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09-04 投稿


shuttlecock 发音

英:['??t(?)lk?k]  美:['??tl'kɑk]

英:  美:

shuttlecock 中文意思翻译




shuttlecock 词性/词形变化,shuttlecock变形

动词第三人称单数: shuttlecocks |动词过去式: shuttlecocked |动词过去分词: shuttlecocked |动词现在分词: shuttlecocking |

shuttlecock 短语词组

1、shuttlecock define ─── 羽毛球定义

2、shuttlecock trailer ─── 羽毛球拖车

3、shuttlecock definition ─── 羽毛球定义

4、battledore and shuttlecock n. ─── 板羽球游戏

5、kick a shuttlecock ─── 踢毽子

6、shuttlecock kicking n. ─── 踢毽子

7、shuttlecock images ─── 羽毛球图像

8、shuttlecock fern ─── [网络] 羽毛球蕨

shuttlecock 相似词语短语

1、shuttler ─── n.羽毛球运动员

2、to shuttlecock ─── 踢毽子

3、shuttleless ─── 无梭

4、shuttlecocks ─── n.羽毛球(shuttlecock的复数);键子;v.互相授受(shuttlecock的三单形式)

5、shuttle bus ─── 班车(在较短距离之间往返的交通车);豪华轿车

6、shuttlecocking ─── n.羽毛球;毽子;vt.往返递送;将…抛来抛去;vi.往返移动;走来走去

7、shuttle ─── n.航天飞机;穿梭;梭子;穿梭班机、公共汽车等;vt.使穿梭般来回移动;短程穿梭般运送;vi.穿梭往返

8、shuttled ─── n.航天飞机;穿梭;梭子;穿梭班机、公共汽车等;vt.使穿梭般来回移动;短程穿梭般运送;vi.穿梭往返

9、shuttlecocked ─── n.羽毛球;毽子;vt.往返递送;将…抛来抛去;vi.往返移动;走来走去

shuttlecock 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dad : Cool, we can take the football, shuttlecock and badminton racket to the park. ─── 丹尼尔 :好耶!我可以和爸爸一起踢足球。妈妈就和姐姐打羽毛球。

2、As a shop clerk, she will shuttlecock behind the counter all day. ─── 作为一个商店职员,她整天在柜台後面走来走去。

3、B:Yes. There are a lot, such as wushu, qigong, dragon boat, dance dragon and lion, yangge, shuttlecock and so on. ─── 是的。有很多,如武术、气功、龙舟、舞龙舞狮、秧歌、毽球等。

4、Cause I got hit in the eye by a shuttlecock once. It hurt really badly. You know it's easier to dodge a basketball than a shuttlecock. ─── 因为有一次,我的眼睛被羽毛球打到,痛得不得了。你知道,要躲过篮球可比躲过羽毛球要容易得多了。

5、Sorry, I don't care, you face the shuttlecock, I say sorry to you here. ─── 对不起,都是我不小心,用毽子踢到了你的脸,我在这里向你说对不起。

6、The shuttlecock weighs less than 5 grams and less power is needed to hit it,so the racket is much lighter than the one used in tennis. ─── 因其使用的球重量不足5克,不必用打网球那么大的力气,所以羽毛球拍也比网球拍轻了许多。

7、A device consisting of an oval frame with a tight interlaced network of strings and a handle, used to strike a ball or shuttlecock in various games. ─── 球拍:一种装置,由一个椭圆形的架子和手柄组成,架子上有用绳编成的很紧的网,在各种运动中来击打球或羽毛球。

8、A sports implement consisting of a handle and an oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings,used to strike a ball (or shuttlecock) in various games. ─── 有手柄和线绳紧密织成的椭圆形框架的运动工具,在各种运动中用于击球(或羽毛球)。

9、We can take the football, shuttlecock and badminton racket to the park. ─── 我们可以带着足球,羽毛球和羽毛球拍去公园。

10、He like sport, will go out for running every evening if no rain, sometimes will take me to play shuttlecock, go for a walk to MeiLin Park also. ─── 他很爱运动,每天晚上只要没下雨都会出去跑步,有时候会带我去打羽毛球,还会去梅林公园散步。

11、One day I gave thee a willow battledore and a shuttlecock with yellow, blue and green feathers. ─── 有一天,我买了一个柳条拍子和一个黄蓝绿三色的羽毛球给你。

12、A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, LONG. - handled racket. ─── 羽毛球一种体育运动,在一定高度、宽度的网子范围内用一只轻的长柄球拍前后截击羽毛球

13、Badminton player hit the shuttlecock forward. ─── 这个羽毛球运动员向前击球。

14、An early form of badminton played with a flat wooden paddle and a shuttlecock. ─── 毽球旧时的一种羽毛球游戏,用一个扁平的木桨和羽毛球进行游戏

15、Click the left mouse button feather shuttlecock kickoff. ─── 鼠标左键点击羽毽开球。

16、I want to kick a shuttlecock. ─── 我想踢毽子。

17、A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, long-handled racket. ─── 羽毛球:一种体育运动,在一定高度、宽度的网子范围内用一只轻的长柄球拍前后截击羽毛球。

18、Badminton:A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, long-handled racket. ─── 羽毛球::一种体育运动,在一定高度、宽度的网子范围内用一只轻的长柄球拍前后截击羽毛球。

19、As a shop clerk, she would shuttlecock behind the counter all day. ─── 作为一个商店职员,她整天在柜台后面走来走去。

20、Modern badminton is a game for two or four players using lightweight rackets and a shuttlecock. ─── 现代羽毛球运动分为单打和双打,羽毛球拍重量较轻。

21、You need the money to buy shuttlecock? ─── 用来买饭食....冇钱食饭,好穷....

22、Children play with marble ball, the kick the shuttlecock , very happy tableau in neighbourhood nearby. ─── 小孩子们在街道边上玩弹珠,踢毽子,很快乐的画面。

23、An early form of badminton played with a flat wooden paddle and a shuttlecock. ─── 毽球旧时的一种羽毛球游戏,用一个扁平的木桨和羽毛球进行游戏

24、Kids' games such as kicking shuttlecock, hopscotch, reading picture-story books and playing marbles were popular. ─── 踢毽子、跳房子、看小人书、打玻璃弹珠是小孩子们常玩的游戏。

25、Last week, the students had a competition of kicking the shuttlecock. ─── “熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,英语学习就同语文学习一样。

26、He can hit the shuttlecock at more than 180 miles per hour, much faster than the fastest tennis serve (155 m.p.h. by Andy Roddick). ─── 他的发球速超过每小时180公里,比最快的网球发球速(每小时155公里,出自罗迪克之手)还要快。

27、I found him kicking at the shuttlecock in the room. ─── 我发现他正在屋子里踢毡子。

28、Do you have a spare shuttlecock? ─── 你有备用的羽毛球吗?

29、Cause I got hit in the eye by a shuttlecock once. It hurt really badly. You know it's easier to dodge a basketball than a shuttlecock. ─── 因为有一次,我的眼睛被羽毛球打到,痛得不得了。你知道,要躲过篮球可比躲过羽毛球要容易得多了。

30、Arrow brand shuttlecock has been approved by the Chinese Sports Commission and Chinese Badminton Association for A Grade Tournament use since 1997. ─── 羽毛球产品于1997年被中国羽毛球协会认定为国家比赛用球。

31、Shuttlecock is main activity in the spare time of our company, as well as a health promotion and muscle builder set. ─── 可活动筋骨,促进健康,是目前我所在公司工作闲暇之余的主要活动。

32、A device consisting of an oval frame with a tight interlaced network of st trings and a handle, used to strike a ball or shuttlecock in various games. ─── 球拍:一种装置,由一个椭圆形的架子和手柄组成,架子上有用绳编成的很紧的网,在各种运动中来击打球或羽毛球

33、If you can, do not ignore it, change it to a small laptop with a shuttlecock, and later use caution when it wants. ─── 如果可以,不用管它,把它换到较少用的笔记本毽子上,以后使用时小心就是了。

34、The shuttlecock landed in bounds. ─── 球打在界内。

35、Playing with the shuttlecock is of one of the favorites of Dalianese. ─── 踢毽子是大连人最喜欢的运动之一。

36、She sent the shuttlecock flying over the net with a practised flick of the wrist. ─── 她熟练地轻抖手腕,把羽毛球击过了网。

37、Shuttlecock is quite popular here. ─── 打羽毛球在这里很流行。

38、Sports To hit (a ball or shuttlecock) in a forceful overhand stroke. ─── 猛扣:举手过肩地猛烈地抽击(球或羽毛球)

39、Would you like to play some badminton? Just go and grab the rackets and a shuttlecock. ─── 你想打羽毛球吗?去拿球拍和羽毛球吧。

40、The daughters of the Duke of Beutfout were playing popular English game called battledore and shuttlecock in the Badminton House. ─── 伯尔特福特工觉得女儿们在伯明顿楼玩当时英国很流行的板羽球游戏。

41、See somebody kicks shuttlecock, somebody carries golf lever practice a ball game oneself, return somebody ran.It is quite good to had been held out... ─── 看见有人踢毽子,有人自带高尔夫球杆练球,还有人跑步。

42、"Let's kick the shuttlecock and get your feet wet",said Roy. ─── 让我们来踢键子使你的脚热起一,某说。

43、Come and kick shuttlecock with us. ─── 过来跟我们一起踢毽子吧。

44、How about playing shuttlecock in Fendou Elementary School, RMB15 per hour, good price and excellent woody floor, sincerely hope somebody will join me! ─── 我倒是提议不如去闹市口附近的奋斗小学去打羽毛球,晚上15一小时,很便宜,场地也不错,希望有人感兴趣。

45、Super power smash with shuttlecock...!! ─── 速度是力量的表现!!!!!

46、The kids are playing the interesting game of kicking shuttlecock. ─── 小朋友在玩有趣的踢毽子游戏。

47、Their shuttlecock ended up on the tree branch. ─── 他们的羽毛球结果落到树枝上了。

48、Savages who go naked, with their noddles dressed like a shuttlecock,with a club in their paws, are less of brutes than those bachelors of arts! ─── 那些赤身露体、脑袋上顶着一个毽子似的发髻,爪子里抓着一根大头棒的野蛮人也赶不上这些学士们的野蛮劲儿!

49、Children's games such as shuttlecock, hopscotch, reading picture-story books and playing marbles were popular. ─── 踢毽子、跳房子、看小人书、打玻璃弹珠是小孩子们常玩的游戏。

50、I will go to play shuttlecock usually between the time 18:00 to 20:00 on Wednesday and Sunday if no special occurrence. ─── 我每星期三与星期天的18:00 至20:00都会打羽毛球,没有特别的事情时都会去。

51、shuttlecock was a rounded piece of cork with feathers stuck ontop. ─── 毽子是一块圆形的软木,顶端粘着羽毛。

52、Boy as he is , he plays shuttlecock very well. ─── 虽然他是个男孩,但是毽子踢得很好。

53、From Nanning, to be adepted at flute playing, like tour shuttlecock. ─── 来自南宁,擅长长笛演奏,爱好旅游和羽毛球。

54、They are knocking up a shuttlecock. ─── 他们正试打羽毛球。

55、If the shuttlecock fly down from this, it's more wiser to compensate than get it back. ─── 毽子从这里飞下去,多半人是选择赔钱,而不是下去捡。

56、Sports To put (a ball or shuttlecock) in play, as in tennis, badminton, or jai alai. ─── 发球:在游戏中发(球或羽毛球),如网球,羽毛球或回力球

57、The badminton is a sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, long-handled racket. ─── 羽毛球是藉由齐一发射羽毛球背面被玩的一项运动而且往前在一张高又狭窄的网之上,藉由轻,渴望-处理球拍。

58、The shuttlecock stopped short in its flight and plunged down into my court. ─── 羽毛球飞着突然掉下来,窜入我的球场。

59、Tired of shuttlecock the document for signature, the secretary decide to call in all the signer. ─── 厌倦了为签字而将文件往返递送,秘书决定将所有的签字人叫来。

60、Introduction: Viking jingle before the start of the New Year and we played fight feather shuttlecock game. ─── 机器猫叮当新年开始前和大家玩起了打羽毽的游戏。

61、Efficiently absorb the vibration of string while hiting the shuttlecock; 2.Efficiently prolong the using time of string and frame. ─── 有效吸收击球时网线的震动;2.有效延长网线寿命及框体的寿命。

62、But I'm also good at shuttlecock kicking. ─── 不过我毽子踢得还可以啊。

63、Even though the shuttlecock loved to touch the wall, as long as it could keep on flying in the air for a while, grandmother would be smile. ─── 即使球爱撞墙,虽然看上去有点无聊,但只要球能坚持一下下,在彼此的球拍上来回跑几趟,外婆就会笑。

64、It is derived from theancient games of Battledore and Shuttlecock where the aim was tokeep up a continuous rally. ─── 它是从古代的板羽球游戏演变而来的,在这种游戏中,参与者以多打一些回合为目的。

65、At the end of the hose is a funnel-shaped drogue, a basket that resembles an oversized shuttlecock. ─── 软管的末端是一个漏斗状的锥管,一个类似特大号羽毛球的篮子。

66、If you are tired of playing the same old sports, you may want to give shuttlecock a try. ─── 开头卖了个关子,不过这招对中国人好像不灵,谁没踢过毽子啊!

67、Dad: Cool, we can take the football,shuttlecock and badminton racket to the park. ─── 爸爸:好的,我们可以带着足球,羽毛球和羽毛球拍去公园。

68、A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, long - handled racket. ─── 羽毛球一种体育运动,在一定高度、宽度的网子范围内用一只轻的长柄球拍前后截击羽毛球

69、Superior elasticity , precise shuttlecock control. for tournament players demanding highest level of playability and precise control. ─── 超高弹性,高控性,比赛选手要求的高等级.

70、Do not be so costive, pls open your own shuttlecock Bottle(It's my treat, do not always pay by your friends). ─── 别小气,开一筒自己的新球(不能老是蹭别人饭,总得买几次单吧?).

71、They batted the shuttlecock back and forth across the net a few time. ─── 他们几次来来回回打羽毛球。

72、A foreign guest kicking a shuttlecock outside the Lotus Market. ─── 在什刹海荷花市场,一名老外正在踢毽子。

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