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09-04 投稿


distrainor 发音

英:[[d?st're?n?:]]  美:[[d?st're?n?:]]

英:  美:

distrainor 中文意思翻译



distrainor 短语词组

1、distrainor legal term ─── 扣押人法定期限

2、distrainor definition ─── 发行人定义

distrainor 相似词语短语

1、distrain ─── n.为抵债而扣押

2、distraints ─── n.扣押;扣押财产

3、distrainors ─── n.扣押他人财物者

4、distrainer ─── n.扣押人

5、distraint ─── n.扣押;扣押财产

6、distrains ─── n.为抵债而扣押

7、distrained ─── n.为抵债而扣押

8、distrainee ─── n.[税收]财物被扣押者,被扣押人

9、distractor ─── n.错误选择;诱导答案

distrainor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、distrain upon a person's goods for rent ─── 扣押某人的货物抵偿租金

2、Before Russia still does not have disintegrate, my parents plays politics actively, be in in viatic road, they are returned by authorities temporary distrain. ─── 在苏联还没有解体前,我的父母积极参加政治活动,在一次旅行途中,他们还被当局暂时扣押。

3、To distrain or seal up the taxpayer's commodities, goods or other property of a value corresponding to the amount of tax payable. ─── (二)扣押、查封纳税人的价值相当于应纳税款的商品、货物或者其他财产。

4、If he doesn't pay,will the court distrain upon his house? ─── 如果他不付款,法院会扣押他的房子吗?

5、 双语使用场景

6、Where the said taxpayer refuses to pay taxes, the tax authority may distrain his commodities or goods, the value of which shall be equivalent to the amount of taxes payable. ─── 不缴纳的,税务机关可以扣押其价值相当于应纳税款的商品、货物。

7、The company registration authority may temporarily distrain the business license which needs confirmation, and the time limit of distrain ment shall not exceed 10 days. ─── 公司登记机关对需要认定的营业执照,可以临时扣留,扣留期限不得超过10天。

8、If he doesn't pay, will the court distrain upon him? ─── 如果他不付款,法院会扣押他的财物吗?

9、Can, if the company is without reason distrain of your wage gains, should give return. ─── 可以,公司如果是无故扣押你工资所得的,应该给予退还。

10、8.In maritime cases, the maritime courts with jurisdiction in the local place must distrain ships by legal basis, and keep the evidence after preservation. ─── 8、海事海商案件,管辖权在各地的海事法院,扣押船舶必须具有法定内容,海事证据保全后由海事法院进行保存。

11、When necessary, the People's Court may seal up or distrain upon the property of the defendant. ─── 人民法院在必要的时候,可以查封或者扣押被告人的财产。

12、to distrain upon a person's goods for rent ─── 扣押某人的私有财产抵偿租金

13、Article 55 The company registration authority may temporarily distrain the business license which needs confirmation, and the time limit of distrainment shall not exceed 10 days. ─── 第五十五条公司登记机关对需要认定的营业执照,可以临时扣留,扣留期限不得超过10天。

14、"A citizen's lawful property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may appropriate, encroach upon, destroy or illegally seal up, distrain , freeze or confiscate it. ─── 集体所有的财产受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、私分、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。

15、"A citizen's lawful property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may appropriate, encroach upon, destroy or illegally seal up, distrain , freeze or confiscate it. " ─── 公民的合法财产受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。

16、Comparative Analysis on the Seal-up, Distrain Suspicious Substance and Antecedent Register in Drug Supervision ─── 药品监督执法中查封、扣押与先行登记保存的比较分析

17、The owner asked the court for an order to distrain upon the furniture of the young man who failed to pay his rent. ─── 房主要求法院下令,扣押那个不付押金的青年的家具。

18、to distrain upon sb. ─── 扣押某人的财物

19、And can send the salary June on July 15, this is equivalent to distrain the salary of half month. ─── 而7月15日会发6月的工资,这就相当于扣押了半个月的工资。

20、Article 14 A people's court may seal up, distrain or freeze the properties jointly owned by the enforcee and other person(s), but shall notify the joint owners in time. ─── (一)被执行人及其所扶养家属生活所必需的衣服、家具、炊具、餐具及其他家庭生活必需的物品;

21、The owner may ask the court for an order to distrain upon the furniture of any person who fails to pay his rent. ─── 房主可以要求法院下令,扣押所有不付租金的人的家具。

22、6.If he doesn’t pay, will the court distrain upon him? ─── 如果他不付款,法院会扣押他的财物吗?

23、The problem is additional: The thing is such the company sent me to go out to make after service August 19, in the process in after service by client distrain, I do not cause the cause. ─── 问题补充:事情是这样的8月19号公司派我出去做售后服务,在售后服务的过程中被客户扣押,原因不是我造成的。

24、Article 15 With respect to the properties of the enforcee, which are occupied by a third person for the benefit of the enforcee, the people's court may seal up, distrain or freeze them; ─── 共有人协议分割共有财产,并经债权人认可的,人民法院可以认定有效。查封、扣押、冻结的效力及于协议分割后被执行人享有份额内的财产;

25、and may seal up or distrain the articles which can be proved by the existing evidence to be relating to the illegal activities. ─── 对有证据证明是与违法活动有关的物品,可以查封或者扣押。

26、Distrain or seal up the taxpayer's taxable commodities, goods or other properties, the value of which is equivalent to the amount of taxes payable. ─── 扣押、查封纳税人的价值相当于应纳税款的商品、货物或者其他财产。

28、Custody of property shall include seal-up, distrain, freezing and other measures provided by law. ─── 财产保全采取查封、扣押、冻结或者法律规定的其他方法。

29、to distrain goods for an amercement ─── 扣押货物作为罚款


"Distract" 的中文意思是"分散注意力"。它指任何使人注意力从当前任务转移的行为或事件。日常生活中,我们可以通过各种方式来分散注意力,例如噪音、社交媒体、思想游走、疲劳或外部干扰。这些分心因素可以降低我们的专注力、生产力和任务完成效率。因此,识别和管理分心因素对于有效地完成任务和保持专注至关重要。



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