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09-04 投稿



draughty 发音

英:['drɑ?ft?]  美:['drɑfti]

英:  美:

draughty 中文意思翻译



draughty 网络释义

adj. 通风的;通风良好的

draughty 词性/词形变化,draughty变形


draughty 相似词语短语

1、droughty ─── adj.干旱的;干燥的

2、draughts ─── n.国际跳棋

3、draughtily ─── 通风

4、draught ─── n.气流;汇票;草稿(等于draft);vt.起草;征兵;选派(等于draft);adj.汲出的;拖拉的(等于draft)

5、draughter ─── n.制图机械;制图者;设计员

6、naughty ─── adj.顽皮的,淘气的;不听话的;没规矩的;不适当的;下流的

7、fraught ─── adj.充满……的;焦虑的,担心的;注定导致……的;造成紧张的;受忧虑影响的

8、doughty ─── adj.勇敢强悍的;坚强的;勇猛的;n.(Doughty)人名;(英)道蒂

9、haughty ─── adj.傲慢的;自大的

draughty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their draughty homes cost more to heat than snug apartments. ─── 比起城里人舒适的公寓,他们漏风的房舍需要花更多的钱来取暖。

2、We are sitting in a draughty position near the door. ─── 我们坐在门边有穿堂风经过的地方。

3、235 We should keep the room draughty. ─── 我们应该保持房间通风。

4、Old rectories used to be seen as draughty and impractical (which is why the Church of England sold them off cheaply). ─── 人们曾经觉得陈旧的教区房子漏风而且不实用(这就是为什么英国教会贱卖了它们)。

5、As a rule,big houses are always draughty. ─── 一般说来,大房子总是比较通风的。

6、Store in a place of shady and cool, dry and draughty, keep away from incompatible substances. ─── 储存在密闭的容哭中。储存于阴凉、干燥、通风好的地方,半远离不相容的物质。

7、As a rule, big houses are always draughty. ─── 一般来说,大房子总是比较通风的。

8、He said one good example was insulating draughty homes and installing better energy control systems. ─── 他说一个很好的例子就是隔住漏风的房屋并按照优化的能源控制系统。

9、The family hated the house, and renamed it "Swinebrook", claiming that it was cold, draughty, and didn't have a single warm room. ─── 然而家人却不喜欢这栋大房子,说它阴冷、潮湿、连个暖和的房子都没有,干脆叫它“下流的布鲁克”(Swinebrook)。

10、Today, one assumes, they will all be passing around snaps, oohing and aahing over each others' pictures of water meters and close-ups of PVC sealant inserted into draughty gaps. ─── 可以想象,3月份上班第一天,他们一定会互相传阅照片,对着彼此的水表照片和插入通风口的聚氯乙烯密封材料大特写,不停地发出啧啧赞叹。

11、All the Windows are open, that's why it is so draughty. ─── 窗户都打开了,难怪风这么大!

12、Pencroft's first care, after unloading the raft, was to render the cavehabitable by stopping up all the holes which made it draughty. ─── 潘克洛夫把木筏上的干柴卸下来以后,首先就忙着要把那些灌风的窟窿堵上,使山洞能够住人。

13、It gets very draughty when you open that window. But you can open the back window. ─── 最好不要开这扇窗。要是打开,车里的风实在太大了。不过你可以打开后窗。

14、a draughty room/corridor ─── 有过堂风的房间/走廊

15、It is too noisy(hot, cold draughty). ─── 太吵闹(热,冷,风太大)了。

16、After all one of the traditional images is of big draughty rooms that you have to share with snoring strangers, while being ordered to do the chores and forgo many of life's little luxuries. ─── 每个住过青年旅社的人对其印象是房间很大,通风良好,而且你还要和打呼噜的人共享一间房间,或者被指令去做一些杂物,还要要放弃个人生活空间的一些奢侈享受。

17、He said one good example was insulating draughty homes and installing better energy control systems. ─── 他说一个很好的例子就是隔住漏风的房屋并按照优化的能源控制系统。

18、And therewith, taking the lamp in his hand, he led the way down the long, draughty corridor to his laboratory. ─── 说完他手里拿着灯,领我们沿着通风的长廊朝他的实验室走去。

19、As a rule, big houses are always draughty. ─── 一般说来,大房子总是比较通风的。

20、Should be stored in dry and draughty place, not in the open air. Non-hazardous for air, sea and road freight. Keep dry and sealed, avoid moisture during transportation. ─── 非危险品,在干燥、透风处贮存,不得露天存放。运输过程中要避免潮湿,保持干燥、密封。

21、After years of being draughty and poorly insulated, new Japanese homes are among the most environmentally friendly. ─── 日本的新建住宅在克服了最初几年的漏风及绝缘效果差等问题后,现在已是最环保的住宅。

22、This is a draughty house. ─── 这是一栋通风的房屋。

23、This is a draughty house. ─── 这是一栋通风的房屋。

24、and sheets and blankets were very friendly and comforting things, after plain straw, and not too much of it, spread on the stone floor of a draughty cell; ─── 何况不久前,他还在阴冷潮湿的地牢石板地上的稻草堆里睡过。

25、6.We were sitting in a draughty position near the door. ─── 我们坐在门边有穿堂风经过的地方.

26、They make me think of films about the theatrical world in which trembling chorus girls wait to make their entrances in draughty wings, captured like Degas dancers. ─── 他们让我想起了有关戏剧界的电影,电影里颤抖的合唱女孩们等待着从通风的舞台两侧上台,就像德加(Degas)舞者。

27、The floor was draughty bare boards. ─── 地板是有缝隙的裸板。

28、It's going to be very draughty with no doors on. ─── 没有门之后,穿堂风可真大啊。

29、It's terribly draughty in here. ─── 这儿穿堂风大极了。

30、All the windows are open, that's why it is so draughty. ─── 窗户都打开了,难怪风这么大!

31、She might have passed me on to the poorhouse.She might have left me crying in a draughty crib. ─── 她可以把我放到救济院,她可以不理我是否在婴儿床上哭泣。

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