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09-04 投稿



duds 发音

英:[d?dz]  美:[d?dz]

英:  美:

duds 中文意思翻译



duds 词性/词形变化,duds变形


duds 短语词组

1、cuddle duds for women ─── 给女人抱抱

2、duds defined duds ─── 定义

3、duds village ct duds ─── 村ct

4、diving duds ─── 哑弹跳水

5、duds shoes ─── 哑光鞋

6、duds definition ─── 无用的定义

7、duds village madison ct duds village ─── 麦迪逊ct

8、duds crossword ─── 哑巴字谜

duds 相似词语短语

1、ducs ─── 公爵

2、buds ─── [植]芽;蓓蕾;未成熟的人(bud的复数)

3、dubs ─── v.[电影]配音(dub的第三人称单数形式);n.[电影]配音(dub的复数形式);n.(Dubs)人名;(英)达布斯;(德)杜布斯;(法)迪布斯

4、dads ─── abbr.二烯丙基二硫化物(diallyldisulfide);后除极

5、duads ─── n.成对的东西

6、dudes ─── 花花公子;纨绔子弟;哥们(dude的名词复数)

7、dues ─── n.会费;手续费;税捐(due的复数)

8、dud ─── n.衣服;[军]哑弹;无用物;adj.无用的;n.(Dud)人名;(英)达德

9、dude ─── n.男人,小伙子;n.(Dude)人名;(德、塞)杜德;n.(非正式)花花公子;纨绔子弟

duds 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two of the fireworks in the box were duds. ─── 里的烟火有两个是点不着的废品。

2、The new manager is a complete dud. ─── 新经理完全是个废物。

3、The little girl's mouth is still one of a, but in the video but did not hear her voice, presumably little girl buried in the rubble cried out at once, for help and my voice has changed a dud. ─── 小女孩的嘴巴还在一张一合,可是在视频中却听不到她的声音,想来小女孩在被废墟掩埋时曾经哭喊、求救,嗓子已经变哑了。

4、When your harmonic is a dud, arpeggiate your anxiety. ─── 当你的泛音没弹出声音,不要让你的不满破坏心情。


6、A person who repeatedly issues dud cheque will be terminated all rights to issue cheque by bank. ─── 对于屡次签发空头支票的出票人,其办理支票或全部支付结算业务的权利就被银行所中止。

7、The disposal of a dud in the shooting range is always a difficult problem, and it is never well solved till now. ─── 对于靶场试射瞎弹的处理一直是一个难以解决的问题,至今尚没有得到妥善解决。

8、a dud check ─── 作废的支票

9、It will purchase dud assets at above-market prices.It does serve to recapitalize banks, but it rewards the worst offenders and does nothing to restore trust. ─── 以高于市价的价格购买无用的资产,以此改变银行治理结构,但却让坏人得利,而且在恢复市场信心方面毫无作为。

10、Some games will be a hit and others will be a "dud". ─── 家长同时也需要投入,如果家长不投入,孩子怎么能投入呢?

11、3.For a country or beach escape, fine-tune your city duds as follows:Add a pair of jeans or shorts, a sun hat, a bathing suit and cover - up. ─── 乡村或海边周末:把你在城市中常穿的衣服适当地调整一下,加一条牛仔裤或短裤,一顶太阳帽,泳衣和浴巾。

12、Tonight was a bit of a dud in terms of the anticipation and the excitement about this game. ─── 今晚我们在这场比赛中打得不够兴奋,比预期的表现差了一点。

13、All Dots and Duds are Song ─── 点点缀缀都是歌

14、An 88 came down right next to him, but it was a dud. ─── 一发88炮弹正落在他面前,但那是一发臭弹。

15、For a country or beach escape, fine-tune your city duds as follows: Add a pair of jeans or shorts, a sun hat, a bathing suit and cover - up. ─── 乡村或海边周末:把你在城市中常穿的衣服适当地调整一下,加一条牛仔裤或短裤,一顶太阳帽,泳衣和浴巾。

16、Hitherto , Malaysian companies have had a remarkable record of picking duds when they buy foreign firms. ─── 至今为止,马来西亚公司有着购买国外垃圾企业的“良好”记录。

17、For workout duds, he wears basic T-shirts and shorts with cross-trainers. ─── 他锻炼时穿的行头是最简单的T恤、短裤和运动鞋。

18、So you`ll please get her little duds packed right away. ─── 因此你马上把她的衣服给收拾好.

19、blind shell | dud ─── 不发弹

20、Have you ever spent a month getting to know someone online and discovered on the date that they were a real-life dud? ─── 你有过花一个月来在网上去了解某个人,然后在约会的时候发现他们是生活里的失败者的经历吗?

21、dud cheque ─── ph. 空头支票

22、The debate has only begun so, to get some perspective, I figured I'd take a look at how the GLs' duds have evolved over the years. . . ─── 争论已经开始,为了找几个争论点,我觉得还是让我们来看看这些年绿灯们到底如何在自己的制服上缝缝补补的吧。

23、How can we be expected to carry out our jobs with the dud equipment you gave us? ─── 你怎么能指望我们用这些给你的烂设备来完成工作呢?

24、However, though Softbank still has a controlling stake in the valuable Yahoo!Japan, the country's biggest internet portal, most of its other investments have proved duds. ─── 不过,虽然软银仍然控制着雅虎日本这一价值不菲的日本第一大门户网站,但是公司的大多数投资却打了水漂。

25、a dud battery ─── 废电池

26、Can I get you anything? -I'd Iove some MiIk Duds. ─── 你想喝点什么吗?-我能不能要点珍珠奶茶。

27、Sure that means some duds will make it in, but it will also allow for a much more open and democratic way for favorites to evolve. ─── 当然这为一些小垃圾程序创造了条件,但也为生成好的内容提供了开放而自主的选择。

28、Because the interest rate automatically clicks up if the auction is a dud, hospitals, museums, universities and ports have suddenly found their debt-service bills rising sharply. ─── 如果流拍的话,这些债券的利率就会自动上升,这就造成医院、博物馆、大学和港口的偿债成本急剧上升。

29、Bills or cheques issued by one party turn out dud or penalty for business exchange ban occurs for reasons or its credit is seriuosly worsening ─── 一方发行的票据或支票导致空头或发生往来停止处分或者其信用严重恶化时

30、Two of the fireworks in the box were duds . ─── 盒子里的烟火有两个是坏的.

31、M.Gillenormand took the ribbon, the case, and the coat, flung them all on the floor in the middle of the room, and said:-- "Carry those duds away. ─── 吉诺曼先生抓起那黑带、匣子和衣服,一股脑儿丢在客厅中间的地上,说道:“把这些破烂拿回去。”

32、1. The new manager is a complete dud . ─── 新经理完全是个废物.

33、The revolution of the earth made us four romantic seasons, bringing us chances to enjoy different duds with the changing reasons, which always fulfiled our peacockery. ─── 地球的公转,为我们营造了浪漫的春夏秋冬,使得我们能够有机会随着季节的变化而穿戴不同的服饰,满足我们永远虚荣的心。

34、The concern, of course, is that banks will have trouble determining who will pull through, and could easily wind up with a lot of dud loans. ─── 显然当局关心的是,银行将难以确定哪些企业将度过难关,以及可能面临大量不良贷款。

35、It’s a dud,” said Masahiro Shimada, 70, a retired city official who was fishing near the port. ─── 它就是个摆设。”

36、The appraisal time of dud cheques is when making payment rather than drawing a bill, and it is determined by its own characteristics of cheques, so we must pay special attentions to it in the practice. ─── 空头支票的认定时间是付款时而不是出票时,这是支票本身的特点决定的,在实践中尤其要引起注意。

37、The meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned. ─── 从新业务的角度来看,这次会议毫无收获。

38、He stepped on a dud mine. ─── 他踩到了一颗哑雷上。

39、old duds that are not worth four sous! ─── 全是些不值四个苏的破衣烂衫,还有面包!

40、His return to the fold would galvanise Macca's duds and, hopefully, give Rooney the foil he is desperate for. ─── 他的回归将给麦克拉伦一个大惊喜,并且很有可能成为他的救命稻草。

41、Again, like the Legacy, the Outback gets new duds to complement its other upgrades. ─── 同样,如遗产,内陆得到新的哑弹,以补充其他升级。

42、Microsoft has failed to bring the Net to TV screens with duds like WebTV. But the Venice Project, renamed Joost is doing the opposite: moving TV to the Internet. ─── 微软将网络搬上电视终告失败,但Joost反其道而行。

43、Two of the fireworks in the box were duds. ─── 盒子里的烟火有两个是坏的。

44、I'm not saying I want to rent objets d'art and designer duds to make myself look fancy.But maybe the rental lifestyle offers a new way to spend money on what you really want. ─── 我不是说要租些艺术品和设计师出品服饰来让自己看起来很迷人,但也许租赁生活方式会让你找到一种新方法,把钱花在自己真正想要的事物上。

45、dud rate ─── 未爆率

46、The whole plan turned out to be a dud. ─── 整个计划到头来完全失败了。

47、During yesterday's sham battle, party A fired a dud. ─── 昨天的军事演习,甲方放了一个哑炮。

48、As beans fall into bins, photoelectric cells detect duds, signaling for them to be rejected individually with a puff from an air nozzle. ─── 方式是在豆子落入容器的过程中,利用光电管挑出其中的坏豆子,然后送讯号给空气喷嘴对准一吹,将坏豆子个别剔除。

49、A fiery ball shot up over the rooftops, where it disappeared in mid-air -- a dud . ─── 他听见一声响,一个发光的东西直往天上冲,冲过了屋顶在半空中不见了。

50、When we used our guns there were no shells and sometimes the shells were duds. ─── 当我们需要使用大炮时却没有炮弹,有时候手里的炮弹还是哑弹。”

51、dud shell ─── 未爆炮弹

52、You show up to the office in 2009 with a fresh approach, a bright outlook, and maybe even some new duds that Santa dropped off on Christmas morning. ─── 2009年你在给同事们展现清新明亮的新面貌的同时,或许还有圣诞老人在圣诞节早晨脱下的衣服。

53、The Research of an Electrics Squib Dud ─── 某电点火管瞎火问题研究

54、For a country or beach escape, fine-tune your city duds as follows:Add a pair of jeans or shorts, a sun hat, a bathing suit and cover - up. ─── ?乡村或海边周末:把你在城市中常穿的衣服适当地调整一下,加一条牛仔裤或短裤,一顶太阳帽,泳衣和浴巾。

55、He is so easygoing, you could talk him into mall crusing and even get him to help you pick out some new duds. ─── 他是这么随和,你一定能够说服他跟你去逛购物中心,甚至还可以请他帮你选购一些新衣服。

56、Nonlinear regression analysis of cardiac enzyme kinetic model with modified simplex method and DUD method using SAS software ─── 改良单纯形法和DUD法非线性回归分析心肌酶代谢动力学模型

57、dud loan ─── 不良债权

58、Once fitness is created, natural selection is peerless for winnowing out the duds. ─── 一旦创立了适合度,自然选择去粗汰劣的势头就无可匹敌了。

59、The consigned luggages of passengers weigh 60kg at most,except portable duds. ─── 每个旅客托运的行李最大重量限额是60公斤,手提行李除外。

60、If you learn to say no to that fancy stereo, ski trip or new set of duds, you'll be ahead of the pack. ─── 你学会对高档立体音响,滑雪,或是新衣服说不,你是人群中的佼佼者。

61、One international scout who has seen Igawa pitch multiple times told Newsday, "I wouldn't mind having him on my team - he's no dud. ─── 一位曾看过井川庆投球很多次的国际球探告诉本报:我不介意他在我的球队,他不是无用的人。

62、Satellite Undetected Duds ─── 卫星未探测到的哑弹

63、The researches on Mao Duds literary criticism are of the positive and negative attitudes in the period. ─── 摘要新时期以来对茅盾文学批评的研究,有肯定和贬抑两种态度。

64、More worryingly, smaller banks have been slow to build their reserves against dud loans, even though these are coming off historic lows (see right-hand chart, above). ─── 更令人担忧的是,一些小型银行在建立贷款准备金方面效率极低,甚至达到了历史最低。

65、While shamelessly touting their own banks' corporate clients as great buys, analysts were revealed to have privately conceded that several of the stocks were hopeless duds. ─── 分析师恬不知耻地吹捧说,自家银行企业客户的股票值得买进。据披露,他们曾私下承认其中几只股票一无是处。

66、See be chapter having a lot, if signed an order, to bank check good, dud cheque is not when turning nevertheless good. ─── 看一下是不是有签章的,假如签了章的,到银行验一下就好了,不过转的时候不要是空头支票就好了。

67、Of the 20 players, including several midcareer guys, only two were duds: Darko Milicic and Andrea Bargnani. ─── 在20个球员中,还有一些赛季中期受伤的球员,而只有两个人没有达到预期的:达科米里西奇和安德烈巴格纳尼。

68、the first experiment was a real turkey; the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned. ─── 不睦导致了合作的完全失败。。

69、More worryingly, smaller banks have been slow to build their reserves against dud loans, even though these are coming off historic lows . ─── 更令人担忧的是,尽管偏小规模银行刚开始摆脱不良贷款历史最低水平,但是解困动作一直缓慢。

70、Some people are worried that the "new poor, " clothed in designer duds but without a penny in their pocket, will grow out of this. ─── 有人担心,未来一身名牌,口袋空空的「新贫族」也会在此地出现。

71、On the basis of analyzing the generality of an clectric fuze ,the safety time for destroying a fuze dud is calculated and given according to practical expevience. ─── 分析了目前装备三军电引信结构的共性,从引信电原理入手,根据实践经验,推算出处理瞎火弹的安全时间。

72、It seems that some academics are great at life conceptually, but practically... not so good;Academic genii, social duds. ─── “但是如果它整晚犬吠,破坏我的睡眠,啃咬我最喜欢的鞋子和到处排泄的话又会怎样呢?”

73、Eventually they hope to create and release moths that would cause any wild ones they mated with to produce dud eggs, devastating the population ─── 他们想通过培养和释放改良后的蛾子,使得与之交配的任何野生蛾子都产出无效卵,以此来逐渐地消灭这个种群。

74、As far as I'm concerned, though, the biggest dud of all is Professor Johnson, my philosophy instructor.He is not prepared for class, does not know the subject well, and he lacks a sense of humor. ─── 最后从老师的备课情况、专业知识水平和幽默感三方面列出了文章的展开计划。

75、Yet for all of those so-called educational duds on the market, there is research currently going on that is working to redefine video games and work them into the classroom. ─── 然而对于市场中那些声称有教育意义的无用之物而言,当下正有一个研究活动在致力于把电视游戏重新定义并努力让他们走进教室。

76、As beans fall into bins, photoelectric cells detect duds , signaling for them to be rejected individually with a puff from an air nozzle. ─── 方式是在豆子落入容器的过程中,利用光电管挑出其中的坏豆子,然后送讯号给空气喷嘴对准一吹,将坏豆子个别剔除。

77、5.The revolution of the earth made us four romantic seasons, bringing us chances to enjoy different duds with the changing reasons ,which always fulfiled our peacockery. ─── 地球的公转,为我们营造了浪漫的春夏秋冬,使得我们能够有机会随着季节的变化而穿戴不同的服饰,满足我们永远虚荣的心。

78、While shamelessly touting their own banks'corporate clients as great buys, analysts were revealed to have privately conceded that several of the stocks were hopeless duds. ─── 分析师恬不知耻地吹捧说,自家银行企业客户的股票值得买进。据披露,他们曾私下承认其中几只股票一无是处。

79、How else do you explain people who are foreclosed on but wear designer duds? ─── 要不你怎么解释那些无力赎回抵押品的人居然还穿着名牌服装?

80、Their fashionable (and usually dark) duds show off just the right amount of chest. ─── 他们时尚(而且通常是黑色)的穿着恰到好处地显露出完美的胸肌。

81、Measured strictly in terms of financial returns, Google’s investment in AOL has been a dud. ─── 在对财务收益方面进行了一番严格斟酌之后,谷歌认为投资美国在线已显多余。

82、PETA definitely knows how to turn heads. Take a look back at the many celebs who have doffed their duds for the animal rights organization. ─── 善待动物组织肯定知道如何吸引眼球。回顾一下众多大牌明星们为保护动物权利而拍摄的大胆宣传照片。

83、dud mine ─── 未爆雷 哑雷

84、The startling news is that the chasm may be widening fast, as Britain's linguistic duds see less need for the gift of tongues and almost everybody else sees more. ─── 如果我们的眼睛能够接收和测量无限精细的感官数据,我们就能够以无限的精确度来观察这个世界。

85、2.The revolution of the earth made us four romantic seasons, bringing us chances to enjoy different duds with the changing reasons ,which always fulfiled our peacockery. ─── 地球的公转,为我们营造了浪漫的春夏秋冬,使得我们能够有机会随着季节的变化而穿戴不同的服饰,满足我们永远虚荣的心。收藏指正

86、In 2002, for example, he wrung a $1.4 billion settlement out of ten investment banks for hyping dud stocks to small investors, among other transgressions. ─── 例如在2002年,他迫使十家投资银行签订了一份价值14亿美元的补偿协议。这些银行涉嫌用无效股票欺诈小本投资者等多项犯罪。

87、a dud cheque(= written by sb who has not enough money in their bank account) ─── 空头支票

88、she likes him, but he thinks she's a big dull dud; ─── 乔安娜非常喜欢钱德,但钱德却觉得她非常无趣;

89、This system can be used to search and dispose of the dud automatically, so the casualties can be decreased, furthermore, the efficiency is increased largely. ─── 本文提出了一套瞎弹处理系统,用机械手代替人工以实现自动搜索、自动排除处理,减少了人员的伤亡,并提高了工作效率。

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