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09-04 投稿



oratorical 发音

英:[?r?'t?r?k(?)l]  美:[,?r?'t?k?l]

英:  美:

oratorical 中文意思翻译



oratorical 短语词组

1、oratorical storm ─── 演讲风暴

2、oratorical speech ─── 演说辞

oratorical 词性/词形变化,oratorical变形

副词: oratorically |

oratorical 相似词语短语

1、atomical ─── adj.原子的

2、historical ─── adj.历史的;史学的;基于史实的

3、oratorically ─── adv.像演说似地

4、oratorial ─── adj.演说的;雄辩的

5、Oratorian ─── n.奥拉托利会会友

6、moratoria ─── n.延期偿还(moratorium的复数)

7、iatrical ─── adj.医疗的,医学的

8、oratories ─── n.雄辩;演讲术

9、anatomical ─── adj.解剖的;解剖学的;结构上的

oratorical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is also noted as a fiery and emotional orator with audiences sympathetic to his cause. ─── 他也因能对同情他事业的广大民众发表言辞激烈并充满感情的演讲而受人瞩目。

2、Athenian orator and rhetorician whose letters and pamphlets are a valuable source of ancient Greek political thought. ─── 伊索克拉底雅典雄辩家和修辞学家,他的信件和小册子是古代希腊政治思想的一个宝贵源泉。

3、A bigot is a stone-deaf orator. ─── 一个执迷不悟的人是个全聋的演说家。

4、His oratorical efforts evoked no response in his audience. ─── 他的雄辩在听众中不起反响。

5、British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839). ─── 布赖特,约翰1811-1889英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)

6、He is a writer,a poet and an orator,but above all,he is an outstanding political leader. ─── 他是位作家、诗人和演说家,但最重要的是他是一位杰出的政治领袖。

7、Her eloquenceis so good that she cuts down the best orator. ─── 她的口才如此之好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

8、He is a lovely speaker, yet his tone is more conversational than oratorical. ─── 他是一位可爱的演说家,然而他的语调更象是在对话,而不是在演说。

9、It is concluded from the present analysis that redundancy, as an effective means, plays a positive role in oratorical texts. ─── 对该问题的研究表明,羡余信息在演讲语篇中发挥着积极作用,是提高演讲效果的有效手段之一。

10、Whitefield, perhaps the greatest orator of all time, moved the crowds with his passionate preaching. ─── 怀特菲尔德也许是历史上最伟大的演说家,他以其充满感情的讲道来感动听众。

11、In middle school's time also frequently participates in the school hold the oratorical contest! ─── 在中学的时候也经常参加学校举行的演讲比赛!

12、it was an oratorical opportunity not to be slighted. ─── 这是不容错过的演讲的大好机会。

13、He' s a natural orator, ie is very good at making speeches. ─── 他是天生的演说家(很善於演讲).

14、This foolish oratorical provocation has been matched by increasing intolerance of dissent, suspicion of many Tamils and threats against those seen as Tiger “collaborators”. ─── 与这愚蠢的演说挑衅相匹配的还有日益不容异说、对许多泰米尔人的怀疑及对那些貌似猛虎“合作者”的威胁。

15、Churchill is a famous author,talent orator,statement man who work for the peace,and the legendary hero in the strggles/defencence. ─── 丘吉尔是著作等身的作家、雄才大略的演说家、安邦治国的政治家、战争中的传奇英雄。

16、It was a brilliant post modernist masterpiece of oratorical fireworks, really. ─── 这真是一场最杰出的后现代式的演讲。

17、Her eloquence is so good that she cuts down the best orator. ─── 她的口才如此之好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

18、He told them that he got a good oratorical skills, speaking a lot of talk, then.? ─── 他为了表示自己有好口才,滔滔不绝地讲了许多话。

19、She excels as a orator. ─── 她擅长演说。

20、He reached oratorical heights which left him and some of his players in tears. ─── 言辞激昂之处,他自己和他指导的一些运动员不禁热泪盈眶。

21、Everyone knows that Demosthenes was a famous Greek orator. ─── 大家都知道德摩斯梯尼斯是一位著名的古希腊雄辩家。

22、He or she may be an orator, or a bragger, and those listening to the person may believe him or her for a while. ─── 他或她可能是一位演说家,也可能是一个吹牛人士,听此人谈话的那些人可能会在短时间内相信他或她。

23、She retained her oratorical bounce when there was so much more to do. ─── 尽管还有许多事情要做,她仍然保持着演说家的活力。

24、A brilliant orator,he was a tireless source of strength to people experiencing the sufferings of the German bombin g campaign. ─── 作为一名出色的演说者,他是那些在德国轰炸战役中顽强斗争的人民永不枯竭的力量泉源。

25、For a moment he had the orator's knowledge that the audience belonged to him. ─── 在这一瞬间他就象个演说家那么知机,看出听众的心已被他抓住了。

26、Question was asked of Demosthenes;what was the chief part of an orator? ─── 德摩斯梯尼自问自答:演说家的第一原则是什么?

27、He was first and foremost a fiery orator in the 19th century mold . ─── 他却是19世纪中期首屈一指的富于热情的雄辩家。

28、Acts 24:1 And after five days the high priest Ananias came down with some elders and a certain orator, Tertullus; and they gave their information against Paul to the governor. ─── 徒二四1过了五天,大祭司亚拿尼亚同几个长老,和一个辩士帖土罗下来,向总督控告保罗。

29、Bacon said: "Reading history will inspire wisdom, mathematics makes careful, logic and rhetoric makes an orator. ─── 培根说:“读史使人明智,数学使人周密,逻辑和修辞使人善辩。”

30、A man never become an orator if He has anything to say. ─── 一个人如果真有些什么东西要讲的话,就决不会成为雄辩家。

31、English statesman, orator, and writer. A Jacobite, he spent much of his life in exile and wrote influential political treatises, notably The Idea of a Patriot King(1749). ─── 博林布鲁克英国政治家、演说家和作家。英王詹姆斯二世的追随者,一生中许多时间被流放,写了一些很有影响的政治论著,其中以爱国者国王的思想(1749年)最为著名

32、There was no oratorical talent in the ship . ─── 船上可没有雄辩天才。

33、Explaining how he is going to get Rio out of its current mess will put Mr Albanese's oratorical powers to a similarly stiff test. ─── 如何解释他将获得约摆脱目前的混乱将他阿尔巴尼斯的演说的权力,同样激烈的考验。

34、He succeed better in his literary work than in his oratorical efforts. ─── 他在文学方面的成就比演说方面的成就要大一些。

35、And they enable the orator to sway his audience And dictate its decisions. ─── 它能使演讲者左右他的听众,并强行代他们作出决定。

36、For future development, with good oratorical skills, Zhou Suhong possible career path Zhejiang Sports Bureau. ─── 对于未来的发展,凭借不错的口才,周苏红有可能在浙江省体育局走上仕途。

37、Explaining how he is going to get Rio out of its current mess will put Mr Albanese’s oratorical powers to a similarly stiff test. ─── 如何解释他将获得约摆脱目前的混乱将他阿尔巴尼斯的演说的权力,同样激烈的考验。

38、And an orator said, "Speak to us of Freedom. ─── 于是一个辩士说,请给我们谈自由。

39、A bigot is a stone-leaf orator. ─── 偏执狂是极聋的演说家。

40、He is something like an orator. ─── 他象是位讲演家。

41、He fancies himself as an orator . ─── 他自命为演说家。

42、She knows a fair look is but a dumb orator to commend virtue, therefore minds it not. ─── 她知道美丽的容颜只是品德的无言体现,因此不加留意。

43、Redundancy is also found in oratorical texts.The existence and the degree of redundancy are under the influence of the whole communication task. ─── 口头演讲语篇中存在着大量羡余信息,它的出现及其羡余度受整个演讲所处的信息交流系统的影响。

44、Won the th** place in all Guangzhou English Oratorical Contest in 1989. ─── 1989年全广州英语演讲比赛获第三名。

45、He's a natural orator,ie is very good at making speeches. ─── 他是天生的演说家(很善于演讲)。

46、Perhaps Churchill's greatest asset was his skill as an orator. ─── 也许丘吉尔最宝贵的财富是他拥有的作为一位演说家的技巧。

47、The award for the oratorical contest was made by a jury of nine professors. ─── 演讲比赛的裁决由九位教授组成的评判委员会作出。

48、Of course, Thucydides utilizes rhetoric as a historian, not as an orator. ─── 当然,修昔底德利用修辞是作为一位史家的身份,而不是作为一个演说者的身份。

49、Won the third place in all Guangzhou English Oratorical Contest in. ─── 年全广州英语演讲比赛获第三名。

50、The governor has considerable political talents, but as a speaker, he is far less adroit than his opponent, whose oratorical skills are breathtaking. ─── 这位州长有相当多的政治才能,但作为一名发言人,他远不如他的对手娴熟,后者的演讲技巧令人惊叹。

51、His eloquence is so good that he cuts down the best orator. ─── 他的口才如此之好,连最优秀的考(试大演说家也会相形见绌。

52、They may themselves possess considerable literary, artistic or oratorical talent. ─── 同 时 这 是 一 个 阴 性 、 消 极 的 星 座 。

53、British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League (1839). ─── 布赖特,约翰:(1811-1889)英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)

54、He was noted for his ability as an orator and was also a gifted writer. ─── 他因为善于雄辩而著名,他同样也是一个有天赋的作家。

55、Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, told VOA the president is "a great orator", but he had this response to the economic points in President Obama's speech. ─── 国会众议院共和党人大多重申了对奥巴马总统经济刺激计划的反对和批评,坚持认为奥巴马总统和国会多数党民主党人想要大幅度扩大政府规模。

56、Let me ask you a different question, though, Carl. Was this John McCain at his oratorical best just in terms of the style of the delivery? ─── 那么,让我问你另外一个问题,卡尔。仅从演讲风格方面考虑,这是约翰?麦凯恩在他的演讲中最好的一次吗?

57、An orator reacts to applause . ─── 一个演说家对于鼓掌有反应。

58、Obama should use his oratorical skills and mastery of new media to sell his program directly to the American people. ─── 奥巴马应该利用他雄辩的技能以及对新兴媒体的控制与美国民众亲密接触。

59、He is known as a gifted orator. ─── 众所周知,他是一位天才演说家。

60、Will you judge the oratorical contest next week? ─── 你愿意担任下周演讲比赛的评判员吗?

61、This ability to bring harmony out of hostility is one of the admirable traits of Hermes and it aided the god's reputation as a persuasive orator and bringer of good fortune. ─── 为敌对双方带来协调的能力是赫尔墨斯令人钦佩的本领之一,这也为这个神带来了一个能言善辩的演说家和带来好运的人的名声。

62、He is also an energetic orator who can hold the interest of his audience with little effort. ─── 他也是个精力充沛的演讲者,能够不费力地牢牢地把握住听众的情绪。

63、At that time Aesopus the orator was in his flower. ─── 当时演说家伊索帕正处于其声誉最高时期。

64、It's not your or my ability, or our oratorical skill that will bring an individual to Christ. ─── 当我们遵守神的教导时,我们还是会经历生活中的苦难,可能是贫穷和疾病。

65、His legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction.His eloquent,oratorical manner of writing,described as Ciceronian. ─── 他的法律和政治演讲文已成为拉丁文用语的典范,而其雄辩的文笔与所表现的演讲风格则被人成为“西塞罗体”。

66、English statesman,orator,and writer. A Jacobite,he spent much of his life in exile and wrote influential political treatises,notably The Idea of a Patriot King(1749). ─── 博林布鲁克英国政治家、演说家和作家。英王詹姆斯二世的追随者,一生中许多时间被流放,写了一些很有影响的政治论著,其中以爱国者国王的思想(1749年)最为著名。

67、The monetary historian is giving a lecture today in which he will reveal how Cicero, the Roman orator, gave a speech in 66BC in which he alluded to the credit crunch. ─── 今天,这位货币历史学家在做演讲,他将披露罗马演说家西塞罗,在公元前66年的一次演说中,是如何提到那场信贷紧缩的。

68、The company is paying the rent orat least contributing to it. ─── 公司在付房租,或者至少在付一部分房租。

69、Claiming rights is a major oratorical sport of our time: it is a marvelous substitute for reasoned argument.Julius K. ─── 对权利的诉求是我们这个时代主要的演说活动:它是一种对理性讨论的最佳替代品。

70、He is a writer, a poet and an orator, but above all, he is an outstanding political leader . ─── 他是位作家、诗人和演说家,但最重要的是,他是一位杰出的政治领袖。

71、His speech torrential convincing argument, the aphorism repeat leaves, is recognized as the big orator who stands out. ─── 他的演说滔滔雄辩,警句迭出,被公认为出类拔萃的大演说家。

72、Won the third place in all Guangzhou English Oratorical Contest in 1989. ─── 1989 年全广州英语演讲比赛获第三名。

73、He lived twenty years as a slave and nearly nine as a fugitive slave, then achieved international fame as an abolitionist, editor, orator, and the author of three autobiographies. ─── 他当了二十年奴隶和将近九年的逃亡奴隶,后来成为国际知名的废奴主义者、编辑、演说家和三本自传的作者。

74、That Jose Mourinho chose this week to emerge from the shadows and remind everyone what a gifted and Machiavellian orator he is can be viewed as both ironic and unnerving. ─── 何塞-穆里尼奥选择在本周走入大家的视线,他再一次提醒众人他是多么的才能出众、老谋深算。

75、It won praise as a superb oratorical performance. ─── 他赢得了杰出演说的赞誉。

76、English statesman, orator, and writer. A Jacobite, he spent much of his life in exile and wrote influential political treatises, notably The Idea of a Patriot King (1749). ─── 博林布鲁克:英国政治家、演说家和作家。英王詹姆斯二世的追随者,一生中许多时间被流放,写了一些很有影响的政治论著,其中以爱国者国王的思想(1749年)最为著名

77、They shouted down the orator. ─── 他们大叫把演讲者轰下台来。

78、He has a so good eloquence that even the best orator would be dwarfed by him. ─── 他的口才如此之好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

79、Babbitt promised to become a recognized orator. ─── 巴比特很有希望成为公认的演说家。

80、You are an expert demagogue, or an orator that appeals to the passions and frenzies of a large audience that has more faith than reason on a matter. ─── 你还是一个蛊惑煽动专家,一个能让缺乏理性的听众激动和狂热的演说家。

81、He acted every part of an orator. ─── 他表现十足了的演说家的气派。

82、He is a marvellous orator. ─── 他是一位了不起的演说家。

83、His eloquence is so good that he cuts dowm the best orator. ─── 他的口才如此只好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

84、As an original contributor to socialist thinking, and as a spell-binding orator, he towered above other members of the party. ─── 作为一个给社会主义思想带来独创观念的人,作为一个使听众入迷的演说家,他是该党党员中出类拔萃的人物。

85、The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. ─── 3五十夫长,和尊贵人。谋士,和有巧艺的,以及妙行法术的。

86、Before teeing off at the Vineyard Golf Club, for example, the noted orator couldn't resist offering a snap address to 400 people penned in on the deck of the club house. ─── 例如,在葡萄园岛高尔夫俱乐部开球前,这位有名的演说家禁不住对挤在俱乐部露台上的400人发表了一番即兴演讲。

87、He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator. ─── 他能言善辩, 胜过最好的演说家。

88、A sudden question often throws out an orator. ─── 对一位演说者突然提问经常会弄得他不知所措。

89、Obama should use his oratorical skills and mastery of new media to sell his program directly to the American people. ─── 奥巴马应该利用他雄辩的技能以及对新兴媒体的控制与美国民众亲密接触。

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