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09-04 投稿



differentiation 发音

英:[,d?f?ren??'e??n]  美:[,d?f?,r?n?i'e??n]

英:  美:

differentiation 中文意思翻译



differentiation 同义词

alter | a | tell | separate | speciate | discriminate | change | secern | segregate | characterize | different | specialise | modify | discern | set | adapt | adjust | mark | single out |distinguish | make | distinction | specialize | set apart | tell apart | make a distinction | apart | contrast

differentiation 短语词组

1、cells differentiation ─── [医] 细胞分化

2、fractional differentiation ─── [计] 分数微分

3、morphological differentiation ─── [医] 形态分化

4、logarithmic differentiation ─── [计] 对数微分

5、backward differentiation method ─── [计] 后向差分法

6、implicit differentiation ─── 隐函数微分, ─── 隐微分法

7、dependent differentiation ─── [医] 相关分化

8、cluster of differentiation 4 ─── [网络] 分化群集4

9、differentiation function ─── [计] 微分函数

10、algebraic differentiation ─── [计] 代数微分

11、invisible differentiation ─── [医] 难见分化

12、made a differentiation between ─── 区分, ─── 区别

13、cluster of differentiation 8 ─── [网络] 分化群8

14、correlative differentiation ─── [医] 相关分化

15、functional differentiation ─── [医] 机能分化

16、independent differentiation ─── [医] 主动分化

17、histological differentiation ─── [医] 组织分化

18、cell differentiation ─── [医] 细胞分化

19、differentiation of inhibition ─── [医] 抑制分化

differentiation 反义词

integrate |dedifferentiate

differentiation 词性/词形变化,differentiation变形

动词过去分词: differentiated |动词过去式: differentiated |名词: differentiation |动词现在分词: differentiating |动词第三人称单数: differentiates |

differentiation 相似词语短语

1、nondifferentiation ─── 不微分

2、dedifferentiation ─── n.[胚]去分化;特殊细胞形态的消失

3、dedifferentiations ─── n.[胚]去分化;特殊细胞形态的消失

4、differentiate ─── vi.区分,区别;vt.区分,区别

5、differentiations ─── n.变异,[生物]分化;区别

6、differentiated ─── adj.分化型;已分化的;可区分的;v.使有差别(differentiate的过去分词)

7、differentiating ─── v.区别,区分;使不同,使产生差异;差别对待;使变化;求……的微分(differentiate的现在分词)

8、differentiates ─── 区分;差别;使有差别

9、differentiator ─── n.[自]微分器;微分电路;区分者

differentiation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, the molecular mechanism of ameloblast differentiation remains unclear. ─── 但是,有关成釉细胞分化的分子机制仍未明确。

2、REP-PCR,AFLP technique can reveal the genetic differentiation properly. ─── AFLP和REP-PCR技术均能很好地反映菌株的遗传学差异。

3、Another characteristic is fractionize market differentiation is serious. ─── 另一个特点就是细分市场分化严重。

4、Experimental procedures for differentiation of enteric microorganisms. ─── 分辨肠道微生物的实验程序。

5、The main fertilizing period was before flower bud differentiation and at alabastrum intumescence stage. ─── 利用温度控制、水分控制和植物生长调节剂对火百合作矮化处理;

6、In contrast, APL cells of two cases showed synergistic differentiation after treatment with ATAR and bufalin. ─── 为了进一步研究蟾蜍灵对ATRA诱导分化的增强效应,我们研究蟾蜍灵与维甲酸联合对APL原代培养细胞的诱导分化作用。

7、The first differentiation in this process is made by means of a cut-off score to determine whether or not depressive symptoms exist. ─── 第一次在这个过程中分化是通过切断评分来确定是否存在抑郁症状。

8、The role of IAA in the differentiation of the vascular elements was discussed. ─── 对于IAA在嫁接体维管分子分化过程中的作用进行了讨论。

9、M2 medium was snitable for budlet differentiation. ─── M2培养基适于皮上芽苞组织分化生长;

10、Stduy on bud property and flower bud differentiation of Lonicera caerulea L. ─── 兰靛果芽特性与花芽分化的研究。

11、The order of partial differentiation is immaterial. ─── 偏微商的次序并不重要。

12、Primary experiment in vitro shows that the hPGCs have multiple differentiation potential. ─── 体外分化实验初步证实人原始生殖细胞具有多向分化潜能。

13、The differentiation capacity of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) holds great promise for therapeutic applications. ─── 人类胚胎干细胞的分化能力为其治疗应用保存了巨大的希望。

14、E? Cadherin and MMP? 2 are related to the differentiation of prostate carcinoma, and E? ─── B C L?2 、 E? Cadherin 及 M M P?2 的表达与前列腺癌的分级相关;

15、Rat Cluster of differentiation 30,CD30 Elis... ─── 大鼠白细胞分化抗原30(CD30)试剂盒;

16、STK15 protein overexpression may be a novel marker for diagnosing tumor differentiation of colorectal cancer. ─── STK15蛋白过表达程度可望作为判定结肠癌分化程度的新指标。

17、Leaf had no differentiation of palisade and spongy. ─── 叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化。

18、The human being is original holism and belongs to differentiation systom. ─── 人是元整体,属分化系统。

19、Rat osteoclast differentiation factor,ODF El... ─── 大鼠破骨细胞分化因子(ODF)试剂盒;

20、They also had to create product differentiation. ─── 他们还必须创造产品差异化。

21、Measurement of the distribution of T lymphocyte subsets is helpful to the differentiation of TCM bion Zheng. ─── 人体外周血 T淋巴细胞亚群及甲状腺功能可有助于临床对中医气阴两虚、阴阳两虚型的确立

22、The level of CD62p can serve as a reference index in microcosmic syndrome differentiation of TCM in BSS of EH. ─── CD62P可作为洲血瘀证的微观辨证参考指标之一。

23、Cold treatment was effective for differentiation of somatic embryos. ─── 冷处理对蔷薇科植物的体胚分化有效。

24、Ctip2 seems to be a very top-level regulator of development and differentiation in many different cell types, Leid said. ─── Leid说,Ctip2好像就恰好是许多不同类型细胞最高水平的发育和分化的调节因子。

25、The mucus adenoma was the most aggressive, and was more aggressive than medium and poor-differentiation adenoma. ─── 浸润能力高分化腺癌最弱、中低分化腺癌较强,黏液腺癌最强。

26、Syndrome differentiation in TCM belongs to cognitive and noetic science. ─── 中医的“辨证”属于认知科学、思维科学。

27、The operation that is the inverse of differentiation is called integration. ─── 与微分相反的运算叫做积分。

28、In salivary gland tumor,the expression of MMP2 and MMP9 depen ded on the degree of tumor differentiation. ─── MMP2和MMP9与肿瘤分化程度有关 ,随着肿瘤细胞分化降低MMP2和MMP9表达增强。

29、Callus Induction and Differentiation from the Cotyledon of Capsicum annuum L. ─── 三樱椒子叶愈伤组织的诱导及分化。

30、Their main differentiation was the differences of plant-morphologic characters. ─── 它们的差别在于植株形态特点不同(表8)。

31、How much class differentiation was there among the peasantry? ─── 农民之间有多少社会阶级的差异?

32、How much class differentiation was there among the peasantry? ─── 农民之间有多少社会阶级的差异?

33、STI571 could induce leukemia cells of ANLL into terminal differentiation by inhibiting c-kit tyrosine kinase. ─── STI571对急性非淋巴细胞白血病原代细胞有诱导向同系终末分化的作用,对c-kit酪氨酸激酶有明显的抑制作用,且与药物浓度相关。

34、Person and the differentiation of the different lies in the thinking and language. ─── 人与异类的区别在于思维和语言.

35、The multiple differentiation potentiality of ASCs had been confirmed. ─── 同时多家研究者在体外利用小鼠骨髓细胞或来自骨髓的成体多潜能干细胞在不同条件下分化为类肝细胞。

36、How can you have 3)differentiation top 20, middle 70 and throw out the bottom 10 and have team work? ─── 为什么挑出了最出色的20人,水平一般的70人和最差的10人,然后还能让团队运作呢?

37、Considerable intraspecific differentiation was found in A. intermedius. ─── 中介蝮有较大的种下分化。

38、Human osteoclast differentiation factor,ODF El... ─── 人破骨细胞分化因子(ODF)试剂盒;

39、The morphological changes of differentiation cells by immunocytochemical staining. ─── 免疫细胞化学染色分化细胞形态观察。

40、ADAS cells have similar phenotype and differentiation ability, but its proliferation rate was higher than bMSCs. ─── 在增殖速率上,ADAS细胞比bMSCs要快(群体倍增时间28h vs 39h)。

41、Other environmental changes are likely to alter the ratio between proliferation and differentiation of cells. ─── 其它环境因素的变化也能改变细胞增殖分化间的比率。

42、Forming cork tissue seems to be mark of differentiation of tissue in callus. ─── 它的形成是愈伤组织产生分化的标志.

43、The firm cultivates those strengths that will contribute to the intended differentiation. ─── 企业应培育发展那些对预期的差异化有帮助的力量。

44、The fact that the project used an entry point that cut across social differentiation, as mentioned in section 5.2. ─── 如第5.2(一)提到的那样,该项目运用了一个超越社会差异的切入点,使得机构变化关乎每个人的切身利益;

45、He successfully makes the point that a key feature of differentiation is its flexibility and widespread applicability. ─── 回答:他成功地找到了一个关键性的区别,那就是它的灵活性和广泛的适用性。

46、When the running market, we realize one thing-quality is difficulty, but the differentiation of market. ─── 公司的经营理念:品质第一、以客为尊,是本公司对广大顾客的承诺。

47、Studies on the Flower Bud Differentiation of Prunus pseudocerasus L. ─── 中国樱桃花芽分化规律的研究。

48、Area differentiation, the University General Education courses are further divided into groups. ─── 大学通识教育科目除以范围区分外,更划分为不同组别,以科。

49、In a few places in the book, the notion of differentiation would be helpful. ─── 在书中的一些地方,可微的概念可能是有用的。

50、The CysLT1receptor antagonist pranlukast modulates the differentiation of SK-N-SH cells. ─── CysLT1受体拮抗剂普鲁司特参与SK-N-SH细胞分化的调节。

51、Total genetic differentiation was mostly within population as showed by the fixation index (Fst=0.18). ─── 固定指数表明(Fst=0.18),总群体的遗传变异大部分(82%)分布于各品种(类群)内,少部分(18%)存在于各品种(类群)间。

52、This evolvement is the result of series of spatial interaction course just as social differentiation and spatial differentiation. ─── 这种演变趋势是社会分异与空间分异等一系列空间过程互动的结果。

53、Differentiation: is it meaningful to distinguish education and training? ─── 区别:对于经理人员,区别教育与培训是否有意义?

54、The genetic differentiation (Fst) mainly comes from the Es locus. ─── 地方类型的遗传分化(Fst)主要源自Es位点。

55、There is conflicting evidence regarding the amount of north-south differentiation in loblolly pine. ─── 关于火炬松南北分化的数量存在着相抵触的证据。

56、In simple societies the lack of differentiation means that the same individual is both hunter and warrior. ─── 在简单社会中,没有分化意味着同一个人既是猎手又是战士。

57、The differentiation results of LPM model and Logistic model false to the financial fraud are unanimous basically. ─── LPM模型和Logistic模型对于财务虚假的判别结果基本一致,效果也基本相同。

58、Effects of low dose radiation on differentiation,activation and apoptosis of thymocytes in mice. ─── 低剂量辐射对小鼠胸腺细胞成熟、分化、凋亡和激活的影响

59、Differentiation of syndromes (bian zheng) in TCM is a method to analyse and recognize the syndrome of disease. ─── 中医的辨证是一种分析和认识疾病证候的方法。

60、This high precision is necessary because g is obtained by differentiation. ─── 之所以需要这样高的精度,是因为g是用微分法计算的。

61、Treatment according to TCM differentiation can availably regulate the function of CD cells in CHB with DH. ─── 中医辨证治疗能有效地调节慢性乙肝湿热蕴脾证患者的CD细胞功能。

62、The optimal medium for differentiation adventitious buds was DCR+1.5?mg/L 6-BA+1.5?mg/L KT+(20?g/L) sucrose. ─── DCR+1.5 mg/L 6-BA+1.5 mg/L KT+20 g/L蔗糖是诱导不定芽发生的最佳培养基。

63、Primary chemical differentiation accounts for the prepondence of uranium. ─── 初步的化学分异使铀富集。

64、There was little task differentiation. ─── 任务分化很少。

65、Mature neural cells after differentiation could express specific antigens of neuron, astrocyte and oligodendrocyte. ─── 分化后的细胞表达神经元细胞、质细胞和少突胶质细胞的特异性抗原。

66、The author analyzed the company by the enterprise Strategy and a theory of differentiation Strategy. ─── 笔者应用企业战略和差异化战略理论,对所在的企业进行分析。

67、The cytokine milieu during Ag presentation was the most critical factors for determining Th1/Th2 differentiation. ─── 在抗原递呈过程中树突状细胞(DCs)和T细胞所处的细胞因子微环境是决定T细胞Th1/Th2分化方向的关键因素。

68、The act of distinguishing;differentiation. ─── 区别,辨别辨别的过程;区分

69、In older patients, fibromatosis usually lacks calcification or chondroid differentiation. ─── 对于老年患者,纤维瘤病通常缺少钙化或者软骨样分化。

70、N-cadherin mediates interaction among cells,it is an important role playing in the differentiation of cells. ─── N cadherin介导了细胞与细胞之间的相互作用 ,在体外间质细胞转化中发挥重要作用。

71、And PI3 kinase inhibitor LY294002 blocked the differentiation of ADAS cells into endothelial cells in vitro. ─── 利用信号通路特异性抑制剂抑制实验,提示PI3K在ADAS细胞向内皮细胞分化中

72、The changes of ER structures are one of the characters during cell differentiation. ─── 内质网膜结构的变化是细胞成熟分化的结果

73、ChS can promote the differentiation of HL60 cell. ─── ChS能够促进HL60细胞分化。

74、There is difference among the expression level of NS gene in the leukemic cells of different differentiation stage. ─── 不同分化阶段的白血病细胞表达ns基因水平存在着差异。

75、Measurement of the distribution of T3RmRNA is helpful to the differentiation of TCM-bion Zheng. ─── 在外周血白细胞中,T3R mRNA各亚型表达有助于临床对中医气阴两虚、阴阳两虚型的确立。

76、Fig 2. Differentiation of young shoots from transformed callus. ─── 图2:从基因枪轰击过的愈伤组织分化出大量的小苗。

77、Differentiation to general meaning is referring things transmit from homogeneity to heterogeneity. ─── 分化在一般意义上是指事物从同质性向异质性的转变。

78、The act of distinguishing; differentiation. ─── 区别,辨别辨别的过程; 区分

79、This may in fact be then part of the process of differentiation from the practices of Israel's neighbors, who would have celebrated these springtime rituals. ─── 事实上,这可能是区别以色列邻国做法的一部分,这些邻国会庆祝这些春季仪式。

80、Methods56 patients with newly-diagnosed APL were given As_2O_3.to induce differentiation. ─── 56例初诊APL病人给予As_2O_3诱导分化治疗(10mg/日)。

81、DNR at more than 5 ng/ml had both cytotoxicity and induction of differentiation. ─── 大于5 ng/ml DNR有明显细胞毒效应,亦可促使分化细胞百分率增高,但分化细胞绝对数无明显增加。

82、Perhaps,in the Western world, such fine differentiation serves little practical purposes and hence are not neccessary. ─── 也许在西方世界里,这么精细的划分没有实际效应,因此不必多事。

83、What is the differentiation and relation between the two? ─── “科学”何以不等同于“真理”,二者究竟有什么区别和联系?

84、The differentiation of syndromes according to the eight principles is the general guideline of TDS and important components of TCM diagnostics. ─── 八纲辨证是中医的总的指导,是中医诊断的重要组成部分。

85、The sharply reduce in value of RNA/DNA was a clear character for the physiological flower bud differentiation. ─── RNA/DNA值急剧降低为花芽生理分化的一个明显特征。

86、Human Cluster of differentiation 30,CD30 Elis... ─── 人白细胞分化抗原30(CD30)试剂盒;

87、In general, neoplasms with less differentiation are more aggressive. ─── 一般来说,低分化的肿瘤更富于侵袭力。

88、The Formation and Differentiation of the Diversity of Malus toringoides Hughes. ─── 变叶海棠种群多样性的形成与分化研究。

89、The wo rse differentiation of cancer cells were lower positive expression rate o f E-cd. ─── 其在宫颈癌病理学分级中的阳性表达率亦有显著差异 (P

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