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09-04 投稿


infesting 发音

英:[?n?fest??]  美:[?n?fest??]

英:  美:

infesting 中文意思翻译



infesting 同义词

barrenness |sterility | aridity | poverty | unfruitfulness

infesting 反义词


infesting 短语词组

1、infesting mean ─── 侵染平均值

2、infesting insects ─── 寄生昆虫

3、infesting pest ─── 虫害

4、infesting synonym ─── 侵染同义词

5、infesting definition ─── 寄生定义

6、infesting bugs ─── 虫子侵扰

infesting 词性/词形变化,infesting变形

动词过去式: infested |动词过去分词: infested |名词: infestation |动词第三人称单数: infests |动词现在分词: infesting |

infesting 相似词语短语

1、inflating ─── n.充气;加压;v.膨胀;充气(inflate的ing形式);adj.膨胀的;充气的

2、investing ─── n.[机]熔模铸造;v.投资;授与(invest的现在分词)

3、insisting ─── 坚持

4、infecting ─── vt.感染,传染

5、ingesting ─── vt.摄取;咽下;吸收;接待

6、inferring ─── n.推理;推理阅读;v.推理;猜想(infer的ing形式)

7、inflecting ─── vt.弯曲;改变;使屈曲;vi.发生曲折变化

8、infefting ─── 侵染

9、infestant ─── 不适宜的

infesting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The larva of certain wasps of the family Eurytomidae,especially of Harmolita tritici,that infest grains and cause hard swellings near the first joint of the stems. ─── 广肩小蜂幼虫,禾节虫广肩小蜂科,尤指广肩小蜂的一些小蜂的幼虫危害谷物并且使茎部第一节附近膨大变硬。

2、Red flour beetles are a scourge of the pantry, but they are up to more in there than just infesting your food. ─── 面粉甲虫是厨房的一个祸害,但它们绝不仅仅污染的食物。

3、So what was I to do when confronted with the crisis of having a small horse infesting my flat? ─── 所以公寓里出现一匹迷你马,面对这样的危机,我该怎么办呢?我需要别人的指点。

4、They have sex on our food, and give birth on our skin.From swarms that attack, to tiny insects that infest, Phil takes us on a journey through the bug world's most fascinating invaders. ─── 想不到脸上也住上了无数无赖刁虫,轻轻一刮即发现牠们原来早与你休戚与共鼻息相连,不论怎样水洗也是逃不了。

5、There is an army of rats infesting this house. ─── 有一大群老鼠在这幢房子出没。

6、Can the Infestor even infest Zerg buildings? ─── 寄生陆战兵的生产速度和游戏宣传片上一样么?

7、A Preliminary Studies on the Bionomics and Prevention of Samia Cynthia Walker er Felder Infesting Camphor Tree in Shanghai ─── 上海地区危害樟树的樗蚕生物学特性及其防治

8、The most high infest rate of VAM to root tip is the meiosis zone,VAM can induce root primordium here, VAM also can infect the root cap. ─── VAM对根尖的侵染率差异以分生区最显著,并可诱导形成根原基; VAM可侵染根冠.

9、Several animals in sea water can infest wood. ─── 海水中有好多动物能侵害木材。

10、This paper deals with the bionomics and control measures of two long-horned beetles infesting coffee trees in western Kwangsi Autonomous Region. ─── 正>咖啡是我区解放以后栽植的热带经济作物,随着栽植时间的增长和咖啡园林的形成,各种害虫相继繁殖孳生为害。

11、Scissors Jaguar another Shocker creation begins a plan to convert all the humans in Japan into cybrogs using nanobots that will infest Japan. ─── 在众多强敌的面前本乡陷入了绝境。然而另一位正义的假面骑士一文字准人站到了本乡这边,向他伸出了援手。

12、The life-history and habits of Samia Cynthia walker er Felder infesting camphor tree have been studied during 1999-2000 in shanghai. ─── 2000年研究了上海地区危害樟树的樗蚕生活史和生活习性。

13、A lame cat is better than a swift horse when rats infest the palace. ─── 宫殿有鼠患,瘸猫比快马强。

14、any of numerous very small to minute arachnids often infesting animals or plants or stored foods ─── 各种非常小及微小蜘蛛纲动物,经常寄生在动物或植物或储存的食品中

15、Insecticide: Any of a large group of substances used to kill insects. Such substances are mainly used to control pests that infest cultivated plants and crops or to eliminate disease-carrying insects in specific areas. ─── 杀虫剂:用来杀死昆虫的有毒物质。主要用于控制侵扰作物的害虫或者在特定地区消灭传染疾病的昆虫。

16、Oslash; They set gigantic drone robots loose over the planet and then infest it with organic monsters. ─── 五面怪安插巨型机器人于塞伯坦星上,以作骚扰。

17、If they infest the grapevines, even pesticides are often no use. ─── 如果它们大批滋生在葡萄藤上,甚至农药也常常没有了效用。

18、Crime and drugs are infesting the inner cities. ─── 犯罪和毒品充斥着市中心区。

19、that these Yahoos engendered, and their brood, in a short time, grew so numerous as to overrun and infest the whole nation; ─── 它们将大的“野胡”杀死,每个“慧骃”只留两只小的养在窝里,驯养它们拖拉或者肩背东西;

20、The paper dealt with 3 species of mites infesting flower plants and provides the control measures. ─── 叙述了危害花卉植物的三种螨类,提出了“三看一洗”的防治方法。

21、Dynamic Histochemistry Changes in Midgut of Ixodes Sinensis after Infesting on Hosts Immunized by Tick Antigen ─── 中华硬蜱叮咬蜱抗原免疫接种宿主后中肠组织化学的动态观察

22、Such substances are mainly used to control pests that infest cultivated plants and crops or to eliminate disease-carrying insects in specific areas. ─── 主要用于控制侵扰作物的害虫或者在特定地区消灭传染疾病的昆虫。

23、Occurrence and Harm of the Gall Mite Infesting ─── 白枸杞瘤瘿螨的发生与为害

24、A boggart was one of the obstacles in the Triwizard Tournament maze (GF31), and a boggart was found infesting a writing desk in the drawing room at Grimmauld Place (OP9). ─── 博格特也是三强争霸赛里,等在迷宫里的一关(火焰杯,第31章)。在格里莫广场12号里,也曾有一只博格特躲在客厅的写字台里面(凤凰令,第9章)。

25、Occurence And Harm of The Gall Mite Infesting Lycium barbarum L. ─── 枸杞瘤瘿螨的发生与危害。

26、small Indian moth infesting e.g. tea and coffee plants ─── 在茶叶和咖啡等植物上滋生的印度小蛾

27、The price is daily exposure to the water-borne, parasitic worm Schistosoma japonicum which is carried by the millions of tiny fingernail snails that infest the marshland. ─── 换来的代价是每天都接触到水传播,湖里的沼泽生长着数以百万计的小钉螺,他们寄生着日本血吸虫。

28、Its primary injured symptom is to form galls. Species of the Adelgidae mostly infest on the following plants, such as Picea, Pinus, Larix and Abies. There is a parallel evolvement between the aphids and their host plants. ─── 球蚜科物种专性寄生在松科植物上,主要包括云杉属Picea、松属Pinus、落叶松属Larix、冷杉属Abies等属的植物,在蚜虫物种和寄主植物之间存在着平行演化的现象;

29、Moreover, the serpents infesting most of China, big or small, black or white, baring their poisonous fangs or assuming the guise of beautiful girls, are not yet frozen by the cold, although they already sense the threat of winter. ─── 况且盘踞在大部分中国土地上的大蛇和小蛇,黑蛇和白蛇,露出毒牙的蛇和化成美女的蛇,虽然它们已经感觉到冬天的威胁,但是还没有冻僵呢!

30、minute arthropod often infesting the underground parts of truck-garden and greenhouse crops ─── 微小的节肢动物,经常滋生在花果和温室农作物的地下部分

31、5 All rules and regulations in the infest society are mundane and ready for people.Practice of Zen; ─── 任何群居社会的规范及原则都是入世的,都是为了世俗世界而做准备的。

32、42 Buzzing insects will infest all your trees and the crops of your soil. ─── 害虫要吃尽你所有的树木和土地的出产。

33、The larva of certain wasps of the family Eurytomidae, especially of Harmolita tritici, that infest grains and cause hard swellings near the first joint of the stems. ─── 广肩小蜂幼虫,禾节虫广肩小蜂科,尤指广肩小蜂的一些小蜂的幼虫危害谷物并且使茎部第一节附近膨大变硬

34、The Zerg are well entrenched and their Virophages are infesting the countryside. ─── 虫族是根深蒂固,他们Virophages infesting是乡下。

35、Infest: to live as a parasite in or on tissues or organs or on the skin and its appendages ─── 害虫或细菌寄生在组织内、器官上、皮肤上和体表器官上

36、Why add a compound toxic to birds to food meant to be eaten by birds? Because Scott didn't want bugs infesting its bird food during storage. ─── 为什么这家公司会在鸟类的食物上掺入有毒物质呢?因为Scott不想让害虫大批出没于储存的鸟食里。

37、small Indian moth infesting e.g. tea and coffee plants. ─── 在茶叶和咖啡等植物上滋生的印度小蛾。

38、any of numerous very small to minute arachnids often infesting animals or plants or stored foods. ─── 各种非常小及微小蜘蛛纲动物,经常寄生在动物或植物或储存的食品中。

39、Use your battle paddle to fire flaming shots at the infesting bugs before they take over! ─── 使用您的战斗桨消防燃烧的镜头在infesting的错误之前,他们接管了!

40、They infest apparently healthy trees only during the top of outbreak. ─── 只有在猖獗发生时,才侵入健康活立木;

41、Kiss fish is infest fish.To feed fish in hot spring water, every stere water need 1000 to 1500 pieces of fish. ─── “亲亲鱼”属于群性鱼类,用温泉水养殖“亲亲鱼”,每平方米在1000至1500尾之间,这样即使客人较多也能达到完美满意的效果。

42、Since-the ALB is no native to the United States there are no known natural predators in the United States. There is no effective way to control the beetle in the U.S. except to destroy every tree they infest. ─── 因为光肩星天牛并非原产于美国,因此该天牛在美国没有已知的天敌。除销毁所有受侵染的树木之外,没有其他已知的有效方法控制该天牛。

43、after a long search for new worlds to infest. ─── 在一段为了寄生而对新世界相当长的调查之后,

44、so many different rebel groups now infest Darfur that striking any sort of agreement with them all has become dauntingly difficult. ─── 今日,如此之多不同的叛乱团体横行达尔富尔,与他们所有派别订立任何形式的协定变得困难重重,令人畏惧。

45、Watch out for fleas and ticks that may infest your pet. ─── 密切注意是否有跳蚤在宠物身上.温热的天气给跳蚤提供了很好的生存环境.

46、Quadraspidiotus gigas is a main pest infesting poplar in Northeast China. Chilocorus kuwanae, as a key nature enemy, has good control function to Quadraspidiotus gigas. ─── 杨圆蚧是我国东北林区杨树的主要害虫,对它的防治已经由化学防治向生物防治转化,红点唇瓢虫作为杨圆蚧的主要捕食性天敌,对杨圆蚧有较好的控制作用。

47、Mike Heiberg: Right, in classic Starcraft infesting someone’s command center was really more of an insult. ─── M:原作中感染敌人的指挥中心更多的是一种侮辱。

48、any of numerous very small to minute arachnids often infesting animals or plants or stored foods. ─── 各种非常小及微小蜘蛛纲动物,经常寄生在动物或植物或储存的食品中。

49、Any of various jumping plant lice of the family Psyllidae, especially of the genus Psylla, which includes several species that infest fruit trees. ─── 木虱一种木虱科植物跳虱,尤指属于跳虱属的木虱,有不少品种是侵害果树的

50、Chestnut thyridid (Striglina scitaria Walker) is an important pest that infesting the arbutus emblic leafflower tea, plums and chestnut in China. ─── 斜线网蛾(Striglina scitaria Walker)隶属鳞翅目网蛾科(Thyrididae),以幼虫卷叶为害杨梅、余甘、梅、茶、栗树等木本经济植物。

51、Yes, Corruptors can infest anything that flies or is forced into the air by abilities such as Anti-Gravity. ─── 答案是肯定的,腐蚀者能够侵染任何飞行单位或者是任何被无重力技能托起的单位。

52、But the army's defeats may not lead to meaningful peace deals; so many different rebel groups now infest Darfur that striking any sort of agreement with them all has become dauntingly difficult. ─── 但是,政府军失败,可能不会导致什么有意义的和平协定;今日,如此之多不同的叛乱团体横行达尔富尔,与他们所有派别订立任何形式的协定变得困难重重,令人畏惧。

53、Even he couldn't find how long the gorilla can live, as well as how and why they died.The same, he couldn't be certain of the infest mode of gorilla, nor point out the limit of their intelligence. ─── 即使是他也不能发现大猩猩究竟能活多久以及怎么死的和因为什么死的,同样他也不能确定大猩猩家族确切的群居方式或者指出它们的智力极限。

54、” When officialdom is blended with the market, the irregular market will infest with deceptions, so will be the officialdom that lacks check and balance. ─── 当官场市场混然一体,.缺规范的市场盛行骗术,缺制衡的官场就骗术盛行。

55、No one wanted to accidentally infest the world with a deadly virus! ─── 没有人希望出现意外,用一种致命的病毒侵扰全世界!

56、However, they may also infest other hairy parts of the body like the armpits, the male chest or the beard (but usually not the scalp). ─── 可是,阴虱也在身体的其他毛发部位生长,象在腋毛、男性的胸毛或胡须等部位生长(但通常不在头皮上生长)。

57、Bug World "A war of two worlds" meets the men and women on the front line of this invasion and discovers some surprising truths about the animals that infest every aspect of our lives. ─── 直击甲虫是如何拯救被蚂蚁入侵的美洲大陆。节目中还会透视有哪些虫经常在你家中出现,以及披露有那一类昆虫可以将尸体化成白骨。

58、Bionomics and control of the yellow tea thrips, Scirothrips dorsalis infesting litchi ─── 为害荔枝的茶黄蓟马生物学特性及防治

59、For this reason, the life of man of practice and the life of the man in the infest society is totally different worlds. ─── 所以修行人及一般人必定是泾渭分明的两个世界。


61、Analysis of Laboratory Population Life Table of Carmine Spider Mite,(Tetranychus cinnabarinus)Infesting Feng Chi Sang Morus L. ─── 与相似的文献。

62、They are mainly forest scavengers infesting damp, rotted wood. ─── 它们主要是些森林食腐动物,多侵害潮湿腐朽的木材。

63、Termites even infest inside concrete, weakening the construction and caused structures fallen. ─── 白蚁甚至侵食石柱及使木天花坠落。

64、the larva of various beetles of the genus Tenebrio that infest flour and other grain products and are often raised for bird feed ─── 大黄粉虫幼体一种拟步行虫属的甲壳虫幼虫,寄生于面粉和其他谷类产品中,常被作为鸟食而饲养

65、fleas infesting dogs ─── 寄生于狗身上的跳蚤

66、any of various insects,especially booklice and silverfish,that infest books and feed on the paste in the bindings ─── 书蛀虫,那些污染书本并以粘合物中的浆糊为食的昆虫中的任一种,尤指书虱和蠹虫

67、Advances in the studies on infesting and controlling chironomids in municipal water system ─── 城市供水系统摇蚊污染发生与防治研究

68、They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them. ─── 他们成群结队地出没于最为黑暗和污秽的处所,沉湎于腐朽和绝望。他们榨干周围空气里所有的安宁、希望和快乐。

69、Ultrastructural Changes in the Midgut Epithelium of Ixodes sinensis after Infesting the Rabbits Immunized by Purified Ixodic Protein ─── 叮咬不同免疫力兔后中华硬蜱中肠上皮细胞超微结构的观察

70、Male moths in Belgium are being lured into love traps coated with female hormones in a bid to stem a plague of hairy caterpillars that are infesting woodlands and causing itching frenzies in humans. ─── 在比利时,公毛毛虫正被引诱至涂上一层雌虫性荷尔蒙的爱情陷阱里,以遏止毛茸茸的毛毛虫为患,蹂躏森林地并造成人体奇痒难耐。

71、The damages of the pests to the bamboo are discussed briefly.The species of Nirvaninae are one of the most important pests infesting bamboo. ─── 并对这些害虫的危害性作了简评,其中隐脉叶蝉亚科种类的危害性相对最大。

72、minute arthropod often infesting the underground parts of truck-garden and greenhouse crops. ─── 微小的节肢动物,经常滋生在花果和温室农作物的地下部分。

73、The bacteria infest the bone marrow, lymph glands, vital organs and the central nervous system. ─── 细菌大批出没于骨头髓,淋巴腺,重要的器官和中央的神经系统。

74、The only thing preventing this cold-water-loving species from infesting the Great Lakes, the largest body of fresh water in the world, is an electric barrier on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. ─── 现在阻止这些家伙入侵五大湖这片世界上最大的淡水水域的唯一办法是在该水系的各大入水口安装电网。

75、Mosquitoes infest swamps. ─── 池沼中蚊虫滋生。

76、7.The most high infest rate of VAM to root tip is the meiosis zone,VAM can induce root primordium here, VAM also can infect the root cap. ─── VAM对根尖的侵染率差异以分生区最显著,并可诱导形成根原基;VAM可侵染根冠.

77、Even though the infestor lost the cool ass ability to spray and infest buildings, this unit is still deadly. ─── 尽管感染者失去了感染建筑这个酷技能,这种单位仍然很致命。

78、Morality is a instinct of oneself for infesting together. ─── 道德是个人心目中的群居本能。

79、The species is the most widely distributed of all beasts of prey, infesting all habitable parts of the globe. ─── 在所有猛兽中,这个物种的分布最广——它们出没于全世界一切可以居住的地方。

80、The researchers say these parasites commonly infest salmon raised in farms but also attack young pink salmons that swim nearby. ─── 研究人员称,海虱一般寄生于人工养殖的三文鱼,但是也会感染游过的粉红三文鱼。

81、In Episode Four these worm-like creatures were shown to specialise in infesting dodos. ─── 第四集中这些长得像虫子的生物能够在渡渡鸟体内大量滋生。

82、Infesting in your kids ears and nesting ─── 在你孩子们耳朵和窝里

83、Opogona sacchari--A New Pest Infesting on Ornamental Plants ─── 一种危害观赏植物的新害虫--蔗扁蛾

84、Cai told officials to "fully grasp the gravity and threat of the vulgar current infesting the internet" . ─── 蔡明照告诉其他官员“要充分把握其严肃性以及时下大量网络下流信息的威胁。”

85、In some years, the larvae of a nondescript moth may infest individual trees, feeding voraciously on the leaves, and inhibiting the development of flowers and fruit. ─── 在某些年份中,会有不知名的蝴蝶幼虫侵害一些树木个体,它们大量吞食树叶,并阻碍花朵和果实的成长。

86、This articles discusses the treatment and stabilization of the weathered infest side slope in karst area of Jiu Xiang resort in Kunming, by using high-rate plants (such as Vetiver) as plant fence. ─── 应用(改良)香根草等高植物篱技术治理与稳固昆明九乡喀斯特(岩溶)地区石漠化病害边坡。

87、Any of various insects, especially booklice and silverfish, that infest books and feed on the paste in the bindings. ─── 书蛀虫那些污染书本并以粘合物中的浆糊为食的昆虫中的任一种,尤指书虱和蠹虫

88、“When the aphids infest a field, the most common means of control is to spray the field with an insecticide that can cost as much as 20 to 25 dollars per acre,” Hartman said. ─── “当田间出现蚜虫时,最常用的控制办法就是每亩地喷洒价值高达20-25美元的杀虫剂”,哈特曼说。

89、Swarms of moths are invading Sydney's business district, cloaking skyscrapers and infesting hotels as they succumb to the bright lights of Australia's biggest city. ─── 澳大利亚东部大城悉尼及首都堪培拉目前正面临一场危机,大批飞蛾在市区许多大楼盘踞。

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