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09-04 投稿



homewards 发音


英:  美:

homewards 中文意思翻译



homewards 网络释义

adv. 向家;向本国adj. 回家的

homewards 词性/词形变化,homewards变形

副词: homewards |

homewards 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He reeled along the street with glazed eyes, having just sense enough to know where he was bound, and to pursue his accustomed beat homewards ─── 他趔趔趄趄在街上行走,两眼发呆,什么知觉也没有,只知道朝着固定的方向,沿着走惯的路线,慢慢回家。

2、Movign homeward by a new way, I presently found myself on the side of a litle valey, in which lay a farm and on orchard. ─── 从一条新路向着家园走去,我随即就来到了一个小谷的旁边,那里有农场和果木园。

3、Once you've found that lover You're homeward bound Love is all around Love is all around. ─── 你一旦找到心中所爱,你就是返航的帆船,因为爱洋溢四周,爱无处不在。

4、Only reuniting spirit and matter and forgiving the experience complete can then allow one to foster one's own homeward bound path from within. ─── 只有将精神和物质重新结合起来,并完全原谅相关的经历,才可以允许你从内在培育自身回家的道路。

5、homeward passage by sea ─── 回国船费;回程船费

6、He is driving homeward ─── 他开车回家。

7、homeward passage ─── 回国旅费;回程旅费

8、The person's stipulation and the homeward joumey ─── 人的规定与归途

9、He traveled homeward through a region made barren by drought and dust storms. ─── 他穿过一片由干旱和沙暴造成的荒凉不毛的地区。

10、"'Do you know, Newman, that sounded to me very like a threat,' I said as we climbed the hill homewards. ─── “‘你要知道,纽曼,那个向我讲述的声音有很强的恐吓意味,’我是说我们得到小山上的房子里去。

11、From "Homeward" to"Cityward"--A Silhouette of Hong Kong's Metropolitan Poetry ─── 从"望乡"到"望城"--香港城市诗歌的一个侧面

12、Even as the kids grow up and venture out on their own, we'll always be with them and they'll always be with us.Because life is a voyage that's homeward bound. ─── 亲子关系会存在一辈子,即便孩子长大出外闯荡,我们的心也永远都在一起,因为生活就是一趟回家的旅程。

13、There was little to see around the ancient road except yellow sand, withered grasses and the occasional crow flying homewards. ─── 古道无他物,除却黄沙枯草和偶尔几声乌鸦归巢。

14、He traveled homeward through a region made barren by drought and dust storms. On the way he met Jim Casy an expreacher ─── 他穿过一片由干旱和沙暴造成的荒凉不毛的地区。在旅途中,他遇到了吉姆·凯西,一名前传教士。

15、He is homeward bound.=He is bound for home. ─── 他在返国排的途中。

16、The ploughman homeward plods his weary way /And leaves the world to darkness and to me ─── 农夫拖着疲惫的脚步回家,把整个世界留给了黑暗和我

17、after which the armies fell into line and marched away, and Tom turned homeward alone. ─── 一切结束之后,双方部队先列好队形,然后开拔,而汤姆也就独自回家了。

18、Now and then I turned aside to avoid some noisy drunkard as he reeled homewards. ─── 我还要不时给吵吵嚷嚷蹒跚着回家的醉鬼让路。

19、With a very few words they left the spot, and pursued their way homeward. ─── 他们说了很少几句话就离开了这个地方,走上了回家的路。

20、"I have been watching at a death-bed," answered Hester Prynne "at Governor Winthrop's death-bed, and have taken his measure for a robe, and am now going homeward to my dwelling." ─── “我刚刚守护在一个死者的床边,”海丝特 - 白兰回答说,“是在温斯洛普总督床边,给他量了袍子的尺寸,现在我正往家里走。”

21、He traveled homeward through a region made Barren by drought and dust storms. On the way he met Jim Casy an expreacher; ─── 他穿过一片由干旱和沙暴造成的荒凉不毛的地区。在旅途中,他遇到了吉姆·凯西,一名前传教士。

22、Homeward Conception in Local Literature ─── 乡土文学的家园意识

23、Then he wanted to travel homewards, and be in his own house before nightfall. ─── 中午时分,他到了一个镇上休息了一会。

24、He, going home to a better world, I, likewise, was on my way homeward, when this light shone out. ─── 他现正返回他美好世界的家,我呢,也在回家的路上,就在这时闪出了那道奇怪的光。

25、That over you're homeward hound ─── 一旦找到梦中情人

26、But an empty house reverberates to her knocking, and while she unobtrusively awaits their return from church she overhears a wayside conversation Between Angel's two exemplary Brothers that sends her homeward with rended heart. ─── 但是她的敲门声引起的是空旷的回响。当她悄悄地等待他们从教堂归来时,她听到路边安吉尔的两个行为正派的哥哥的谈话,使她带着破碎的心往回家路上走去。

27、They bent their steps homeward. ─── 他们转身踏上归途。

28、The first twig, dear father, that brushes against your hat when you turn your face to come homewards. ─── 第一根小树枝,亲爱的爸爸,你转身回家时碰到你帽子的树枝。

29、he had unwrapped her, he turned homewards with his sled. ─── 他解开包着她的袋子,就驾着雪橇回家了。

30、end-of-tour homeward passage ─── 任期届满的回国旅费;任期届满的回程旅费

31、As he turned homeward, the sun was sinking below the western horizon. ─── 他转身返家时,太阳正徐徐西沉。

32、He is homeward bound=He is bound for home. ─── 他转身往家走时,已是黄昏时分。

33、as he walked slowly homeward, he had no cheerful visions of the distant future. He only felt that the present was very hard. ─── 他慢慢朝家走,对遥远的未来没有任何欢乐的幻想,他只感到目前处境艰难。

34、After lunch I shall bend my steps homewards. ─── 午饭后我要回家去。

35、He walked homeward in a blinding snowstorm, reaching the ferry by dusk. ─── 他冒着暴风雪上了回家的路,暴风雪刮得人睁不开眼睛。

36、While our horses whinny on the road, eager to turn homeward. ─── 嘶马出门思故乡。

37、'Do you know, Newman, that sounded to me very like a threat, ' I said as we climbed the hill homewards . ─── ‘你要知道,纽曼,那个向我讲述的声音有很强的恐吓意味,’我是说我们得到小山上的房子里去。

38、"Say, Harry," Hurstwood said to him one evening, as the latter stood at the bar drinking before wending his belated way homeward, "you can help the boys out, I guess. ─── “喂,哈莱,”一天夜里麦格伦回家前先在酒馆柜台边喝上两杯时,于是赫斯渥对他说,“我看你能给支部的那些孩子们帮个忙。”

39、Folding the page into his pocket he turned into Eccles Street, hurrying homeward. ─── 他把报纸叠起,放到兜里,拐进埃克尔斯街,匆匆赶回家去。

40、She always searched for her fellows at nightfall, to have the protection of their companion-ship homeward. ─── 一到天黑,她总是找她同去的人,和她们结伴而行,以便在回家的路上得到保护。

41、Duty last day of we step the homeward journey, in my five flights, I altogether worked in the outer space and has lived for 50 days. ─── 任务最后一天我们踏上归途,在我五次飞行中,我共在太空工作和生活了五十天。

42、As he sails slowly homewards sharks attack his catch and he keeps fighting them. ─── 他慢慢地返航时,鲨鱼袭击了他的猎物,他一直不停地搏斗。

43、And Sir Daniel and the baron, after an elaborate salutation, separated and turned homeward, each with his own following of men and lights ─── 但尼尔爵士和男爵互相恭恭敬敬地行了一个敬礼后,带着自己的侍从和火把,各往回家的路上走了。

44、Homeword bound, I wish I was, Homeward bound... ─── 回乡之旅,多么希望这是在回乡的旅途上啊!

45、According to an old story a sister lit a lamp for her brother at a seaside window night after night. Although it didn' t call back her brother from his voyage on the sea, it helped many fishermen on their homeward journeys. ─── 哈里希岛上的姐姐为着弟弟点在窗前的长夜孤灯,虽然不曾唤回那个航海远去的弟弟,可是不少捕鱼归来的邻人都得到了它的帮助。

46、Homeward bound after unloading its cargo, a ship ran into a violent storm in the middle of a vast ocean. ─── 一艘货轮卸货后在浩瀚的大海上返航时,突然遭遇了可怕的风暴。

47、Homeward bound, the six o'clock throng bumped and jostled. ─── 六点钟下班回家的人群拥挤着、碰撞着。

48、A bad wife wishes her husband's heel turned homewards, and not his toe. ─── 不忠的妻子总是希望自己的丈夫出门,而不愿他回家。

49、She gave a small sigh of relief as they kept their course homeward. ─── 在他们取道回家的时候,她轻轻地叹了口气。

50、You're homeward bound. ─── 你的心中将充满家,

51、homeward ticked ─── 回程票

52、Now Dain, suffering from a powerful, life-threatening curse, struggles homeward to be saved by the Chalice of Life.But he is about to be betrayed by one closer than he could ever imagine. ─── 书籍简介: For twelve years, King Faldain and his warrior-wife, Queen Alexeika, have sought the Chieftain-and the evil sorceress behind him-who killed their son the day barbarians attacked the palace.

53、They directed their course homeward. ─── 他们往回家的路走。

54、They all said they had not noticed whether Tom and Becky were on board the ferryboat on the homeward trip; ─── 他们都不敢肯定汤姆和贝基是否上了回程的船;

55、will catch my tears.walk me out of here.i'm in pain.once you've found that lover.you're homeward bound.love is all around.love is all around. ─── 但,我也只能想象......在跌倒的时候有人扶,在失意的时候有人鼓励......在我都不了解自己的时候就已经知道我、懂得我,这又是多难得.

56、He hied him [himself] homeward [to the office]. ─── 他赶紧回家 [赶往办公室] 。

57、When the crowd heard this, there wasn't one of them who didn't dance for joy as they congratulated one another.One by one, leaping and running, they hastened homeward. ─── 众人听了,莫不欢欣鼓舞,额手称庆,一个个连跑带跳,都赶著要回家。

58、Shortly after, he is homeward bound. ─── 之后不久,他是回家的方向。

59、Can they bear a separate homeward way? ─── 两情若是长久时有岂在朝朝暮暮?

60、forwards, backwards, westwards, homewards, etc ─── 向前、 向后、 向西、 向家里等.

61、The afternoon sun was getting low as the Rat sculled gently homewards in a dreamy mood, murmuring poetry-things over to himself, and not paying much attention to Mole. ─── 下午的太阳渐渐西沉,河鼠朝回家的方向梦悠悠地轻荡双桨,一面自顾自低吟着什么诗句,没怎么理会鼹鼠。

62、The plowman homeward plods his weary way, ─── 农夫拖着沉重的疲惫往家走,

63、When my thoughts beckon my tired body homeward I will resist the temptation to depart.I will try again.I will make one more attempt to close with victory, and if that fails I will make another. ─── 也许彼此都想关心别人或是得到关心,无奈谁都不愿意走出自己的膜,走进他人的心。

64、It being now dark the two retraced their steps homewards, discouraged and dejected. ─── 二人见天色己晚,无可奈何,只得垂头丧气,回归旧路。

65、As he sails slowly homewards sharks attack his catch and he keeps fighting them. ─── 他慢慢地返航时,鲨鱼袭击了他的猎物,他一直不停地搏斗。

66、Rounded homewards, and the seagull: ─── 和那转身返家的海鸥:

67、homeward journey ─── 回程运行

68、The ride homeward dragged on indefinitely ─── 回家的路程长得使人厌倦。

69、He regarded her head for a moment, went to the door, and with one look back at her departed on his way homeward. ─── 他注视着她的头部片刻,就向门口走去,在离开他时,他又回头看了一眼,这才踏上了归途。

70、migrant workers homeward tide ─── 农民工返乡

71、the homeward journey ─── 回程

72、There was little to see around the ancient road except yellow sand, withered grasses and the occasional crow flying homewards. ─── 古道无他物,除却黄沙枯草和偶尔几声乌鸦归巢。

73、'Do you know, Newman, that sounded to me very like a threat,' I said as we climbed the hill homewards. ─── 你要知道,纽曼,那个向我讲述的声音有很强的恐吓意味,’我是说我们得到小山上的房子里去。

74、Twilight was falling as he turned homeward. ─── 他转身往家走时,已是。

75、"Say, Harry," Hurstwood said to him one evening, as the latter stood at the bar drinking before wending his belated way homeward, "you can help the boys out, I guess." ─── “喂,哈莱,"一天夜里麦格伦回家前先在酒馆柜台边喝上两杯时,于是赫斯渥对他说,"我看你能给支部的那些孩子们帮个忙。”

76、while he was watching her walking homeward,tears gushed from his eyes. ─── 他看着她朝家走去,不禁热泪盈眶。

77、homeward freight ─── 回程运费

78、Commuters were heading homeward at the end of the day. ─── 一天结束时上下班的人们正赶着回家。

79、U're homeward bound. ─── 你就会心系于家。

80、He hied him homeward. ─── 他赶紧回家。

81、Our two mother hens and their baby chicks were scurrying homewards one after another from the graveyard of the nearby monastery. ─── 我们的两只母鸡和几只鸡雏,先先后后地从邻寺的墓地里跑回来了。

82、The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, ─── 回家的农夫拖着沉重的步伐,萎靡不振。

83、homeward passage by air ─── 回国航空旅费;回程航空旅费

84、Attending a college is a very happy thing really, most person is carefree, think how the move is homeward everyday money of many lis of point. ─── 上大学确实是一件很快乐的事,大多数人都是无忧无虑的,每天想着怎么向家里多要点钱。

85、The mountain views are good by day or night, The birds come flying homeward to their nests. ─── 其中“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”一联浑然天成,意韵悠远,堪称千古绝唱。

86、Do you know, Newman, that sounded to me very like a threat,' I said as we climbed the hill homewards. ─── 你要知道,纽曼,那个向我讲述的声音有很强的恐吓意味,’我是说我们得到小山上的房子里去。

87、But, as she walked homeward, and her survey of the facts of the case became larger, she began to think of the anomaly of her finding work in several weeks and his lounging in idleness for a number of months. ─── 可是,在往家走时,她从更多的方面考虑了这件事情,开始想到她几个星期就找到了工作,而他却闲荡了几个月,这是很反常的。

88、My man's away to serve the state; I can't anticipate how long he will there stay Nor when he'll be on homeward way. ─── 君子于役,不知其期,曷至哉?

89、We drove homewards in silence. ─── 我们默默地开车回家。

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