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09-04 投稿



electorate 发音

英:[?'lekt(?)r?t]  美:[?'l?kt?r?t]

英:  美:

electorate 中文意思翻译



electorate 词性/词形变化,electorate变形

副词: electorally |

electorate 短语词组

1、Electorate of Hesse ─── 对黑森进行代表

2、Electorate of Mainz ─── 以美因茨为代表

3、Electorate of Baden ─── 巴登的电

4、Electorate of Trier ─── 电提尔

electorate 相似词语短语

1、rectorate ─── n.教区长之职位及任期

2、electorates ─── n.选民;选区

3、collectorate ─── n.收税员的职位及管区

4、selectorate ─── n.(政党的)代表选举团

5、electoral ─── adj.选举的;选举人的

6、expectorate ─── vt.咳出痰;吐唾液;咯血;vi.咳出痰等;吐唾液;咯血

7、selectorates ─── n.(政党的)代表选举团

8、lectorate ─── n.大学讲师

9、electroplate ─── v.电镀;n.电镀品;adj.有电镀层的

electorate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The whiff of scandal, and particularly the cash-for-questions imbroglio, reminds the electorate that power concentrated in the hands of a single ** for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权力集中字一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败。

2、The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in 1983. ─── 1983年选民选举保守党执政,其票数超过了上届的多数票。

3、In early 1982 the economy began to recover and, with it, the prime minister's standing among the electorate. ─── 1982年初,英国经济开始复苏。撒切尔在选民心中的地位也随之上升。

4、California's Supreme Court ruled that a ballot initiative passed by the electorate, defining marriage as between a man and a woman, was constitutional. ─── 加利福尼亚高级法院裁定一项选民通过的公民投票是符合宪法的,即定义婚姻为一男一女之间的。

5、But picking on the sick and old to make life easier for young workers will be a hard sell even to the hard-hearted American electorate looking for protection as the clouds begin to gather. ─── 但是对于年老和困难工人的额外补助计划并不会得到狠心的美国选民的支持,因为他们在暴风雨即将到来的前夕,也在苦苦寻找栖身之所。

6、The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in1983. ─── 年选民选举保守党执政,其票数超过了上届的多数票。

7、Indeed, there are opinion polls which suggest that half the electorate already feels that way. ─── 实际上,有民调显示一半的选民已谨慎行事。

8、Mrs Clinton might stumble and fall.The American electorate might balk at the idea of handing both the White House and Capitol Hill to a single party and go for a Republican president. ─── 希拉里也许会失足马下,美国的选民也许会反对让一个党派同时控制白宫和国会,因而支持共和党人当选总统。

9、The whiff of scandal, and particularly the cash-for-questions imbroglio,reminds the electorate those power concentrated in the hands of a singleparty for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这一些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权力集中字唯一政党手中过长就会产生腐败。

10、The vote is transferable amongst the candidates marked on a ballot paper if the elector marks his preferences for more than one candidate. ─── 如选民在选票上选择多于一名候选人,并注明选择的优先次序,则选票可在选民所选择的候选人之间转移。

11、measures popular with the electorate ─── 受选民欢迎的措施

12、Whether or not party strength had an influence on fair-housing laws'adoption that was empirically independent of more primitive characteristics of the state's electorate will be examined below. ─── 从经验主义的角度讲,公平住房法对于政党力量对于公平住房法的采用是否有所影响。

13、His political philosophy, known as Jacksonian democracy, helped solidify a strong executive branch and expand the electorate. ─── 其政治哲学被称为杰克逊式民主,它帮助巩固了一个强大的行政部门,扩展了选民范围。

14、The electorate is/are disillusioned. ─── 全体选民大失所望。

15、A successful politician is one who keeps his finger on the pulse of the electorate. ─── 一位成功的政治家是一个对选民有深刻了解的人。

16、Interestingly, Beethoven did not mention his father's death in his diary, but he wrote to the Elector pointing out that he still needed to support and educate his two young brothers. ─── 他替自己找了一间阁楼,可几乎还没来得及搬进去,就得知父亲12月18号在波恩突然去世的消息。

17、Unemployment was the electorate's main concern. ─── 失业是选民们最关切的问题。

18、Republican strategists often aim to set parts of the electorate at odds with others, but that was never Clintons intention. ─── 共和党战略家们的目标往往是在选民当中造成分歧,但克林顿从来不想这样

19、His most striking accomplishment of all has been selling himself to an electorate grown weary of conventional politics and yet ill at ease with that undefined change Carter promised. ─── 他最令人瞩目的成就是争取到了一批厌倦了传统政治的选民,这些选民对卡特许诺的不甚明朗的变革充满疑虑。

20、Without disavowing the old nationalists in his party, he had to persuade the electorate that he would stroke the mainland by eschewing showy gestures, while still maintaining effective independence. ─── 在不得罪他所在党内的民族主义者的前提下,他不得不劝说选民相信他会以低调的姿态与大陆对抗,同时维持台湾实质上的独立。

21、Austria Anderson told the visiting Israeli leader Shimon Peres visit the country, said: "You are God's electorate, we are freezing people. ─── 奥得森曾对来访的以色行国领袖佩雷斯说:“你们是上帝的选民,我们是冰冻的人民。”

22、They organize the electorate very simply by maintaining the two-party system. ─── 他们通过维持两党制,很轻松地组织选民。

23、Only about half of the electorate bothered to vote. ─── 只有约半数的选民参加了投票。

24、Good-day to you, Monsieur the Elector! ─── “早安,选董先生!”

25、"Good-day to you, Monsieur the Elector! ─── “早安,选董先生

26、But a brittle government under strong pressure from its electorate and military may struggle to survive if it frees Raymond Davis. ─── 但根据其选民和军事的强大压力脆政府可能为生存而挣扎,如果它释放雷蒙德戴维斯。

27、Calderon is playing a dangerous game with his own electorate. ─── 卡尔德隆正在和选民们玩着危险的游戏。

28、Only 16 percent of the electorate strongly approved of lifting the ban, while 33 percent very strongly disapproved. ─── 只有16%的选民强烈支持解除禁令,但坚决反对的人却有33%。

29、But it's been alleged in newspapers this morning that an electoral worker in Mr Orkopoulos's electorate office on the central coast contacted police with claims a year ago. ─── 但是,今早有报纸宣称,欧科布鲁斯先生海岸中心选区办公室的一位选举工作人员在一年前就向警察反映过人们对欧科布鲁斯的投诉。

30、Cameron and the‘ New Tories' look like formidable opponents. The electorate might simply have tired of Labour. ─── 卡梅隆和“新保守党”看似可怕的反对者。选民可能只是厌倦了工党。

31、Any Hong Kong permanent resident aged 18 and above who ordinarily resides in Hong Kong is eligible to sign up as an elector. ─── 凡年满18岁,通常在港居住的本港永久性居民,均有资格登记成为选民。

32、"Black says another problem for president elector President-elect Obama may be the high expectations as he has raised among the people who supported him. ─── 布莱克说总统当选人奥巴马的另一个问题可能是他激起的支持者对他的高期望度。

33、This is because the variety of issues facing nation states has complicated the problem of creating an informed electorate that can use its vote responsibly. ─── 帮我分析一下我因该怎么理解这句话,用什么思路去分析的,句子结构是什么。觉得自己思路不明确。还有中文意思。

34、August III, the Elector of Saxony and the King of Poland who was the son and the successor of August the Strong, was interested in Italian art and music. ─── 八月三,选民萨克森州和国王,波兰谁是儿子和继承八月强烈,有兴趣在意大利艺术和音乐。

35、The split reflects not only a polarised electorate, but also a deep and growing schism within the ruling establishment. ─── 分裂不仅在全体选民之间,同时在处于统治地位的专家委员会之间,分裂也日益加深。

36、Her party was even gaining ground with the electorate. ─── 基民党甚至在选民中占了上风。

37、The "Convince Elector" mission corrected so it does not target vassalized electors. ─── 修正"说服选民"任务,现在他不会把附庸选民当成目标?

38、Most of the electorate is pro-choice. ─── 大多数选民都主张女性有权选择人工流产。

39、He was elected on an independent ticket as a campaigning candidate for the electorate of Tatton, protesting the alleged irregular behaviour of sitting MP Neil Hamilton. ─── 他以独立身份入选作为塔顿选举团竞选活动的候选人,抗议竞选连任的下议院议员尼尔·汉密尔顿有所谓的非法行为。

40、So whatever is decided about the leadership in the next few days, Labour will be testing the patience of the electorate if it postpones a national vote until next May. ─── 因此,无论在今后的日子里,就领导人的问题作出了何种决定,如果将全国大选推迟至明年五月,工党检验的就是选民的耐心问题。

41、If Mr Mujuru were to back Mr Makoni, he would deliver big chunks of the ZANU-PF electorate and bring some of the party machinery and security forces onto his side. ─── 如果穆菊茹支持,他会带来大量的ZANU-PF选民以及一些党派机构和保安部队站在他这边。

42、Haydn pointed out that Beethoven was in debt, and had had to borrow money from him, and asked the Elector to increase Beethoven's salary. ─── 1793年他要海顿亲自给选侯写信,海顿指出贝多芬欠了债,不得不向他借钱,并且要选侯增加贝多芬的薪水;

43、But now Senator Obama's 20-month conversation with the electorate enters a new phase. ─── 但是现在参议员奥巴马与选民20个月的会谈现在进入了一个新的阶段。

44、The whiff of scandal, and particularly the crash-for-questions imbroglio, reminds the electorate that the power concentrated in the hands of a single party for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权利集中在一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败。

45、Fewer than half of the European elector electorate is expected to cut bailoutscast ballots. ─── 估计只有不到一半的欧洲选民会参与投票。

46、No elector who fails to appear at the meeting for some reason shall vote by proxy. ─── 因故未出席会议的选举人,不得委托他人代为投票。

47、A corporate elector voter may replace its authorized representative from time to time. ─── 团体选民/投票人可不时更换其委任的获授权代表。

48、One segment of the electorate that has not responded well to Obama's message so far is that of Latinos.In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote went to Hillary Clinton. ─── 对奥巴马的竞选没有做出积极反应的群体之一是拉美裔选民,在有大量拉美裔人口的内华达州,拉美裔大多把选票投向希拉里.克林顿。

49、The whiff of scandal, and particularly the cash-for-questions imbroglio,reminds the electorate that power concentrated in the hands of a single party for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权力集中字一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败".

50、Today they form an important part of the Republican electorate, but George W. Bush is eager to increase the Republican Party's appeal to non-Europeans, especially the growing Hispanic population. ─── 今天,这些人形成了共和党选区的一部分重要群体,但布什总统现在急于提高共和党在非欧洲裔美国人中特别是不断增长的拉美裔人口中的号召力。

51、Clinton will be very brief, "2008 will be my 40th anniversary of the electorate as in the past 40 years, Hillary is the most in my life to vote. ─── 克林顿的发言很简短,“2008年将是我作为选民的40周年,在过去的40年里,希拉里是我一生中最值得投票的人。”

52、In the country the vast electorate was restless and adrift. ─── 在国内,广大的选民浮躁不安,徬徨而无所适从。

53、The electorate in the South approved amendments to the Irish Constitution, which formed part of the Agreement, to take effect when the British-Irish Agreement entered into force. ─── 南爱尔兰的选民赞成对爱尔兰宪法的修改,该宪法构成本协议的一部分内容,并在英爱协定生效时同时发生效力。

54、One segment of the electorate that has not responded well to Obama's message so far is that of Latinos. ─── 到目前为止,仍有一部分选民对奥巴马所传达的信息反应不是很强烈,他们是拉丁裔人。

55、Only 70% of the electorate voted in the last election. ─── 在上次选举中,只有 70% 的选民参加了投票。

56、But a splintered electorate may still force her into a second unsatisfactory grand coalition. ─── 但分裂的选民可能会迫使她再次进入一个不令人满意的大联盟。

57、He had just beheld, yonder, in the street, society, in the person of a freeholder and an elector, insulted and attacked by a creature who was outside all pales. ─── 他刚才看见,那儿,在街上,一个有财产和选举权的公民所代表的社会,被一个什么也不容的畜生所侮辱、所冲犯了。

58、But the demand for that should be assessed by politicians, preferably local ones, who are in turn judged by their electorate. ─── 但是这种要求应该让政客们来评定,最好是由那种轮流由全体选民决定的地方政客们评定。

59、But from now onwards the partners' preoccupation will be to seduce as broad a swathe of the electorate as they can, which means reaching out to the middle as well as cultivating their bases. ─── 但是,从现在起尽可能争取更多的选民才是两党的当务之急,即争取中间派并在其中培植自己的势力。

60、Among the general electorate, it was the incendiary issue that failed to incense. ─── 在全部的选区中,这是一个没有被引发的煽动性问题。

61、The new President said he would try to justify the trust the electorate had placed in him. ─── 新总统说他将尽力证明选民们所给予他的信任。

62、"The electorate cannot know how to judge people, unless they have access to critical information about what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how they are doing it. ─── “选民不知道如何去判断候选人,除非他们能接触到重要的信息从而了解到候选人正在做什么,为什么他们要这样做,以及他们做的怎么样。”

63、But given the electorate's penchant for ballot-box rebellions, all predictions at this stage look perilous. ─── 但是考虑到选民们叛逆性会作用于大选,目前所有的预测都是经不住考量的。

64、Evangelical Christians make up about a quarter of the American electorate and are the bedrock of Mr Bush's support. ─── 基督徒福音主义者在选民中的比例了超过四分一同时也是布什阵营之根基。

65、In a constitutional democracy, government institutions which set and enforce public policy must be politically accountable to the electorate. ─── 在宪法民主制度下,制定和执行公共政策的政府机关必须在政治上对全体选民负责。

66、One segment of the electorate that has not responded to Obama's message so far, is that of Latinos. ─── 到目前为止,一部分选民并未回应奥巴马的发言,那些人就是拉丁美洲人。

67、On election night we ll be able to interpret how much these issues seem to have influenced the electorate as well as getting reaction from around Europe and elsewhere. ─── 在选举当晚我们将能够解释这些问题对选民的影响有多大,同时从欧洲及其他地方收集反馈信息。

68、To that end,the mayoral hopefuls are playing it safe,narrowcasting their messages to voter segments where they are already popular rather than making broad appeals to the entire electorate. ─── 为了达到这个目的,这些希望当上市长的候选人都采取稳扎稳打的策略,将他们的信息以窄播的形式传达给那些喜欢他们的选民,而不拆求于整个选区的选民。

69、Today, the largest grouping is the middle class;the groups classified as "ABCI" by pollsters make up 52% of the electorate, and pay over 35% of their incomes in taxes. ─── 今天,最大的群体是中产阶级,被民意测验者划分为“ABCI”类的这些群体构成选民的52%,所纳税款占他们收入的 35%。

70、But for those of us who believe thatgovernment has a role to play in promoting opportunity andprosperity for all Americans, a polarized electorate isn't goodenough. ─── 但对我们中的那些相信政府在为所有美国人增加机遇和促进繁荣方面有重要作用的人来说,被极化的选民并不太好。

71、The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate. ─── 增加所得税的建议令选民十分不满。

72、Anything less is an insult to the electorate's intelligence. ─── 不说清楚就是对选民智慧的一种侮辱。

73、However, some thought that the representativeness of the functional constituencies would be lowered if their electorate were too small. ─── 但有些人则觉得如果太小的话,代表性便愈来愈低。

74、Again, the aim of the rhetoric was to prevent the electorate from voting for the avowedly pro-independence candidate, Chen Shui-bian. ─── 可是!伟大的台湾绿色民众,在继承了“革命烈士光辉遗志下”,以前所未有的乐观与奉献主义精神,完全战胜大陆的百万军队。

75、If the ERO has determined that you are eligible to be registered as an elector, your name and principal residential address will be compiled in a register and made available for public inspection. ─── 如果选举登记主任决定你有资格登记为选民,你的姓名及主要居所地址会列入选民登记册,供市民查阅。

76、The whiff of scandal, and particularly the cash-for-questions imbroglio, reminds the electorate that power concentrated in the hands of a single party for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权力集中字一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败。

77、The burden of a tariff is easy to explain to the electorate: my opponent wants you to pay more for your milk and cars. ─── 对于关税负担,政客们可以很容易的向选民们解释清楚:我的竞争对手很想让各位在购买牛奶和汽车上花费更多的钱。

78、He exhausted himself struggling against them.The succession will be decided in the traditional manner: among the LDP's barons, without asking the electorate. ─── 下一任首相的继任仍会遵循传统:继任者由自民党内的内阁中选出,而并非通过全体选民选举产生。

79、Such an award would be seen as a popular move to the electorate. ─── “这样的奖励会被看成是选民的一种流行举动”。

80、What isaNotice of Confirmation of RegistrationIt tells each elector, whose name is in the national Register of Electors, when and where to vote during federal elections or referendums. ─── 什麽是选民确定通知书选民确定通知书是通知每位已登记在国家选民登记册上的选民,于联邦或全民投票期间在何时何地投票.

81、One segement of the election electorate that has not responded well to Obama's messger so far is that of Latinos. ─── 一部分还没对奥巴马的言语有所回应的是拉丁美洲人。

82、Nixon recognised that the Republicans stood to gain from “positive polarisation”: dividing the electorate over values. ─── 尼克松意识到共和党可以从“积极的两级分化”中获益:比如从价值观上分离选民。

83、In the middle, about half the electorate seems to agree that climate change is a problem, but only partly accepts the need for drastic measures. ─── 在中间派中,大约有一半的选民似乎赞同气候变化是一个问题,但仅仅是部分承认需要采取大规模举措。

84、is widespread apathy among the electorate. ─── 选民普遍态度冷淡。

85、If they fail to do so effectively, the electorate can vote them out in the next election. ─── 如果政府没有尽责,选民可以在下届大选中不再投票支持他们。

86、"Hispanics have moved up to be about eight percent [of the electorate] and Asian-Americans about six percent," he said. ─── 他说:“拉美裔选民目前已经上升到选民总数的百分之八,亚裔也上升到百分之六。

87、In order to retain power and attract a more moderate electorate, the BJP has to temper its confrontational stance and temporarily abandon controversial issues. ─── 为了保有中央的执政权力及吸引温和选民,印度人民党必须淡化它的冲突形象并暂时放弃争议性的主张。

88、Even if one considers something as ostensibly simple as the choice of prime minister, the electorate's intention is not easy to discern. ─── 即使像选总理这种貌似简单的事情,选民的意图也不容易认清。

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