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09-04 投稿


broadness 发音

英:[?br??dn?s]  美:[?br??dn?s]

英:  美:

broadness 中文意思翻译



broadness 短语词组

1、broadness synonym ─── 广义同义词

2、broadness thesaurus ─── 广度词库

3、broadness meaning ─── 广义意义

4、broadness syn ─── 广度syn

5、broadness definition ─── 广义定义

6、broadness def ─── 宽度定义

7、broadness antonym ─── 广义反义词

8、broadness of mind ─── 心胸开阔

broadness 相似词语短语

1、badness ─── n.坏,恶;不良;恶劣状态

2、broadens ─── vi.扩大,变阔;变宽,加宽;vt.使扩大;使变宽

3、boldness ─── n.大胆;冒失;显著

4、brownness ─── n.褐色

5、broodiness ─── n.就巢性

6、broadest ─── adj.宽广的

7、blondness ─── 金发

8、broadeners ─── 加宽器

9、dreadness ─── n.恐惧;可怕的人(或物)(dread的变形)

broadness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He received a broad hint that they did not want him to call again. ─── 他得到明显的暗示,他们不要他再来登门拜访了。

2、Knowledgeable about or constituting all or many subjects; comprehensively broad. ─── 博学多才的关于或组成所有或许多学科知识的; 包罗万象的广阔

3、A smile overspread his broad face. ─── 他那张宽大的脸上堆满微笑。

4、Hey, mister don't ever call me a "broad" again. ─── 嘿,先生,不要再叫我“小妞”。

5、His face cracked with a broad smile. ─── 他咧开嘴笑了。

6、There's a broad long way between them. ─── 中间隔着宽广的路。

7、He stated his views in broad outline. ─── 他粗略地讲了自己的观点。

8、Now the Way is like a broad road. ─── 夫道若大路然。

9、The Stella was put about, and the other broad side given without a return from her opponent. ─── “施蒂拉”号掉转船头,趁敌舰还未还击,又从船的另一侧众炮齐发。

10、Free broad band internet acess in room. ─── 免费宽带上网服务。

11、They robbed the jewelry store in broad daylight. ─── 他们在光天化日之下抢劫了那家珠宝店。

12、The broadness and the comprehensiveness of Agricultural Engineering are determined by the nature of Agriculture. ─── 农业工程内容的广泛和所具有的综合性是由农业产业的性质决定的。

13、He stretched out on one of its broad limbs. ─── 他躺在一根宽阔的树枝上。

14、A broad hat shadowed most of her face. ─── 一顶宽边帽遮住了她大半张脸。

15、A broad, level, open expanse of land. ─── 原野,旷野一宽广的、水平的、开阔的土地

16、Marked by broad bands of color, as certain insects. ─── 具横带的(某些昆虫)有宽色带的

17、They robbed the bank in broad daylight. ─── 他们在青天白日抢劫银行。

18、A broad hat shadowed her face. ─── 一顶宽边帽遮住了她的脸。

19、A piece of broad, heavy, roughly dressed timber with one face finished flat. ─── 半圆木料由圆木料对剖成的横截面为半圆的木料

20、He is a scholar with a broad mind. ─── 他是一位旷达之士。

21、Your interests are extremely broad based. ─── 你的兴趣是极为广泛的。

22、A man cannot live a broad life if he runs only in one groove. ─── 一个人如果墨守成规便无法体验广泛的人生。

23、His work won the praise of the broad masses. ─── 他的工作博得广大群众的称许。

24、He wore a broad grin, displaying twin stumps of teeth. ─── 他咧嘴笑着,露出一对残牙。

25、They picked some broad beans to stay their hunger. ─── 他们捡了一些蚕豆充饥。

26、His shoulders were broad and his waist narrow. ─── 他肩宽腰窄。

27、They even committed such crimes in broad daylight. ─── 他们竟敢在光天化日之下犯这种罪行。

28、Emily Gilmore, you are one classy broad. ─── 你是一个有品味的女人。

29、She broke the world record for the broad jump. ─── 她打破了跳远的世界记录。

30、The low voltage distribution net orients to the vast low voltage customers that are in great number and disperse in a broadness load center. ─── 低压配电网络面向广大的低压电力用户,具有数量多,覆盖面广等特点。

31、The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street. ─── 在拥挤的街道上,光天化日之下竟发生了抢劫。

32、The kidnapping occurred in broad daylight. ─── 在光天化日之下竟发生绑架事件。

33、He shook one of his long broad fingers at him. ─── 他还伸出一个粗长的指头冲他一晃。

34、He has a broad range of interest than her. ─── 他的兴趣比她广泛。

35、He was tall and broad with humped shoulders. ─── 他身高体宽,双肩隆起。

36、The broad lines on the map correspond to roads. ─── 地图上的粗线代表公路。

37、He's been back from a broad for two months. ─── 他回国两个月了。

38、Prairie, its broadness and boundlessness dont look like an ocean that makes one worry about being swallowed. ─── 草原,它的广阔与无边无际并不像海洋的令人会有一种被吞噬的担心。

39、They robbedthe jewelry store in broad daylight. ─── 他们在光天化日之下抢劫珠宝商店。

40、She has a broad knowledge of computers. ─── 她对计算机有广博的知识。

41、His Broad bosom soothes my restlessness. ─── 他的宽容平息我的狂燥。

42、This chapter focuses on two broad groups. ─── 但最令我激动的是第二类人群。

43、Were you a broad when you were young? ─── 你年轻时候在国外吗?

44、He hurt his left ankle in the broad jump. ─── 他跳远时扭伤了左踝。

45、He had a broad grin on his face. ─── 他满脸笑容。

46、Paul won the broad jump, but he had to look to his laurels. ─── 保罗得了跳远冠军,但他还得注意保持记录。

47、Just give me a broad outline of the lecture. ─── 只要将该演讲的要点告诉我就行了。

48、In dividing up the landlord's property, the Party team encouraged "broadness of mind" and that each household take only what they needed. ─── 在分配地主的财物时,党的工作队鼓励“心胸开阔”,每个家庭只拿他们所需要的。

49、North American plantain having reddish leafstalks and broad leaves. ─── 北美车前,叶柄带红色,叶宽。

50、Gave us a broad hint to leave. ─── 作一个明白的暗示叫我们离开

51、The broad repertoire ranges from Bach to Sch? ─── 凭借弦乐组苍劲有力的合音,奥菲斯弥补了其结构上的单薄。

52、His broad chest heaves with pleasure. ─── 他那宽阔的胸膛,由于满腔欢乐,所以起伏不止。

53、Why are you sleeping in broad daylight? ─── 你怎么在大白天睡觉啊?

54、Shanghai Broad Band Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 上海宽频科技股份有限公司。

55、The broadness of the definition is particularly worrisome because private companies are given a right to take action under the bill. ─── 特别让人忧虑的是界定的宽泛,因为私企有权在议案之外行动。

56、He had broad shoulders and powerful arms. ─── 他肩膀宽大,双臂有力。

57、They both often spend their holidays a broad. ─── 他们俩常常到国外去度假。

58、They robbed him in broad daylight. ─── 他们在光天化日之下抢劫他。

59、Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. ─── 因此,教育是一个内涵很丰富的词。

60、MS SMITH:Broad Street, Number 12. ─── 史密斯夫人:百老汇大街12号。

61、This talk of yours is broad nonsense. ─── 你这些话纯属荒谬。

62、an example of the broadness of views and opinion which I was able to gather from my research on the Net. ─── 我能够通过网络为我的研究广泛收集意见和观点,这就是一个摆在我们面前的例子。

63、The swimming pool is 25 meters broad . ─── 298这个游泳池有二十五米宽。

64、The countryside is veined by new broad highways. ─── 乡村地区密布四通八达的宽阔的新公路。

65、What she most wanted to do was to wander about on the broad top of the acropolis. ─── 她最想做的是在卫城宽广的顶上漫步。

66、She criticized them in broad phrases. ─── 她对他们作了坦率的批评。

67、Bright vitreous furniture brings us the visual result with bright broadness , take us to walk out of close, dim, inanimate bedroom pattern. ─── 明亮的玻璃家具带给我们阔亮的视觉效果,带我们走出封闭的、暗淡的、死气沉沉的居室格局。

68、He had evolved a broad and comprehensive plan. ─── 他已经想出了一个广泛而全面的计划。

69、Her wish is to go a broad for advanced study. ─── 她的心愿是到国外进修。

70、The broad or spirited humor characteristic of such works. ─── 喜剧性的风格这类戏剧形式夸张和活泼的幽默风格

71、Nothing but water can be seen on the broad ocean. ─── 在广阔无边的海洋上能见到的只是水。

72、The soldiers looked up and saw a tall young man with blue eyes, a friendly face, strong arms and broad shoulders. ─── 兵们抬头一看,看到一个高个子蓝眼睛的年轻人,长着一张和善的脸庞,非常结实的胳臂和宽阔的肩膀。

73、His automobile was held up in broad daylight. ─── 他的汽车在光天化日之下遭到了抢劫。

74、This characterization is too broad, however. ─── 不过,这个定义太广泛了。

75、Having broad power and range and scope. ─── 具有广泛的权利和范围。

76、He wanted to equip his son to have a broad outlook on world affairs. ─── 他要教导儿子使他封世界情势有远大的看法。

77、Abundant hair sprouted from his broad chest. ─── 他宽阔的胸膛上长出许多毛。

78、A position that affords a broad overall view or perspective, as of a place or situation. ─── 优越的位置提供广泛全面的观点或看法的位置,如一个地方或一种情形

79、He paints with broad strokes. ─── 他用粗线条绘画。

80、She said ( that ) she 'd decide not to go a broad . ─── 她说她已决定不出国。

81、He gave us a broad hint to leave. ─── 他作了一个明白的暗示叫我们离开

82、He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight. ─── 他竟敢在光天化日之下掏包。

83、He gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave. ─── 他给了个明显的暗示说我们是时候离开了。

84、He wears a broad grin, display twin stump of teeth. ─── 他咧嘴笑著,露出一对残牙。

85、She tell me her brother have returned from a broad. ─── 她告诉我她兄弟已经从国外回来。

86、Here is the latest news from a broad. ─── 下面是来自国外的最新消息。

87、Never underestimate the force of the broad masses of the people. ─── 不要低估广大人民群众的力量。

88、The tender broadness that the sun that changes new clothes also changes is elegant, lovely. ─── 换上新装的太阳也变的温柔阔雅,楚楚动人。

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