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09-04 投稿



Cracow 中文意思翻译



Cracow 短语词组

1、cracow ww2 ─── 克拉科夫二战

2、cracow gate ─── 克拉科夫门

3、cracow cur ─── 添加对话框

4、cracow 1939 ─── 克拉科夫1939

5、Cracow Insurrection Cracow ─── 叛乱

Cracow 相似词语短语

1、crakow ─── 克拉科夫

2、cracowes ─── 克拉科夫

3、Cracow ─── n.克拉科夫

4、crack ─── v.使破裂;将(谷物)粗磨;砸开(保险箱);成功获得;(可听到响声的)重击;(使)发出爆裂声;(突然)变嘶哑;使屈服;(非正式)吃不消;(非正式)突然大笑;(非正式)找到解决方法;阻止;开瓶;说(笑话);使(碳氢化合物)裂化;n.裂缝;裂纹;缝隙;爆裂声;(可听到响声的)重击;尝试;强效可卡因;(挖苦人的)玩笑;好时光;(观点或制度中的)缺陷;声变;adj.训练有素的,技艺高明的,最好的;n.(Crack)(英、加、美)克拉克克(人名)

5、cracks ─── n.[高分子]裂缝,裂纹;龟裂(crack的复数形式);板间间隙;v.使破裂;砰地一声打开(crack的三单形式)

6、Dracon ─── n.德拉古(等于Dracon,公元前7世纪晚期雅典政治家、立法者,以其制订的法律严酷著称)

7、cracowe ─── 克拉科夫

8、cracka ─── 裂纹

9、crackdown ─── n.镇压;(美)制裁;强制取缔;惩罚

Cracow 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A man who could not marry off his ugly daughter visited Rabbi Shimmel of Cracow. ─── 有个人嫁不出自己丑陋的女儿,去拜见克拉科夫的希梅尔拉比。

2、A third question is whether Mr Kaczynski deserved burial at the Wawel Cathedral in Cracow. ─── 第三个问题是,卡廷·斯基是否应该安葬在克拉科夫的瓦维尔大教堂。

3、One of the most powerful scenes, for example, is the mass arrest of the professors of Cracow University by the Germans. ─── 比如说,德军对克拉科大学教授的集中搜捕场景,是影片最具冲击力的场景之一。

4、Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, ul.Reymonta 4, 30-059 Cracow, Poland ─── 华南理工大学轻化工研究所,广东,广州,510640;华南理工大学分析测试中心,广东,广州,510640

5、Transavia will fly Dutch families from Amsterdam to Montpellier; Meridiana will fly Polish workers from Cracow to Turin. ─── Transavia将把阿姆斯特丹的荷兰家庭飞送到蒙彼利埃旅行;Meridiana将把波兰克拉科夫的工人飞送往都灵。

6、14. Eric wants to go to Cracow by train. ─── 艾里克想坐火车去克拉科。

7、Cracow Insurrection ─── 克拉科夫起义(1846)

8、Confucius Institutes have got off to a roaring start.The first was established in Tashkent in Uzbekistan in June 2004, the 75th in Cracow in Poland exactly two years later. ─── 从2004年7月第一个孔子研究会在乌兹别克的塔什干成立,到两年后第75个孔子研究会在波兰的克拉科成立,孔子研究会迎来了开门红。

9、Until 1944.Then you were moved to|a smaller camp near Cracow? ─── |直到1944年|你被调到了克拉科夫附近的较小的营区?

10、The Germania Regiment was assigned to support the Fourteenth Army in the south and was involved in several clashes with the Polish Cracow and Carpathian Armies. ─── "日尔曼尼亚"团跟随第14集团军在南方作战,和波兰的克拉科夫和卡尔巴阡山集团军。

11、Between 1970 and 1986, 252 women under 36 years of age with cervical carcinoma were treated in the Center of Oncology in Cracow. ─── 1970年和1986年之间,252名妇女根据36年的年龄与子宫颈癌患者为中心的肿瘤在克拉科夫。

12、Meridiana will fly Polish workers from Cracow to Turin. ─── Meridiana将把波兰克拉科夫的工人飞送往都灵。

13、ancient transalpine Gaul was an area northwest of the Alps and included modern France and Belgium; Cracow was a transalpine university ─── 古代阿尔卑斯山北边的高卢是阿尔卑斯山西北的一个区域,包括现代的法国和比利时;克拉科夫是山那边的大学

14、Top Chinese legislator Wu Bangguo left Cracow on Saturday evening after winding up an official goodwill visit to Egypt, Hungary and Poland. ─── 在结束了对埃及、匈牙利和波兰的正式友好访问后,全国人大委员长吴邦国在星期六傍晚离开克拉科。

15、On the wall is Mona's picture: she is facing northeast on a line with Cracow written in green ink. ─── 墙上挂着莫娜的像,她面朝东北方,与她的视线平行的是用绿墨水写的克拉科夫,她左边是多尔多涅河,这个词是用红铅笔圈起来的。

16、In the south, the Germania Regiment was to support VIII Corps' attack on Cracow and Lemberg in the far south of Poland. ─── 在南方,“日耳曼尼亚”团支援第8军攻占波兰南方的克拉科夫和伦贝格。

17、The workers threatened to spoil the party in Gdansk, so Mr Tusk moved it to Poland's southern university city, Cracow. ─── 而这些工人则威胁会破坏在格但斯克举行的聚会,因此图斯克将聚会地点改在了波兰南部的大学城克拉科夫。

18、ancient transalpine Gaul was an area northwest of the Alps and included modern France and Belgium; Cracow was a transalpine university. ─── 古代阿尔卑斯山北边的高卢是阿尔卑斯山西北的一个区域,包括现代的法国和比利时;克拉科夫是山那边的大学。

19、A new book based on secret-police records in Cracow claims 30 clergy and four bishops collaborated;some of those named deny it. ─── 基于克拉克市秘密警察档案的一本新书中宣称曾有30名神职人员和4名主教也存在类似行为,但其中一些人矢口否认。

20、Founded in the 13th century, it replaced Cracow as Poland's capital in 1596. ─── 建于13世纪,1596年该城取代克拉科夫而成为波兰首都。

21、The first was established in Tashkent in Uzbekistan in June 2004, the 75th in Cracow in Poland exactly two years later. ─── 第一家学院于2004年6月在乌兹别克斯坦的塔什干成立,而第75家成立于整整两年之后波兰的克拉科。

22、Meridiana will fly Polish workers from Cracow to Turin. ─── Meridiana将把波兰克拉科夫的工人飞送往都灵。

23、They have their cultural festivals (Last Night of the Proms in Cracow is already a major annual event). ─── 他们拥有自己的文化节日(在克拉科举行的“终场之夜音乐会”已经成为了一个重要的年度大事)。

24、Chartered Cities: Krakow (Cracow), Lodz, Poznan, Warsaw, Wroclaw. ─── 直辖市:克拉科夫、罗兹、波兹南、华沙、弗罗茨瓦夫。

25、Only 3% of the people in Cracow, Poland, intend to get the swine flu jab. ─── 只有3%在克拉科夫的波兰人企图要猪流感刺戳。

26、They have their cultural festivals (Last Night of the Proms in Cracow is already a major annual event). ─── 他们拥有自己的文化节日(在克拉科举行的“终场之夜音乐会”已经成为了一个重要的年度大事)。

27、The workers threatened to spoil the party in Gdansk, so Mr Tusk moved it to Poland's southern university city, Cracow. ─── 而这些工人则威胁会破坏在格但斯克举行的聚会,因此图斯克将聚会地点改在了波兰南部的大学城克拉科夫。

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