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09-04 投稿


contender 发音

英:[k?n?tend?r]  美:[k?n?tend?(r)]

英:  美:

contender 中文意思翻译



contender 短语词组

1、Contender Class ─── [体]竞争者型

2、logical contender ─── 逻辑竞争者

3、anthony davis contender mvp ─── 安东尼·戴维斯竞争者mvp

4、contender cash cup ─── 竞争者现金杯

5、contender boat ─── 竞争者船

6、contender series ─── 竞争者系列

7、contender bicycles ─── 竞争者自行车

8、contender gta v ─── 竞争者gta v

contender 反义词


contender 词性/词形变化,contender变形


contender 同义词

vile | terrible | horrible | ruthless | petty | shameful | abject | dreadful | black | filthy | distasteful | atrocious | mean | disgraceful | rotten | ghastly | grievous | wretched | wicked | disreputable |cruel | loathsome | brutal | worthless | obnoxious | despicable | awful | detestable

contender 相似词语短语

1、contendent ─── 包含

2、contends ─── vi.竞争;奋斗;斗争;争论;vt.主张;为...斗争

3、contemner ─── 犯藐视法庭罪者;藐视者

4、contenders ─── n.竞争者(contender复数)

5、commender ─── 推荐人

6、contended ─── vi.竞争;奋斗;斗争;争论;vt.主张;为...斗争

7、contend ─── vi.竞争;奋斗;斗争;争论;vt.主张;为...斗争

8、contented ─── adj.满足的;心安的;v.使…满足;使…安心(content的过去式和过去分词)

9、contemper ─── 竞争对手

contender 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They have to contend against draught every year. ─── 他们每年都得与干旱做斗争。

2、However, some vendors and users contend that shared fast Ethernet is appropriate for server and backbone connections. ─── 但是,一些供应商和用户认为,共享式快速以太网适合服务器和主干网的连接。

3、Others contend it simply forces one person to prove he/she is better than another. ─── 另一些人认为它只是强迫一个人证明他/她比别人更优秀。

4、He has enough to contend with, without bothering himself with your problems. ─── 即使不为你的问题操心,他自己的事也够他应付的了。

5、He couldn't contend with his wife's scandal so he divorced his wife. ─── 他不能容忍他妻子的丑闻,因此和他妻子离婚了。

6、It is hard to contend with poverty. ─── 与贫穷奋斗是很困难的

7、R8 starts at a hefty $109, 000, meaning it would be a farce if it weren't at least a top contender for the sports-car crown. ─── R8开始标价高达十万九千美元,这意味着它至少是跑车之王的最有力竞争者。

8、The trend of pretending to contend has extended. ─── 假装斗争的趋势已经延伸开来。

9、You don t understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. ─── 你不懂,我本来应该是个有地位的人,是个很有竞争力的人。

10、Will ye accept his person? Will ye contend for God? ─── 你们要为神徇情吗,要为他争论吗。

11、From ancient times Chinese rulers have to contend with powerful non-Chinese neighbors and potential conquerors. ─── 从古代起,中国的统治者就不得不抵抗强大的异族邻居和潜在的征服者。

12、Obama emerged as a possible contender with a barnstorming speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. ─── 奥巴玛于2004年的民主党全国大会巡回演讲中作为一个可能的竞争者涌现出来。

13、If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one for a thousand. ─── 人若愿意同天主辩论,千个问题中,谁也回答不出一个。

14、Will you show partiality for Him? Will you contend for God? ─── 伯13:8你们要为神徇情麽、要为他争论麽。

15、But we still have a PR nightmare to contend with. ─── 可是我们还是有个公关噩梦要应付。

16、What with one thing and another, the poor chap has too much to contend with. ─── 一桩桩一件件的不接踵而来,那可怜的家伙委实够受的了。

17、But the potential is simply too significant, the experts contend. ─── 但是专家们主张,潜力是非常重要的。

18、After one year preparation, the Florida Gators resurged and became a contender in the national stage. ─── 仅仅用了一年的时间,佛罗里达大学就成为了全国范围内的一支强队。

19、Allardyce, the Bolton Wanderers manager, said last night that he thought he was still a contender for the England job. ─── 博尔顿经理阿勒代斯昨晚说他想他还是英格兰国家队帅位的竞争者。

20、It is more difficult to contend with oneself than with the world. ─── 与自己斗难过与世界斗。

21、In less than a year, China went from a polluting megapower to an up-and-coming clean-tech contender that promises to outpace America. ─── 在不到一年的时间里,中国从污染大国转变为积极进取的清洁技术竞争者,承诺要超过美国。

22、FED technology, representing a combination of the CRT and LCD, is a lead contender. ─── 场发射显示器(FED)代表了CRT与lcd的结合,是一种主要的竞争技术。

23、Jack Dorsey, creator of the microblogging service, suggests that you can't make a call on a contender unless you give it a fighting chance. ─── 但杰克·多尔西,这位Twitter的创始人表示除非能有一个参与竞争的机会,否则怎能与对手一较高下?

24、The trend of pretending to contend has extend. ─── 假装竞争的趋势已经扩展了。

25、One of his lines from the film, “I coulda been a contender,” has been widely imitated. ─── 他在电影中的一句台词“我本来可以奋力拼搏一回的”被广泛仿效。

26、C, Balls Of Steel, The Simpsons, Futurama, Eastenders, Friends, The Contender, Brainiac. ─── 喜欢的电视节目:Prison Break, MOTD, One Tree Hill, Smallville, Scrubs, O.

27、You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. ─── 你不懂,我本来该是个有地位的人,是个很有竞争力的人。

28、Her trainer said yesterday that she would be a strong contender for a place on the Olympic team. ─── 她的教练昨天说,她会是取得奥运代表队里一个席位的一名强有力的竞争者。

29、Don' t contend about more trifles. ─── 别为琐事争论。

30、They had to contend with a lot of problems. ─── 他们必须和很多问题争斗。

31、Meanwhile I continued to contend with raising my own kids. ─── 与此同时我也全力以付地关注着自己的孩子们。

32、He knew now that he had more than mere bluff to contend with. He felt that he was face to face with a dull proposition. ─── 他现在已经意识到她并不是在装模作样地恫吓,自己面临的是一个不容乐观的难题了。

33、The team is a serious contender for the title this year. ─── 该队是今年不可轻视的夺标竞争者。

34、She's had a lot of problems to contend with. ─── 她有许多问题要解决。

35、This proposal to contend for Kiangsi erred only in setting a time limit of one year. ─── 上面争取江西的话,不对的是规定一年为期。

36、Will you be partial to Him? Will you contend for God? ─── 8你们要徇神的情面么?要为?争论么?

37、"That makes it a strong contender in a world of rough consensus and running code," Baker says of IVI. ─── “这使一个强大的竞争者在当前的世界上粗糙的共识和运行代码, ”贝克说,研究的IVI 。

38、In this article I will contend two points. ─── 在这篇文章里我将陈述两个观点。

39、When a marriage ends,the former husband and wife often contend over their children. ─── 夫妻离婚后,常常为争夺孩子而吵架。

40、No one would ever contend that this jelly-fish could improve itself. ─── 从来就没有哪个人认为这个小东西能够自我演化。

41、If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand. ─── 3若愿意与他争辩,千中之一也不能回答。

42、The Belmont Racetrack, on the border with Queens, is one hot contender. ─── 与昆斯区接壤的贝尔蒙赛道是著重考虑的选址。

43、As Lexus′ popular flagship vehicle, the LS430 has become a strong contender in the luxury executive sedan segment. ─── 作为LEXUS雷克萨斯倍受欢迎的旗舰豪华轿车,LS430已成为顶级豪华轿车中的有力竞争者。

44、To come together as opponents; contend. ─── 会战敌对双方的遭遇;交战

45、She has gone from fiery senator and presidential contender to increasingly marginalized run of the mill bureaucrat. ─── 她从一个激进的议员和总统候选人转变为一个被迅速边缘化的官僚。

46、Another big man also will be needed, with Bosh the leading candidate, but Carlos Boozer is a contender, too -- and that'll make 11. ─── 另外还需要一个大个子,波什是首选,但布泽尔是强有力的竞争者。这样就有了11人。

47、They had to contend with wind and sand storms. ─── 他们必须与大风沙作斗争。

48、Rumours have been rife that Benitez is a leading contender to replace Fabio Capello as Real Madrid coach in the summer. ─── 关于贝尼特斯夏季将取代卡佩罗执教皇马的流言早已盛行。

49、Liston would"Wipe the floor"with the young contender. ─── 利斯顿会把这名年轻的对手“打得落花流水”。

50、Can contend for warm, lax spread, lazy ocean ocean, say is take a sunbathe. ─── 可争暖,松散散、懒洋洋,说是晒太阳。

51、Personal incomes were unchanged as workers contend with rising unemployment. ─── 个人收入则维持不变,工人失业上升抗衡。

52、But critics contend it just as easily muzzles the press. ─── 但批评家认为这反而为钳制媒体创造了便利。

53、He is a difficult man to contend with. ─── 他是一个难对付的人。

54、They had to contend with sickness and lack of food. ─── 他们必须全力对付疾病及粮食的缺乏。

55、Meanwhile both Microsoft and Sony came away being outshone and with some issues to contend with. ─── 同时微软和索尼也有一些令同行瞩目的亮点。

56、One contender loses a pawn and Acapulco vanishes in a nuclear fireball. ─── 在成为一名科幻作家之前,海因莱因从事过许多职业。

57、It is the bourgeoisie that will contend with us for leadership. ─── 同我们争领导权的是资产阶级。

58、Even if needed resources lie beneath, most researchers contend that the cost of extraction would be staggering. ─── 即使所需要的资源就在下面,大多数研究人员还是认为,开采的代价将会大得惊人。

59、At the halfway point, he had looked a contender for Man of the Match after two sublime assists. ─── 在同时,他展望了一下曼联在比赛中的对抗在两个顶峰间的较量。

60、In the difficult mode, you have two spacemen to contend with. ─── 你要设置障碍让他们无法到达飞船传输舱.

61、Or are they ready for true contender status? ─── 他们准备好为荣誉而战了么?

62、So a repairing with Cody in an adult, sharp-witted story about a sort of homecoming sounds like a top contender. ─── 因此,他再次同科蒂合作,讲述一个关于成年人回家的故事,充满机智趣味,该片似乎是个有力的竞争者。

63、When the people contend for their liberty they seldom get anything by their victory but new master. ─── 人们为自由而斗争,但斗争胜利后,往往除了换个新主子之外几乎得不到什么。

64、In sequent toil all forwards do contend. ─── 前推后拥,一个个在奋勇争先。

65、They had to contend against their political enemies. ─── 他们必须与他们的政敌争斗。

66、With one thing after another, the poor chap has too much to contend with. ─── 一桩桩一件件的事接踵而来,那可怜的家伙委实够受的了。

67、To go from pretender or contender, however, can only come in those last two minutes and from those two best players. ─── 从总冠军的觊觎者变身为总冠军的挑战者,这一切都要靠最后2分钟的浴火重生,而所有的浴火重生都只是姚明和麦迪的浴火重生。

68、Of each big door website contend for already smoke of gunpowder diffuses. ─── 各大门户网站之争早已硝烟弥漫。

69、What did Prussia and Austria contend about in their last war? ─── 在上一场战争中普鲁士和奥地利争夺的焦点是什么?

70、They had to contend against drought. ─── 他们必须跟干旱作斗争。

71、Coming into this season, the Mavs no longer look like a contender. ─── 到了这个赛季,小牛看起来再也没有了竞争的力度。

72、To contend with physically or in battle. ─── 作战,打仗身体上或在战场上奋力搏斗

73、Good character also can contend with pressure. ─── 7性格开朗,成熟,能应付压力。

74、Who will contend with me? For then I would be silent and die. ─── 19有谁与我争论?若有,我就情愿缄默不言,气绝而亡。

75、Their blood produced a great anger and the courage. To contend with heroism. ─── 他们的血带给我们巨大的愤怒和勇气,去勇敢得斗争。

76、The original idea of their fourth-generation fighters is to have an aircraft capable of beating any other contender. ─── 美国第四代战斗机的最初设计理念是要成为能打败任何竞争对手的强者。

77、Some people contend that ---------has proved to bring many advantages. ─── 一些人主张----------已经被证明带来了很多好处。

78、He has too much to contend with. ─── 他要应付的事太多。

79、He had no real gift and could not contend with his young competitor. ─── 他不具备真正的天赋,不敌他的年轻对手。

80、Dan Qian empty is equal to do not contend for strong emulative. ─── 但谦虚不等于不争强好胜。

81、They contend that bioforestry has as much potential for environmental mayhem as for environmental good. ─── 他们声称生物林业给环境带来的危害将和益处一样多。

82、Many people contend that China holds a special position in the Third World. ─── 人们说,中国在第三世界处于特殊的地位。

83、She is a strong contender for the team. ─── 她是入选队伍强有力的竞争者。

84、But if new European Space Agency (ESA) findings from the Venus Express spacecraft are correct, it looks as if Venus coulda been a contender. ─── 但如果欧空局(ESA)金星快车(VenusExpress)探测器的新发现是正确的,那么看起来也许金星将摘掉“失败者”的称号。

85、The farmers tried their best to contend against the drought. ─── 农民们竭尽所能地与干旱作斗争。

86、In practice, patriotism has many other enemies to contend with. ─── 在实践中,爱国主义有许多其它的敌人跟它竞争。

87、And Joash said to all who stood against him, Will you contend for Baal? ─── 31约阿施对站着攻击他的众人说,你们是为巴力争辩么?

88、She was a strong contender for the Olympic team. ─── 她曾是奥林匹克队的一个强大的竞争者。

89、Connate different can, who and contend for wind. ─── 天赋异能,谁与争风。

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