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09-04 投稿


gobbled 发音

英:[?ɡ?bld]  美:[?ɡɑ?bld]

英:  美:

gobbled 中文意思翻译




gobbled 词性/词形变化,gobbled变形

动词过去式: gobbled |动词现在分词: gobbling |动词过去分词: gobbled |动词第三人称单数: gobbles |

gobbled 短语词组

1、gobbled def ─── 狼吞虎咽

2、gobbled crossword ─── 狼吞虎咽填字游戏

3、gobbled thesaurus ─── 狼吞虎咽的词库

4、gobbled up all the worms ─── 吃掉了所有的虫子

5、gobbled means ─── 狼吞虎咽的手段

6、gobbled up ─── 狼吞虎咽;贪婪地抓住

7、gobbled up pussy ─── 吞食猫咪

8、gobbled meaning ─── 狼吞虎咽的意思

9、gobbled defined ─── 狼吞虎咽

gobbled 相似词语短语

1、nobbled ─── v.阻止(赛马)取胜;买通;阻挠;(有违其意愿)抓住;(为说服)搭话;骗取(nobble的过去式和过去分词)

2、bobbled ─── n.失误;轻摇;vi.上下跳动;漏接球;vt.漏接;弄坏

3、gobbed ─── n.凝块;水兵;vi.吐唾沫;n.(Gob)人名;(法)戈布

4、cobbled ─── adj.铺有鹅卵石的;v.铺鹅卵石(cobbled的过去式和过去分词)

5、gobble ─── vi.贪食;咯咯叫;vt.狼吞虎咽;n.火鸡叫声

6、gabbled ─── v.急促而含混不清地说(gabble的过去式和过去分词)

7、gobbles ─── vi.贪食;咯咯叫;vt.狼吞虎咽;n.火鸡叫声

8、hobbled ─── vi.蹒跚;跛行;vt.使跛行;n.跛行步态

9、gobbler ─── n.雄火鸡;狼吞虎咽的人

gobbled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The hungry demons happily gobbled up the fairly divided dead body.Then they gratefully said to King Goodness, "Now that our bellies are full, is there anything else we can do to please you? ─── 两个饿鬼狼吞虎咽地享用了平分后各自的那一份死尸后,高兴地对大仁慈王说:“现在我们已经饱餐了,还有什么事我们可以为您效劳的呢?”

2、Small family businesses are being gobbled up by larger firms. ─── 小型家庭企业正被较大的公司吞并。

3、I gobbled my cold food that had been left covered on the table. ─── 我大口咽下扣在桌子上的凉饭。

4、Small family business is often gobbled up by larger firm. ─── 家庭小商业遭到大公司的吞并。

5、The love is a beauty of, but the marriage all be covered with a person the wolf of the skin forever, a little gobbled up ever of glory, I with beam have the elder brother ever really once had love? ─── 爱情是美丽的,而婚姻永远都是披着人皮的狼,一点点吞噬了曾经的光华,我和梁兄真的有过爱情吗?

6、But it also proved to be extremely tasty for small crustaceans called copepods, which gobbled the phytoplankton up so quickly that even with further iron fertilisation the bloom stopped growing. ─── 结果是当铁的水平自然地增加(例如大量的当沙尘暴在海中降落),大规模的浮游生物的增加就会突然出现。之前的研究表明人工的加入铁元素能够让藻类爆发性的繁殖。

7、Immediately, the Chinese and international media gobbled us up. ─── 来自中国和其他各国的媒体立即把我们围起来争相采访。

8、2. as he was still hungry, he gobbled up a second sandwich. ─── 因为还饿,他又狼吞虎咽地吃了第二块三明治。

9、During the boom years, this system gobbled up credit from abroad, leading to yawning current-account deficits. ─── 在经济状况好的时候,金融系统吞噬了大量海外信贷,结果出现了现金账户的赤字。

10、But do the fish and meat gobbled down during this month really bring health and happiness? ─── 只是这个月吃下的大鱼大肉,真的会带来健康与幸福吗?

11、The small amounts banks are selling from their own holdings are quickly gobbled up ─── 银行正在抛售它们自己的少量股票,很快被抢购一空。

12、He gobbled the ice cream so fast that he got a headache. ─── 他吞吃冰激淋时太快,所以头痛。

13、A fossilized shark that swallowed a crocodile-like amphibian that, in turn, had gobbled up a fish has now been unearthed. ─── 根据一条鲨鱼的化石发现,该鲨鱼在吞咽类似于鳄鱼的两栖动物的同时,该鳄鱼正在捕食一条鱼。

14、In all the chaos of a galactic pile-up, plenty of gas should get funneled toward the center and gobbled up, astronomers reasoned. ─── 他们解释说,在星系堆积的混乱中,很多气体向星系中心汇集,然后被吞没。

15、Hillary Clinton has gobbled up another moral victory on the road to the White House, emerging as top pick among voters asked which candidate they would invite to share their Thanksgiving turkey. ─── 希拉里.克林顿获得通往白宫路上的又一次"精神胜利"--她是美国民众最乐于邀请共享感恩节火鸡晚餐的总统参选人。

16、This causes systematic natural resources to be gobbled up gradually, computer moves slower and slower. ─── 这就造成系统资源逐渐被吞噬,电脑运行越来越慢。

17、Mrs. Sawyer looked radiant,too,and for the first time gobbled up her dinner like a little pig..... ─── 译:索耶太太也容光焕发,第一次大口大口地吃饭,活像一头小馋猪。

18、China's soaring economy gobbled up unprecedented amounts of raw materials in recent years, as the country built skyscrapers and roads, cellphones and autos at an historic pace. ─── 中国经济的高速增长在近年来消耗了空前数量的原材料,中国以前所未有的速度大量建设高楼和道路,生产手机和汽车。

19、They gobbled hot dogs. ─── 他们猛吃热狗。

20、Here, her character Hanako is invited by a supermarket owner (Tsuga Masahiko, a frequent co-star) to give his shop a makeover, to resist being gobbled up by an aggressive new competitor. ─── 听着丈夫作的曲子,往昔的他时时浮现在眼前,痛苦总是缠绕在她心头,使她无法超脱。

21、If she lives in New York, I suspect her paycheck will be gobbled up by rent, groceries and the like. ─── 而如果住在纽约的话,我怀疑她的薪水会被房租、日常用品等项开支消耗殆尽。

22、It is still so clogged with people that box lunches which usually go for

23、Corrections have gobbled more and more of state budgets, at a faster pace than any government service except Medicaid. ─── 除医疗补助外,教改制比任何其他政府服务都要快的吞噬着各州财政预算。

24、Had never seen a turkey before,the child was frightened when it gobbled ─── 因从未见过火鸡,当它咯咯地叫时这小孩被吓坏了

25、Having never seen a turkey before, the child was frightened when it gobbled. ─── 因从未见过火鸡,当它咯咯地叫时这小孩被吓坏了。

26、The pigs gobbled up the waste food as if they had not been fed for days. ─── 猪大吃大嚼剩饭剩莱,好像有好多天没有给他们喂食似的。

27、For his first meal, after having his feeding tube removed, Bob gobbled a pile of hibiscus barb flowers and roses. ─── 自从移除食物导管后,鲍勃狼吞虎咽地吃掉了他的第一餐一大堆芙蓉属的植物和花以及蔷薇。

28、They gobbled down all the sandwiches. ─── 他们几口就把三明治全吃光了。

29、She gobbled down her lunch and hastened to her appointment. ─── 她大口吃完午饭便匆忙赴约去了。

30、Meanwhile his trembling praying shipmates were sucked underwater and gobbled up by hungry fish and huge turtles. Soon the water all around turned red from blood. ─── 这时,那些颤抖着祈祷神灵的同船者都沉入水中,被饿鱼和大海龟吞食。很快,周围的水域染成血红色。

31、measured by the share of GDP gobbled up by the taxman, tax burdens have come down in most countries since the turn of the 21st century. ─── 按照被税务人员收走的GDP份额衡量,大多数国家在21世纪拐点以来的税收负担都下降了。

32、The children gobbled up their food and rushed out to play. ─── 孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃完饭就冲出去玩了。

33、But instead, the crane suddenly killed him, gobbled up his flesh, and let the bones fall to the ground. ─── 但是鹤却突然杀了它,吃了它的肉,并将骨头扔到地上。

34、And be in 4 days before, this maritime space is in " Sang Mei " below typhonic indulge in wilful persecution, gobbled up hundreds fisherman and nautical life. ─── 而正在4天而前,这片领域在"桑美"热带风暴的猖狂下,呑食了几百渔人和船员的生命。

35、It's difficult for a small firm not to be gobbled up by big business concerns. ─── 一个小公司很难不被大公司击败。

36、Hotel costs gobbled up most of their holiday budget. ─── 住宿旅馆的费用耗掉他们假日预算的一大部份。

37、Goldilocks was right, but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. ─── 金发姑娘说对了,但那碗炖肉太凉了。她抓过第三碗炖肉狼吞虎咽地把它吃掉了。第三碗刚刚好。

38、For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed, Bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses. ─── 取除进食管后的第一顿饭,鲍伯狼吞虎咽地吃下了很多芙蓉和玫瑰花。

39、gobbled up ─── 吞并, 并购

40、1. She gobbled up all the relevant information. ─── 她如饥似渴地收集一切有关的信息。

41、That big power gobbled up these two small countries in 1818 ─── 那个大国于1818年吞并了这两个小国。

42、The pigs gobbled up the waste food as if they had not been fed for days. ─── 猪大吃大嚼剩饭剩莱,好像有好多天没有给他们喂食似的。

43、I gobbled it up in a minute flat. ─── 我狼吞虎咽,一下子就盘底朝天。

44、By all accounts IKB gobbled up assets that met its rating criteria. ─── 众所周知,IKB通过拼命攫取资产来迎合自身的(投资)等级标准。

45、It hovered in a frozen sky and it gobbled summer down ─── 回旋在清冽的天空,将夏幕拉落

46、The pigs gobbled down the waste food as if they had not been fed for days. ─── 猪狼吞虎咽了剩饭剩莱,好像有好多天没有给他们喂食似的。

47、He saw Granny in bed and pounced on her and gobbled her up. ─── 它看到奶奶躺在床上,就朝她猛扑过去,把她吃掉了。

48、In the course of Hussein's rule various Syrian, Iraqi, Saudi and Israeli regimes reckoned that Jordan could and should have been gobbled up, merged or at least partitioned. ─── 在侯赛因统治的年间,许多叙利亚人、伊拉克人、沙特阿拉伯人与以色列人政权都一致主张,约旦能够也本应该被吞并与兼并,或者至少要被分割。

49、You will not be gobbled by a super-god. ─── 你不会被一个超级神明所鲸吞。

50、She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. ─── 她抓过第三碗炖肉狼吞虎咽地把它吃掉了。

51、Insurance firms, which gobbled up large but unknown quantities of highly rated Alt-A paper, will now be forced sellers since they are not permitted to hold securities rated below investment grade. ─── 保险公司先前吞下了大量但数目不详的高评级次优证券,现在将被迫清仓,因为它们持有的证券不得低于投资评级。

52、The small amounts banks are selling from their own holdings are quickly gobbled up. ─── 银行正在抛售的少量股票很快地被抢购一空。

53、Hotel costs gobbled up most of their holiday budget. ─── 住宿旅馆的费用耗掉他们假日预算的一大部分。

54、And most of that time was gobbled up by work commitments, says Stats Canada. ─── 统计局说,这些时间的大头消耗在了工作上。

55、As he gobbled the cakes on his plate, the greedy ape said as he ate. ─── 当他在大口吃他盘子里的蛋糕时,贪婪的猿边吃边说。

56、5.The man gobbled up the meal as though he had been starving for a month. ─── 那人狼吞虎咽地大吃一顿,好象一个月没吃过东西似的。

57、First, the introduction of computers into classrooms might have gobbled up cash that would otherwise have paid for other aspects of education. ─── 第一,将电脑引入课堂可能会占用本应用于其它教育方面的资金。

58、Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's pet dog gobbled up special refreshments prepared for leaders of Russia's ruling party Wednesday. ─── 1日,俄罗斯总理普京家的宠物狗偷吃了为俄罗斯执政党领袖们准备的茶点。

59、Around the country, local governments sometimes face violent protests from peasants whose farms have been gobbled up by voraciously expanding cities. ─── 在农村,当地政府不时接到农民的投诉抗议,因为无休无止的城市扩张夺走了他们的土地。

60、Mrs. Shimerda egged them on, chuckling while she gobbled her food. ─── 雪默尔达太太怂恿他们争上去,一面狼吞虎咽地吃着,一面格格地笑。

61、Last year, the food company gobbled up the drugmaker's Gerber unit, which makes baby food. ─── 但对所有分析师来说,最新的这次交易不但显现出瑞士企业高管间的密切关系,更暴露出大型制药企业面临的困境。

62、The beggar gobbled down the bread I had given him ─── 那个乞丐大口大口地吞下了我给他的面包。

63、1. The boy gobbled up an ice-cream cone . ─── 那个男孩大口大口地吃完了一个蛋卷冰淇淋。

64、A palm-sized pet turtle and the golden retriever that gobbled it up survived the misadventure thanks to the quick actions of a 12-year-old girl, a veterinarian said. ─── 一只巴掌大的宠物龟被一只黄金猎犬吞下肚,所幸一名12岁女孩迅速采取行动,让两只动物在这场意外中都大难不死,一名兽医说。

65、Lo and behold, during the night the demons came in their true frightening forms and gobbled up all the weak defenseless beings. ─── 当夜,恶魔以骇人的原型前来,贪婪地吞下这群毫无防备的虚弱的生物。

66、They gobbled salads and tore at scraggy chicken, played cards raucously together and pampered each other"s children, until the afternoon lunch-break lulled them into sleep. ─── 他们大口吞咽着沙拉,撕啃着骨多肉少的鸡,一起大声吆喝着玩着扑克,互相哄弄着彼此的小孩,直到下午,午休时间才使他们安静下来,开始睡觉。

67、The chickens gobbled down the scattered Breadcrumbs in a twinkle ─── 眨眼间,小鸡啄完了撒在地上的面包屑。

68、Pete gobbled all the beef stew. ─── 皮特狼吞虎咽地吃完了所有的炖牛肉。

69、In terms of the percentage of future profits gobbled up, Britain's taxmen have been even greedier than Russia's (see chart). ─── 从未来的利润收益百分比来看,英国的税收调查员可比俄罗斯的贪婪多了。

70、I gobbled down my breakfast and ran out of the house. ─── 我狼吞虎咽地吃早餐就跑出屋子。

71、We gobbled up the enemy. ─── 我们把敌人全歼灭了。

72、This year, Roche has gobbled up several diagnostics and genetic-testing firms making technologies that enhance the value of its targeted cancer therapies. ─── 今年,罗氏已经吞掉了好几家从事诊断学研究和遗传检测的公司,用新技术来提高它的抗癌新药的价值。

73、The top isn't delicate enough to crack with a spoon, but the entire tart is good enough to be gobbled up in seconds. ─── 焦糖的顶端用勺子一碰就碎,但是整个蛋挞却可以足够你大快朵颐一阵子。

74、Likewise, one by one, he gobbled up every last fish! ─── 就这样,一条接着一条,鹤吃完了最后一条鱼。

75、They found that baby birds that had never seen sticks before gobbled those bad boys right up. ─── 从没见过树枝的小家伙们毫不犹豫地把那些坏毛虫吃了个精光;

76、gobbled up the few remaining tickets. ─── 急切地抢去了几张剩下的票

77、10. Mrs. Sawyer looked radiant, too, and for the first time gobbled up her dinner like a little pig. ─── 索耶太太也容光焕发,第一次开始狼吞虎咽地吃饭。

78、The one in chicken coop dashed toward the food when she saw it and gobbled first. ─── 鸡舍抱蛋的母鸡看见食物来了,一个箭步冲向饲料,抢先进食.

79、Nearby towns are becoming dormitories for city workers, although planning restrictions stop the Barossa Valley, Adelaide Hills and Southern Vales from being gobbled up by houses. ─── 阿德雷德勇于革新、重视科技、酷爱文化、不忘教育。生活舒适便宜,环境温馨美丽。这绝对是一个完美的学习计划。

80、“Yes, do,” gobbled a turkey, shaking its wattles in annoyance. ─── “是呀,让她说完,”一只火鸡也咯咯地叫,不满地摇晃着它脖子上的肉绶。

81、If you did not realize,gobbled up a large number of calorie already, still ask to add one ball ice-cream on coffee, perhaps want cake of a cheese, so you had eaten finished dinner. ─── 假如你没有意识到已然吞噬了大量卡路里,还要求在咖啡上添一球冰淇淋,或者要一块奶酪蛋糕,那么你已经吃下了一顿晚餐了。

82、It showed a caveman trying to use a pterodactyl for an express delivery, only to watch it be gobbled up on take-off by a tyrannosaur. ─── 广告中,一个洞穴人设法让翼手龙快递包裹,却眼睁睁地看着它刚一起飞就被霸王龙一口吞下。

83、He gobbled the ice cream so fast that he got a eadache. ─── 他冰淇淋吃得太快了,有点头痛。

84、Meanwhile, intensive farming practices mean that cropland areas have decreased slightly in the US and Europe and the land is being gobbled up by urbanisation. ─── 同时,密集农业活动代表,美国和欧洲的农田正在稍微减少而逐渐被都市化所吞噬。

85、They beelined to the food and either consumed it on the spot or gobbled a few pieces and then moved to a new location with a stash. ─── 它们直奔食物,要么当场把它吞下,要么抓上几块后带着跑到一个新地点。

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