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09-10 投稿



forestry 发音

英:[?f??r?stri]  美:[?f?r?stri]

英:  美:

forestry 中文意思翻译



forestry 常用词组

forestry bureau ─── 林业局

forestry machinery ─── 林业机械

forestry 短语词组

1、china forestry ─── 中国林业

2、forestry association ─── 林业协会

3、forestry act ─── [法] 森林法

4、forestry waste ─── 林业废物

5、forestry camp ─── 林业营

6、forestry income ─── [经] 林业收益

7、forestry economics ─── 林业经济学

8、dept of agriculture and forestry ─── [经] 经济部农业司

9、intensive forestry ─── 集约林业

10、forestry talks ─── [经] 林产谈判

11、forestry reserve ─── [法] 森林保护区

12、Forestry and Timber Bureau ─── 林业和木材局

13、forestry accounting ─── [经] 林业会计

14、forestry commission ( ─── 英)林业委员会

15、forestry settlement ─── 林业定居点

16、law of forestry ─── [法] 森林法

17、department of forestry ─── 林业部

18、Zhejiang Forestry University ─── 浙江林业大学

19、canopy forestry ─── 林冠 ─── 林业

forestry 相似词语短语

1、forestay ─── n.[船]前桅支索

2、forestal ─── n.(Forestal)(美、法、英、加、阿根廷)福雷斯塔尔(人名)

3、forest ─── n.森林,林区;(森林似的)一丛;皇家林地,御猎场;v.植林于;被森林覆盖;n.(Forest)福雷斯特(人名)

4、forested ─── adj.草木丛生的;v.植树于(forest的过去式和过去分词)

5、forestays ─── n.[船]前桅支索

6、forester ─── n.林务官,护林人;森林动物,森林居民;林务官蛾,斑蛾;n.(Forester)兄弟会成员(古林务员);n.(Forester)(美、英、爱尔兰)福雷斯捷(人名)

7、foresters ─── n.林木工人;林业工作者(forester的复数)

8、forests ─── n.森林;森林经济(forest的复数形式)

9、foresay ─── 预言

forestry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Land use will no doubt continue to shift back and forth between agriculture and forestry as well as other uses in the free market. ─── 土地利用无疑将继续在农业、林业以及自由市场上的其它用途间来回变动。

2、Females account for more than half of all workers in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,fisheries and water conservancy. ─── 在农、林、牧、渔、水利业劳动者中,女性劳动力占半数以上。

3、State Forestry Department in 1993 named "Chinese jujube town. ─── 1993年国家林业部命名“中国大枣之乡”。

4、VI. Intensifying Forestry Legislation and Ruling Forestry According to Law. ─── 六、加强林业法制,实行依法治林。

5、About ten years. I became a ranger after I finished college. I studied forestry in college. ─── 大概十年。我读完大学之后就做了护林员。我在大学时读的是森林学专业。

6、If now America has 250 million people, how many of them are engaged in agriculture and forestry? ─── 如果美国有250百万人口,那么有多少人从事农业和林业?

7、Field visit found the PPE provided to forestry operators complied with ILO requirement. ─── 实地检查发现,提供给林场工人的劳保用品符合国际劳工组织的规定。

8、That fast-growing forestry in desert can fixup sandbank and meliorate soil, improve environment and prevent waste water from flowing into river. ─── 在沙漠利用污水灌溉速生林,可固定沙丘,改良土壤;改善生态环境,实现污水零排放。

9、Females account for more than half of all workers in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries and water conservancy. ─── 在农、林、牧、渔、水利业劳动者中,女性劳力占半数以上; %$

10、She, it is Guangxi the place that bureau of forestry of 100 kinds of areas reposes. ─── 她,就是广西百色地区林业局座落的地方。

11、Now forestry has entered a new period of development in China. ─── 中国林业正在进入一个新的历史发展时期。

12、Professor, Department of Forestry, NTU. ─── 國立台灣大學森林學系教授。

13、Strengthening ecological forestry construction in order to guarantee ecological safety on the Poyang Lake regions. ─── 加强生态林业建设保障鄱阳湖区生态安全。

14、Industrialize develop programme of forestry and sideline in Jiangning coumty. ─── 2.江宁县林副业发展规划。

15、Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat, India. ─── Jadav Payeng 是一名来自印度乔哈特的林业工人。

16、Judging world Tendency of Forestry Scientific Research by CAB Forestryabstracts. ─── 从CAB林业文摘看世界林业科学的发展

17、The forestry administration says it plans to launch an extermination campaign that includes insecticides and natural enemies of the moths. ─── 国家林业局说,计划进行灭虫运动,包括使用农药和白蛾的天敌。

18、Comments made on December 26, 1982, after reading a report by the Ministry of Forestry on the nationwide movement to plant trees. ─── 一九八二年十二月二十六日对林业部关于开展全民义务植树运动情况报告的批语

19、The influence of forestry-paper integration(FPI)project on environment was evaluated based on the matter element theory. ─── 摘要:针对林纸一体化项目对环境影响的问题,利用物元分析理论进行研究。

20、Agricultural and forestry machinery - Inter-row mowing units - Safety. ─── 农林机械。行间锄草机。安全性。

21、China Forestry Machinery BJ Co. ─── 中国林业机械北京公司。

22、The Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR) was inaugurated on 13 September 1984. ─── 商业性林业研究所 (ICFR) 是创办于1984年9 月13日。

23、His family has been forestry farmers for generations. ─── 他家世代都是林农。

24、Next, both jumping-off place is different, forestry industrialization is main from macroscopical horn.. ─── 其次,两者的出发点不同,林业产业化主要从宏观的角...

25、Conservationist tenant preferred, but extractive forestry also considered. ─── 保育人士优先考虑,但采掘业也会考虑。

26、Indeed, in may regions " forestry" is synonymous with "plantation culture". ─── 事实上,在许多地区“林业”就是“森林栽培”的同义语。

27、Lintao County, named by the State Forestry Department, "National Flower Bulb Base County. ─── 临洮县被国家林业部命名为“全国花卉种球基地县”。

28、In the job of silvan fire prevention of forestry branch, the transmission effect of video is quite fluent also. ─── 在林业部门的森林防火工作中,视频的传输成果也相当流利。

29、Preliminary Study on Cross Breeding Technological System of Rose in Beijing Forestry University. ─── 北林月季杂交育种技术体系初探。

30、Development forestry estate and construction zoology system have coequal and important strategy place. ─── 发展林业产业与建设生态体系具有同等重要的战略地位。

31、They might include supporting traditional rubber tappers and gatherers of Brazil nuts, or carefully managed forestry. ─── 它们包括支持那些传统的割胶工人、巴西坚果的采集者,或者用来悉心管理热带雨林。

32、The present situation of Daxinganling forestry region has show us bright prospects. ─── 大兴安岭北坡林区的经营现状已经展示了光明的前景。

33、Very little forestry is left unexplored nowadays. ─── 如今尚未开采的森林是少之又少了。

34、State Forestry Bureau member and Chinese President Jiang Forestry Sciences, attended the meeting and made a speech. ─── 国家林业局党组成员、中国林业科学研究院院长江泽慧等出席会议并讲话。

35、Theoretic Research And Technical Analysis On The Distance Education System's Framework Of Beijing Forestry University. ─── 北京林业大学远程教育系统架构理论研究与技术分析。

36、In some cases local governments have had to break their contracts with forestry companies because of protests from farmers, he said. ─── 他表示,在某些案例中,由于农民的抗议,地方政府不得不撕毁与林业公司之间的合同。

37、Land use will no doubt continue to shift back and forth between agriculture and forestry as well as other uses in the free market. ─── 土地利用无疑将继续在农业、林业以及自由市场上的其它用途间来回变动。

38、National Chung Hsing University Forestry professor Chang Feng-jyi is a forerunner in the research of handmade paper. ─── 中兴大学森林系教授张丰吉,首开国内手工纸研究风气。

39、A variety of authors continue to contribute on topics that stretch from mining to agro-industries and forestry. ─── 各类学者继续从事着从采矿业到农业和林业的各种专题写作。

40、"Well, I'm off to be advisor to the county forestry bureau. ─── “啊,我要走喽! 这回批下来了,安排到县林业局当顾问。

41、They had no idea about scientific forestry. ─── 他们对科学林业一无所知。

42、Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry, NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan. ─── 国立中兴大学森林学系助理教授。

43、The competent forestry authorities under the State Council shall be responsible for the forestry work nationwide. ─── 国务院林业主管部门主管全国林业工作

44、Statement of your study or research in Nanjing Forestry University, using a separate sheet. ─── 在南京林业大学学习或研究的详细计划,请另附页。

45、Mr Zhou and provincial authorities travelled to Beijing last week for meetings at the state forestry administration. ─── 上周,周先生和省官员到北京参加了国家林业厅的会议。

46、The people's government at various levels shall formulate long-term forestry plans. ─── 各级人民政府应当制定林业长远规划。

47、Forestry shoulders an important historical mission in China's trans-century development. ─── 中国的林业在跨世纪发展中肩负着重大的历史使命。

48、Bachelor, Department of Forestry, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan. ─── 國立屏東科技大學森林系學士。

49、Welcome to China Forestry Publishing House. ─── 南京林业大学自强社。

50、North Forestry Product Sales Ltd. ─── 北方林化产品经销公司。

51、We will improve water conservancy, forestry and grasslands and promote restoration of the ecosystems. ─── 加强水利、林业、草原建设,促进生态修复。

52、Past projects have focused on watershed restoration, urban renewal, agriculture and forestry issues among others. ─── 他们过去的作品涉及流域的重建、都市更新、农业与林业等相关议题。

53、The Impact of China Entering WTO on China's Forestry and Fishing Industry. ─── 中国加入世贸后对中国畜牧业的影响。

54、There are other concession to agriculture, forestry and small businesses. ─── 对农业、林业及小企业也给予其它优惠。

55、Professor, Graduate Institute of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University. ─── 国立嘉义大学林业暨自然资源究所教授。

56、Associate Professor, Dept. of Forestry, National Taiwan University, Corresponding author. ─── 国立台湾大学森林学系副教授,通讯作者。

57、The State encourages research of the forestry science,popularizes advanced forestry technology and raises the level of forestry science and technology. ─── 国家鼓励林业科学研究,推广林业先进技术,提高林业科学技术水平。

58、Conservationist tenant preferred, but extractive forestry also considered. Please apply to the Cameroonian minister of forestry. ─── 保育人士优先考虑,但采掘业也会考虑。良机不再(),有意者请速向喀麦隆林业部申请。

59、Meanwhile, because be manacled realistically, forestry career endured tired out place to bring.. ─── 与此同时,由于现实的束缚,林业事业经受了困顿所带来的...

60、Partnership with China's Northeast Institute of Forestry and Shenyang University of agriculture. ─── 与东北林业大学和沈阳农业大学的有关专家建立了合作关系。

61、It is a branch of applied meteorology, forestry is a basic branches. ─── 它既是应用气象学的一个分支,又是林学的一门基础学科。

62、The natural forest protection project had initiated, and input into forestry was further enlarged. ─── 天然林资源保护工程开始启动,林业投入进一步加大。

63、Therefore,it is a significant subject to study Heilong jiang forestry economy development and draw lessons from it. ─── 因此,研究近代黑龙江林业经济发展问题,从中借鉴历史经验,是一项十分有意义的课题。

64、A number of specific standards must be met by companies seeking SFI certification for forestry management. ─── 一些具体的标准,必须符合公司寻求喷射系统认证的林业管理。

65、Others are started by farmers trying to clear land, or by part-time forestry workers creating employment for themselves. ─── 一些是放火狂所为,一些是尝试清理耕地的农民引起的,或者是一些兼职的林业工人为给自己创造就业机会。

66、Multiple factors will amplify the effects of global warming on agriculture and forestry. ─── 多种因素将会增加大全球暖化对农业和林业的影响。

67、LTS GMBH - undersigned offers on Forestry as well as to further products. ─── 作为一家灵活的、有经验的产品供应商为您提供高质量的林业经济,卖、出售。


69、About the OSU College of Forestry: For a century, the College of Forestry has been a world class center of teaching, learning and research. ─── 关于俄勒冈州立大学林业学院:对于一个世纪以来,学院林业已成为世界级中心的教学,学习和研究。

70、Professor, Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University. ─── 国立台湾大学森林学系教授.

71、Subsidy to the forestry industry. ─── 对某些林业企业的补贴

72、Professor, Department of Forestry, National Pingtung University of Corresponding Author.1.Hseuh Fu Road, Nei Pu ,ROC. ─── 2国立屏东科技大学森林系教授,通讯作者、91201屏东县内埔乡学府路1号.

73、But through a Great Depression era programme, known as the "National Youth Administration", Borlaug was able to enroll in the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis to study forestry. ─── 但是,通过一个被称为“国家青年管理局”的大萧条时期的项目,博洛格得以进入明尼阿波利斯市的明尼苏达大学学习林业。

74、With the implementation of the six key forestry programs, China's forestry sector has entered a new development stage. ─── 以六大工程实施为标志,中国林业建设进入了新的发展阶段。

75、"Recent market rumors Jinggu a lot of forestry, but the company has not been able to offer an explanation. ─── “近期市场对于景谷林业的传闻很多,但公司一直未能给予解释。

76、As one of forestry six engineering, commodity forest construction engineering is going to be started. ─── 国家正在全面推进林业分类经营改革,商品林建设工程作为林业六大工程之一即将启动。

77、Beijing Forestry Engineering Consulting Corp. ─── 北京俊豪仕林业工程咨询公司。

78、Engaging in a prescribed burn, this forestry technician sets flames among the trees in Sequoia National Park. ─── 在一场事先安排好的焚烧中, 这个林业技师正点燃巨杉国家公园中的数棵巨杉。

79、Mountainous areas,covered by forests,are the very place for forestry development. ─── 山区正是拥有森林和适合发展林业的地方。

80、Evaluating Carbon Offsets from Forestry and Energy Projects: How Do They Compare? ─── 对林业和能源项目碳抵消的评估:怎样将它们进行比较?

81、In deed, forestry development has a direct bearing on human destiny and the sustainable development of both environment and the mankind. ─── 可以说,森林的兴衰直接关系到人类的命运,关系到人类的生存环境和可持续发展。

82、The completed area of growing forest of state key forestry projects was over 11.0 million hectares,an increase by a large margin over that in 1997. ─── 全国重点林业工程完成森林抚育面积1100 万公顷以上,比上年有较大幅度增长。

83、He is interested in forestry. ─── 他对林业感兴趣。

84、Our country is setting up digital forestry system. This is an important act for forestry to enter into information era. ─── 国家林业局着手建立我国数字林业系统 ,这是林业迈向信息时代的重大举措。

85、It includes fish and wildlife, outdoor recreation, water, range land, and forestry resources. ─── 包括鱼和野生动物,户外娱乐,水,山脉土地及森林资源。

86、China Forestry Int'l Coop Co. ─── 中国林业国际合作公司。

87、Since that were the case, perhaps it could be considered the Forestry staff committed the burglary first. ─── 如非要控诉这些族民盗取榉木,您应考虑先谴责林务局的同仁犯窃盗罪在先。

88、Land owned by the State may be contracted out to units or individuals for farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fisheries operations. ─── 国有土地可以由单位或者个人承包经营,从事种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产。

89、The implementation of convert arable land to forestry will effectively improve the ecological environment in western regions, and prevent soil erosion. ─── 实施退耕还林工程,将有效地改善西部地区的生态环境,遏止水土流失。

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