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09-04 投稿



superficies 发音

英:[[?su:p?'f??i:z]]  美:[[?su:p?'f????i:z]]

英:  美:

superficies 中文意思翻译



superficies 词性/词形变化,superficies变形

名词复数: superficies |

superficies 短语词组

1、superficies cold ─── 表面冷

2、superficies heat ─── 表观热

3、superficies solo cedit ─── [法] 附于土地者的一部分

superficies 相似词语短语

1、superficialises ─── 肤浅的

2、superspecies ─── [生物]超种

3、superficial ─── adj.表面的;肤浅的;表面文章的;外表的;(人)浅薄的

4、superbities ─── 超级咬伤

5、superficializes ─── vt.表面化地处理;肤浅地处事

6、supercities ─── n.特大都市;人口稠密地区

7、superfixes ─── n.上缀

8、superfamilies ─── n.[生物]总科;超科

9、superfluities ─── n.奢侈品;额外;过剩

superficies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、warm acrid superficies -resolving formula ─── 辛温解表剂

2、dispersing superficies to eliminate dampness ─── 疏表化湿

3、the superficies of a material prosperity ─── 物质繁荣之外观

4、The modern superficies systems stem from Roman Law. ─── 近现代地上权肇端于罗马法。

5、Do not trust anybody,all things are widely divergent with their superficies. ─── 不要相信任何人,所有的事情都与表面现象大相径庭!

6、Rights Over Things: ownership, superficies , mortgage, pledge, rights of retention, and possession. ─── 物权:所有权、地上权、抵押权、质权、留置权、占有。

7、ZHANG Xichun's Thought on Treating Warm Disease with Resolving Superficies Method ─── 张锡纯汗法治疗温病探析

8、On the Existing value of Superficies System ─── 试论地上权制度的存在价值

9、The master said, “You just picked up the superficies, take twice, it's not just a comma” ─── 师父说,你只看到表面,你仔细看,差别不只一个逗号。

10、Keywords diabetic nervous lesion;hyperhidrosis;therapy TCM combined with WM;benefiting qi and strengthening superficies;strengthening spleen and astringing yin; ─── 糖尿病神经病变;多汗症;中西医结合疗法;益气固表;健脾敛阴;

11、The picture had indicated the mature of Chinese photo art that breaking away from the superficies of formalist period. ─── 王庆松的这件作品表明,中国当代影像艺术的创作已经摆脱了表面化的形式主义阶段,具备了更加成熟的艺术形态。

12、Benefiting qi to relieve superficies syndrome ─── 益气解表

13、Superficies of space ─── 空间地上权

14、The fifth chapter is conclusion and suggestion, which proposes suggestions for the compensative system of the expropriation of space superficies. ─── 第五章结论与建议,对徵收取得区分地上权补偿法制提出建议。

15、disease aggravation from superficies to interior ─── 由表入里

16、estimate the superficies of the Great Lakes ─── 概算五大湖的面积

17、superficies solo cedit ─── [法] 附于土地者的一部分

18、All Eight Therapeutic Methods can Expel Pathogen from Superficies ─── 论八法皆可解表

19、relieving superficies and warmign meridians ─── 发表温经

20、Research results show: 1 , relieving superficies and detoxicating therapy has the function of broad-spectrum antivirus. ─── 研究结果表明:1、透表解毒法具有广谱抗病毒作用。

21、Conclusion: The characteristic of TCM sydrome at the stage of heaptocirrhosis with abnormal alpha-fetoprotein is that excessiveness in the superficies is more important than deficiency in the base. ─── 结论:肝硬化伴高甲胎蛋白血症阶段的中医证候特点以标实为主,正虚为次。

22、The Superficies Should be Established in the Real-right Law of China ─── 我国物权法应建立地上权制度

23、The superficies of Roman law was just embryonic form of modern one. ─── 罗马法的地上权制度仅仅是现代民法地上权制度的一个雏形。

24、diaphoresis relieving superficies ─── 解表

25、By presenting his disquisitions generales circa superficies curves in 1827, Gauss presented in fact the essential idea of his earlier research on non-Euclid geometry in his unique way as well. ─── 高斯于1827年发表的《关于曲面的一般研究》,一方面奠定了内蕴微分几何的基础,同时也以其独特的“高斯风格”将自己的非欧几何研究揭示于众。

26、surface; superficies ─── 浮面

27、However, this fact is always concealed by the superficies due to the complication and diversity of the real world. ─── 然而由于现实世界的繁复变幻,这种事实常被表象掩盖。

28、{0>Article 31 The superficies or the permanent lease registered before readjustment is deemed as elimination. ─── 第31条 (地上权永佃权之拟制消灭及其求偿)因重划致地上权或永佃权不能达其设定之目的者,各该权利视为消灭。

29、Immortal water, alive even to the superficies. ─── 永恒之水从表面看都是活的。

30、The second part is the fundamental theory of space superficies. ─── 第二部分是空间地上权的基础理论。

31、acrid-cold herbs relieving superficies ─── 辛凉解表

32、renoving summer-heat to relieve superficies ─── 祛暑解表

33、Comparative Analysis of Regulation Pattern on Expiration of Superficies ─── 地上权期限届满法律规范模式的比较分析

34、A location map of occupancy shall be submitted upon the application for a registration of superficies or easement, if they are created based on a positive prescription. ─── 因主张时效完成,申请地上权或地役权登记时,应提出占有范围位置图。

35、superficies interna ─── 内表面

36、consolidating superficies to induce diuresis ─── 固表利水

37、Study of Superficies System of Roman Law ─── 罗马法地上权制度研究

38、The author profoundly analyzed the superficies, the hidden contradiction and the deep-seated reasons of property rights disputation during mineral development. ─── 对非再生资源开发中产权纷争的表象、背后的分歧与矛盾以及深层次原因进行了深刻剖析。

39、strengthening yang to relieve superficies ─── 助阳解表

40、3.Rights Over Things: ownership, superficies, mortgage, pledge, rights of retention, and possession. ─── 三、物权:所有权、地上权、抵押权、质权、留置权、占有。

41、The existence and prosperity of the system of superficies in China is destined by the actual situation of the Chinese land ownership system and the strict restrictions put on the use of the land. ─── 我国关于土地所有权制度和对土地用途进行严格管制的国情决定了我国地上权法律制度必将广泛存在和高度发达。

42、relieving superficies by nourishing yin ─── 养阴解表, 滋阴解表

43、Consolidating superficies for arresting sweating ─── 固表止汗

44、formula for relieving superficies and catharsis ─── 解表通里剂

45、Expelling pathogens from both interior and superficies ─── 表里双解

46、But at the same time, it is quite serious thatruling by law is a superficies at the same time, in the minds of people, it is still only akind of ideal to rule by law. ─── 但同时法治表面化现象又相当严重,在民众心中,法治还仅仅是一种理想。

47、In Romen Law, two special types of land lease developed into right in rem: emphyteusis and superficies. ─── 在罗马法中,有两种特殊的土地租赁权演化为物权:永佃权与地上权。

48、Through the analysis on typical cases, this paper allows the staffs in the computer lab to find the fundamental problem and a quick and efficient solution, instead of addressing only the superficies. ─── 通过对典型案例的剖析,使计算机房的工作人员能够快速有效的解决问题,发现问题的根本点,而不是只解决表面现象。

49、acridness relieving superficies and bitterness expelling internal heat ─── 辛开苦泄, 开泻, 辛开苦降

50、The Superficies Systems in Roman Law ─── 罗马法的地上权制度探析

51、Pay attention to both superficies and hypostasis. ─── (3) 标本兼顾:治标消除病灶,治本防止复发。

52、The superficies or the permanent lease obligee shall claim for equivalent compensation to the landowner. ─── 地上权人或永佃权人得向土地所有权人请求相当之补偿。

53、superficies inferia ─── 下表面

54、dipartite underground superficies ─── 地下使用权

55、Excessiveness in the superficies includes humid heat, stagnation of Qi and blood stasis.Deficiency in the base includes deficiency of both vital energy and Yin. ─── 标实主要是湿热、气滞、血瘀,正虚主要是气阴两虚。

56、If all the above is the superficies, then China's unique deep issue is the weakness of citizen society. ─── 如果说这些只是表面现象的话,那么我国“独有”的深层次原因就是市民社会的孱弱。

57、from interior to superficies ─── 由里出表

58、The Twelve Cutaneous Regions refer to the body superficies on which the functions of the Twelve Regular Meridians are reflected, and the sites where the Qi of the collaterals spreads. ─── 十二皮部是十二经脉功能活动反映于体表的部位,也是络脉之气散布之所在。

59、{0>4.Rights: refers to the property rights of superficies, easement, dien, mortgage, mining, fishery, patent, copyright, trademark and others. ─── 四 权利:指地上权、地役权、典权、抵押权、矿业权、渔业权、专利权、著作权、商标权及其他财产上之权利。

60、Review on Relationship between Land and Buildings from the Development of Superficies ─── 从地上权的发展看土地与地上物的关系

61、eliminating summer-heat to relieve superficies ─── 清暑解表

62、nourishing qi to relive superficies ─── 益气解表, 补气解表

63、Invigorating qi and consolidation of superficies ─── 益气固表

64、Formula for relieving superficies and warming interior ─── 解表温里剂

65、lieving superficies by nourishing blood ─── 养血解表

66、Legal Superficies ; ─── 法定地上权 ;

67、Keywords the way of benefiting vital energy for strengthening superficies;yu-ping-feng;cough variance asthma;remission stage;immune function; ─── 关键词益气固表法;玉屏风颗粒;咳嗽变异性哮喘;缓解期;免疫功能;

68、"Immortal water, alive even to the superficies. ─── “永恒之水从表面看都是活的。”

69、acrid-warm herbs relieving superficies ─── 辛温解表

70、However, this fact is always concealed by the superficies due to the complication and diversity of the real world. ─── 然而由于现实世界的繁复变幻,这种事实常被表象掩盖。

71、The superficies or the permanent lease obligee shall claim for equivalent compensation to the landowner. ─── 地上权人或永佃权人得向土地所有权人请求相当之补偿。

72、As one of usufruct, superficies originated from Roman law, was carried down through national civil law of the Continental law family. ─── 地上权是用益物权的一种,肇始于罗马法,并为大陆法系国家民法所继承。

73、superficies externa ─── 外表面

74、Any income derived from long-lasting tenant right and superficies created for fixed terms shall be deemed as income from lease; ─── 二设定定期之永佃权及地上权取得之各种所得,视为租赁所得。

75、Article 108 A location map shall be submitted upon the application for a registration of superficies, permanent lease, easement or dien, if they are created over specific parts of a land. ─── 第108条于一宗土地内就其特定部分申请设定地上权、永佃权、地役权或典权登记时,应提出位置图。

76、mild herbs relieving superficies ─── 轻清疏解

77、Results: Under scanning electron microscope,the bulges and grooves could be observed on the superficies of the meniscus of 4、6 months old fetus. ─── 结果:4、6月龄胎儿半月板表面可见条状隆起、沟和圆形或卵圆形细胞样突起;8月龄半月板条状隆起和沟更明显,且基本平行排列,偶见细胞样突起。

78、expelling wind to relieve superficies ─── 祛风解表

79、Kids, what everyone can see is the superficies of life. ─── 孩子,每个人看到的,都是生活的表象。

80、relieving superficies ─── 透邪, 透表

81、relieving superficies by cooling ─── 清热解表

82、Treatment of Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca by Relieving Superficies Through Diaphoresis ─── 发汗解表法治疗干燥性角结膜炎

83、The measurement of superficies value is more important because that real estate asset trust and real estate investment trust put into practice. ─── 摘要: 地上权价值的衡量,因不动产证券化的实施,由契约双方关系提升至社会 层次,如何正确评估将直接影响投资大众的权益。

84、The modern superficies systems stem from Roman Law. ─── 近现代地上权肇端于罗马法。

85、invigorating qi for strengthening superficies ─── 补气固表

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