿发时可用手随意抓拿头发。

31、At the back, rocker panels make the car appear lower, while a roof spoiler and a rear diffuser both help to improve downforce. ─── 在后面,板使汽车出现降低,而车顶扰流器和后部扰流既有助于改善压力.

32、An optional spoiler not only sets off the boot lid, but together with the imposing diffuser and prominent flaps, it ensures that effects of wind drag are minimised. ─── 可选配的扰流器,在取消行李箱盖的同时,配合扩散器与突出的副翼,确保该车的风阻系数达到最小。

33、Its integrated diffuser also contributes to the refined BRABUS aerodynamics concept for the ROCKET. ─── 其集成的扩散,也有助于完善的BRABUS空气动力学对火箭的概念。

34、double-stage pump combined with diffuser and volute ─── 导叶涡壳组合式双级泵

35、Performance of supersonic diffuser in pressure recovery system ─── 压力恢复系统扩压器性能初步研究

36、It is not only the diffuser, it is just a different philosophy of designing the car. ─── 这不仅仅是一个扩散器,而是一部拥有另一种设计概念的赛车。

37、"I want to see how the diffuser works before we spend that much money," boss Franz Tost is quoted as saying. ─── "我想看看如何扩工程之前,我们花多少钱,“老板弗兰兹托斯特是称。

38、Design and Numerical Investigation of Wedge Vane Diffuser with Splitter Blade ─── 带大小叶片楔形扩压器设计及流场分析

39、The numerical simulation of the whole stage including impeller and vaned diffuser in the experiment is carried out using NUMECA software to analyze the experiment result. ─── 借助于CFD软件对实验中的叶轮、扩压器进行了整级计算,辅助分析实验结果。

40、diffus neuroendocrine system ─── 弥散性神经内分泌系统

41、A few drops of essential oils in your bath or in a diffuser will do the trick. ─── 在浴室或喷雾器里滴入几滴精油会起作用。

42、Everywhere else, the company used carbon fiber to achieve weight reduction, including the new front bumper and diffuser. ─── 世界上其他地方,该公司使用碳纤维来实现减轻体重,包括新的前保险杠和扩散。

43、The design of the diffuser is crucial as it controls the speed at which the air exits. ─── 尾部扩散器的设计是底盘下方高速气流疏导的关键。

44、Light from the source falls on a diffuser D, Figure 6.8. ─── 光线自光源发出后投射到一个漫射器D上,如图6.8所示。

45、Use a diffuser when blow-drying hair perms. ─── 在吹干头发时要在吹风机口使用导流罩。

46、multi-stage(diffuser type)centrifugal pump ─── [化] 多级离心泵

47、RB: It is funny.The media created a story around the diffuser. ─── 很有趣,媒体编造了不少围绕着扩散器的故事。

48、The rear is more interesting however, with four trapezoidal tailpipes which look slightly off-centre on either side of the large diffuser. ─── 后方是更有趣,但有四个梯形排气管看起来稍微偏离中心,两边的大型扩散。

49、It analyzes the Flow field of vaneless diffuser of 2 stages and the bend and return channel for 1 stage. ─── 分析了两个级无叶扩压器中的流场及其中一个级弯道和回流器中的流场。

50、The exterior has bi-xenon lights with black interior reflectors, fog lamps, bonnet stripes, a carbon fiber bonnet scoop, carbon fiber mirror caps and a rear diffuser. ─── 外观已双氙气灯与黑色的内部反射器,雾灯,帽子的条纹,一个碳纤维引擎盖勺,碳纤维镜帽和后方扩散。

51、Vertical wet-pit diffuser pump bowl ─── 带扩压器的立式深井泵

52、Allows a reflective display to be used at night by lighting the edges of a front-mounted, transparent diffuser. ─── 允许反射的展示在夜里被使用透过点燃一个正面安装,透明的扩散器的边缘.

53、After comparing the flow fields between diffuser A and B in the experiment, the flow field of diffuser A was found to be planar in evidence, which met the blood pump flow field's need b... ─── 实验对比了两种不同结构后导叶的出口流场,发现导叶A的出口流场二维流动明显,符合血泵流场的需要,此研究为进一步开展血泵后导叶的优化设计提供了依据。

54、Revealed for the first time on this yellow test-mule is a completely new diffuser design, which shows a more fluid look than previous versions. ─── 发现第一次对这个黄色试验骡子是一个完全新的扰流设计,这表明更流体期待比以前的版本。

55、Surging is ordinarily associated with separation and re-attachment in the diffuser. ─── 喘振通常与气流在扩散段内的分离和再附相联系。

56、Research on resistance loss of membrane fine bubble diffuser ─── 可张孔曝气器曝气能耗试验研究

57、"Adrian is working hard. If all goes to plan, our car will be ready (with a new diffuser) for Monte Carlo," Marko told the Italian newspaper La Stampa. ─── "阿德里安正在努力。如果一切顺利的计划,我们的赛车将被准备(有一个新的扩)蒙特卡罗,“马尔科说,意大利报纸帕瓦罗蒂.

58、Sir Frank Williams, meanwhile, amusingly responded to Briatore's anger about the diffuser affair. ─── 弗兰克威廉姆斯爵士,与此同时,有趣回答托利愤怒的扩散事件.

59、two-dimensional inlet;two-dimensional diffuser ─── 二元进气道

60、For the Centrifugal Compressor Stage model consisted of unshrouded impeller and vaneless diffuser, steady flows are numerically simulated at different expansion angles. ─── 对于由无叶扩压器和半开式三元叶轮组成的级模型,分别计算了无叶扩压器取不同扩张角时级内的流场。

61、A critical factor in achieving a satisfactory outcome is the ceiling design, since it acts as a secondary diffuser. ─── 得到满意效果的一个至关重要的方面,是关于作为第二散光装置的天花板的设计。

62、Study on pressure fluctuations in draft tube and its diffuser ─── 尾水管脉动压力及扩散方式的研究

63、The calculated result agrees well with the test result. It shows that the numerical methods can be used for the study of the diffuser. ─── 数位计算结果与试验结果符合性较好,表明用数值模拟方法是扩压器流场的计算的一种有效研究手段。

64、The configuration of the diffuser should be designed as a channel to allow the main flow pass through a shock train. ─── 扩压段的形状应设计成能使主气流通过-系列斜激波串减速的通道。

65、The flow and the temperature in the three-stream mixing flow of the lobed nozzle mixer-ejector with double-wall diffuser are numerically investigated. ─── 对双层壁扩压器与波瓣喷管组合的三股气流的引射混合进行了流场温度场的数值计算。

66、Sport Bild claims that designers did devise a double diffuser for the single seater, but that computer simulations raised doubts about its effectiveness. ─── 体育画报也声称,设计师设计一个双扩为单座,但是,计算机模拟令人怀疑其效力.

67、Older oils may not be appropriate for medicinal or skincare purposes, but can still add citrus-power to a diffuser blend. ─── 保存了较长时间的精油在药效和皮肤保养上不是那么好了,但仍然可以添加到其他柑橘类精油中混和。

68、So, the space stability of the diffuser panel used for onboard calibration can satisfy the spatial application demand. ─── 研制的星上定标漫射板的空间稳定性能够满足航天应用要求。

69、Side skirts with a twisty kink in the middle add some visual appeal to the profile and lead back to an AMG rear fascia and an integrated diffuser that's flanked by quad exhaust tips. ─── 侧裙与曲折扭结在中间添加一些视觉吸引力的形象和领先优势扩大到了AMG的后方筋膜和扩散是一个综合的两侧四排气提示。

70、BQQ series corundum porous diffuser is a aeration device used in conventional, extended activated-sludge system for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment engineering. ─── 产品简介:BQQ系列刚玉微孔曝气器适用于工业污水、市政污水处理工程中传统的、扩展的活性污泥处理工艺。

71、The material of Diffuser is POM, which is changed from fiberglas, improve the capacity of anti-abrasive and the rigidness. ─── 导叶材料采用玻璃纤维改性的聚碳树脂,提高了耐磨性和刚性。

72、Shangyu Shanhu Chemical Industry Factory. The main products are "Yunlong Brand" brightener, diffuser agent, soft agent. ─── 上虞市珊瑚化工厂,主要生产“云龙牌”增白剂、扩散剂、柔软剂等系列化工产品。

73、It also has a sports diffuser and 17-inch alloy wheels. ─── 它还拥有一个体育扰流和17英寸合金轮毂.

74、No fresh air came out of the diffuser in the pond. ─── 塘底的空气扩散器没有释放空气出来.

75、The structure and the working theory of a new type of doublestage pump combined with diffuser and volute are introduced, which runs more steadily at high speed. ─── 在泵吸入口增设消旋器,解决了泵在高转速下容易产生汽蚀等问题,又起支撑轴的作用,泵运转平稳、可靠、寿命长。

76、A new swirling cold air diffuser has been researched after tests of aerodynamics,the velocity field,the temperature field and yawp. ─── 对新研制的一种旋流式低温送风口进行了空气动力、速度场、温度场及噪声测试。

77、The Main results of this paper are given as follows: The steam at the diffuser throat can only be saturated steam or superheated steam. ─── 经计算,得出结论:在蒸汽喷射器扩压管的喉部,只能是干饱和蒸汽或是过热蒸汽。

78、A blend of Geranium, Lavender and Bergamot alleviates anxiety and depression. Use in a room diffuser or 6-8 drops of this blend in the bath. ─── 天竺葵,薰衣草和佛手柑混合可以缓解忧虑和消沉。可以放在室内加湿器里或滴6-8滴在浴液中。

79、Former triple world champion Niki Lauda said it is simplistic to put the speed of the Brawn car entirely down to its diffuser. ─── 前三届世界冠军劳达说,这是简单的把速度布朗汽车完全下降到其扩散。

80、If they know what they're doing they'll probably use a diffuser as pictured. ─── 如果理发师知道他们的职责,他们可能会用图上的吹风机。

81、It has single chrome tailpipes on either side, a GTI rear spoiler, a rear air diffuser, an electronic diff lock, smoked taillights and green tinted windows. ─── 它单镀铬排气管两侧的倡议后扰流板,后方的空气扩散器,电子差异锁,烟熏的尾灯和绿色车窗。

82、"There has not been enough time for a double-decker diffuser," said team boss Martin Whitmarsh. ─── “有没有足够的时间为双层扩散,”车队老板怀特马什.

83、"The next race is in China, but a couple of days before the FIA's Court of Appeal will decide about the diffuser. ─── “下一站将在中国举行,但在这之前,国际汽联将会对扩散器的使用合法性进行裁决。

84、In the document, the court - which found in favour of the diffuser teams Brawn, Toyota and Williams - acknowledged the loophole that led to the saga. ─── 在该文件中,法院-这有利于球队的扩散布朗,丰田和威廉姆斯-承认的漏洞,导致佐贺.

85、perfect transmitting diffuser ─── 全散射透射面

86、To avoid syneresis from heat drying, you can wash and dry your hair less frequently.Since that’s not always practical, when you do blow dry your hair use a diffuser to avoid over heating. ─── 克里斯蒂的问题 :当我们使用吹风机和加热棒的时侯,是不是在头发上用上一个热保护器比什么都不用来的好?

87、C. film (liquid crystal film) to take place of the diffuser &light guide of traditional back light module .By the way, the cost will be reduced, too. ─── 同时,提出以液晶光学膜的新式结构,取代传统背光模组的扩散膜及导光板,降低背光模组的制造成本。

88、FK - 11 is an adjustable split valve designed for adjusting wind rate of wind port and diffuser. ─── 11型钢制调节阀为调节风口及散流器的流量。

89、multi-stage (diffuser type) centrifugal pump ─── 多级离心泵

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