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09-04 投稿


husks 发音

英:[h?sks]  美:[h?sks]

英:  美:

husks 中文意思翻译




husks 常用词组

rice husk ─── 米糠

husks 短语词组

1、husks fortnite ─── 记得四十九岁吗。

2、husks meaning ─── 记忆意义

3、husks 5e ─── 还记得5e吗

4、husks means ─── 外壳意味着

5、psyllium husks ─── 欧车前果壳

6、husks for sale ─── 记住盐

husks 词性/词形变化,husks变形

形容词最高级: huskiest |形容词比较级: huskier |副词: huskily |名词复数: huskies |

husks 相似词语短语

1、busks ─── n.妇女胸衣;妇女胸衣前端的钢丝;vt.准备好;vi.沿街卖艺;n.(Busk)人名;(英)巴斯克;(瑞典)布斯克

2、husk ─── n.皮;外壳;无价值之物;vt.削皮;以粗哑的嗓音说;vi.嗓音变得嘶哑

3、hunks ─── n.守财奴;性情乖僻之人;n.大帅哥(hunk的复数)

4、cusks ─── n.鳕鱼的一种

5、hulks ─── n.废船;笨重的船;船体;vi.庞然大物般出现;赫然显现

6、husos ─── 胡索

7、hasks ─── 搭扣

8、husky ─── adj.声音沙哑的;有壳的;强壮的;n.强壮结实之人;爱斯基摩人

9、dusks ─── n.黄昏,薄暮;幽暗,昏暗;adj.微暗的;vt.使变微暗;vi.变微暗

husks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As stationmaster I feel the rice that registers before is husk, but be stationmaster no longer. ─── 作为站长我觉得以前注册的米都是无价之宝,但是不再是站长了。

2、A female laborer uses a sieve to separate wheat husks from the grain at a grain market in Amritsar, India, Apr. 16, 2007. ─── 四月十六日,一名女工在印度阿穆瑞莎的榖类市集用筛网过滤麸壳与小麦。

3、Outside, snow blew across the fields of winter. She watched it skim the stubble, taking corn husks with it, piling them up in the corner of the wire. ─── 外面风雪扫过冬天的原野,她眼望着它扫过残梗,带走玉米壳堆在栅栏的角落里。

4、A grain or seed, as of a cereal grass, enclosed in a husk. ─── 子,粒如谷类禾本植物的包在壳里的谷粒或种子

5、Hast thou eaten the bread of angels, and canst thou live on husks? ─── 你已吃过天使的粮食,现在你能靠豆荚维生吗?

6、He rifts you to free you from your husks. ─── 他筛分你,让你脱去皮壳;

7、They whose deeds seemed worthy of praise have fallen into the depths, and I have seen those who ate the bread of angels delighting themselves with the husks of swine. ─── 冷淡懈怠,赖祢而成炽热。唉!我该怎样小看我自己呢?即使觉得有一些善功,这当是怎样地微小呢?

8、Soak the corn, leaving the husk on, in a bucket of water. ─── 把玉米带壳浸入一桶水中。

9、I'm unlucky, when I trampled on the banana husk I slipped. ─── 我真倒霉,踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。

10、This paper offered the thought and method for more research and development as well as utilize the abundant resources of walnut green husk, had definite instruct meaning. ─── 为进一步研究、开发和利用我国丰富的核桃青皮资源提供了思路和方法,具有一定的指导意义。

11、His maddened spirit has resided within that tortured husk for many ages now. ─── 他的疯狂灵魂留在这个饱受折磨的外壳之中,已经有很长的一段时间了。

12、The husks do not satisfy our hunger, but if we add some boiled leaves, it helps. ─── 这些米壳并不能让我们吃饱,但是如果加一点煮过的树叶子,情况就好很多。

13、Farmers spread sorghum on the highway and pick up the kernels after the husks have been crushed by passing vehicles. ─── 农民将高粱铺在公路上,让来往车辆辗压后再来收拾果实。

14、Shadow Teams are stealth and fast also, which makes them a great way to take out husks since there is no damage penalty. ─── 影子小队同样也是隐形又快速的,也因为残骸护甲对攻击没有削弱而在摧毁残骸方面很实用。

15、Among "the firm husk uses in to make polishes thespecial-purpose granule" the project to include two OO five yearcountries level starwars plan. ─── 其中“坚果壳用于制造抛光专用粒子”项目被列入二OO五年度国家级星火计划。

16、Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pres- sed or in the form of pellets. ─── 未经处理的谷类植物的茎、秆及谷壳,不论是否切碎、碾磨、挤压或制成团粒。

17、This household is nothing but an empty husk left over from the past. ─── "谁家有什么,不过是个旧日的空架子."

18、The soybeans supplied by the seller should be substantially free from castor seed and castor seed husks at time and place of shipment as per certificate issued by SGS. ─── 启运港装船时,卖方提供的大豆没有其他种子或外皮,并有SGS检验机构出具的证明为证。

19、The extraction and stability of red pigment of vitis amurensis husk were studied. ─── 对山葡萄皮红色素的提取及稳定性进行了研究。

20、TASTING NOTES: A deep ruby colour with violet hints.A nose of cherry, marasca, walnut husk, wild berries, vanilla, cinnamon, mint, sage and tobacco. ─── 产品特征:深红宝石色中透着紫罗兰色,混合樱桃,欧洲酸樱桃,坚果,野浆果,香草,肉桂,薄荷和烟草的味道。

21、The silica was found to occur exclusively in the endodermis cells in the roots of rice and bamboo, but mainly in epidermal cells in their aerial parts (stem, branch, leaves and husks). ─── 在竹子和水稻的根部, 氧化硅都集中在内皮层;

22、The grinding machine separates the grain from the husk . ─── 分隔;把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来。

23、But Tyner said the cobs and husks of corn used to make ethanol would go on to be used for animal feed. ─── 但是,Tyner认为,除了生产乙醇的玉米粒之外,玉米芯和玉米皮还可以用作动物饲料。

24、The speed, power, and ammo of the Orca also makes it a prime choice for taking out husks. ─── 奥卡的速度,火力和弹药使它成为清除外壳的最佳选择。

25、The husk of the beans may be removed by sieving before sweetening, which leads to a smoother and more homogeneous paste. ─── 为了让红豆泥更细腻纯净,在加糖之前也可筛去红豆的皮壳。

26、Relationships among agronomical traits of husk in maize were studied by correlation coeffrcient analysis Their genetic problems were discussed by analysis of combining ability. ─── 利用相关分析研究了玉米成熟果穗苞叶的几个农艺性状的相关性,通过配合力分析研究了它们的遗传规律。

27、He was touching unconsciously the dead husks of flowers as he passed by. ─── 当他路过时,无意中碰落了枯死的花荚。

28、So I came adoring the crescent, not the full harvest moon, with winter over the horizon and its waning to a husk. ─── 所以我怀着对新月的崇拜来到这里,那新月不是金秋时节的圆月,而是冬临大地时的一弯弦月。

29、The tomatillo, or Mexican husk, is native to Mexico, where it has been cultivated since the time of the Aztecs. ─── 墨西哥的地方在阿兹特克族时期,就已在那儿把树蕃茄或称墨西搁果壳耕种了。

30、Finally, the survival ratecould reach 50% when the hardened rooted test tube plants wastransplanted into the medium with 1/3 vermiculite 1/3 ruby mica and1/3 coconut husk. ─── 一品红的移栽炼苗基质以1/3蛭石+1/3珍珠岩+1/3椰糠为好,成活率可达50%。

31、I had winnowed the husk away when he came in. ─── 他进来时,我已把糠筛去了。

32、She was pounding it in a mortar with a pestle, to separate the husks. ─── 她把稻米放入臼钵里,用杵捣着,以分离稻壳。

33、One of the things that adds depth to Command and Conquer 3 is the whole idea of husks. ─── 使CC3得战术和战略变得丰富多彩得其中一个设定,就是关于机甲外壳得这定思想。

34、Nowadays, countries have modern tools; stone rollers are no longer commonly used to husk rice. ─── 如今农村有了现代化的工具, 已经不怎么用碾磙子碾米了。

35、This method was used to calculate the fractal dimension of rice husk char particles prepared by high speed pyrolysis. ─── 利用该方法计算得到谷壳在快速热解条件下焦颗粒分形维数的变化。

36、How can we remove the husk of the grains? ─── 我们怎样去掉谷物的外皮?

37、The Kisangani Smith Group in Tanzania designed a stove that uses compressed waste sawdust or rice husks, rather than expensive charcoal. ─── 坦桑尼亚的KisanganiSmith集团设计了一种使用压缩废锯末和稻麸做燃料的炉灶,而不是用昂贵的木炭。

38、NATURE's THE SEEDY SIDE OF PLANTS rips the husk off the many remarkable ways plants make sure their offspring are spread far and wide. ─── 大自然植物隐秘的一面揭露了很多值得注意的地方,那就是植物确保他们的后代广泛的传播。

39、He is clearing wheat husk on the floor with a broom. ─── 他正在用扫把清扫撒落在地上的麦糠。

40、Age is not all decay ; it is the ripening, the swelling, of the fresh life within, that withers and bursts the husk. ─── 年轮并不意味着衰败;它在成熟着,萌发着,新的生命孕育其中,随时从枯萎中破壳重生。

41、The Tripod with their quick firing and being able to fire from three different directions makes them ideal for taking out many husks quickly. ─── 使用几个腐蚀者可以使你快速的治愈重新占领的三脚。这可能成为你迅速制胜的重要因素。

42、A rickshaw puller swallows husks but spits out his life's blood, he strains his utmost for the lowest pittance. ─── 一个拉车的吞的是粗粮,冒出来的是血; 他要卖最大的力气,得最低的报酬;

43、These I heated before the fire, as well as I could, and rubbed them till the husks came off, which I made a sh ift to winnow from the grain. ─── 之后它又给了我一小捆干草和一马球节[球节是马腿后部蹄子以上生距毛的部分。]

44、The speed, power, and ammo of the Orca also makes it a prime choice for taking out husks. ─── 奥卡得速度,火力和弹药使它成为清除外壳得最佳选择。

45、Captured husks starts with only 30% health instead of 50%. ─── 占领的残骸(?)初始生命由50%降低为30%。

46、Practice: Husk papaya first go seed, abluent hind mincing, pound takes juice to reserve. ─── 做 法:先将木瓜削皮去籽,洗净后切碎,捣烂取汁备用。

47、Education without wisdom and wisdom without humility are husks without grain. ─── 11没有智慧的教育,缺乏谦虚的智慧,犹如无米的空谷壳。

48、Eat melon and fruit to want to disinfect, husk, answer to epinosic food abstinence. ─── 吃瓜果要消毒、削皮,对不卫生的食品应禁食。

49、You gather the kindling, husk the acorns, and dig a new privy hole when asked. ─── 你采集火柴,剥橡果,叫你挖一个单独的新洞你就挖。

50、Each capsule is furnished only with a light, a small TV with earphones, coat hooks, a thin blanket and a hard pillow of rice husks. ─── 每一个蚁居单位都只有一盏灯,一个带耳机的小电视,衣服挂钩,和一床薄毛毯还有硬枕头。

51、Added new visual effects for when walker husks are destroyed. ─── 加入了当机甲残骸被摧毁时新的视觉效果。

52、A husk or pod. ─── 外皮或蚕茧

53、Field test results show that mp-4 can decrease the residue of triazophos in rice husk and brown rice by 91.9% and 100%, respectively. ─── 在水稻大田试验中,米壳的三唑磷残留去除率为91.9%,糙米的三唑磷残留去除率为100%。

54、Using the Mastermind to teleport in Assilimators is a great way to capture husks quickly and highly efficiently. ─── 使用摄魂师传送同化者是快速高效占领外壳的好方法。

55、Nod Avatars will no longer retain their veterancy level when they are destroyed and their husks are recovered. ─── 圣灵被工程师修复后不会保留经验等级。

56、Health and joy are husk, do you think? ─── 健康和快乐是无价之宝,你认为呢?

57、If your opponent has no infantry, and you need to fall back, have those Sniper Teams behind your forces and have them pick off the husks. ─── 如果你的对手没有步兵单位,那么你需要后退,让这些狙击小队呆在你部队后方以让你的部队去处理掉残骸。

58、He was spitting out the husks of sunflower seeds on the floor. ─── 他把葵花子壳吐在地板上。

59、The wisdom of life is husk. ─── 人生的智慧是无价之宝。

60、She is spitting out husks of sunflower seed on the floor. ─── 她把葵花籽壳吐在了地板上。

61、Inside this husk there is a baffled man aged thirty. ─── 在这个臭皮囊里仍然活着一位不可思议的三十岁的男子。

62、Meanwhile the Palestinians' chaos and misery threaten to destroy what is left of the fabric of their society, leaving the husk of it to the extremists. ─── 同时,巴勒斯坦人的混乱和苦难也有着可能摧毁其社会结构中的左派力量,而将社会支架拱手交给极端主义者的危险。

63、So she asked the Great Spirit if she could make little people of corn husk . ─── 于是她去问大神她能否用玉米皮制作小人儿。

64、Are corn husks better than corn for producing energy? ─── 在生产能源上玉米苞叶优于玉米吗?

65、There are two basic things to keep in mind with husks. ─── 对于残骸要记住两个基本的事情。

66、Mahogany; charred wood aromas; a thick entry; mildly sweet, moderately full-bodied palate; of dark caramel and toasted coconut husks; would make a fine mixer. ─── 成酒放入薰烤过的桃花木心制桶中陈年,加入焦糖和薰烤过的椰壳,成深琥珀色。口感浓郁。

67、Had blanketed the slanting directions beneath visions' dim husks. ─── 将倾斜的方位裹在恍恍惚惚的视觉的荚中。

68、This paper offered the thought and method for more research and development as well as utilize the abundant resources of walnut green husk,had definite instruct meaning. ─── 为进一步研究、开发和利用我国丰富的核桃青皮资源提供了思路和方法,具有一定的指导意义。

69、Yang said at first the soil was sticky, but after they began mixing in rice husks and other natural fertilizers, they began to see some positive results. ─── 农友杨殷琴:刚开始来的时候非常的黏,我们拌一下稻壳,然后到现在就有发现不一样。

70、This paper relates the selection of a method and technological conditions for extracting a colouring substance from sunflower seed husks. ─── 本文叙述了从向日葵壳中提取色素的方法及工艺条件选择。

71、Although a highest content of NDF was found in ear husks (77.1%), the highest content of ADF and lignin was present in stem barks (52.0% and 14.4% respectively) and the lowest was in ear husks. ─── NDF在苞叶中含量最高(77.1%); ADF和木质素含量均以茎皮中最高,分别为52.0%、14.4%,苞叶中最低,分别为38.2%、6.7%。

72、He's a mere husk of his former self. ─── (因为生病等原因) 他只剩下个躯壳。

73、He sifts you to free you from your husks. ─── 他筛分你使你脱壳。

74、He sifts you to free you from husks. ─── 他将你们筛选,使你们摆脱麸糠。

75、All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine tree, from the kernels even to the husk. ─── 在一切离俗的日子,凡葡萄树上结的,自核至皮所作的物,都不可吃。

76、Any of several chiefly North American deciduous trees of the genus Carya, having smooth or shaggy bark, compound leaves, and hard smooth stones or nuts, each containing an edible seed and surrounded by a husk that splits into four valves. ─── 山核桃一种山核桃属的北美洲落叶乔木,树皮光滑或粗糙,复叶,果实或坚果坚硬光滑,中间有可食用的种子,种子外包了一层可裂成四片的外皮

77、How can we removethe husk of the grains? ─── 我们怎样去掉谷物的外皮?

78、The results were as follows:From the morphological characteristrics of the ear growth in maize: (1) The husk numbers of No. 139 were evidently more than that of the No. ─── 从玉米果穗发育形态特征方面:(1)139号苞叶层数明显多于对照1号。

79、And sawdust and filbert husks to make red wine more astringent. ─── 锯末和榛子壳使红酒口感更加涩。

80、Is the farsighted grain husk of forest an important super invincible universe beautiful woman or not? ? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>教育/科学>科学技术>天文学>林睿颖是宇宙超级无敌大美女不??

81、The man who fed was weary, and Tess could see that the red nape of his neck was encrusted with dirt and husks. ─── 喂料的男工人已经疲惫不堪,苔丝看见他红色的后颈上沾满了灰土和麦糠。

82、The dietary fiber extracted from corn husk was mixed with skimmed milk, and fermented by lactobacillus. ─── 以玉米皮为原料提取膳食纤维并与脱脂乳混合,接入乳酸菌发酵。

83、The basic principle and production technology of producing high quality whit e carbon from rice husk ash is introduced. ─── 介绍了由稻壳灰生产优质白炭黑的基本原理及工艺,实验结果表明:由稻壳灰生产白炭黑的新工艺,能生产出优质白炭黑产品。

84、Ford (on a 1976 swing through Texas, he bit into a tamale with the corn husk still on). ─── 1976年,福特到德州拜票时,竟咬一口墨西哥玉米粽,玉米叶还在。

85、It runs 50 micro power plants in rural areas fired by burning otherwise useless rice husks. ─── 它在农村开设了50座小型发电站,主要是燃烧无用的米糠供能。

86、He's a husk of his former self. ─── 他只剩下个躯壳。

87、Rice husk ash produced under suitable burning conditions is characterized by high con tent of amorphous SiO2,high pozzolan activity and large specific surface area. ─── 在适当条件下烧成的稻壳灰,具有无定形SiO2含量高、火山灰活性高及比表面积大等特点。

88、"I feel to eat subtly peptic, eat an apple for instance I husk for certain, still won't take poison into the body. Still won't take poison into the body.. ─── “我觉得吃得精细有助消化,比如吃苹果我肯定削皮,还不会把毒素吃入身体。”

89、She puts them in the sun to dry -- then beats the pods to release the beans from their dry brown husks. ─── 她把豆荚放在太阳下面晒着,然后再把豆荚的种子从棕色的硬壳里面给取出来。

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