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09-10 投稿


divergent 发音

英:[da??v??rd??nt]  美:[da??v??d??nt]

英:  美:

divergent 中文意思翻译



divergent 反义词


divergent 短语词组

1、divergent squint ─── [医] 散开性斜视, 外斜视

2、divergent wave ─── [化] 发散波

3、divergent beam ─── 发散光束, ─── 发散电子束

4、divergent prism ─── [医] 散开性棱镜

5、divergent thinking ─── 分散思维; 发散式思维

6、divergent rays ─── [医] 散开射线

7、divergent factor ─── [电] 参差因数

8、divergent nozzle ─── [机] 渐扩喷嘴

9、divergent dislocation ─── [医] 分开性脱位

10、divergent current ─── [机] 渐扩流, 扩展流

11、divergent factor of radio recept-ion ─── [电] 无线电接收的差别因数

12、divergent streams ─── [化] 分支流动

13、divergent strabismus ─── [医] 散开性斜视, 外斜视

14、divergent thinker ─── [网络] 不同的思考

15、divergent of wave ─── [电] 波的发散

16、divergent antenna ─── [电] 分集式天线

17、divergent structure ─── [化] 发散结构

18、divergent plate ─── 离散板块,辐散板块,背 ─── 离板块

19、divergent lens ─── [化] 发散透镜

divergent 同义词

aberrant | furcate | diverging | branched | diverse | deviating | veering | branching | bifurcating | opposing | unlike | differing | ramifying | contrary | deviate |different | singular | dissimilar | conflicting | variant | divaricating | opposite | contradictory | deviant | forking

divergent 词性/词形变化,divergent变形

副词: divergently |

divergent 常用词组

divergent thinking ─── 发散思维,扩散思考

divergent 相似词语短语

1、diverges ─── vi.分歧;偏离;分叉;离题;vt.使偏离;使分叉

2、detergent ─── n.清洁剂;去垢剂

3、diverge ─── vi.分歧;偏离;分叉;离题;vt.使偏离;使分叉

4、divergency ─── n.分离;分歧

5、divergement ─── 分歧

6、diverged ─── v.分叉;向不同方向发展;分化;分歧,相异;偏离,违背;离题(diverge的过去式和过去分词)

7、divergently ─── 分开地;偏离地

8、divergence ─── n.差异;分歧;分散,发散;(气流或海洋的)分开处

9、divellent ─── 分割

divergent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Follicles solitary or paired and widely divergent, ovoid to strongly beaked, often broad at base. ─── 蓇葖果单生或成对和宽分叉,对强烈具喙,通常宽的在基部卵球形。

2、For the Jazz, the loss produced divergent viewpoints afterward. ─── 失利后的爵士出现了很多有分歧的观点。

3、The optical system consists of glass reflector and divergent lens. ─── 光学系统包括用玻璃精制而成的反光镜和发散透镜。

4、But, Provincial Governors continued to hold great power and reforming an ancient system was difficult, and there were divergent interests within the ruling classes. ─── 但督抚势力坐大,革故鼎新难以兼顾统治集团内部的利益分歧,而避重就轻的结果,只能使改革徒具形式,背离变政的初衷,同样危及甚至瓦解清朝的统治。

5、"It is inevitable that people hold divergent views on issues, but politicizing the Olympics will not address those issues," Hu said. ─── “人们在某些问题上保持不同的见解是不可避免的,但是政治化奥林匹克将也无法化解这些问题。”

6、It can train students to consider issues from multiple perspectives, and thus greatly help to train their divergent thinking graduallly during the process of thinking . ─── 一题多解与一题多变可以锻炼学生从多角度思考问题,在思考中逐渐使发散思维得到极大的培养。

7、The President reached a decision only after lengthy ----, painstakingly weighing the ---- opinions expressed by cabinet members. Deliberation. Divergent confrontation. Unanimous relegation. Consistent speculation. Conciliatory canvassing. ─── 只有经过了相当长时时间的深思熟虑之后总统才最终作了定夺,煞费苦心地斟酌权衡内阁成员们表达的不尽相同的种种意见。

8、Recently there arises a heated debate over whether it is wise ti --------. people's views, however, are divergent on the matter in question. ─── 最近,关于--------是否是明智的引起了激烈的争论。人们在这个问题上的观点是不同的。

9、A divergent opinion. ─── 不同的意见

10、The boom in domestic shares also highlights the divergent valuations placed on shares in the same companies listed in Hong Kong and Shanghai. ─── 中国内地股市的繁荣,也导致两地上市企业在香港和上海的股价差异更加明显。

11、Hardy's weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. ─── 哈代的缺陷一方面缘起于他的某种明显的无能,无法控制好那结不尽相同的创作冲动的穿梭往来;另一方面缘起于他不愿意去培养和维持那些富于生机活力和风险性强的创作冲动。

12、In the end is the top up or relay depends on how divergent Application of Equal-string. ─── 到底是顶部还是上升中继,取决于均线如何发散。

13、Once a branch has been created, the two versions under source control will have a shared history up to a certain point and divergent histories after that point. ─── 一旦分支被创建,源代码管理下的两个版本在此前有共享的历史记录,此后则有各自的历史记录。

14、In each case, the evolution of an item along divergent paths results in a conflict. ─── 在每一种情况下,项沿着不同的路径发展都会导致冲突。

15、Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. ─── 然而,不同观点的讨论的问题出现。

16、Fuxi divergent views on the birth, spread a lot of beautiful legends, and now I'll tell you that for some of the interesting legendlei hu myth. ─── 关于伏羲的出世众说纷纭,流传着很多美丽的传说,现在我就给大家说一段类乎神话的有趣传说。

17、Hardy's weakness from his apparent inability to control the comings and gos of any divergent and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. ─── 哈代的缺陷一方面缘起于他的某种明显的无能,无法控制好那结不尽相同的创作冲动的穿梭往来;另一方面缘起于他不愿意去培养和维持那些富于生机活力和风险性强的创作冲动。

18、On the other hand, the divergent on whether ethical judgment is definitely showed as an emotional judgment or not reflects the imperfection of the valuable judgment of emotionalism. ─── 但另一方面,伦理判断是否一定表现为情感判断,由此而引起的分歧,又从更深的层次上反映出情感价值主义判断取向的不完善性。

19、In an F2F environment, an instructor can address the divergent solution paths or can have the students analyze the differences. ─── 在F2F环境,教师可以说明不同解决方案的路径,也可以有学生分歧分析。

20、To cultivate divergent thinking is an important part of cultivating creativity. ─── 培养发散思维能力是培养创造力的重要环节。

21、However, imitation in process of language development encompasses divergent situation. ─── 但是,语言发展过程中的模仿包含不同的情况。

22、The ten per cent constituted a very oddly assorted group, with the most curious and divergent opinions. ─── 其他百分之十构成一个非常奇怪地的小组,有最难以理解和最分歧的观点。

23、The gain bandwidth of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification pumped by divergent beams has been theoretically studied. ─── 对发散光束抽运的光参量啁啾脉冲放大器的增益带宽进行了系统的理论研究。

24、As the nursery teacher, they should guide the infants mainly through divergent thinking during their teaching process. ─── 作为幼儿教师,在授课时,更多的是发散性思维教育为主导。

25、Many forests blanketed the region along with a vast and divergent animal and plant life. ─── 众多森林覆盖着这片区域,遍布大量多姿多彩的动物和植物生命。

26、People's viewpoints are widely divergent on this matter. ─── 对此,人们的观点大相径庭。

27、I began to think our views on sexual politics might be too divergent for comfort. ─── 我开始审视我们在性别政治上的观点,分歧之大,难以让我心情缓和。

28、Although subsequent experience shapes this potential, no amount of social engineering can make individuals with widely divergent mental aptitudes into intellectual equals. ─── 如果能采用一种真正反映人们智力差异的方法,相信全社会对这些差别的态度会更为宽容,从而也能把这些差别所带来的不平等缩小到最低限度。

29、Based on this, this article through the discrimination CSR concept divergent source, attempts to relimit this concept. ─── 基于此,本文通过辨析企业社会责任概念的分歧源,尝试以企业的社会角色切入,重新界定这一概念。

30、Definition The infinite series converges and has sum if the sequence of partial sums converges to ,that is .If diverges, then the series diverges. A divergent series has no sum. ─── 定义如果级数的部分和数列有极限,即,则称无穷级数收敛,这时极限叫做这级数的和,并写成;如果没有极限,则称无穷级数发散。

31、Abilities: very good communicating and coordinating skills, planning ability, problem analyzing and solving ability. Full of inspirations (divergent thinking, rich imagination) .Out going, self-starter and independent. ─── 9能力素质:具有非常强的沟通协调能力和沟通欲望,计划性强,善于发现,分析和解决问题。外向开朗,学习主动,有主见,并富有灵感(发散性思维,想像力丰富)。

32、At the critical point of destabilization, the destabilization of the coal pillar is divergent, which means the small changes of the control variables will cause the destabilization of the coal pillar. ─── 在失稳临界点附近煤柱失稳具有发散性,即控制变量有微小的变化就会引起煤柱失稳;

33、The present paper gives an analysis of the low frequency (LF) vortex and divergent circulation systems and their interactions in terms of the ECMWF/WMO data (summer of 1984). ─── 利用1984年夏季ECMWF/WMO资料分析了低频涡度系统和低频辐散环流系统,讨论了两者之间的相互作用。

34、Corona lobes anchor-shaped, shorter than gynostegium, stalked, apex 2-cleft, widely divergent, lateral arms oblong, pendulous. ─── 副花冠裂片抛锚成形,短于合蕊冠,柄,先端2半裂,宽分叉,侧的具刺的长圆形,下垂。

35、Follicles erect or apically slightly divergent, not or only very slightly adaxially gibbous. ─── 蓇葖果直立或顶部分叉的稍,或正面囊状的略的只的不。

36、Symbiotic alliances, on the other hand, bring divergent branches of the tree of life together again, to intersect. ─── 另一方面,共生联盟又把这棵生命之树上分叉的枝条重新拢到一起使之相交。

37、However, such a divergent beam can be transformed into a collimated beam by means of a lens. ─── 然而,这种散射的光束可以通过镜头的帮助被转化成平行光束。

38、Two widely divergent positions held by Jury deadlocked in a program for a few minutes, and finally come forward to host Kyung Ho will圆场players into the "danger zone. ─── 两位评委在节目中各持己见僵持数分钟,最后主持人何炅出面圆场将选手送入了“危险区”。

39、The state of being divergent. ─── 叉开被分叉(叉开)的状态

40、In sum, the trend of opening with various directions, numerous levels, divergent channels and all kinds of characteristics has already been formalizing. ─── 多种国际经济技术合作方式广泛采用,取得了许多国际交流与合作的成功经验。

41、The bearing-only location is a nonlinear state estimation in essence;the single observer passive tracking may form a unobservable system,makes the tracking filter instable and divergent. ─── 利用角测量估计目标的距离和速度实质上是一个非线性状态估计问题,这种单站被动式跟踪可能构成一个不可观测系统,将导致跟踪滤波器的不稳定和发散。

42、Title: RAPD Marker Analysis of Continuous Divergent Selection in Cross-Bred Population of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ─── 关键词:小麦异交群体;数量性状;遗传距离;RAPD

43、The modern western philosophy has been divergent on the problem that Heidegger was a phenomenologist or not. ─── 在现代西方哲学中,对于海德格尔和现象学的关系问题历来存在着分歧。

44、Hardy's weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comingsgoings of these divergent impulsesfrom his unwillingness to cultivatesustain the energeticrisky ones. ─── 另一方面缘起于他不愿意去培养和维持那些富于生机活力和风险性强的创作冲动。

45、Means is torn apart to fall in this kind, how will Sohu and the appraise value that have a good swim decide, make analyst divergent central point. ─── 在这种分拆方式下,搜狐与畅游的估值将如何确定,成为分析师分歧的焦点。

46、Divergent opinions about proposed legislation are frequently seen within the environmentalist community. ─── 关于立法建议的分歧意见也时常会在环保主义者的内部出现。

47、However, there are widely divergent views about the best way to do it. ─── 但是,就阻止这种“生意”的最好方式,却存在很大的分歧。

48、There are one billion people on the mainland, approximately 20 million on Taiwan and 5.5 million in Hong Kong. A problem arises of how to handle relations between such widely divergent numbers. ─── 主体地区是千亿人口,台湾是近两千万,香港是五百五十万,这就有个十亿同两千万和五百五十万的关系问题。

49、Phylogenetic analysis suggested that these 4 isolates represented 2 different subtypes belonging to a novel genotype of HEV, which was significantly divergent from the prototype Mexican, Burmese and US/Swine isolates. ─── 基因进化树分析表明 ,该 4株HEV变异株可能为一个新基因型 ,它不同于HEV(B)、HEV(M)和HEVUS/Swine ,按其核苷酸序列的差异可划分为 2个亚型。

50、Two people who have divergent views on this question are George Watt and Bob Marr. ─── 在这个问题上意见相左的两个人是乔治·瓦特和鲍勃·马尔。

51、A Deutsche spokeswoman said: 'As the PSI report correctly states, there were divergent views within the bank about the U. S. housing market. ─── 德意志银行一位发言人说,正如常设调查小组委员会报告正确陈述的,本行内部对于美国房地产市场有着不同的看法;

52、SEO abecedarian puzzled, it is ace, so-called expert, theory is widely divergent however, which ace or expert should believe? ─── SEO初学者迷惑了,都是高手、都号称专家,理论却大相径庭,该相信哪位高手或专家?

53、Their underlying causes and mechanisms are divergent. ─── 它们的根本起因和作用是不同的。

54、Among these patients, two had divergent paresis, four had bilateral abducens paresis and the other two had unilateral abducens nerve paresis. ─── 在这8个病例当中,2位是以展视麻痹表现,2位是单侧外转视经麻痹,4位是双侧外转视经麻痹。

55、Modern Chinese medicine should inherit the idea of treatment based on differentiation, multi diagnostic approaches, and the mode of divergent and integrate thinking. ─── 就现代中医学而言,应继承中医学辨证施治思想、多途径诊疗手段和扩散多向式与整体的思维方法。

56、To allow a collection of files to evolve in two or more divergent paths. ─── 允许文件集合沿两个或多个不同路径发展。

57、Branching is a feature that allows a collection of files to evolve in two or more divergent paths. ─── 分支是一种允许一个文件集合分化到两个或更多分叉路径中的功能。

58、The generation of kinetic energy by divergent wind is the primary fact or to the change of cyclone intensity. ─── 发现低层的散度风制造是气旋强度变化的主要原因。

59、Corona lobes shorter than corolla; leaves ovate, deltate-ovate, hastate, or hastate-cordate, basal sinus shallow or, if deep, lobes parallel or divergent. ─── 副花冠裂片短于花冠;叶卵形,卵形的三角形,,或戟形心形,基部凹缺浅或,如果深,裂片平行或分叉。(60

60、The agr system contains divergent transcription units driven by promoters P2 and P3. The P2 operon encodes AgrA, AgrB, AgrC, AgrD. ─── P2操纵子编码AgrA、AgrB、AgrC、AgrD;

61、There are one billion people on the mainland, approximately 20 million on Taiwan and 5.5 million in Hong Kong. The problem arises of how to handle relations between such widely divergent numbers. ─── 主体地区是十亿人口,台湾是近两千万,香港是五百五十万,这就有个十亿同两千万和五百五十万的关系问题。

62、An Evaluation of the Apparent Interdecadal Shift in the Tropical Divergent Circulation in the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis. ─── 再分析资料中热带辐射环流明显的年代际变化的评估。

63、List three divergent boundaries. ─── 列出三个离散边界。

64、If a sequence is not convergent, it is divergent. ─── 如果一个序列不收敛,我们称它发散。

65、The ratio of hospital beds to population is similarly divergent between these two sets of nations. ─── 医院病床与人口的比率在这两类国家之间也同样悬殊。

66、They also explain the divergent grammatical behavior of subjective and objective modality with respect to conditionality, interrogation, and tense. ─── 从功能上看,将说话者包括进去的情态具有人际功能,是主观情态;

67、The convergent and divergent velocities of active plate boundaries in the north hemisphere are obtained with space geodetic data. ─── 利用现代空间大地测量技术测出北半球活动板块边缘会聚、扩张和滑动速度。

68、Divergent results from replicate data entries may signify a program bug. ─── 如果重复的数据输入产生不同的结果,就表明有程序错误。

69、These writers represent community as dynamic, as something that must be negotiated and renegotiated because of its members' divergent histories, positions, expectations, and beliefs. ─── 这些作家代表了一个充满活力的社区,由于其成员有着不同的历史、立场、期望和信仰,这个社区必须经过不断的协商和再协商。

70、The divergent lens only enlarges the angle of horizontal divergence and not the angle of vertical divergence. ─── 发散透镜只增加水平发散角而不增加垂直发散角。

71、Almost from its inception it follows a developmental pattern sharply divergent from that of the zygote. ─── 它几乎一开始就遵循与合子显然不同的发育模式。

72、In the end is the bottom or by relay, also depends on how divergent Application of Equal-string. ─── 到底是底部还是下跌中继,同样取决于均线如何发散。

73、What was new was that Sun Chi-jen was advocating the collaboration of men of different trades, not just of one trade --these men, his listeners, for instance, represented widely divergent interests conditioned by their different trades. ─── 只不过孙吉人的主张是联合各业而非一业罢了。眼前这几位实业家就不是一业,他们各人的本身利害关系就彼此不尽相同。

74、I ask the comrades to study and discuss these six points carefully and to freely express their opinions, including divergent ones. ─── 上述六条,都请同志们进行认真的讨论和研究,充分发表意见,包括发表不同的意见。

75、Do not trust anybody,all things are widely divergent with their superficies. ─── 不要相信任何人,所有的事情都与表面现象大相径庭!

76、Info-tech can arouse student's i nterest in study, induce the con-scious of creation, practise divergent thinking and convergent thinking. ─── 信息技术可以激发学习兴趣,诱发创造意识,锻炼发散思维和集中思维。

77、It was not the pullulation of two divergent, parallel, and finally converging armies, but an agitation more inaccessible, more intimate, prefigured by them in some way. ─── 不是那些分道扬镳的、并行不悖的、最终汇合的军队的躁动,而是一种更难掌握、更隐秘的、已由那些军队预先展示的激动。

78、ClustalW is a general purpose multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins. It produces biologically meaningful multiple sequence alignments of divergent sequences. ─── ClustalW是适用于DNA或蛋白质的一般性目的多序列排列比对。在不同的序列上,它可产生有生物意义的多序列比对。

79、Their differences can be seen from their divergent conceptions on psychotherapy. ─── 两者之间的差异性,由彼此对于心理治疗之构想的不同可见一斑。

80、The right hemisphere's divergent thinking underlies our ability to be creative. ─── 右大脑半球的扩散性思考是我们的创意基石。

81、There is one enormous problem: This union creates a single monetary policy for a group of quite different national economies that often experience divergent business-cycle patterns. ─── 一个大问题是:联盟的单一货币政策指导下的是一些国民经济状况不尽相同的国家,它们的经济周期往往并不吻合。

82、This requires teachers to be the difference with agile thinking, divergent thinking, to the best of both worlds, yet we survived. ─── 这就要求教师必须具有敏捷的求异思维、发散思维,才能左右逢源,化险为夷。

83、The vendibility theory that understands Marx deep in the round is to eliminate divergent basic approach. ─── 全面深入地理解马克思的市场价值理论是消除分歧的根本途径。

84、As these divergent markets show, China's growth and maturation in the global economy are a double-edged sword for commodities. ─── 从这些不同的市场中可以看出,中国在全球经济中的增长和成熟,对商品而言是把双刃剑。

85、The other is two logarithmically divergent terms which not only depend on the characteristics of the black hole but also on the spin of fields. ─── 另一部分是两个对数发散项,这部分除了与黑洞的本身特征性质有关以外,还与自旋场的自旋有关.

86、The LPM Series collects the total radiant power emitted by highly divergent sources such as laser diodes, as well as collimated sources such as lasers. ─── LPM系列集合了所有来自于诸如激光两极真空管的高辐射能和类似于平行光源的激光。

87、Guilford's distinction between convergent and divergent thinking prompted neuroscientists to examine whether the two processes took place in different brain regions. ─── 季弗德对聚敛性思考与扩散性思考的区辨,促使神经科学家检视这两个不同机制是否发生在不同的脑区。

88、One of the most common evolutionary patterns that can be constructed from the fossil record is divergent evolution or radiation. ─── 从化石证据构建的最普通进化模式是趋异进化。

89、Indeed, many described genomic changes appear to be maladaptive by-products of reuniting divergent genomes. ─── 事实上,上述的很多基因组的变化似乎只是已分离基因组重新结合时产生的不利的副产品。

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