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09-04 投稿


caricatures 发音

英:[?k?r?k?t???z]  美:[?k?r?k?t??rz]

英:  美:

caricatures 中文意思翻译




caricatures 短语词组

1、caricatures definition ─── 漫画定义

2、caricatures of aoc aoc ─── 漫画

3、caricatures of president trump ─── 特朗普总统漫画

4、caricatures of the prophet ─── 先知漫画

5、caricatures ct ─── 漫画ct

6、caricatures of mohammad ─── 穆罕默德的漫画

caricatures 词性/词形变化,caricatures变形

动词过去分词: caricatured |名词: caricaturist |动词现在分词: caricaturing |动词过去式: caricatured |动词第三人称单数: caricatures |

caricatures 相似词语短语

1、candidatures ─── n.[法]候选人资格;候选人的地位(等于candidacy)

2、caricatura ─── 漫画

3、arcatures ─── n.小拱廊

4、caricatured ─── v.把……画成漫画,用漫画讽刺;滑稽地描述(caricature的过去式及过去分词)

5、caricaturist ─── n.漫画家;讽刺画家

6、caricatural ─── adj.讽刺画的;滑稽的

7、caricaturas ─── 卡通片

8、caricaturists ─── n.漫画家;讽刺画家

9、caricature ─── n.人物漫画;夸张的描述;漫画艺术,漫画手法;讽刺描述法;(人或物的)可笑(或怪诞)样式;v.把……画成漫画;滑稽地描述,使滑稽化

caricatures 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stereotypes and caricatures exist about occupations or professions. ─── 对于职业,存在着模式化和漫画似的认识。

2、Yet here are two nations acting like living caricatures of themselves. ─── 而这两个国家的人却表现得活像他们自己的讽刺漫画。

3、Writer Catherine Lim, who does not mince words, said at a recent Institute of Policy Studies forum that caricatures of politicians are a symbol of a society's political maturity. ─── 敢怒敢言的英文作家林宝音不久前在政策研究院主办的论坛上说,挖苦政治人物的漫画,是一个社会政治成熟的象征。

4、One of his favourite caricatures is "The Crumbling Parliament" by Steve Bell. ─── 他最喜欢的一幅漫画是史蒂夫-贝尔的“崩溃的国会”(TheCrumblingParliament)。

5、Many caricatures of Ross Perot exaggerate his big ears. ─── 很多讽刺斐洛的漫画都夸张地强调他的大耳朵。

6、Initially a weekly radical paper, it became famous for its satiric humor, caricatures, and cartoons. ─── 最初是激进的周刊,以其讽刺性幽默、漫画和卡通著称。

7、Draw caricatures of each other. ─── 对方画漫画。

8、Magazines often contain caricatures of well-known film stars. ─── 杂志上经常刊登有关著名电影明星的漫画。

9、Enterprises engaged in creation, publication and production of animations and caricatures and production and distribution of cartoons; ─── 从事动画、漫画创作、出版和生产以及动画片制作、发行的企业;

10、Actually i have tried my best to translate those caricatures,but most of time i only got 1 point, that means mine are not the best... ─── 如果您拥有一台能够上网的电脑的话,这座房子的位置无疑为您购物,看电影,听音乐会和受教育等方面提供了极大的便利。

11、Participants may enter as many caricatures as they wish. ─── 参与者可进入许多漫画,因为他们的愿望。

12、Archetypes are recognizable symbols or patterns, which may be simplified (stereotypes) or exaggerated (caricatures) to increase their recognizability. ─── 典型是一种可辨识的符号或模式,可以简化(模式),或者扩大(夸张表现),以增加他们的辨识性。

13、Teaches everything from the basic armature to the final skin textures. Also features a demo on sculpting caricatures and includes tips on photographing your work. ─── 这是一个真实的手工建模的教程,就像拍摄一些科幻电影时辅助电脑特效做的一些人物模型。

14、Mr Crooke says at the outset that he intends to convey the excitement that political Islam[1]arouses in him and to correct the usual Western caricatures. ─── 一开始克鲁克说,他打算把政治伊斯兰[1]使他感受到的兴奋传递到纠正西方通常漫画的错误上。

15、This cartoon is studded with excellent caricatures, for instance, the wonderful executive secretary in the first frame. ─── 这幅漫画中满是出色的人物形象,例如,第一格中惟妙惟肖的女秘书。

16、These works are planned in detail, as if they were real, and realized with gummy materials that soften the shapes and turn them into caricatures of the originals; ─── 而此时此刻人们会自然而然的开始怀疑,艺术家是认真的还是开我们的玩笑。

17、The cartoon caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad were first published in a Danish newspaper, and were reprinted this week in several other European countries, sparking anger. ─── 这幅对先知默罕默德的卡通讽刺画第一次出版在一家丹麦报纸上,尔后在这周被多家其他欧洲的博之所转载,而点燃了愤怒。

18、Associated with the Berlin Dada movement,he is best known for his biting antimilitaristic caricatures of the1920's. ─── 他与柏林达达主义运动有密切联系,并以其19世纪20年代辛辣讽刺军国主义的漫画而闻名。

19、Hosts: Guangxi City College Chinese Research Association of News and Caricatures Guangxi Artists'Association Sponsors: Free Cartoons Web The Caricatures and Arts Committee of Hunan Artists' Association ─── 主办单位:广西城市职业学院中国新闻漫画研究会广西美术家协会协办单位:自由漫画联盟湖南省美术家协会漫画艺术委员会

20、Caricatures demonstrate that only a few significant "edges" need to be captured to convey the meaning of a complex pattern of image intensities. ─── 零售业在产业市场上佔有相当重要的地位,在社会中也是极为重要的经济组织并具有相当大的经济贡献意义。

21、The caricatures of the Prophet were first published by Jyllands-Posten, a Danish newspaper, in September. ─── 这些关于先知的讽刺画最早发表在去年9月的丹麦一家报纸,日德兰邮报上。

22、Caricatures are usually done for amusement or satire. ─── 漫画通常用来取乐或讽刺。

23、Cartoon caricatures, slapstick comedy, and clowning articles are all based on exaggeration, she notes. ─── 她说,有利身心的玩笑,卡通漫画,闹剧喜剧,诙谐文章都在运用夸张。

24、He caricatures recent government officers flintily. ─── 他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。

25、A movie with only cardboard caricatures of its historical subjects. ─── 一部仅仅只对历史主题作肤浅讽刺的电影

26、What can facial caricatures tell us about face recognition processes? ─── 猴子的病变研究告诉我们哪些关于大脑辨识能力的机制?

27、Mingling historical records with the intentional design, Marlowe caricatures Edward II s tragedy with sardonic humor. ─── 融合的历史记载与有目的的设计,马娄带著幽默的笔法讽刺爱德华二世的悲剧。

28、Afterwards, Egyptian Ambassador Mona Omar Attia said the Danish newspaper that first published the caricatures (Jyllands-Posten) must issue a clear apology to satisfy the Muslim world. ─── 埃及大使随后说,那家刊登漫画的丹麦报社必须做出明确道歉才能令穆斯林社会满意。

29、Personas developed by drawing on inadequate research (or synthesized with insufficient empathy and sensitivity to interview subjects) run the risk of degrading to stereotypical caricatures. ─── 基于不完整的研究创建的人物角色(或者在综合时,对被访者的同理心和敏感度不够),则有可能将人物角色降级为固定型。

30、Why were there caricatures mocking the leaders of the two nations? ─── 以上便是今天帕特-奥列芬特所画漫画的背景。

31、She uses strong brush strokes to depict expressive faces, imaginary characters, sometime close to caricatures, without any restraints. ─── 她用强硬的笔触描绘各种表情的脸孔、虚构的人物,有时候有点接近漫画。

32、German-born American artist. Associated with the Berlin Dada movement,he is best known for his biting antimilitaristic caricatures of the1920's. ─── 格罗希,乔治1893-1959德裔美国画家。他与柏林达达主义运动有密切联系,并以其19世纪20年代辛辣讽刺军国主义的漫画而闻名

33、Here's a fun free site that lets you easily create custom cartoon caricatures. ─── 这里有一个有趣的免费网站,让您轻松地创建自定义的卡通漫画。

34、Its laugh is the mouth of a volcano which spatters the whole earth. Its jests are sparks. It imposes its caricatures as well as its ideal on people; ─── 它的笑是火山口,溅及全球。它的讥诮是火花,它把它的漫画和理想影响着其他民族。

35、Geoffroy made a series of caricatures of the favorite characters television series, as well as famous actors and artists. ─── Geoffroy创作了一系列电视剧集角色、著名演员和艺术家的讽刺画。

36、If you're good at art, teach yourself how to draw caricatures. ─── 如果你很擅长艺术,那么自学一下怎么画漫画吧。

37、In the 19th and early 20th centuries, African Americans often were depicted in racist caricatures as being inordinately fond of watermelon. ─── 在19世纪、20世纪,非洲裔美国人因其酷爱西瓜而经常被被种族主义漫画所讽刺。

38、He does very funny caricatures of all his friends. ─── 他夸张地模仿了所有的朋友, 非常滑稽.

39、Christopher Murphy Studio - Artist and painter producing fine art, caricatures and cartoons, portraits and commissions. Gallery of pictures. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

40、The boys amused themselves by drawing caricatures of their teacher . ─── 这些男孩画他们老师的漫画来取乐。

41、Democrats in turn depict Republicans as chest-thumping nationalists who prevent America from living up to its ideals.Both of these are caricatures. ─── 民主党人则将共和党人描绘成妨碍美国实现其理想的夸夸其谈的民族主义者。

42、Managerial Caricatures (1) ─── 经理人漫画(上)

43、Comedies are cruel put-downs of caricatures, whose sole function seems to be to make those with low self-esteem feel that at least someone is stupider or more ridiculous than they are. ─── 喜剧是讽刺画的残酷记载,在喜剧中唯一的作用似乎要让那些自卑的人感到至少有人比他们更为荒谬可笑。

44、Boys amuse themselves by drawing caricatures of their teacher. ─── 男孩子们以画老师的漫画取乐。

45、German-born American artist. Associated with the Berlin Dada movement, he is best known for his biting antimilitaristic caricatures of the1920's. ─── 格罗希,乔治1893-1959德裔美国画家。他与柏林达达主义运动有密切联系,并以其19世纪20年代辛辣讽刺军国主义的漫画而闻名

46、But Matthew opted for a tolerant strength, he still Pierre by an image sketch, and twisted caricatures. ─── 而马修却选择了宽容的力量,他因势利导地还皮埃尔一个肖像素描,并滑稽地漫画式。

47、After training, the centers of the network come to resemble caricatures of male and female faces. ─── 比对之后,网络中心往往会出现男女脸部特征相似的夸张肖像画。

48、Stereotypes and caricatures also exist about occupations or professions. ─── 对于职业,也存在着俗套和漫画式的认识。

49、In baths and gay bars, some gays dressed up as caricatures of the most macho of men. ─── 在澡堂或者gaybar,一些男人穿着非常夸张凸显极致的男性魅力。

50、All that is before you delve into whether the standard exaggerations, distortions and caricatures of political discourse properly count as lies. ─── 在你深究常见的夸张言辞,歪曲的事实,以及关于政治演讲的讽刺漫画是否是在骗人之前,所有的一切都发生了。

51、Of course, even the most cunning of nature's caricatures have no narrative mastermind behind them. ─── 当然,即便是对大自然最精妙的模仿,其背后也不是有什么人在出谋划策。

52、A villager's hands being smeared with blood as a result of the struggle between the landowner and villagers, had become the subject for days of articles, pictures, caricatures, and debates in the newspapers and magazines. ─── 村民和地主之间的争斗使村民双手沾满了鲜血,成为当时文章、绘画、漫画、报纸和杂志上各抒己见的焦点。

53、Its jests are sparks.It imposes its caricatures as well as its ideal on people; ─── 它的讥诮是火花,它把它的漫画和理想影响着其他民族。

54、Her work has included quirky caricatures of megastar musicians including Sting.... ─── 她的工作包括给超级音乐家画奇特的漫画,斯汀就是其中之一....

55、He first appeared on the show half way through the first series in 1982 as a fan who had sent Ethel caricatures of her and her friends. ─── 他第一次出现在展示接近第一系列在1982 作为送了Ethel 讽刺画她的风扇并且她的朋友。

56、Exploring multiply media, Peter Gries captures the caricatures, stereotypes, and mutual portrayals that demonize the 'other. ─── 通过多方研究媒体,作者发现了中美媒体中相互妖魔化对方的讽刺漫画、刻板印象和丑化描写。

57、Where is the outrage at these images by people who are upset by the caricatures of Mohammed? ─── 那些被穆罕默德的讽刺漫画激怒的人这时都跑到哪里去了?

58、cartoons, caricatures and comic strips on the theme: Global Warming. ─── 卡通,漫画和连环画上,主题是:全球气候变暖。

59、5 After the war,there appeared an image called"uncle Sam"in some political caricatures,soon it was popular sign with Americans. ─── 5 战后,政治漫画里开始出现一个名叫"山姆大叔"的人物,很快,山姆大叔就成了受美国人欢迎的标志.

60、He drew rude caricatures, such as are designed by ingenious youths, in which the Major's wig, his nose, his tie, etc, were represented with artless exaggeration. ─── 他还象聪明的孩子爱干的那样,画了不少简单的漫画,把少校的假发、鼻子和领结等等夸大得不成样子。

61、British caricaturist,writer,and wit whose Caricatures of Twenty-five Gentlemen appeared in 1896. He spent most of his later years in Italy ─── 英国漫画家、作家和才子。他于1896年发表了二十五个绅士漫画像,晚年大部分时间在意大利度过

62、Robbins acknowledges as much, writing, "In the minds of their peers, too often students become caricatures of themselves. " ─── 在文中,罗宾斯也同样承认“在他们同龄人的印象中,这些学生太经常去讽刺自己了。”

63、Drawings, caricatures or other illustrations, copyrighted images, celebrity photos will be rejected. ─── 图画,漫画或其他插图,有版权的图片,名人的照片将被拒绝。

64、She uses strong brushstrokes to depict expressive faces, imaginary characters, sometime close to caricatures, without any restraints. ─── 她用强硬的笔触描绘各种表情的脸孔、虚构的人物,有时候有点接近漫画。

65、Managerial Caricatures ─── 经理人漫画(下)

66、The boys amuse themsevels by drawing caricatures of their teacher. ─── 男孩以画老师的漫画为乐趣。

67、British caricaturist, writer, and wit whose Caricatures of Twenty-five Gentlemen appeared in1896. He spent most of his later years in Italy. ─── 比尔博姆,亨利·马克西米连1872-1956英国漫画家、作家和才子。他于1896年发表了二十五个绅士漫画像,晚年大部分时间在意大利度过

68、cardboard caricatures of historical figures. ─── 对历史人物的肤浅的讽刺画。

69、Detroit-area company, tapping into an emerging strain of dark humor after last month's suicide attacks, has hit on the idea of selling toilet paper rolls decorated with caricatures of Osama bin Laden. ─── 美国遭受自杀式袭击后一家底特律公司使出黑色幽默招数,开始收买印有拉登象的厕纸。

70、With theatrical photographic settings, the author reinforces, increases, caricatures, often with irony, the problems he wants us to become aware of. ─── 作者运用戏剧化的摄影设定,强化了、增加了、讽刺了这些问题,使得我们正视它们。

71、Newspapers often contain caricatures of well-known politicians. ─── 报纸上经常刊登有关著名政治家的漫画。

72、On the Caricatures in David Copperfield ─── 《大卫·科波菲尔》中的漫画人物


caricaturist英 ['k?r?k?t???r?st] 美 ['k?r?k?t???r?st] n. 讽刺画家,漫画家


亲爱的,如果我的世界没有你,不知道会变得怎么样。cari 意大利语:亲爱的Mi mundo sin ti . No se como seria后面是西班牙语~~直译为:我的世界没有你,没有比这更严重的了。

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