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09-04 投稿



dubbing 发音

英:[?d?b??]  美:[?d?b??]

英:  美:

dubbing 中文意思翻译




dubbing 网络释义

n. 配音;译制;皮革保护油;爵士的授予v. 配音;译制;给皮革加脂或上油;双人乘骑;授予爵士封号(dub的ing形式)

dubbing 短语词组

1、dubbing contest ─── 配音比赛

2、dubbing actors ─── 配音演员

3、dubbing material ─── 配音材料

4、dubbing speed ─── 配音速度

5、dubbing sound effect ─── 配音音效

6、dubbing needle ─── 配音针

7、dubbing spring cloud ─── 配音春季云

8、dubbing works ─── 配音作品

9、dubbing actor ─── 配音演员

10、dubbing operation ─── 配音操作

11、dubbing machine ─── 配音机

12、dubbing show ─── 配音节目

13、dubbing wizard ─── 配音向导

14、dubbing shows ─── 配音节目

15、dubbing group ─── 配音组

16、dubbing speaker ─── 配音扬声器

17、high speed dubbing ─── 高速配音

18、dubbing games ─── 配音游戏

19、fun dubbing ─── 有趣的配音

dubbing 词性/词形变化,dubbing变形

异体字: dubbing |

dubbing 相似词语短语

1、dobbing ─── vt.向…捐钱;将责任强加给(dob的变形)

2、dubbin ─── n.防水油;皮革保护油

3、dabbing ─── v.轻拍,轻擦;轻拭,轻搽;瞄准,轻击(dab的过去式和过去分词)

4、drubbing ─── n.痛打;体育比赛中轻易取胜;彻底击败

5、fubbing ─── fubbing公司

6、gubbing ─── gubbing公司

7、cubbing ─── n.幼狐之猎取;v.猎幼狐(cub的ing形式)

8、dumbing ─── adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的

9、dibbing ─── v.(把钓饵轻轻放在水中沉浮弹跳着)垂钓(等于dap);n.(Dib)(美、法、巴)迪卜(人名)

dubbing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Another member is the implementation of the role of dubbing. ─── 另一位成员主要是执行配音的角色。

2、With the good luck of the central television station 52 of similar, also dub of! I am a company especially general manager, thanks! ─── 与中央电视台的幸运52的一样,还有配音的哦!我是奥特公司总经理,谢谢!

3、Contact us and we will finish within two working days after having received the advance payment, network dubbing, convenient and fast, digital MooWo, dubbing brand name. ─── 与我们联系,在收到预付款后两个工作日之内完成。网络配音,方便快捷,数字木屋,配音品牌

4、For your video and film production dubbing voice. ─── 为你的视频和影片制作配音语音。

5、However, in order to avoid misunderstanding, or to be more than one mouth, I do not think the film dubbing is well deserved. ─── 但是为避免误解,还是必须要多一嘴,我仍然不认为给电影配音是理所应当的。

6、Joined filmdom since 1993,has been an artist,dub artist,singer,teach singing and fashion designer. ─── 一九九三年加入电影圈,当过演员、配音员、歌手、歌唱导师及时装设计师。

7、Use your finger tips around the eyes and nose. Dub delicately. ─── 在眼和鼻的部位,用指尖轻揉涂抹。

8、Dubbing monitoring and failure diagnosis in TBM construction ─── TBM施工中的油液监测与故障诊断

9、They taped the show off t.v and are basically dubbing it on to cheap blank videos and selling them to you as the real thing. ─── 他们从电视节目上录下来,基本上录制到便宜的空录像带上,并作为真的版本卖给你们。

10、“I wish I'd knocked the dub over the first crack,” he said. ─── “我当时是该一下就把那个家伙打倒的,”他说。

11、We have recreated the voices of a lot of famous people that were very close to the real thing and have been used in film dubbing (7). ─── 我们已经重现许多名人的声音,而且这些声音与真人的声音相差无几,这项技术已经运用到电影配音中。

12、The Key and Analyzing of DUB by Traditional and Western Medicine ─── 功能失调性子宫出血中西医结合研究的关键与剖析

13、dysfunctional uterine bleeding( DUB ) ─── 功能失调性子宫出血

14、The act of dubbing. ─── 刺或击的行为

15、40 Note:Number of film and television programs exclude film dubbing program. ─── 39注:影视剧类节目不包括译制节目。

16、"Our generation grew up watching Japanese cartoon shows and our fascination with dubbing springs from these programs," she says. ─── 她谈到:“我们这一代是看日本动画长大的,那时的配音鼎盛时期令我们着魔。”

17、Though many of these films contain poor story lines and bad dubbing or scripting, there are many out there that shine above the rest. ─── 尽管这些电影故事简单、配音糟糕、剧本差劲,但还是有其他很多闪光点的。以下是我最喜欢的香港电影,排名不分先后。

18、Shanghai Film Dubbing Studio ─── 上海电影译制厂

19、Written translation: construction project, Technical manual, economy and trade, laws and regulations, notarial information, dub document, publish and localization service. ─── 口译服务:普通口译设备安装技术交流商务谈判音像翻译新闻发布同声传译会议和培训。

20、Three people dub together, when recording work the laughingstock is full, lets the tacit understanding full three people in play happily ultra in the sound recording! ─── 三人一起配音,录音工作时笑料百出,让默契十足的三人在录音间里玩得超开心!

21、Another night Dub and Joe fought Spize and made him forego the punishment they deserved. ─── 在巴克的庇护下,一天晚上派克抢吃了他半条鱼;

22、The ”DUB” is the sound of the aortic and tricuspid valves closing. ─── “DUB”声就是肺动脉瓣和主动脉瓣关闭时发出的声音。

23、"That's why we don't indulge in nostalgia for the golden era of dubbing, which is long gone. ─── “这就是为何我们不去沈迷留恋那个已经逝去的配音黄金年代。

24、Their ability to grab goals on the break, even if Arsenal had been under pressure, led some observers to dub them lucky. ─── 在阿森纳场上被动的情况下,他们在反击中获得进球的能力让一些评论员认为阿森纳只是走运。

25、"The plan is to target a world market. So the program will be created in an easy format to dub or narrate into foreign languages," Sanrio spokesman Kazuo Tohmatsu said. ─── 三丽鸥的一位发言人说:“这部动画片针对的是全球市场,因此动画片的形式将力求简单以便对白能配置和翻译成多种语言。”

26、”Moreover, Li Xiaolong's dubbing is dispute another focal point. ─── 另外,李小龙的配音是争议的另一个焦点。

27、Development of the Internet brings about lots of conveniences for the dubbing industry. ─── 互联网的发展,给配音业带来了方便。

28、As a sub-field of translation studies, audiovisual translation includes subtitling and dubbing, which distinguishes audiovisual translation from other types of translation. ─── 作为翻译研究的一个分支,影视翻译区别与其他翻译的最大不同在于它包括了对字幕翻译和配音翻译的研究。

29、He entered into the dubbing room. ─── 他进入了配音间。

30、Wall Street chroniclers one day could look back at the early 21st century and easily dub it the Era of the Hedge Fund. ─── 当某一天华尔街编年史的作者能够回顾21世纪初期的那几年,他们会毫不犹豫的称之为对冲基金时代。

31、My dream is to be a dubbing. ─── 我的梦想是当一名配音员。

32、At the appointed time, actor millet place's actor Zhang Hanyu will present Dalian, carries on a section of other style to dub in music recites. ─── 届时,男主角谷子地的扮演者张涵予将亮相大连,进行一段别具风格的配乐朗诵。

33、But ABC News has issued a press release, dubbing its segment "Fallen Idol." ─── 但是ABC已经为配音“过气偶像”召开了发布会,

34、When just beginning experienced all the more, drilled the waist aches, what method lets it ache get dub? ─── 刚开始练愈加的时候练了腰疼,有什么办法让它疼得轻点么?


36、Acoustic Design of Dubbing Room With Small Floor Space ─── 小面积配音间的声学设计

37、Part VI or the general good, I still can not accept the Chinese dubbing. ─── 总体第六部仍是不错地,本人对中文配音仍然不克不及承受。

38、1. Translating films for dubbing and subtitling requires special skills distinct from those outside the field. ─── 为电影作配音和字幕翻译,需要特定的专业技能。

39、dub for the heroine in the film ─── 为影片中女主角配音

40、Original English and optional Spanish dub ─── 原始英文和西班牙选项

41、Yes I know, dubbing is horrible, but you get used to it after a while. ─── 是的,我知道,配音的东西会让人有厌烦感,但时间一长你就习惯了。

42、Dubbing themselves Destiny's Child,the fledgling11 quartet began studying voice and performing at civic events in the local area. ─── 于是自命名为"命运之子"的这支初出茅庐的四人乐队即开始学习唱法,并在当地的一些市民活动中演出。

43、Few benefits, though, have ever flowed back to the "kelpers"--as Falklanders dub themselves because of the islands' dense beds of seaweed. ─── 不过,“海藻人”(由于该岛水域中海藻丛生,福克兰岛民便给自己取了这么个绰号)却获益不多。

44、"You have to realize that dubbing is not an independent art, it is subordinate to movie and TV shows. ─── “你要意识到配音并非一门独立的艺术,它是电影电视的佐料。

45、China.Jiang liang produced DUB music as a independent producer and received highly praise from experts in the circle. ─── 2004年:中国.蒋亮以制作人独立地制作DUB音乐,受到业内专家的高度评价。

46、Dub over existing tracks to create multi-track recordings. ─── 在现有音轨上配音,以生成多音轨的录音。

47、Warner Brothers has given TG4 permission to dub the second movie in the series as "Harry Potter agus an Seomra Runda". [more... ─── 华纳兄弟公司已经授权TG4将系列影片的第二部命.

48、Specialty / Hobby : Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Film Writing, Dubbing ─── 专长/嗜好:篮球,足球,游泳,电影写作,配音

49、He asks the innkeeper, whom he takes to be the lord of the castle, to dub him knight. ─── 当有朝一日,我们走完人生道路时,也能无悔并且自豪的说:“我没有虚度年华”。

50、dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) ─── 功能性子宫出血

51、Keywords Uterine Thermal Balloon Therapy;Dysfunctional uterine bleeding(DUB); ─── 子宫热球仪;围绝经期;功能失调性子宫出血;

52、Text description of the film used in place of dialogue, a decrease of the trouble of dubbing, the whole film itself is quite satisfactory. ─── 片子使用了文字描述代替对话,减少了配音的麻烦,总的来说片子自己还是比较满意的。

53、Was Shanghai Education Television (dubbing) in the pool. ─── 并被上海教育电视台(配音)列入人才储备库。

54、They are by definition pronouncements by individuals who don’t yet know what they are talking about.Or, we might more charitably dub them expressions of hope unchastened by the rod of experience. ─── 但是,当我在考虑今天意味着什麽的时候,这样的罗列似乎过于束缚人,它们限制了而不是去放飞我们最富挑战性的想象力,限制了我们去思考我们最深远的责任和义务。

55、China bankrolled shrubby dub bush's welfare for the rich programs as well as the Iraq war. ─── 中国译制卡里莱斯灌木布什的福利以及丰富的节目,伊拉克战争。

56、Postproduction includes editing, special effects, dubbing, titling and many other video and audio techniques. ─── 它包括编辑、特技、复制、配音、加字幕和其它许多视频和音频技术。

57、A new canal is being dub in that province. ─── 一条新的运河正在该省开凿。

58、Joined filmdom since 1993,has been an artist,dub artist,singer and teach singing. ─── 一九九三年加入电影圈,当过演员、配音员、歌手及歌唱导师。

59、*Excellent visual presentation with dozens of character animations, fully destructible environments and voice dubbing! ─── *优秀的视觉效果与几十个字符动画,完全破坏环境和语音配音!

60、Note: The price includes all the costs for voice translating, dubbing, copying, as well as a copy of cassette. ─── 备注:价格包括:语音翻译、配音、复制一盒录像带等。

61、Adult dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) ─── 功能失调性子宫出血(DUB)

62、dub in strings behind the vocal. ─── 在人声后配入弦乐

63、By the power vested in me by my father, King Edward, and by all the witnesses here, I dub thee Sir William. ─── 借助我父亲爱德华陛下赐予我之权力,在这里所有的见证人面前,我授予你为威廉爵士。

64、Never me !So I dub the unforgiven ! ─── 不过我自我感觉吸烟很好。

65、After watching a Chinese dubbing one, if I think it's tasty and worth of watching again, I would watch the English version, one time, even if many times. ─── 当我看过一遍中文配音的电影之后,如果我觉得这部电影好,值得一看,那么我会再看英文版的,有时是一遍,有时是几遍。

66、The steward of the dub lost hid temper and pitched the man out. ─── 俱乐部的负责人发怒了,他把那个球员除名了。

67、Russian dub, embeded Chinese and English subtitle ─── 俄语,内嵌中英字幕

68、She has been compelled to dub up out of her own pocket. ─── 她被迫自己掏腰包付了账。

69、Robert Gates worked his way up from the CIA's ground floor to the top job.He has served under six previous presidents, dubbing himself the “ultimate insider” in his memoirs. ─── 他从中央情报局职员一路走到局长,在六位前总统手下做过事,他在文章中戏称自己为“终身会员”。

70、Stars like Shaquille O'Neal and their rides frequently grace DUB's pages, bringing the car culture into the limelight and popularizing the look. ─── 大鲨鱼奥尼尔这样的巨星和他们的座驾都是经常出现在杂志中的常客,不仅令整个汽车文化都成为世人瞩目的焦点,也令杂志中推介的内容成为潮流时尚。

71、In the process of finding new example,people dub all wonderful labels to civilized science enterpriser and the overseas returnees who are named as knowledge elite. ─── 在寻求新榜样的努力中,人们将所有美好的标签都贴到了民营科技企业家、以及被冠以“知识精英”之名的海归派身上。

72、The next time he brings his noisy friends to the dub we'll have them put out. ─── 倘若他再把那些吵吵闹闹的朋友带到俱乐部来,我就叫人把他们撵走。

73、In addition, from the reactivity of DUB and urushiol,it was inferred that boron atom in DUB possessed catalytic effect due to it's empty electronic orbit. ─── 其分子中的硼原子对该游离基聚合反应具有催化作用。

74、The British tabloid Mirror was also enthusiastic about Obama's populist high street style, dubbing her the "First Lady of fashion. " ─── 据英国小报《镜报》也对奥巴马夫人的平民着装风格大感兴趣,授予她“时尚界第一夫人”的称号。

75、Dubbing director of the Qin Hailu very satisfied with the results of the voice, that her voice than the original but also a vivid color. ─── 中英文对照:译制导演对秦海璐的配音效果非常满意,认为她的配音比原版还要生动出彩。

76、Piece to the strong hope, EO dub ─── 一块来的强烈愿望,雇佣译制

77、SDI Media is the world's leading provider of subtitling and language dubbing services to the entertainment industry. ─── SDI公司媒体公司是全球娱乐业界,字幕与各种语言配音业务之龙头供应商。

78、Dub in strings behindthe vocal. ─── 在人声后配入弦乐。

79、No audio input selected for dubbing - aborting. ─── 19无可用于配音的音频输入-终止。

80、Hysteroscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of DUB ─── 异常子宫出血的内窥镜诊治

81、Note: The price includes all the costs for voice translating, dubbing, copying, as well asacopy of cassette. ─── 备注:价格包括:语音翻译,配音,复制一盒录像带等.

82、It also offers conveniences for enterprises to choose dubbing staff for promos and promotion video. ─── 为企业广告片和宣传片选定配音员,提供了方便。

83、Bilingual Introductions in English and Chinese With English and Chinese Dubbing Possessing Multiple Use Value ─── 中英双语对照汉英皆有配音多重使用价值

84、Studio Ghibli does excellent dubbing, but I was delighted to hear the Japanese voices for once. ─── 吉卜力工作室在配音上作的很好,但我还是很高兴这一次能听到日文的声音。

85、At the mouth of the Tahkeena, one night after supper, Dub turned up a snowshoe rabbit, blundered it, and missed.In a second the whole team was in full cry. ─── 在达塔基纳河口的一个晚上,吃过饭后,杜波发现了一只雪兔,跳起身就追,没能捉到,全队的狗立即追了上去。

86、Wang said the movie has finished shooting and is currently in post-production, referring to the process of editing and dubbing. ─── 在谈及该片的剪辑和编辑过程时,王浙滨透露该片已完成拍摄,正在进入后期制作阶段。

87、They dub this a total success because we sold all of our products within the hour. ─── 一项调查显示,英国网民每个月平均有两天的时间在网上漫无目的的闲逛,

88、I never listen to mandarin dubbing, while English subtitles are useful to me. ─── 如果都有中英字幕,即使没有中文配音,有许多片子我就会考虑了。

89、In September 1839, they spotted the harbor, which Wickham and Stokes decided to dub Darwin Harbor in honor of their former traveling companion. ─── 1839年9月,威克姆和斯托克斯发现了这个海港,为了向他们昔日的旅行伙伴表示敬意,决定称它为达尔文港。

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