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09-04 投稿


calculative 发音

英:[?k?lkj?l?t?v]  美:[?k?lkj?l?t?v]

英:  美:

calculative 中文意思翻译



calculative 短语词组

1、calculative errors ─── 计算误差

2、calculative method ─── 计算方法

3、calculative skill ─── 计算技能

4、calculative field ─── 计算域

5、calculative cost ─── 计算成本

6、calculative def ─── 计算定义

7、calculative noun ─── 计算名词

8、calculative define ─── 计算定义

9、calculative risks ─── 计算风险

10、calculative agency ─── 计算机构

11、calculative strategy ─── 计算策略

calculative 相似词语短语

1、calculating ─── adj.计算的;深谋远虑的;审慎的;v.计算(calculate的ing形式)

2、calculate ─── vi.计算;以为;作打算;vt.计算;预测;认为;打算

3、calculation ─── n.计算;估计;计算的结果;深思熟虑

4、allative ─── n.向格;adj.向格的

5、emasculative ─── adj.阉割的;使…无力的

6、circulative ─── adj.循环性的;促进循环的;(货币、报刊等)具有流通性的

7、calculations ─── n.[数]计算,运算(calculation的复数形式);计算器

8、calculable ─── adj.可计算的;能预测的;可靠的

9、calculated ─── adj.计算出的;适合的;有计划的;v.计算;估计;打算(calculate的过去式和过去分词)

calculative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The thesis defines the agricultural land used tax, and confirms the taxpayer, foundation of calculative tax and method of calculative tax. ─── 并对农地使用税进行了定义,确定了农地使用税的纳税义务人、计税依据和计税方法。

2、Calculative Method for Optimum Daggle Interval in Marine Magnetic Survey ─── 海洋磁力测量中确定最佳拖曳距离的一种方法

3、Fitting of the typical yearly Meteorological Data and Application in calculative Building Load ─── 全年典型年气象数据的拟合及其建筑负荷分析中的应用

4、A Calculative Method of Aggregate Claim Amounts for Two Heterogeneous Policies Portfolios ─── 两类非同质保单组合赔付额的计算方法

5、As compared with Logit method,a calculative result of ABC method for standard curve approached to true value and its standard deviation was small. There was no significant difference, r=0.99032 between data obtained from each method. ─── 与目前普遍应用的Logit法比较,ABC法计算的结果更接近真值,标准差小,两种方法计算结果无显著差异,r=0.990 32。

6、PR calculative is suppose when the user became irritated, do not click the link on the webpage, however the another webpage that random turns to the net. ─── PR计算的一个假设是当用户烦了的时候,并不点击网页上的链接,而是随机的转到网上的另外一个网页。

7、This article introduces the basic principle, instrument, analysis and calculative method on how to take count of bacteria by fluorescence microscope. ─── 介绍了细菌荧光显微镜直接计数法的基本原理、仪器设备、分析和计算方法,并对水样过滤操作方法作了一些改进。

8、A Calculative Method of Element Abundances in the Envelope of AGB Stars ─── 一种AGB星外包层元素丰度的计算方法

9、Calculative methods for the complicated draw-hole sizes in the design of dies ─── 冷冲模设计中的复杂抽孔尺寸的计算方法

10、how to buy national debt ? program ? interest rate how how much is calculative. ─── 如何购买国债?程序?利率如何计算的是多少?

11、Yamaxun discovers next, can bale these disengaged resource many clients that sell oneself, this formed cloud calculative rudiment. ─── 亚马逊接下来发现,可以把这些空闲的资源打包卖给自己的不少客户,这便形成了云计算的雏形。

12、Double reparations stipulated in theConsumer Protection Law are distinct from punitive damages in the Anglo-AmericaLegal System in both functions and calculative methods. ─── 同时指出由于双倍赔偿在功能与计算方法上均不同于英美法系中的惩罚性赔偿,因此它只是一种带有惩罚性质的赔偿。

13、Study on calculative theory of settlement of composite ground reinforced by deep-mixing pile group ─── 深层搅拌桩复合地基沉降计算理论研究

14、Say on traditional sense, gu Ge already establish cloud calculative is banner position. ─── 传统意义上说,谷歌已经确立了云计算的领先地位。

15、So such, both shape consistent with boundary element geometrical shape, and simulate crack tip close-by variety law of stress and strain with higher precision, and enhancing calculative efficiency. ─── 如此,既能与边界单元几何形状基本拟合,又能高精度地模拟裂纹尖端附近位移和应力变化规律,并提高计算效率。

16、A modified calculative formula for the thermal pressure is proposed and the equation of state(EOS) is obtained accordingly for gold. ─── 提出了一个热压强的计算公式,从而获得金的状态方程。

17、After colliding this, the reporter is experienced, at present the user is boundless to high-powered calculative demand, have how old amount, user can bear. ─── 在这次碰撞之后,记者体会到,目前用户对高性能计算的需求是无界限的,有多大的量,用户都能消受。

18、In addition, all do not get the minimum wage standard that sets under this city by base of pay of vacation of above principle calculative. ─── 此外,按以上原则计算的假期工资基数均不得低于本市规定的最低工资标准。

19、Our price is calculative exactitude ,and we will make no cheap. ─── 我们的价格是经过精密计算的,无让步(减价)余地。

20、By using this method, the calculative accuracy can meet the requirement of engineering. ─── 方法简单、可靠,在精度上能满足工程要求。

21、Furthermore, by using tringle crossplot method and Kukeer method, geologic parameters are calcul... ─── 根据定性、定量评价气层的方法编制了数字处理软件。

22、Williamson's trust is divided into three types: Calculative Trust,Self Trust and Institutional Trust,among which Calculative Trust is the most important one in organization. ─── 威廉姆森将信任区分为三种类型:算计性信任、个人信任、制度信任。

23、England, the most calculative is the least meditative , of all civilized countries. ─── 在所有文明国家里,英国是最会精打细算的而最不会沉思的。

24、He guided a group to found be based on cloud calculative platform of technology of fictitious world whole world and commerce run mode. ─── 他带领团队创建了基于云计算的虚拟地球全球技术平台及商业运作模式。

25、Impact Force Calculative Investigation of Contact Impact Between Elastic Bar and Structure ─── 弹性杆与结构接触冲击的冲击力计算研究

26、Be a hero, don't be so calculative. ─── 拿出大侠风,别计较嘛!!

27、The problem of divergence produced by using line-model to calcul ate the tension and coefficient of self-inductance of a circular current loop is discussed. ─── 分析讨论了一些文献在计算载流圆环处于自身磁场受的张力和自感系数时使用线电流模型的不当所带来的发散问题.

28、The Dynamic Demo of CRC Calculative Process ─── CRC码计算过程的动态演示

29、At first in this report ,we retrospecting of all kinds of calculative methods.We analysed these methods,and mentioned their advantage and disadvantage . ─── 本文首先回顾了以往各种对负摩阻力的计算方法,对它们进行了对比分析,并提出了其优缺点。

30、Introduces memeasure of laying branch line repeatly,calculative and procedures in TISCO Ekou peiiet construction. ─── 介绍了太钢峨口铁矿球团工程施工中复测支导线的布控、计算方法和步骤。



33、Because of cloud calculative technology I do not feel it is very new, very abstruse thing, instead I more feel it is a concept. ─── 因为云计算的技术我不觉得它是一个很新,很深奥的东西,反而我更觉得它是一个理念。

34、Study of calculative method for metal reserve in anomalous block ─── 异常块体中金属资源量的计算方法初探

35、Influence of aging on short-term memory, high-speed calculative skill and dual task performances in fighter pilots ─── 年龄因素对飞行员短时记忆、速算和双重作业能力的影响

36、Calculative Method for Length of Skewed Culvert Based on Standard Cross Section of Culvert Inlet and Outlet ─── 基于洞口标准横断面的斜交涵洞长度计算方法

37、On-line pipeline air flux measurement system based on the calculative model for water vapour content in the air ─── 基于湿含量计算模型的管道空气流量在线微机测量系统

38、Based on the above and conbination with a practical example, this paper presents a calculative method for flanging force. ─── 在此基础上,结合实际算例,提出一种翻边力的计算方法。

39、A calculative model for one type of planetary gear increaser used in wind power generator is set up and the analysis of the static load sharing mechanism is given. ─── 建立风力发电机增速行星齿轮传动系统的计算模型,从静力学角度出发分析系统的均载特性。

40、Calculative method of mechanical admittance curve and its preliminary ap plication for multi-defective piles in layered soil ─── 层状土中多缺陷桩的导纳曲线计算及初步应用

41、Screw of the electrical wiring that uses up in construction, metal fittings, cement, Huang Sha make clear calculative material hard. ─── 施工中所消耗的电线、小五金螺丝、水泥、黄砂等难以明确计算的材料。

42、Screw of the electrical wiring that uses up in construction, metal fittings, cement, Huang Sha make clear calculative material hard. ─── 施工中所消耗的电线、小五金螺丝、水泥、黄砂等难以明确计算的材料。

43、The calculative formulas of the deviant angle for the TDI-CCD camera and the velocity of the targe... ─── 导出了星下点、方位偏移和俯仰偏移成像时相机偏流角,以及目标像移速度的解析计算公式,并对偏流角补偿进行了讨论。

44、Finally, a large number of GPS kinematic navigation calculative experiments were given to prove the validities and stabilities of this method. ─── 大量的GPS动态导航定位试验验证了本文方法的有效性和稳定性。

45、Retrospecting of all kinds of calculative methods, this paper has analyzed the advantage and disadvantage of determining the negative friction and the neutral point. ─── 本文首先回顾了确定负摩阻力和中性点的各种方法,对其优缺点进行了阐述。

46、Calculative Method for Ecosystem Services Values of Urban Constructive Lands and Its Application ─── 城市建设用地生态服务功能价值计算与应用

47、Although there is a certain deviation in the calculative value of the formula, it can be applied to practice through further amendment with a great number of experiments. ─── 公式计算值与试验结果仍存在一定偏差,通过大量试验进一步修正后,可应用于实际生产。

48、For T-S fuzzy model's system modeling,the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm commonly used has the shortages of more iterative times and calculative time. ─── 在T-S模糊模型的建模中,目前常用的模糊C均值聚类算法存在迭代次数多,计算耗时的缺点。

49、It has Important significance for reducing period of designing and machining gear, and assuring that calculative result is credible. ─── 对于缩短齿轮设计及制造周期,保证计算结果的可靠性,具有重要意义。

50、Doney and Cannon proposed five types of trust-building processes in their research, namely, Calculative, Prediction, Capability, Intentionality and Transference Processes. ─── Doney和Cannon在研究中提出五种不同的信任建立过程,即:计算过程(Calculative),预测过程(Prediction),能力过程(Capability),意图过程(Intentionality)以及转移过程(Transference)。

51、Keywords Urinary calcul;Lithotripsy;Laser; ─── 尿路结石;碎石术;激光;


53、Calculative Simulation of the Expansion Process of Blow Moulding ─── 吹塑成型中膨胀过程的计算模拟

54、Abstract: A modified calculative formula for the thermal pressure is proposed and the equation of state (EOS) is obtained accordingly for gold. ─── 文章摘要: 提出了一个热压强的计算公式,从而获得金的状态方程。

55、Biology is my weak division, to involving heredity and calculative subject I my this what does with respect to get stuck? ─── 生物是我的弱科,对涉及到遗传和计算的题目我就卡壳我该什么办?

56、The effective rate of antituberculous therapy was calcul ated by the reduction or disappearance of the spherical lesion shadows on X-ray chest films. ─── 抗痨治疗有效率是以X线胸片上球形病灶影的缩小或消失计算的。

57、Exploration for Maintenance Staff and Calculative Standard for Mechanical Equipment in Designing Urban Track Transit ─── 城市轨道交通设计中工务维修定员及机具配备计算标准的探讨

58、It is more guidable to implement the calculative comparison of resistance drop before designing a... ─── 在设计选用滤网材料时先进行阻力降的计算比较,对于选用滤网有着重要的指导意义。

59、A numerical calculative method of computing aerodynamic characteristics for sideslipping thin wings of arbitrary planform with dihedral in subsonic flow is presented in this paper. ─── 本文利用变换坐标的方法,把处理来流平行于机翼对称面的涡格法推广到有侧滑的情况去.文中计算了亚音速流中侧滑薄翼的气动特性。

60、Mercury in Gemini makes people born under Taurus sun sign highly calculative in case of money matters. ─── 水星进入双双使得太阳牛牛将高度重视钱钱的问题。

61、So-called pure insurance cost, be with life watch mortality statistic is a foundation and calculative, the average share that i.e. death compensates for is worth. ─── 所谓纯保费,是以生命表死亡率统计为基础而计算的,亦即死亡赔偿的平均分摊值。

62、This paper concludes general calculative regularity of readings of two-wattmeter method using the impedance angle of balanced load. ─── 本文归纳出利用对称负载的阻抗角,计算二瓦特计法表读数的一般规律。

63、I will not be calculative with senseless fellow as I don't care about them at all! ─── 总会有人不喜欢你的着装,因为人们的品味各不相同。”

64、military personnel; dynamic monitoring; calculative ability; memory short????term ─── 军事人员;动态监测;计算能力;记忆短时

65、The static temperature field distribution of flanged joints was simulated by 3-D FEA,the results show that the calculative values accord well with data of the measurement. ─── 利用3-D有限元法模拟了法兰接头的稳态温度场分布,结果表明计算值与实测数据吻合较好。

66、He thinks, relative to center of Yu Zijian data, cloud calculative rents means to have better sexual value to compare, this will make more final user attention and pattern of use cloud computation. ─── 他认为,相对于自建数据中心,云计算的租赁方式具有更好的性价比,这将促使更多的最终用户关注和使用云计算模式。

67、A few forecast the macroscopical method of share price, can forecast a few general price to wait, but specific be affected to the price of each hour by accidental element bigger, it is to do not have method calculative. ─── 有一些猜测股价的宏观方法,可以猜测一些大体价位等,但是具体到各个时刻的价格受到偶然因素影响更大,是没有办法计算的。

68、Three calculative methods to determine sea ice drag coefficients, i.e.eddy correlation method, profile method and momentum method, were discussed,and their application conditions were analyzed respectively. ─── 归纳了计算海冰拖曳系数的涡动法、剖面法和动量法,并利用动量法对低密集度平整海冰的拖曳系数进行了初步计算。

69、It is provided with low-power, high precision, mightiness calculative function, simple operation, portable and less infection versus product work, etc. ─── 与同类产品相比较,具有功耗低,精度高,计算功能强大,操作简单,携带方便和对生产工作影响小等特点。

70、informational and calculative scienc ─── 信息与计算科学

71、This paper introduces the test results and calculative method by using the composite foundation of sand-stone pile and concrete pile with low strength. ─── 本文通过试验与工程实践,介绍采用碎(砂)石桩及低强度混凝土桩组合构成复合地基的试验成果、计算方法及应用检测成果。

72、The Research of the Calculative Method of Filter Function in Image Reconstruction of SPECT ─── 探讨SPECT断层图象重建的滤波函数推算方法

73、Our price which is through exactly calculative is not being cut down more. ─── 我们的价格是经过精密计算的,无让步(减价)余地。

74、Furthermore, an analysis of simplifying the solution regeneration system"s mathematical model which had inner heat reservoir was done.The calculative result was reached. ─── 另外,本文对带有内热源的溶液再生系统进行了简化代数模型分析,给出了计算结果。

75、plan calcul ─── 平面计算

76、From this angle character, final user just is cloud calculative true owner. ─── 从这个角度而言,最终用户才是云计算的真正拥有者。

77、At last, workouting a suit of software used in the academic calculative method of the parameter of the transmission line using VC++ 6.0 programming language. ─── 最后,应用VC++6.0高级程序设计语言编制了一套基于以上理论的架空输电线路工频参数理论计算软件。

78、Stresses, deformations and modalities of the resilient wheelset are analyzed.The calculative results are compared with those of the rigid wheelset. ─── 对弹性轮对进行了应力、变形和模态计算分析,并与刚性轮对的结果相比较。

79、Discussions on the calculative methods on the power output of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station during construction period ─── 三峡水电站施工期发电量计算方法探讨

80、Namely people is before the alternative that makes short-term conduct, often was to pass careful calculative. ─── 即人们在做出短期行为的选择之前,往往是经过了仔细的计算的。

81、Empirical study of consumers'brand trust building based on calculative mechanism ─── 基于计算机制建立品牌信任的实证研究

82、As a cloud calculative practitioners, cloud calculative system users, I'd like to share with you the true feelings using cloud calculative. ─── 作为一个云计算的实践者,云计算系统的应用者,我非常愿意和大家分享使用云计算的真切感受。

83、A modified calculative formula for the thermal pressure is proposed and the equation of state(EOS) is obtained accordingly for gold. ─── 摘要提出了一个热压强的计算公式,从而获得金的状态方程。

84、This article simply introduces the calculative method based on the application in the city-highway tunnel. ─── 文章结合它在某城市公路隧道中的应用,介绍了其计算方法。

85、This article mainly probe into mathematical model and computational algorithms and computer programs and calculative example was given. ─── 文中探讨了数学模型的建立、算法确定、计算机程序的编制。并结合工程实际给出了计算实例。

86、A bit-error rate calculative method of the laser communication system transmitting in the fog ─── 激光通信系统在雾中传输的误码率计算方法

87、Optimal selection of the body volume calculative model in male college students ─── 大学男生身体体积计算模型的优选

88、Calculative program of optimized design is programed. ─── 编制了优化设计的计算程序。

89、Of length of core of calculative of efflux of weak opening nozzle and high accuracy measuring an outcome is consistent. ─── 单孔喷嘴射流计算的核心长度和高精度的测量结果是一致的。

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