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09-04 投稿



scutellum 发音


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scutellum 词性/词形变化,scutellum变形

名词复数: scutella |形容词: scutellar |

scutellum 短语词组

1、scutellum node ─── 盾片节

scutellum 相似词语短语

1、scutellate ─── adj.盾形的;有小盾板的;盘状的

2、scutellar ─── 盾片的;角质鳞片的

3、schellum ─── 贝壳

4、clitellum ─── n.[无脊椎]环带;生殖带

5、sacellum ─── 古罗马的露天庙宇

6、castellum ─── 卡斯特罗姆

7、scutella ─── n.角质鳞片(scutellum的复数)

8、haustellum ─── n.吸器

9、rostellum ─── n.[无脊椎]顶突;[动]小喙

scutellum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ultra-structure of scutellum was observed during seed-seedling transformation. ─── 摘要对掖单22玉米种苗转化过程中盾片的超微结构进行了观察。

2、scutellum ca. 1 mm. ─── 盾片约1毫米。

3、Abstract: Miniature mutants appeared in the generations of the regenerated plants were obtained in the scutellum cell of the sorghum pure Line 401-1 through immature embryo culture. ─── 摘 要: 以高粱纯系401-1为材料,通过幼胚培养,由小盾片细胞产生的再生植株后代出现株形矮小、叶形窄短的突变体[1]。

4、The ge-rice have about 2.09 times length and 1.90 times width cells of scutellum than ck; ─── 非巨胚稻相比,巨胚稻胚的盾片细胞明显加大,其成熟期的细胞长和细胞宽分别是非巨胚稻的2.09倍和1.90倍;

5、mesonotal scutellum ─── 中背小盾片

6、scutellum ca. 0. 6 mm, ca. 2 mm in fruit. ─── 在果期的大约0.6毫米,约2毫米的盾片。

7、Miniature mutants appeared in the generations of the regenerated plants were obtained in the scutellum cell of the sorghum pure Line 401-1 through immature embryo culture. ─── 摘要以高粱纯系401-l为材料,通过幼胚培养,由小盾片细胞产生的再生植株后代出现株形矮小、叶形窄短的突变体。

8、scutellum ca. 1 mm, to 2 mm in fruit. ─── 盾片约1毫米,在果期对2毫米。

9、ABA could suppress the expression of OsMAN2 in the scutellum, and the expression of OsMAN4 in the aleurone layer. ─── ABA 可以抑制OsMAN2 基因在糊粉层中的表达以及OsMAN4 在糊粉层 中的表达。

10、In a monocotyledonous plant, the same role is played by the scutellum, as in a cereal grain ─── 在一个单子叶植物中,同样的作用由盾片来承担,如在一个谷粒中。

11、Cocconeis scutellum var. minutissima ─── n. 盾卵形藻极小变种

12、scutellum spreading, ca. 1. 7 mm. Corolla white with red to purple on limb, 1. 7-1. 9 cm, puberulent outside; ─── 盾片传播,有红色到紫色在肢,1.7-1.9厘米上大约1.7毫米花冠白色,在外面被微柔毛;

13、Ultrastructure of Maize Scutellum during Seed-seedling Transformation ─── 玉米种苗转化过程中盾片的超微结构观察

14、Perhaps the most interesting part of the grass embryo is a shield-like structure called the scutellum ─── 禾本科胚最有趣的部分似乎是所谓盾片的盾状结构。

15、Cocconeis scutellum ─── n. 盾卵形藻

16、In a monocotyledonous plant , the same role is played by the scutellum , as in a cereal grain . ─── 在一个单子叶植物中,同样的作用由盾片来承担,如在一个谷粒中。

17、Cocconeis scutellum var. varians ─── n. 盾卵形藻易变变种

18、scutellum node ─── 盾片节

19、The results showed that the Pb content in different part of 20 genotypes of wheat grains differred from each other as aleuronic layer>hypocotyl>radicle>scutellum>plumule>cortex>endosperm. ─── 结果表明:铅在小麦籽粒不同部位的含量存在明显差异,由大到小的依次为:糊粉层、胚轴、胚根、盾片、胚芽、皮层、内胚乳。

20、Cocconeis scutellum var. japonica ─── n. 盾卵形藻日本变种

21、The mature embryo is corn posed of radicle, coleorhiza, plumule, coleoptile, scutellum and epiblast.That is the typical structure of the mature embryo of grass. ─── 成熟胚具有胚根、胚芽、盾片、胚芽鞘、胚根鞘、外胚叶等典型禾本科植物成熟胚的结构。

22、The store in different parts of scutellum had different degradation rates.The rate was faster in the epithelial cells than that of the inner cells. ─── 盾片不同部位的细胞内贮藏物质降解的速度不同,上皮细胞的降解速度大于内部细胞。

23、scutellum ca. 4 mm.Corolla and nutlets not seen. ─── 大约4毫米花冠和小坚果未见的盾片。

24、Cocconeis scutellum var. stauroneiformis ─── n. 盾卵形藻十字形变种

25、upper lip deciduous, with a transverse, rounded, concave, scalelike scutellum (shield) or without and abaxially conspicuously saccate; ─── 上唇落叶,具一横裂,圆形,凹,盾片盾)或没有和背面显著囊状;

26、The main store in mature seed scutellum was protein and lipid, which were specially stored in protein body and lipid body, and there was no plastid with starch in cells. ─── 成熟玉米种子盾片中的主要贮藏物质是蛋白质和脂肪,它们分别贮藏在蛋白体和脂体中,没有发现含有淀粉粒的质体。

27、Cocconeis scutellum var. parva ─── n. 盾卵形藻小型变种

28、Scutellum covered with yellow pubescence. ─── 小盾片密被黄毛。

29、Ultrastructure of Maize Scutellum during Seed-seedling Transformation ─── 玉米种苗转化过程中盾片的超微结构观察

30、scutellum flabellate, ca. 5 mm, slightly reflexed, ciliate. ─── 扇形的盾片,约5毫米,有点反折,纤毛。

31、scutellum rot of orange ─── 柑桔青霉病

32、scutellum ca. 1.5 mm, to 3 mm in fruit. ─── 盾片约1.5毫米,在果期对3毫米。

33、Scutellum covered with yellow pubescence. ─── 小盾片密被黄毛。

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