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09-04 投稿



elopement 发音

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英:  美:

elopement 中文意思翻译



elopement 词性/词形变化,elopement变形


elopement 相似词语短语

1、element ─── n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境;n.(Element)人名;(德)埃勒门特;(英)埃利门特

2、engouement ─── 工程

3、devotement ─── n.献身;奉献;专心;虔诚

4、enlacement ─── 交织;缚,捆,扎;缠绕;交织图案

5、encodement ─── 编码

6、eloignment ─── 转让

7、denouement ─── n.结局;终场

8、denotement ─── n.指示

9、eloinment ─── 私奔

elopement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Let us embark on the first ship tomorrow, before dawn can tell of our elopement!" ─── 让我们登上明天的第一艘船,别让黎明泄露我们私奔的秘密!

2、Do you select the elopement for the love. ─── 你会为爱而私奔吗?

3、A noble family insists that the recent elopement of one of their youngsters is due to a charm person spell. ─── 一个贵族世家坚持认为,最近他们家族里一个年轻人私奔的原因是中了魅惑人类法术。

4、4.Her elopement astounded her parents. ─── 她的私奔使她的父母大为震惊。

5、They have been the town talk ever since their elopement. ─── 他们自私奔以来就一直是人们闲谈的话题。

6、I took her to the sign of exquisite, and treated her with an elopement, her name's Emily, and she lives in the east. ─── 她在我心中是美人,我带她私奔,以避开外人;她名叫虞美人,是东方丽人。

7、After her husband and lover Elopement fabricated lies, hiding the truth as long as eight years. ─── 事后编造丈夫和情人私奔谎言,隐瞒真相达8年之久。

8、They have been the town talk ever since their elopement. ─── 他们自私奔以来就一直是人们闲谈的话题。

9、A recent European Union analysis of jirgas in eastern Afghanistan found that elopement was the crime most often heard by Pashai jirgas, but Pushtun jirgas rarely considered it. ─── 欧盟对阿富汗东部地区支尔格会议的最新分析发现,私奔是帕萨伊人支尔格会议最常审判的罪行,但普什图人支尔格会议很少考虑。

10、This study also reveals how the resulting interpersonal network served as a condition advantageouse to abduction and elopement. ─── 而这些发生于家庭间的人际网络,如何成为拐逃案发生的有利条件。

11、She carried on terribly at the news of her daughter's elopement ─── 她听到女儿私奔的消息大哭大闹起来。

12、Shanmenghaishi if the young men and women, are absolutely determined, then they are the only way out is to elopement. ─── 青年男女若山盟海誓,矢志不移,那么他们唯一的出路就是私奔。

13、Her elopement was a great Blow to the parents, But Clyde himself did not Brood over the matter. Life was too pleasant for him; more and more he enjoyed the luxuries which his job provided. ─── 她的出走给双亲很大的打击,可克莱德却没把这件事放在心上。生活对他来说是太舒适了;工作里提供的种种奢侈、享乐,使他越来越感到快意。

14、That metalwork,that leather,that length,that decorations are so outstanding.Zhengwei's running at night or elopement are both good,don't forget to carry it. ─── 那金工,那皮活,那长度,那装饰,那么的出众,政委夜奔也好,私奔也罢,一定别忘了带上他.

15、Her elopement was a great blow to the parents ─── 她的出走给双亲很大的打击。

16、When asked why in 2005 with Sarkozy's public relations adviser "elopement" in New York, Cecilia admitted that she had Xinyousuozhu, she said: "I met someone, I feel that I love. ─── 在被问到为什么2005年随萨科齐的公关顾问“私奔”到纽约时,塞西莉亚承认她已经心有所属,她说:“我遇到了某人,我觉得我恋爱了。”

17、Newland apparently knows the consequences of an elopement with Ellen, however the clearer this becomes the more troubling it all is on his conscience. ─── 在小说临近结尾的时候,他对公爵夫人的爱已经深到使他想与她私奔的地步,但是最终却被公爵夫人所拒绝。

18、He asked himself whether there had not been a wicked elopement ─── 他挖空心思地在想,这件事会不会牵连到诱拐妇女的罪行呢?

19、Elopement, but means everything to lose, they will not only break and the family, to give up the succession of family status And property rights, but are under enormous social pressure. ─── 但私奔意味着失去一切,他们不仅要和家庭决裂,放弃继承家族地位和财产的权利,而且要承受巨大的社会压力。

20、In the Victoria era, adultery and elopement as disgraceful, it is necessary to be condemned by society. ─── 在维多利亚时代,私奔和通奸一样不光彩,要受到社会的同声谴责。

21、She made her elopement with her love without even considering about her daughter. ─── 为了与情人私奔,她不顾一切,不曾想到女儿.

22、Its first arrived at the police station and said Jia Zhijie has been outstanding, and the people Elopement. ─── 而其刚到派出所时一直说夏志杰在外有人,与人私奔了。

23、She made her elopement with her love without even considering about her daughter. ─── 为了与情人私奔,她不顾一切,不曾想到女儿。

24、Study of Heathcliff thrush farmstead into the ropes, Clinton's sister Isabella him as a legendary hero, with his elopement. ─── 希斯克利夫成了画眉田庄的常客,林顿的妹妹伊莎贝拉把他视作传奇式的英雄,随他私奔。

25、Jessica is finally home from the hell escaped with Venice Youth Lorenzo elopement. ─── 杰西卡终于从地狱般的家中逃出来,与威尼斯青年罗伦佐私奔。

26、When a landowning libertine takes a fancy to her, she begins an affair which ends when he abandons her on the eve of their elopement. ─── 当一个放荡的地主看上她时,她开始了一段婚外情,直到这个人在他们私奔前期抛弃了她。

27、I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; i hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east. ─── 我爱我的那个"丽",可爱迷人有魅力;我恨我的那个"丽",要和他人结伉俪;她文雅大方又美丽,和我出逃去游历;她芳名就叫爱弥丽,家住东方人俏丽.

28、She had scarcely needed her present observation to be satisfied, from the reason of things, that their elopement had been brought on by the strength of her love, rather than by his; ─── 韦翰凑巧坐在伊丽莎白身旁,便向她问起附近一带的熟人近况如何,问得极其和悦从容,弄得她反而不能对答如流。

29、But you don't want all the hardship that would follow an elopement, and I'm not so keen on the idea myself, either." ─── 然而你呢,觉得逃出去会吃苦,我呢,也是不很喜欢走动。”

30、This letter contained a full account of their intended elopement ─── 信里写着他们私奔的全部计划。

31、He was blazing with fury when he heard of his daughter's elopement. ─── 听到女儿与人私奔后,他不禁勃然大怒。

32、How did the story of her elopement get about? ─── 她私奔的事是怎么传出去的?

33、I paid for my daughter's elopement. ─── 我女儿私奔,还要我买单。

34、Of course, Suellen would be certain to tell tales tomorrow, but if all went as Scarlett hoped, the excitement of the family over her engagement to Ashley or her elopement would more than overbalance their displeasure. ─── 当然,明天苏伦一定会向她们描述的,不过要是一切都按思嘉所希望的进行,那么她家里因她与艾希礼订婚或私奔而引起的激动,就抵消他们的不快而有余了。

35、Empty cage - denotes an elopement or a loss of opportunity through carelessness. ─── 空的笼子--因为粗心而丧失机会。

36、He had read of her elopement while at Oxford. ─── 词典原译文: 在牛津大学念书时, 他就知道她私奔的事。

37、Her elopement was a great blow to the parents, but Clyde himself did not brood over the matter ─── 她的出走给双亲很大的打击,可克莱德却没把这件事放在心上。

38、A noble family insists that the recent elopement of one of their youngsters is due to a charm person spell. 48. ─── 一个贵族世家坚持认为,最近他们家族里一个年轻人私奔的原因是中了魅惑人类法术。

39、But also her mother's support grows the evil seed for her elopement. ─── 然而,她妈妈对于她的这种支持也就为她日后的私奔埋下了种子。

40、I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; ─── 她文雅大方又美丽,和我出逃去游历;

41、Elopement must then on anonymity, the relentless torrent of life in the struggle to survive. ─── 私奔者必须从此隐姓埋名,到无情的生活激流中去挣扎求存。

42、May we not at least suppose this design of elopement entertained by the girl? ─── 难道我们不能假定,至少那姑娘自己确有私奔之意吗

43、In fact, "elopement" seldom happened in ordinary households. ─── 事实上,在普通家庭中,私奔是很少发生的。

44、Her elopement with the fellow spread quickly in the village. She was the black sheeo of the family. ─── 她同那个男人私奔的事很快在村庄里传开了。她败坏了家族的门风。

45、Her elopement was a great blow to the parents, but Clyde himself did not brood over the matter. ─── 她的出走给双亲很大的打击,可克莱德却没把这件事放在心上。

46、"Elopement" is a term or an event with some sort of mysteriousness. ─── “私奔”总是个神秘的话题。

47、Shylock revenge psychological aspects of the formation of the third reason is that his daughter's elopement to bring home a decent hit. ─── 夏洛克复仇心理形成的第三方面原因是女儿的私奔给家庭体面带来的重创。

48、The idea of an elopement with him will make your family rife with tension. ─── 与他私奔的想法,会让你的家人很紧张。

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