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gynecological 发音

英:[?ɡa?n?k??lɑ?d??kl]  美:[?ɡa?n?k??l?d??k?l]

英:  美:

gynecological 中文意思翻译



gynecological 网络释义

adj. 妇科的;妇产科医学的

gynecological 短语词组

1、gynecological beds ─── 妇科病床

2、gynecological sarcoma ─── 妇科肉瘤

3、gynecological oncology ─── [妇产] ─── [肿瘤]妇科肿瘤

4、gynecological issues ─── 妇科问题

5、gynecological diseases n. ─── 妇科疾病

6、gynecological cancers ─── 妇科肿瘤; ─── 妇科癌症

7、chirurgico-gynecological ─── [医] 妇外科的

8、gynecological examination ─── 妇科检查

gynecological 相似词语短语

1、gynecologic ─── adj.妇产科医学的

2、unecological ─── 非生态的

3、autecological ─── 个体生态学的(autecology的变体)

4、myrmecological ─── 动物生态学

5、anemological ─── 风媒学

6、synecologically ─── 共生态的

7、synecological ─── 共生态型

8、bioecological ─── 生物生态学

9、gynaecological ─── adj.妇科的;妇科学的

gynecological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、CMRS seeks to assist women in not only obtaining the best natural medicine services available, but also to provide gynecological care with a natural approach. ─── CMRS向妇女提供最好的天然药物服务,以及中医妇科护理服务。

2、gynecological examining table ─── 妇科诊察床

3、Gynecological malignant tumor ─── 妇科恶性肿瘤

4、gynecological massive hemorrhage ─── 妇产科出血

5、There were respectively 27.2%, 43.4%and 19.2% of women who didn't clear about the common gynecological diseases, the harm of RTIs and how to prevent RTIs. ─── 分别有272%、434%和192%的妇女不了解已婚妇女易患的疾病、生殖道感染的危害和如何预防生殖道感染。

6、gynecological and obstetrical nursing ─── 妇产科护理

7、"For many gynecological cancer patients, lymph node dissection is an integral part of cancer treatment and surgical staging, and this procedure has been associated with lymphedema deelopment. ─── “对许多妇科癌症患者来说,淋巴结切除术是整个抗癌治疗计划的一部分,有助于了解疾病的临床分期,该手术往往会导致淋巴水肿。”

8、The American Cancer Society and the Society of Gynecological Oncologist also were involved. ─── 参与的还有美国癌症协会和妇产科肿瘤协会。

9、The gynecological diseases on the first three places are cervicitis, vagnitis and fibro myoma. ─── 妇科疾病前三位是宫颈炎、阴道炎、子宫肌瘤。

10、Routine gynecological clinical examination items first vulva to see whether the cancer doctors, inflammation, genital warts and the like. ─── 临床上常规妇科检查项目首先医生看外阴有无肿瘤、炎症、尖锐湿疣之类。

11、Gynecological surgical procedures ─── 妇科外科手术

12、inflammatory disease gynecological census ─── 妇科普查

13、Postoperative infection in gynecological patients ─── 妇科术后感染

14、The International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology ─── 国际妇科内分泌学会

15、Treatment Device for Gynecological Inflammation ─── 妇科炎症治疗器

16、Gynecological and obstetric operation ─── 妇产科手术

17、Gynecological and Obstetrical Products: Fetal Monitor, Delivery Bed, Gynecological Examining Table, and Gynecological High Frequency Surgical Instrument. ─── 妇婴产品系列:母婴监护仪、产床、妇科检查床、妇科专用高频手术器;

18、Hae you eer had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall-stones or any gynecological diseases? ─── 你有过其它病吗?比如说,肾炎、胆结石或妇科病?

19、Gynecological stubborn diseases ─── 妇科疑难病

20、The amount of gynecological treatment: Once a day, every one, used within the vagina. ─── 妇科治疗用量:每日一次,每次一粒,阴道内使用。

21、She has engaged in the department of Obstetrics &Gynecology for nearly 20 years and is experienced in treating common obstetric and gynecological diseases. ─── 作为妇产科学科带头人,博士研究生导师,紧跟世界医学发展的最新成果,掌握本专业的前沿进展,结合科室实际情况,应用于临床工作。

22、The prealence of diagnosed lymphedema was higher among suriors of ular cancer (36%) than all other gynecological cancer subgroups. ─── 在患外阴癌的病人中,被诊断为淋巴水肿的病人比例(36%)高于患其他妇科癌症的病人。

23、Gynecological Cancer: The Terminator of Women's Sex Happiness? ─── 妇科肿瘤,女人"性福"的终结者?

24、general survey of gynecological diseases ─── 妇女病普查

25、gynecological examining and operating table ─── 妇科检查及手术台

26、We will provide routine gynecological examinations for rural women. ─── 在农村妇女中开展妇科疾病定期检查。

27、Emmet's needle for gynecological suture ─── 埃梅特(氏)妇科缝合针

28、For women, gynecological treatment of vaginal inflammation of the most common and most direct way than vaginal medication. ─── 对于女性来说,治疗妇科阴道炎症最常见、也最直接的方式莫过于阴道用药。

29、Advanced gynecological oncology ─── 中晚期妇科肿瘤

30、Gynecological exams performed by medical students is very important in medical teaching, also is an essential programmer in doctor training. ─── 实习医生给女性患者做妇科检查是临床教学中的重要内容,也是现代医学生培养中必不可少的一个环节。

31、By obstetrical and gynecological diseases, it refers to those special disorders which are related to the anatomy, physiology and pathology in women. ─── 妇产科疾病是指与妇女特殊的解剖、生理、病理特点相关的妇女所特有的疾病。

32、Epithelial ovarian cancer has the worst prognosis of all gynecological cancers andis a leading cause of death from cancer in women. ─── 卵巢癌是女性生殖器官三大恶性肿瘤之一,死亡率占据妇科恶性肿瘤首位,预后差。

33、Emergency of obstetric and gynecological diseases ─── 妇产科急症

34、In addition the German qualification is identical to that of the European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO). ─── 此外,德国的资格是相同的欧洲妇科肿瘤(ESGO)。

35、and virilism are among other gynecological problems caused either by excessive androgen stimulation or excess end organ response. ─── 雄激素刺激或过度的内脏器官反应引起的多毛症和病毒血症是其他妇科问题。

36、gynecological malignant ascites ─── 妇科恶性腹水

37、Advances of Chemotherapy for Gynecological Malignancy ─── 妇科恶性肿瘤化疗进展

38、Main courses: Pathology, Nursing Conspectus, Nursing Technique, Health Assessment, Human Anatomy, Nursing Pharmacology, Internal Medicine Nursing, Gynecological nursing and Pediatric Nursing. ─── 主要课程:病理学,护理概论与护理技术,健康评估,人体解剖学,护理药理学,内科护理学,妇科护理学,儿科护理学等。

39、gynecological laparoscopic operation ─── 妇科腹腔镜手术

40、obstetrical and gynecological hospital ─── 妇产科医院

41、Characteristics and treatment of ureteral injury in gynecological surgery ─── 妇科手术输尿管损伤的特点及处理

42、And it is not an independent disease that women are infertile, but a kind of sequelae or final result of a lot of obstetrical and gynecological disease. ─── 女性不孕并不是一个独立的疾病,而是许多妇产科疾病的一种后遗症或结局。

43、These 4 patients had undergone a gynecological laparotomy and an incidental appendectomy with ligation and invagination of the appendiceal stump. ─── 在本院近3年来396例完整的全大肠镜检查中,共发现4个这样的病例。

44、Third, keep cool infibulation, the elimination of gynecological inflammation. ─── 三、保持阴部清爽,消除妇科炎症。

45、symptoms of miscellaneous gynecological diseases ─── 妇科杂病症状

46、after abdominal operations in gynecological patients ─── 妇科腹部术后

47、Progress in research on epigenetics in gynecological tumors ─── 妇科肿瘤表遗传学研究进展

48、Known as the patron saint of gynecological patients. ─── 被誉为妇科病人的健康守护神。

49、common gynecological disease ─── 妇女常见病

50、gynecological and obstetric disease ─── 妇产科疾病

51、The Gynecological Cancer Foundation led the effort for the agreement on common symptoms. ─── 妇科癌症基金会主持达成了共同症状的共识。

52、"Can it cure gynecological diseases?"asked the woman. ─── 妇女又问:"妇女病能治吗?"

53、Is modern China's leading enterprises of proprietary Chinese medicines with gynecological, orthopedic, anti-infective, anti-tumor, cardiovascular and other areas of the five major product lines. ─── 公司是我国现代中成药的龙头企业,拥有妇科、骨科、抗感染、抗肿瘤、心血管等五大领域的产品系列。

54、Uterine endometrial carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of gynecological cancers. ─── 子宫内膜癌是发病率最高的妇科恶性肿瘤,急需治疗规范化。

55、Her medicine used to treat gynecological disease is special, especially inspects listed in her prescriptions frequently. ─── 治疗妇科疾病选方用药独特,并常伍以虫类入方剂,疗效显著。

56、Gynecological urology and reconstruction of pelvic fundus ─── 妇科泌尿学与盆底重建

57、gynecological examining unit ─── 妇科检查台

58、Keywords External preparation;Dermatological;Gynecological;Analysis of drugs; ─── 外用制剂;皮肤科;妇科;用药分析;

59、Keywords per vagina gynecological operation;vaginal irrigation;iodophors; ─── 关键词经阴道妇科手术;阴道消毒;碘伏;

60、Born in 1935: Watch out for chronic illnesses or gynecological problems. ─── 1935年出生者:留意慢性疾病及妇女病。

61、Keywords Somatopsychic medicine;Gynecological operation;Anxiety;Intervention; ─── 关键词心身医学;妇科手术;焦虑;干预;

62、The amount of gynecological vaginal cleaning: In case of vaginal discomfort, the wet and dry, itching, and other phenomena, immediately use one. ─── 妇科阴道保洁用量:如遇阴道不舒适时,干湿、瘙痒等现象时,立刻使用一粒。

63、gynecological mass in abdomen ─── 妇人症瘕

64、Marked effectiveness of burnet root leukopoietic tablets on leukopenia caused by chemotherapy of gynecological tumor has been medically verified. ─── 地榆升白片对妇科肿瘤化疗过程中白细胞减少症有明显疗效。

65、The cause of mass conjunctival congestion after gynecological operation ─── 妇产科术后群发球结膜充血的原因分析

66、Ovarian cancer mortality in the highest of all gynecological tumor, cervical cancer and more than the sum of endometrial cancer. ─── 卵巢癌的死亡率在所有妇科肿瘤中最高,超过宫颈癌和子宫内膜癌总和。

67、International Journal of Gynecological Pathology ─── 国际妇科病理学杂志

68、Gynecological examination verified that women suffering from vesicocele were more likely to have stress urinary incontinence. ─── 妇科检查发现应力性尿失禁患者存在膀胱膨出、子宫脱垂的比率明显高于无膀胱膨出、子宫脱垂者。

69、The impact of gynecological operations on the rate of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and erythrocytic antioxidant defense (EAOD) was studied in women with uterine myoma. ─── 在妇科子宫肌瘤手术中对脂质过氧化反应(LPO)速率和红细胞抗氧化物(EAOD)进行了研究。

70、Rhubarb Preparation Used for Bowl Preparation for Gynecological Operations ─── 大黄制剂用于术前肠道准备的效果

71、We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses. ─── 我们可以用神秘的内分泌失调恐吓男上司。

72、Women should pay attention to the possibility of encountering gynecological problems. Don't work too hard. Rest more. ─── 女性要留意妇女疾病。此外,在工作上不宜过度劳累,要多休息。

73、Among them, S. barbata has been traditionally used in treatment of hepatitis, inflammation, osteomyelitis and gynecological diseases in China. ─── 在这些药用植物中,半枝莲在中国被用来对肝炎,炎症,骨髓炎和妇科疾病进行传统治疗。

74、Most state-owned enterprises where women predominate have established gynecological clinics, rest rooms for pregnant women, breastfeeding rooms, nurseries and kindergartens. ─── 女职工比较多的国有企业大都建立了女职工卫生室、孕妇休息室、哺乳室、托儿所、幼儿园等设施。

75、Anaesthesia of Gynecological Endoscopic Surgery ─── 妇科内镜手术的麻醉

76、Specializes various gynecological surgery, and difficult surgery in perimenopausal syndrome, trophoblastic tumor diagnosis and treatment of a leading domestic level. ─── 在围绝经期综合征、滋养细胞肿瘤的诊断与治疗方面处于国内领先水平。

77、gynecological treatment unit ─── 妇科治疗台

78、In the Obstetrical and gynecological teaching activity,the multimedia teaching has both the incomparable advantage and some shortage compared with traditional teaching method. ─── 在妇产科教学活动中,多媒体教学有着传统教学方式无可比拟的优势,同时也存在一些不足之处。

79、bilanual gynecological examination ─── 妇科双合诊检查

80、Routine gynecological examination project have cervical check to see cervical inflammation, cervical erosion. ─── 常规妇科检查项目的宫颈检查要看一看有没有宫颈炎症、宫颈糜烂等。

81、Gynecological endoscopic surgery ─── 妇科内镜手术

82、portable type gynecological table ─── 妇科轻便诊查床

83、Many patient's cervix of the uterus polyp are when in the general survey or other sickness make the gynecological examination is discovered. ─── 许多患者的宫颈息肉是在普查或因其他病做妇科检查时被发现的。

84、Have you ever had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall-stones or any gynecological diseases? ─── 你有过其它病吗?比如说,肾炎、胆结石或妇科病?

85、C.Help to repel inflammation and bacteria invasion,improve leucorrhea and vaginitis, and promote the recovery of gynecological inflammation. ─── C、帮助击退炎症和病菌的侵袭,改善白带、阴道炎等,促进妇科炎症的痊愈;

86、Hysteroscope is a new subject in the modern gynecological field which start the application of the endoscope in the gynecological clinic. ─── 宫腔镜技术是近代妇科领域里涌现出的一门新的学科,它的出现开创了微创外科在妇科临床中的应用。

87、Study on Reducing Material Costs of Gynecological Endoscopic Operation ─── 妇科内镜手术中降低耗材成本的几点尝试

88、Susan was a manager in an obstetrics gynecological ward in a private hospital . She was a shrewd and. ─── 瑞珊是一名细心及经验丰富的护士,任职一家私家医院妇产科的病房经理。

89、For both doctors and their patients, such action ought to beyond of any criticism. but recently argument arising again on the ethical issues of gynecological exams performed by intern. ─── 对医患双方而言,接受实习医生做妇科检查理应无可非议,但最近对实习医生做妇科检查所引发的伦理学问题又起纷争。

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