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09-16 投稿



warrants 发音

英:[?w??r?nts]  美:[?w?r?nts]

英:  美:

warrants 中文意思翻译




warrants 词性/词形变化,warrants变形


warrants 短语词组

1、search warrants ─── 搜查证

2、warrants stock ─── 认股权证; ─── 认购股权证书;购股权证

3、fractional stock warrants ─── [经] 零星认股权证书, 部份认股权证书

4、warrants payable ─── [经] 应付支付命令

5、warrants search michigan ─── 密歇根州搜查令

6、warrants definition ─── 认股权证定义

7、stock warrants ─── [经] 认股权证, 认股权

8、nondetachable stock warrants ─── [经] 不可分离认股权证

9、detachable stock warrants ─── [经] 可分离认股权证

10、accountable warrants ─── 责任支出的支付书

11、fractional warrants ─── [经] 零股证书

12、death warrants ─── 致命打击;死刑执行令

13、subscription warrants ─── 认购权证

14、warrants omaha nebraska ─── 内布拉斯加州奥马哈搜查令

15、liability under product warrants ─── [经] 产品保质估计债务

16、warrants finance ─── 认股权证融资

17、represents and warrants meaning ─── 声明和保证含义

18、bonds with stock purchase warrants ─── [经] 附有购买股票权利的公司债

19、anticipation warrants payable ─── [经] 预计应付支付凭单

warrants 常用词组

arrest warrant ─── 逮捕证

search warrant ─── [法]搜查证

warrants 相似词语短语

1、warranties ─── n.担保;特约条款(warranty的复数)

2、warranted ─── adj.保证的;担保的;v.批准(warrant的过去分词);授权

3、warrantise ─── 担保

4、warrantors ─── n.保证人;担保人

5、warrantees ─── n.被保证人;被担保人

6、warranty ─── n.保证;担保;授权;(正当)理由

7、warrantee ─── n.被保证人;被担保人

8、warrant ─── n.根据;证明;正当理由;委任状;vt.保证;担保;批准;辩解

9、warranters ─── n.担保人

warrants 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One that makes a warrant or gives a warranty to another. ─── 保证人为他人提供担保或保证之人

2、You can learn about the risks associated with trading warrants. ─── 你可以了解买卖权证附带的风险。

3、Soon after the loss was discovered a warrant was sworn out for the embezzler's arrest. ─── 一发现亏损,就立即提出指控而获得了逮捕令逮捕那用公款的人。

4、A woman that has Mars with the Moon is right; I'll warrant her. ─── 女性命盘中,如火星合了月亮,那么我担保她是正派的。

5、You will Receive a Warrant and Become an Inmate. ─── 你会接到委任状,变成一个同居者。

6、A party detained without any warrant must sue out his habeas corpus at common law. ─── 受到无理拘留的一方需根据习惯法向法院要求人身保护。

7、They need the warrant of court. ─── 他们需要有法院的授权令。

8、VSA can be manually deactivated if conditions warrant it. ─── VSA的可手动停用,如果条件允许它。

9、But most of the morning fell warrants, even after翻红are not many varieties. ─── 不过上午权证大多下挫,连盘中翻红的品种都没有多少。

10、Arrest warrants were issued against 16 of the protesters. ─── 对16 名抗议者的逮捕令签发了。

11、I have a warrant for your arrest. ─── 你被逮捕了。

12、As a sweetener they offered warrants along with the fixed-income securities. ─── 作为奖励,他们为固定收入证券提供了担保。

13、Party B undertakes and warrants that it shall not discuss anything to any potential investor regarding any other known asset package. ─── 乙方承诺并保证不会与任何其他的潜在投资者讨论任何其他已知的资产包。

14、The term loan has no conversion provision and no warrants were attached. ─── 该定期贷款没有转换条款,也没有附带权证。

15、Q. When did you find out that there was a warrant on you? ─── 你是什么时候发现他你被拘传?

16、In this sense, is the holder of warrants of creditors. ─── 从这个意义上说,权证持有者无疑是债权人。

17、He gladly offered to serve the warrant to Robin Hood. ─── 他向郡长自告奋勇把逮捕令传给罗宾汉。

18、I warrant thee, my man's as true as steel. ─── 你放心吧,我的仆人是最可靠不过的。

19、He has no warrant for making a new policy. ─── 他没有权制定新政策。

20、A warrant is out for his arrest/against him. ─── 已经发出了可逮捕他的逮捕证.

21、A certificate of appointment given to a warrant officer. ─── 委任状发给以上人员的任命证书

22、As one of the means for non-tradable shareholders to put their shares tradable, put warrants were issued and came into market. ─── 作为对价手段的一种,认沽权证开始规模发行并上市。

23、The President of the Republic signed the death warrants for his closest friends, but you could still sometimes meet him on the street. ─── 共和国的元首签署命令处决他最亲密的朋友。不过你还能时不时在街上看到他。

24、A conservative securities portfolio could even be given something of a boost by investing a percentage of the capital in warrants . ─── 一个稳健的证券投资组合可把部份资本投放在权证,藉此提高回报。

25、The President signed the death warrant. ─── 总统签署了死刑执行令。

26、There's a warrant out (ie issued) against him. ─── 对他的逮捕令已发出.

27、Have you got a warrant of fitness for your car? ─── 你有没有一张汽车合格证书?

28、They issued a warrant for her arrest. ─── 当局发出了逮捕她的令状。

29、A magistrate have sign a warrant, give the police the power to arrest someone for a crime. ─── 已签发了他的逮捕令(治安法官签署的命令,它给予警察逮捕罪犯的权力。

30、You have no warrant for what you did. ─── 你无权那样做。

31、An FBI agent shot while trying to execute a search warrant. ─── 一位联邦调查局特工在执行搜查令时被枪击。

32、It may be done under a warrant granted by a magistrate . ─── 它可以根据地方法官批准的逮捕令执行。

33、You had no warrant for doing that. ─── 你那样做毫无道理。

34、They warrant mention as possible guides. ─── 它们作为指示元素的可能性是值得注意的。

35、The Supreme Court issued warrants yesterday for the arrest of Mr Thaksin and his wife Pojamarn after they failed to appear in court. ─── 昨日,由于他信及其妻子朴乍曼(Pojamarn)未能出庭受审,泰国最高法院发出了对他们的逮捕令。

36、That might indeed warrant praise as a piece of statesmanship. ─── 如果真是那样的话,阿卜杜拉就真正值得被表扬成具有政治家风度了。

37、The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest. ─── 专员发出了对她的逮捕令。

38、A little metal capsule contained the "death warrant. ─── 一个金属小囊装着“死刑执行令”。

39、The reporters come into meeting place are warrant. ─── 只有授权了的记者才能进入会场。

40、I can not warrant it to be genuine . ─── 我不能担保那是真货。

41、He had no warrant for his action. ─── 他无权那么做。

42、If they refuse,detain them and get warrants. ─── 如果有人拒绝,就签逮捕令扣留他们.

43、A warrant is out for his arrest. ─── 已签发了他的逮捕令。

44、A U.S. Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer. ─── 下士美国海军作四级准尉助手的小官

45、Still, this trend in society warrants our attention. ─── 但是,这种社会动态值得注意。

46、Hennessey warrants the HPE550 for three years or 36,000 miles. ─── 亨尼西认股权证的HPE550三年或36,000英里。

47、Last November, Argentine Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral issued international arrest warrants for eight men wanted in connection to the bombing. ─── 去年11月,阿根廷法官鲁道夫·卡尼科巴·科拉尔发出了涉嫌爆炸案的八名男子的国际逮捕令。

48、Polygamist sect leader Warrant Jeffs is in a Las Vegas hospital. ─── 多配偶教派领导人沃伦,杰夫目前住进了拉斯维加斯医院。

49、He swore out a warrant for the arrest of the man who had hit him. ─── 他发誓控告属实而得到逮捕状去逮捕那个打了他的人。

50、We don't want the FBI at our door with a search warrant. ─── 希望我们不要搞到fbi人员带着搜查令来敲门的地步。

51、Diligence is a sure warrant of success. ─── 勤勉是成功的可靠保证。

52、An official warrant for impressing men into military service. ─── 强迫征兵令强制入伍的官方文件

53、The facts warrant the conclusion . ─── 事实证明了结果。

54、The detectives swore out a search warrant. ─── 侦探们立誓获得搜索状。

55、A warrant of authenticity;a warrant for success. ─── 对真实性的担保;成功的保证

56、Each party represents and warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into the Agreement. ─── 协议任一方声明并担保拥有完全能力和全部权利签订本协议。

57、A warrant of authenticity; a warrant for success. ─── 对真实性的担保; 成功的保证

58、Personal information agents act on behalf of their owner and take actions as the situation warrants. ─── 个人信息代理代表其主人工作,在条件具备时采取动作。

59、They were armed with warrants. ─── 他们备有逮捕证。

60、For related warrants, remind investors of risk. ─── 对于相关权证,提醒投资者注意风险。

61、ICC issued the warrant over war crimes and crimes against humanity. ─── ICC在战争罪和反人类罪上颁发授权.

62、They had a warrant to search the house. ─── 他们有搜查这座房子的搜查令。

63、The storekeeper warrant the goods as of the first quality. ─── 店主保证货物品质第一。

64、You shouldn't arrest him without warrant. ─── 你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。

65、It includes claim, data, warrant, backing, qualifiers and rebuttal. ─── 它包括主张、根据、正当理由、支援性陈述、模态限定和反驳6部分。

66、Mr. Smith have no warrant for make a new policy. ─── 史密斯先生没有权利制定新政策。

67、He had no warrant for his suspicion. ─── 他没有理由那么怀疑。

68、To intrude on without invitation or warrant; disturb. ─── 干扰没有被邀请或授权而闯入;打扰

69、Authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Marine Cesar Laurean. ─── 因为涉嫌杀害了怀孕的同事20岁的陆军士兵玛丽亚。


71、He had no warrant for saying so. ─── 他那样说毫无理由。

72、He had no warrant for doing that/what he did. ─── 他那样做毫无道理.

73、Her small income does not warrant her taking a long holiday. ─── 微薄的收入使她无从享受较长的假期。

74、The future fo operations research applied to management decisions warrants enthusiasm. ─── 在管理决策中应用作业研究的前景是乐观的。

75、He signed his own death warrant. ─── 他这是在找死。

76、If you pay the ransom, you may be signing your son's death warrant. ─── 如果你付赎金,可能就要了你儿子的命。

77、Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants. ─── 在戒严状态下,警方无需指控或逮捕令就可以逮捕嫌疑人。

78、The crisis warrants special measures. ─── 大难当头有必要采取特别措施。

79、He warrants that they are free from disease . ─── 她保证他们无病。

80、You have no warrant to do that. ─── 你没有做那件事的权利。

81、A warrant has been issued for his arrest. ─── 对他已发出逮捕令。

82、He issued an arrest warrant. ─── 他签发了逮捕证。

83、Circumstances warrant such conduct. ─── 情况证明这种行为是正当的。

84、You have no warrant for doing that. ─── 你做那件事毫无理由。

85、The question is how much--and whether it warrants the focus it has received. ─── 问题在于影响有多大,当前如此吸引关注,是否值得。

86、How to choose the right warrant? ─── 如何选择合适的权证?

87、Small warrants Although most declined, albeit limited. ─── 小盘权证虽然多数下跌,但跌幅有限。

88、"Do you have the warrant?"asked Robin. ─── “你身上带着这张逮捕状吗?”罗宾问道。

89、Samuel Norton? We have a warrant for your arrest! Open up! ─── “塞缪尔.诺顿?我们授权逮捕你,开门!”

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