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09-04 投稿


fundament 发音


英:  美:

fundament 中文意思翻译



fundament 词性/词形变化,fundament变形


fundament 短语词组

1、tooth fundament ─── [医] 牙原基

2、fundament spc ─── 基础spc

3、fundament t ─── 基础t

4、fundament ict ─── 基础信息通信技术

5、anal fundament ─── [医] 肛原基

6、fundament app ─── 基础应用程序

7、fundament nl ─── 基础nl

8、fundament wiki ─── 基础维 ─── 基

9、fundament sto ─── 基本sto

fundament 相似词语短语

1、filament ─── n.灯丝;细丝;细线;单纤维

2、condiment ─── n.调味品;佐料

3、fundamentals ─── n.基本面;基本原理(fundamental的复数)

4、refundment ─── n.退款;退还

5、fundamentally ─── adv.根本地,从根本上;基础地

6、fundaments ─── n.基础;臀部;肛门

7、sunderment ─── 日晷

8、fundamental ─── adj.基本的,根本的;n.基本原理;基本原则

9、Judgment ─── n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力

fundament 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chemical engineering fundament ─── 化工基础

2、tooth fundament ─── 牙原基

3、Ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction is important fundament of heart failure development.Preventing ventricular remodeling has been a main method for treating chronic heart failure. ─── 心肌梗死后心室重构是慢性心力衰竭发展的重要病理基础,延缓或阻止心室重构已成为慢性心力衰竭的主要治疗方法。

4、So we improve the feed pump to increase the capacity of it.This article emphatically discusses the capacity increasing process based on the former fundament for Fushun ethylene chemical Co. ─── 本文着重论述了抚顺乙烯化工有限公司锅炉给水泵在原有基础上增容改造的过程。

5、Theory Fundament in Educational Technology ─── 教育技术学科理论基础

6、The paper in brief describes features paramenters and design fundament of PY2090 type reducer with hard-filank and high-load capacity. The reducer is used for dual-tooth roller crusher. ─── 概要地分析了双齿辊破碎机配套用PY2090全硬齿面高承载能力减速器的性能参数和设计原理。

7、1. It’s origin, fundament, development and abolishment. ─── 古典奥运会的起源、建立、发展、及废除。

8、In this paper, using the fundament of relative distance being unchanged from eachdot spherical surface to center, we measured for the window of spherical suthee on a spin-stand of twodimensions. ─── 本文利用球面各点到球心的距离相对不变的基本原理,在一个高精度的二维旋转支架上测试球面壳窗的同心度。

9、In the field of science sociology, there is a fundament point:" the basic function of science servers the mankind and society". ─── 在科学社会学这个学科里,一个最基本的观点就是:科学最基本的功能就是普遍造福于人类与社会。

10、Property Right Reform is the Fundament of the Management Reform--Key of the reform of the nation-owned commercial banks ─── 产权改革是经营改革的基础--论我国国有商业银行改革的关键

11、Abstract: The four configurations of RRP simple opened-chain have been analyzed.The accomplished method of kinematics analysis has been gived.It provides the fundament for optimization and accurate analysis of mechanisms. ─── 文摘:深入分析了RRP单开链的四种装配构形,给出了其统一完整的运动分析方法,为机构选优及运动分析提供了依据。

12、Literature managerial work either is starting point and fundament of studying on library science, or is basic content of library work. ─── 文献管理工作既是图书馆学研究的起点和基础,又是图书馆工作的基本内容。

13、Only fundament proposition is to be traditional categorical proposition, can socalled"antisyllogism" be valid. ─── 所谓“反三段论”,只有当其中的基础命题为传统直言命题时才有效。

14、Based on these features and varieties, it explores the possibility to obtain patent for fundament research achievement and analyses the effects form this obtainment. ─── 根据这些特点与变化,探讨了基础研究成果获取专利的现实性和可能性,并对基础研究成果获取专利带来的效应作出分析。

15、mechanism & machine fundament ─── 机械基础

16、Then the fundament matrix is estimated from matched corners by an improved weighted linear algorithm, which is based on the epipolar geometry and the absolute conic theory. ─── 利用加权归一算法估计基础矩阵的基础上,引入逐次去除异常匹配点,进行迭代计算,对基础矩阵求精。

17、Competition among modern business is just the competition of talents, to employ, to choose and to maintain the talents of high quality is the fundament of a business' existence and development. ─── 现代企业的竞争也就是人才的竞争。招募,选择,保留高素质的人才是企业赖以生存和发展的基础。

18、Keywords Chemical engineering fundament;Curriculum reform;Teaching content;Teaching means;Examine means; ─── 化工基础;课程改革;教学内容;教学方法;考试内容;

19、Reform of teaching methods(TM)is the fundament of improving teaching quality(TQ). ─── 教学方法的改革是提高教学质量的根本。

20、Application of Measuring Tools Reliability Fundament Theory in Measurement Qualification ─── 检测设备可靠性基础理论在计量检定工作中的应用

21、The fundament of intermittent Countercurrent ringing as well as its design andapplication in electroplating was described. ─── 介绍了间歇逆流清洗与自然封闭循环的原理、设计及其在电镀过程中的应用。

22、Wir hatten das Fundament der Zytologie, Gen Material,die Regel des Gens usw. ─── 我们讲了细胞学的基础,遗传物质,和遗传的规律等等。

23、How to do a good job on the fundament communist youth league in sport team ─── 如何在运动队做好基层共青团工作

24、The solubility data of solid solute in certain supercritical medium is the fundament to the development of supercritical fluid technology. ─── 摘要溶质在超临界流体中的溶解度数据是研究超临界流体技术的基础。

25、Markov process is an important stochastic process. It has profound theoretical fundament and extensive applied area. ─── 其中,马尔可夫链的极限理论是马尔可夫过程研究的基本领域之一。

26、Constantly keep the Party's advanced nature is the requisition and fundament of our party's long-term administration. ─── 始终保持共产党员的先进性,是保持我们党长期执政的前提和基础。

27、Contemporary philosophy and "significance of existence"--our philosophic perspectives "taking the man as fundament" ─── 当代哲学与"存在的意义"--我们的"以人为本"的哲学观

28、Was aus diesem Land kommt hat keine Qualit?t. Das Fundament hat man vergessen zu kopieren, so einfach ist die Erkl?rung. 19 Leser sind auch dieser Meinung. ─── 来自这个国家的东西都没有质量。很容易解释,(中国人)忘记剽窃地基啦。19名读者同意

29、This is the physical fundament of acoustic vector signal processing. ─── 这是声矢量信号处理的物理基础。

30、Keywords Multistoried brick concrete mixed structure building Reinforced joist Fundament beam; ─── 多层砖混建筑;钢筋混凝土托梁;基础梁;

31、SCRC attaches great importance to quality.The fundament of existence and development of SCRC is to produce the top quality reefer containers and to fulfill the needs of our customers. ─── SCRC视质量为生命,以生产品质超群、符合客户要求的冷藏箱产品为企业生存与发展的根本。

32、Keywords solid dispersion;fundament of drug release;aging; ─── 固体分散体;释药机制;老化;

33、The paper states the fundament, main technical performances and the application of ceramics high-temperatme rotary heat exchanger. ─── 文章论述了陶瓷高温回转式换热器的工作原理,主要技术性能及其应用。

34、The theory and practice have proved that manual labor resource exploitage is requisition and fundament for realizing west coastal areas' development. ─── 理论和实践证明,人力资源开发是实现西部地区发展的前提和基础。

35、With the development of modern technology, there are many new features and varieties in fundament research. ─── 摘要随著现代科技的发展,基础研究出现了许多新特点与新变化。

36、Owning a good mood is the fundament of efficient work. ─── 拥有一份好的心情是做好工作的基础。

37、The article discusses the IRP theory expansion to national level IRSP and makes it as DSM fundament under the conditions of electricity market reform. ─── 文章探讨了在电力市场化改革的条件下将综合资源规划的理念拓展为国家层面的综合资源战略规划,使其成为需求侧管理的理论基础。

38、theoretical fundament ─── 理论基础

39、the fundament of mechanical manufacturing ─── 机械制造基础

40、As the fundament of wire array Z pinch experiment, the design of the load is very important. ─── 作为丝阵Z箍缩实验的基础,丝阵负载的设计具有重要意义。

41、Taking sincerity as fundament, technology as leading, management as humanness and service as supremacy. ─── 企业文化诚信为本、技术为先、管理为人、服务为上。

42、This research has great significance that it provides the theoretical fundament for solving the problem of aquatic environment of Zhangjiagang City. ─── 本研究成果对解决张家港市水环境问题提供了一定的理论基础,具有十分重要的指导意义。

43、Allgemeine Genetik ist eine Wissenschaft des Gens und der Variation zu forschen.Wir hatten das Fundament der Zytologie, Gen Material,die Regel des Gens usw. ─── 普通遗传学是一门研究遗传和变异的科学。我们讲了细胞学的基础,遗传物质,和遗传的规律等等。

44、General Mechanics and Mechanics Fundament ─── 一般力学与力学基础

45、Methods: After reviewing the defects in the traditional burn treatment, we elucidated the application fundament of soaking therapy with the support of Physics and Biology etc. ─── 方法:借鉴传统疗法的不足,以物理和生物等学科的观点,阐述应用湿法治疗的理由。

46、There is direct proportion between government credit and political legitimacy, and the former is the fundament of the latter. ─── 政府信用是政治合法性的根基 ,两者是正相关关系。

47、The fundament for harmonious culture: the socialist core value system. ─── 和谐文化之本:社会主义核心价值体系。

48、Objective: To investigate the pathologic structural fundament of isolated mass sentus in lungs, and the value of differentiating of benign and malignant lesions. ─── 摘要目的:探讨肺内孤立性结块的毛刺征的病理基础及在良、恶性鉴别诊断中的价值。

49、On the fundament of detailing soft contact electromagnetic confinement principle,some factors of soft contact confinement process were analysed and discussed. ─── 在阐述了软接触电磁成形技术原理的基础上,对影响软接触电磁成形的因素进行了分析和讨论。

50、Theoretical fundament of accounting ─── 会计理论基础

51、Constructing the Fundament and Circumstance for Team-Innovation ─── 浅析团队创新

52、Two fundament methods for time delay estimation are the correlation method and the phase method. ─── 时延估计的基本方法是互相关法和相位谱法。

53、It's origin, fundament, development and abolishment. ─── 古典奥运会的起源、建立、发展、及废除.

54、is beneficial for making the system into people's concepts, and tamping the humanistic fundament of it; ─── 有利于使社会主义核心价值体系融入人心,夯实构建这一价值体系的人文基础;

55、Based on the practice of environmental impact assessment for light pollution from glass wall, the fundament, gist, contents and quantitative indexes for assessment of light pollution are discussed. ─── 文章通过对玻璃幕墙光污染环境影响评价实例的总结,探讨了光污染环境影响评价的原则、依据、内容和指标定量的方法等问题,展望光污染环境影响评价技术规范化。

56、Subjectivity is the fundament characteristic of value. ─── 摘要主体性是价值的根本特性。

57、Accurately recognize and deal with national issues is a fundament of a state's nations to be in solidarity and all nations to commonly prosper. ─── 摘要对民族问越的正确认识和处理是一个国家民族团结、各民族间共同繁荣发展的基础。

58、Mankind practical movements are the philosophic ontological fundament of their free entire development. ─── 摘要人的实践活动是人的自由全面发展的哲学本体论基础。

59、On underwater construction of sewer line fundament in trench ─── 排水管道沟槽基础的水下施工探讨

60、The fundament of intermittent Countercurrent ringing as well as its design and application in electroplating was described. ─── 介绍了间歇逆流清洗与自然封闭循环的原理、设计及其在电镀过程中的应用。

61、Obtaining Patent for Fundament Research Achievement and Its Effects ─── 基础研究成果获取专利及其效应

62、Mean velocity profile, turb ulence intensity profile, integral scale and wind spectra are the most fundament al characteristics that describe the atmospheric turbulent boundary layer flow. ─── 平均速度剖面,湍流度剖面,积分尺度和风谱是反映大气湍流边界层流动的四个最基本的因素。

63、Without IRP, DSM has lost its theory fundament. ─── 没有综合资源规划,需求侧管理的理论依据不再存在。

64、Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene is an important intermediate for its fundament of phosphazene. ─── 六氯环三磷腈是非常重要的中间体,是环磷腈、聚磷腈系列衍生物的基础。

65、Structure model of online learning control for lane keeping system is designed. It provides the theoretical fundament for further study on online learning control in the future. ─── 并设计了车道保持系统在线学习控制结构模型,为下一步实现真正的在线学习控制提供了理论基础。

66、This paper analyzes some of flue gas desulfurization in wet way, such as the fundament, the desire of desulfurizer, the type of desulfurization, technics and primary sweetener. ─── 摘要分析了湿法烟气脱硫的基本原理、脱硫剂的要求、脱硫的类型、工艺和主要的设备。

67、fundament of team innovation ─── 创新基础

68、Their diversity was that Song dynasty's Ancient Prose Movement had the reference of Tang dynasty's, therefor, it didn't take more winding way, and it won splendid accomplishment in its invention with the fundament of Tang dynasty. ─── 其相异之处在于,宋代古文运动有唐代古文运动作为借鉴,从而使宋人少走了许多弯路,使宋代古文创作在唐代的基础上取得了更加辉煌的成果。

69、This model will provide a theoretical fundament for the next exploration in the Yuqi block and its vicinities. ─── 成藏模式为它源-双向排烃-多期次生成藏或古生新储-双向排烃-多期次生成藏,成藏演化经历了2个阶段。

70、Methods The literatures about the applied status and opinion of the modality applied in the surgical treatment of the colorectal cancer and fundament investigation in recent years were collected and reviewed. ─── 方法收集近年国内、外有关结直肠外科领域快速流程建设及基础研究的相关文献并作综述。

71、Ecological construction was the fundament of economic development. ─── 生态建设是经济发展的根本和切入点。

72、His poetics system stressed the poet himself as a core, fundament, even soul. ─── 其诗论体系,以强调诗人“自我”为核心、根本以至灵魂。

73、Therefore, only the systematic harmony is able to provide with firm fundament and basic guarantee for the harmony of inner-party various relations. ─── 因此,只有制度的和谐,才能为党内各种关系的和谐提供坚实的基础和根本的保障。

74、Soil and Water Conservation--the Policy to Strengthen the Country, the Fundament to Richen the Civilian, and the Essential to Manage the Politics ─── 水土保持强县之策富民之本为政之要

75、Need is the basic power of man's common activities and the power fundament of man's personality. ─── 摘要需要是人进行活动的基本动力,是个性形成的动力基础。

76、This paper reviews its one century history and briefly analyzes the historical evolvement of its fundament and challenges faced in the new century. ─── 本文结合一个世纪的回顾概要分析了辐射防护基本点的历史演变和新世纪遇到的新挑战。

77、It was the theoretical fundament for the analyses of arc stability and welding quality. ─── 为稳定焊接电弧和提高焊缝成型质量提供了理论支撑。

78、A correct method for measuring the fundament component of power in a high-distorted three phases system is described its cost is rather low. ─── 摘要描述了一种在三相波形高度畸变的系统中可正确测量基波功率的方法。

79、50. If we add Levinasian reflection as a fundament into the space of Kantian thought, is it possible that this would bring us perpetual peace as Levinas once expected? ─── 如果把勒维纳斯的反思作为基础补充到康德的思想空间中去,是否会像勒维纳斯所期待的那样带来永久的和平?

80、There is direct proportion between government credit and political legitimacy , and the former is the fundament of the latter. ─── 政府信用是政治合法性的根基,两者是正相关关系。

81、It gives the fundament for life analysis of SRT. ─── 分析结果为轮胎的寿命分析提供了基础。

82、1. It's origin, fundament, development and abolishment. ─── 古典奥运会的起源.建立.发展.及废除。

83、Subjectivity is the fundament characteristic of value. ─── 摘要主体性是价值的根本特性。

84、The fundament of the relationship between the citizen and city is the city's own diversity and flexibility. ─── 城市内容的多样及可变性是保证市民与之亲密相处的基础;

85、The theoretic structure and constructional fundament of socialistic political civilization with Chinese characteristics ─── 中国特色社会主义政治文明的理论构架与建设基础

86、Image segmentation is the fundament of image analysis,understanding and machine vision. ─── 摘要 图像分割是图像分析、理解和机器视觉的基础。

87、Ecological construction was the fundament of economic development. ─── 生态建设是经济发展的根本和切入点。

88、Environmental confict is an extensive phenomenon in environment,coordinately solving environmental conflict is the fundament of environmental sustainble development. ─── 环境冲突是环境领域中广泛存在的现象,协调解决环境冲突是促进环境可持续发展的根本保证。

89、This paper describes fractal and fractal image compression coding's theoretical fundament,discusses compression coding methods based on iterated function system and new fractal image. ─── 概述了分形及分形图象压缩编码的理论基础,讨论了基于迭代函数系统和新的分形图象压缩编码。

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